How would any of us deal with a call to a recently made Gold Star family member?

I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
Pres. Trump called her just to let her know that he wasn't forgotten. That he was something to this country. But the media went out and lied about saying that Pres.Trump insulted her, by saying that he was just another one that had bite the dust. Pres.Trump communicated with her very well. It sort like she enjoyed the conversation that she had with him, until the phone had rang. .
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
The President doesn't have to make these kind of calls. The military has people that do this. If he does however, make the call, he should make sure to get the name right, offer the nations condolences and gratitude for the decedent's service. Then he should butt out. He shouldn't tweet about it or the family or call the widow a liar. That's bad form.

The military does this at the initial notification.

By the way, were did you libs have your meeting and come up with Trump not knowing the soldier's name? I know the wife claimed that, but I find that hard to believe. I think she probably doesn't even remember the conversation.
La David is kind of a weird name.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
First of all, it is Trump who has made this a political issue by lying about it and having one of his administration go to a press briefing and talk about it; the congresswoman simply reported the facts.

Second, the issue is not how you or I or anyone would deal with such a call, it is about how the president deals with such a call. It's his job. He holds the highest, most important, sensitive job in the nation. It's his job, not yours, not mine, not anyone elses, to deal with these calls. The fact that he fails at it is a sign of his fetid character.

Actually, it is not his job, but he did it anyway.
Yes it is his job.

No, it is not. Casualty Assistance Calls Officers (CACO) make the initial notification.
The call should be made by someone in their immediate Chain of Command. My youngest daughter is serving now and if the unthinkable happened I damn sure wouldn't want to hear a politician's bullshit.

That's not really how it works, some who is stationed locally is tasked to make an in person notification, it may be a recruiter or an active duty reservist. Unfortunately there's no training on how to go about it. They provide a brief summary of the circumstances and then it's on the person tasked to do the rest. Then a causality assistance officer is assigned to help the family with the paperwork and other details. Local commanders usually write letters.


I don't know where you got your information, but recruiters do not perform this function.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
First of all, it is Trump who has made this a political issue by lying about it and having one of his administration go to a press briefing and talk about it; the congresswoman simply reported the facts.

Second, the issue is not how you or I or anyone would deal with such a call, it is about how the president deals with such a call. It's his job. He holds the highest, most important, sensitive job in the nation. It's his job, not yours, not mine, not anyone elses, to deal with these calls. The fact that he fails at it is a sign of his fetid character.

Actually, it is not his job, but he did it anyway.
Yes it is his job.

No, it is not. Casualty Assistance Calls Officers (CACO) make the initial notification.
It may not be written on his job description, but it is his job--not to notifiy families of the death but to console them.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
First of all, it is Trump who has made this a political issue by lying about it and having one of his administration go to a press briefing and talk about it; the congresswoman simply reported the facts.

Second, the issue is not how you or I or anyone would deal with such a call, it is about how the president deals with such a call. It's his job. He holds the highest, most important, sensitive job in the nation. It's his job, not yours, not mine, not anyone elses, to deal with these calls. The fact that he fails at it is a sign of his fetid character.

Actually, it is not his job, but he did it anyway.
Yes it is his job.

No, it is not. Casualty Assistance Calls Officers (CACO) make the initial notification.
It may not be written on his job description, but it is his job--not to notifiy families of the death but to console them.

As he desires and if possible with time permitting, yes.

Obama and Bush simply had no time to do that when the casualty rates were much higher.

I just want to ask you why you think out of the four soldiers' families he called, why did this one go south?

The answer is because of an opportunistic, hateful, racist Congresscritter was sitting listening to the phone call.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.

Do it in a timely fashion...

Show some empathy, thank the family for the great sacrifice, just listen...

Don't lie about it afterwards...

Guess what? a lot of Presidents got through them before you got there...
1st and foremost, I would keep it private. There is no way in hell I would use a dead US soldier or his family to launch a political attack.

