How would any of us deal with a call to a recently made Gold Star family member?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
They are fed by the media and have had their opinons given to them, therefore they parrot what they are programmed to believe.
Why would a president repeatedly lie about what was said?
Why would a president repeatedly lie about what was said?

First, how can he remember the exact conversation? As I stated before, context is everything. Maybe in a worst case scenario he didn't deliver the message properly, he's not a polished and robotic politician, can this not be forgiven and some leeway exercised?

There is certainly a difference between saying something like "I suppose he knew what he was getting into" in the context about speaking of his bravery and courage. What's more courageous than willingly signing up for the prospect of dying? And, "hey, what can you do, you live you die, he knew what he was getting into"

He was probably more shocked than anything that the call was politicised, and it's not fair to other families who Trump wants to call out to and maybe now is weary of doing so because of just such a reason. Even General Kelly advised Trump NOT to call families, as he probably knows how tough it would be and how thankless a task it is. Trump decided to Man up and do what he can when he can.

Lying is a strong word to use in describing this. I could apply the same word to the politician who suggested he was insensitive. For the record, if it comes down to the reality of the situation, does anyone believe he did not know what he was signing up for? Suggesting he did this on his own volition suggests far more bravery even than someone who was drafted. This young man had the courage and character to fight for what he believed in, he wasn't forced to join, which makes him and his brothers in arms the elite of the elite.

May he Rest in Peace, and may many more like him take up the challenge. To ANYONE who politicises the death of such a man, be it family, friends or local politician, I have zero respect for you.
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Why would a president repeatedly lie about what was said?

First, how can he remember the exact conversation? As I stated before, context is everything. Maybe in a worst case scenario he didn't deliver the message properly, he's not a polished and robotic politician, can this not be forgiven and some leeway exercised?

There is certainly a difference between saying something like "I suppose he knew what he was getting into" in the context about speaking of his bravery and courage. What's more courageous than willingly signing up for the prospect of dying? And, "hey, what can you do, you live you die, he knew what he was getting into"

He was probably more shocked than anything that the call was politicised, and it's not fair to other families who Trump wants to call out to and maybe now is weary of doing so because of just such a reason. Even General Kelly advised Trump NOT to call families, as he probably knows how tough it would be and how thankless a task it is. Trump decided to Man up and do what he can when he can.

Lying is a strong word to use in describing this. I could apply the same word to the politician who suggested he was insensitive. For the record, if it comes down to the reality of the situation, does anyone believe he did not know what he was signing up for? Suggesting he did this on his own volition suggests far more bravery even than someone who was drafted. This young man had the courage and character to fight for what he believed in, he wasn't forced to join, which makes him and his brothers in arms the elite of he elite.

May he Rest in Peace, and may many more like him take up the challenge. To ANYONE who politicises the death of such a man, be it family, friends or local politician, I have zero respect for you.

If you call a widow and what you say upsets her....You apologize and explain what you meant to say
You don't call her a liar
Why would a president repeatedly lie about what was said?

First, how can he remember the exact conversation?

He doesn't need to remember shit all he had to do is say what NON-CLOWN president would say:

"I want to again thank your husband for his service and express my deepest condolences for your loss, as I have tried when I called you"

That's it. No bickering with widows, no making a fool of your administration, no embarrassing yourself yet again.

NOPE, deplorable clown instincts just cannot be contained.
It hard to say something nice to blacks without them getting ratchet
That's the answer isn't it? Everything said to a black person is a racist attack. White families appreciated the President's sensitivity and sympathy. Black families call him racist and all attempts at sympathy a racist attack. It's part of the painful splintering and separating of the nation.
Chips on shoulders come in all sizes...speaking to someone with a huge chip on her shoulders and add to that the death of her husband is like playing with fire...a letter would have been a better way to reach out to her.
God bless her, she has a tough road ahead and shame on the female rev Jackson in a cowboy hat for stirring the pot doing what race pimps do and making things worse.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.

I'd say it's the right of the grieving loved one to decide who can or cannot listen in on the phonecall, and whether or not that person should be able to comment on it afterwards.
It hard to say something nice to blacks without them getting ratchet

You nailed it......I learned long ago to avoid any conversation with Negroes that you do not know many of them are so stupid to begin with it is impossible to have a rational conversation with them and if you try to be polite and sociable...they have such chips on their shoulders they may very well mis-interpet what you say as in they do not speak or understand proper english very well...their way of communicating is very,very different.

I was in a shuttle bus once on the way to airport sitting next to some blacks and trying to be polite and deal with the boredom of sitting on a bus started a conversation with the black dude across from me...I forget what we talked about but the female negro in the group completely misunderstood something I said regards to the value of the land on the strip...I was in las vegas...and she say whut you say bout dat million dollar negro? So we went back and forth on that...she never did understand what I wasy saying...luckily we were not far from the airport but when we got there the dude demanded I apologize to the lady...he was just trying to look good in her eyes by backing her up...I just laughed and walked away...glancing back to make sure he did not pull out a knife and try to stab me in the back.

I was in line behind a black guy one day at Walmart. I was buying a cordless drill. He noticed what I was buying and then proceeded to tell me how best to get long life out of the batteries by how I charged them.

I later noticed that among what he was buying were the Magnum condoms. lol. true story.
1st and foremost, I would keep it private. There is no way in hell I would use a dead US soldier or his family to launch a political attack.
I was in line behind a black guy one day at Walmart. I was buying a cordless drill. He noticed what I was buying and then proceeded to tell me how best to get long life out of the batteries by how I charged them.

I later noticed that among what he was buying were the Magnum condoms. lol. true story.
Well at least you guys used a condom
I was in line behind a black guy one day at Walmart. I was buying a cordless drill. He noticed what I was buying and then proceeded to tell me how best to get long life out of the batteries by how I charged them. I later noticed that among what he was buying were the Magnum condoms. lol. true story.

And snowflakes call Conservatives racist / prejudice......

(I am sorry you and your tiny pecker were threatened by the 'black man' buying Magnum condoms in front of you ... but next time keep that story to yourself. :p)
A few points:
The Donald could script these things if he wanted to. He could have someone prepare a couple short paragraphs considering the particulars of each soldier/sailor, and just read them. But he doesn't do that, and in speaking more or less spontaneously, he takes a chance that he might say something that is misconstrued. That takes balls, if you don't know. Especially when half the country is DYING to misconstrue everything he says into something to bitch about.

Most "Black" politicians are in positions where they have the office for life, so they don't have to give a shit when they say something stupid. Enough said.

I have been in this and analogous situations, and my approach is to be direct, short, and not use euphemisms. Uncle Bob did not "pass," he fucking DIED. The company is not "going in a different direction," you are TERMINATED, effective right now. Your Aunt Sadie may be hooked up to that machine, but make no mistake, she is dead already, and we need to let her go without further delay.
I was in line behind a black guy one day at Walmart. I was buying a cordless drill. He noticed what I was buying and then proceeded to tell me how best to get long life out of the batteries by how I charged them. I later noticed that among what he was buying were the Magnum condoms. lol. true story.

And snowflakes call Conservatives racist / prejudice......

(I am sorry you and your tiny pecker were threatened by the 'black man' buying Magnum condoms in front of you ... but next time keep that story to yourself. :p)

I was not threatened you retard. I just found it mildly amusing. Now go fuck yourself and see if you find that mildly amusing.

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