Like Trump did when he brought up:
  • President Obama and Previous Presidents
  • John Kelly's Son
The congresswoman said a piece of fact, he then lied... I know this is hard for you but Trump screwed this one up... Just accept it and move on.. He is an asshole to dead soldiers families...
The congresswoman said a piece of fact
The Congresswoman well known for her hatred of Trump listened in on a personal conversation and then USED dead American soldiers and their families to launch a very PUBIC political attack....which is only slightly worse than you attempting to justify what she did. You're just as pathetic as she is. Keep pissing on the graves of dead soldiers by carrying on this liberal public butt-hurt vendetta against Trump, snowflake.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
The President doesn't have to make these kind of calls. The military has people that do this. If he does however, make the call, he should make sure to get the name right, offer the nations condolences and gratitude for the decedent's service. Then he should butt out. He shouldn't tweet about it or the family or call the widow a liar. That's bad form.

Any widow whose husband died fighting For America should not dare criticize the commander -in-chief of her husband....that is the real tragedy here...that the widow has no respect for the Commander-in-Chief nor for the country her husband died fighting for. Also it is more than obvious that she misunderstood the remarks of the President....and with the urging of her pal the idiot negroid ghetto congresswoman is trying to score some political points...everyone knows how the negroes have been trained like monkeys to hate The President.
Really? That's not what was said after Benghazi. And a little respect here. Sgt Johnson, who died in service of his country, was a human being. He and his family don't deserve your shameful, racist remarks.

This is no Benghazi dumb ass...and hillary was the one blamed for Beghazi and rightfully so.

In case you do not was diplomats at Benghazi who hillary failed to send the resources needed to rescue them. In this case a group of well-trained and well armed special-forces troops who did not even bother to call for air cover for over a hour because they obviously felt they could handle the situation...they made a misjudgement ...but such things happen in military you may find fault with the local military commanders and the intelligence failures...for a botched mission....but the Commander-in-Chief should not be ostracized over a phone call he made to a widow to honor her fallen husband....only democrats could react in such a inappropriate manner.


queefs the full-blown racist trumptard.
TRUMP started the whole thing ! He was the one talking crap about what obama did or didn't do .

He launched the political attack .

Trump was merely making it clear a new policy of respect for the military now rules in Washington. There is a new Sheriff in town...and he will go the extra mile to honor our nation's heroes. I as most Americans appluad hell with all those who want to play politics over the bodies of our dead they the widows or whoever. I can understand the sorrow and even bitterness of family when their, son, father or husband falls on the battlefield....but they should do nothing or say anything that would demonstrate a lack of respect for the Commander-In-Chief or a lack of respect for America for whom their loved one died fighting for. Just common decency. Now we see the liberal media playing along with this outrageous behavior....beyond the pale.

Kelly Delivers Fervent Defense of Trump Call to Soldier’s Widow

He was too busy playing golf to attend a soldier's funeral. he lies about what he said to a widow. If that is what you call respect, I hate to see what you would call disrespect. A Commander-in-Chief does not deserve respect. He earns it and Trump has done nothing to earn any respect.

Trump and other past Presidents do not attend funerals. Why must you constantly lie?

You are the one that is lying. You use the avatar of a military officer to spout your lies. You really are low. The fact is that Obama, George W, Clinton and George HW were able to offer some comfort to the family Trump instead upset a widow.

Why didn't the other widows or family members get upset? I doubt Trump changed horses in midstream while making the calls. Don't you think the presence of a race-baiting Congresscritter had anything to do with it, considering he was the only one of the four soldiers who was black?

The congresswoman is a friend of the family . She's not just some pol out to capitalize on military folk. That's Trumps move .
First of all, it is Trump who has made this a political issue by lying about it and having one of his administration go to a press briefing and talk about it; the congresswoman simply reported the facts.

Second, the issue is not how you or I or anyone would deal with such a call, it is about how the president deals with such a call. It's his job. He holds the highest, most important, sensitive job in the nation. It's his job, not yours, not mine, not anyone elses, to deal with these calls. The fact that he fails at it is a sign of his fetid character.

Actually, it is not his job, but he did it anyway.
Yes it is his job.

No, it is not. Casualty Assistance Calls Officers (CACO) make the initial notification.
It may not be written on his job description, but it is his job--not to notifiy families of the death but to console them.

As he desires and if possible with time permitting, yes.

Obama and Bush simply had no time to do that when the casualty rates were much higher.

I just want to ask you why you think out of the four soldiers' families he called, why did this one go south?

The answer is because of an opportunistic, hateful, racist Congresscritter was sitting listening to the phone call.

What BS! If trump didn't open his yap about who calls who and how he's better than obama and all the rest , this isn't a story .

Let's say your version wa true . Still doesn't excuse his behavior after the story came out .
The call should be made by someone in their immediate Chain of Command. My youngest daughter is serving now and if the unthinkable happened I damn sure wouldn't want to hear a politician's bullshit.

That's not really how it works, some who is stationed locally is tasked to make an in person notification, it may be a recruiter or an active duty reservist. Unfortunately there's no training on how to go about it. They provide a brief summary of the circumstances and then it's on the person tasked to do the rest. Then a causality assistance officer is assigned to help the family with the paperwork and other details. Local commanders usually write letters.


I don't know where you got your information, but recruiters do not perform this function.

Well, when I was in recruiting not only did I see guys get NOK notification taskings but we were also trained on how to do military funerals. As an active duty reservist I received 3 NOK notification taskings myself. I left the military in Aug 2000, it's possible the policies have changed since causalities are much lower now, but that's what they were when I was there.

I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
The President doesn't have to make these kind of calls. The military has people that do this. If he does however, make the call, he should make sure to get the name right, offer the nations condolences and gratitude for the decedent's service. Then he should butt out. He shouldn't tweet about it or the family or call the widow a liar. That's bad form.

The military does this at the initial notification.

By the way, were did you libs have your meeting and come up with Trump not knowing the soldier's name? I know the wife claimed that, but I find that hard to believe. I think she probably doesn't even remember the conversation.

A lot of uneducated negroids have trouble with the English Language....Trump should have talked ebonics with her...she might then have actually understood what he was sayin.
I suppose I can't understand how or why someone would politicise such a phone call. Even for a politician, this is low. You can throw some gut shots to your opponent, but to listen in on a call and go to the media criticising? Just blows me away.

Watching the show 48 Hours from time to time, there is one moment the detectives hate the most...having to contact the next of kin and tell them their loved one has been murdered. As I watch the show I always can tell when this subject is going to be raised, I watch their expressions intensively, you sense in their voices, just how much the officers dread having to break the news that someones child, husband/wife is gone. Sure they do it often and get into some sense of familiarity with it, but a statement often repeated on this show by various detectives "you don't ever get used to doing this part of the job".

So now, how would any of us feel contacting a wife who just lost their son or daughter in combat? Worse, we have to do so as president knowing they might directly blame a certain policy, or maybe they voted for the other person, or maybe they are looking to politicise as some lowlifes might. It's a no win situation, but you try and do the best you can and show some moral support.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to do these things, especially for a businessman who turned politician. His contribution is to bring back jobs, help the economy and America avoid the global disasters befallen so many nations, this job of calling a new widow is the absolute WORST part of his job He can't get to everyone of course, when he does, he can't be perfect in his delivery, every time, or even most of the time. So how and why is everyone so critical? Can anyone of us know for sure how we will act in the moment of such a call? I can't.
The President doesn't have to make these kind of calls. The military has people that do this. If he does however, make the call, he should make sure to get the name right, offer the nations condolences and gratitude for the decedent's service. Then he should butt out. He shouldn't tweet about it or the family or call the widow a liar. That's bad form.

Any widow whose husband died fighting For America should not dare criticize the commander -in-chief of her husband....that is the real tragedy here...that the widow has no respect for the Commander-in-Chief nor for the country her husband died fighting for. Also it is more than obvious that she misunderstood the remarks of the President....and with the urging of her pal the idiot negroid ghetto congresswoman is trying to score some political points...everyone knows how the negroes have been trained like monkeys to hate The President.
Really? That's not what was said after Benghazi. And a little respect here. Sgt Johnson, who died in service of his country, was a human being. He and his family don't deserve your shameful, racist remarks.

This is no Benghazi dumb ass...and hillary was the one blamed for Beghazi and rightfully so.

In case you do not was diplomats at Benghazi who hillary failed to send the resources needed to rescue them. In this case a group of well-trained and well armed special-forces troops who did not even bother to call for air cover for over a hour because they obviously felt they could handle the situation...they made a misjudgement ...but such things happen in military you may find fault with the local military commanders and the intelligence failures...for a botched mission....but the Commander-in-Chief should not be ostracized over a phone call he made to a widow to honor her fallen husband....only democrats could react in such a inappropriate manner.


queefs the full-blown racist trumptard.

Yo boyo ...git back on the democratic plantation....they need some cotten to get picked. hehheh

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