How would you define a stolen election?

Every election has some irregularities, some rules that aid one side or the other, undue influence, and some anectdotal cases of cheating. No election is perfect. But at some point, if the fraudulent voting, rule changing, influencing, and rigging go too far, the election is a sham.

Where does an election cross the line from essentially fair to foul such that the election is delegitamized?

If possible, give a generic non-partisan principle, before launching into a partisan tirade.

I encourage the tirade, I would just like to see a real answer first.

We already have a definition:

Trump lawyers saw Justice Thomas as key in plan to overturn 2020 election, emails show

ā€˜Lawyers for former President Donald Trump saw Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as their ā€œonly chanceā€ at overturning Joe Bidenā€™s victory in the 2020 election, according to emails turned over to congressional investigators and first obtained by Politico.

ā€œWe want to frame things so that Thomas could be the one to issue some sort of stay or other circuit justice opinion saying Georgia is in legitimate doubt,ā€ Kenneth Chesebro, one of the then-presidentā€™s lawyers, wrote to other members of Trumpā€™s legal team on Dec. 31, 2020.ā€™

Iā€™m sure they caught more than one. Good, right? You do want them caught?

The left claims that these things are not happening. Even when presented with proofs, they're still denying it.

You asked in previous post "what's my point"? Just asking that question tells where you stand...

What if there is a state, predominantly Republican or Democrat, and it doesn't matter if one or another, and they decide they will accept mail in votes, and then they say "we'll not count votes until the day of... we get them weeks in advance, but we're not gonna start counting them until election day, this way we have an excuse to take extra week, or two, or a month to count those votes. And what if election workers have, let's say favorite candidate, and they have access to voter registration list, and at the end of counting of the ballot, they realize their candidate is losing by couple of thousands of votes. Conveniently, at the same time, people that are harvesting ballots find in the back of the truck somewhere boxes with unused ballots and decide to help their preferred candidate. And since their state doesn't require ID to vote, and postmark doesn't matter, and signature doesn't matter, those ballots are counted weeks after the election.

So, let's say hypothetically this happens, would you be upset, whether is Republican or Democrat state? Or you wouldn't care...
The left claims that these things are not happening. Even when presented with proofs, they're still denying it.

You asked in previous post "what's my point"? Just asking that question tells where you stand...

What if there is a state, predominantly Republican or Democrat, and it doesn't matter if one or another, and they decide they will accept mail in votes, and then they say "we'll not count votes until the day of... we get them weeks in advance, but we're not gonna start counting them until election day, this way we have an excuse to take extra week, or two, or a month to count those votes. And what if election workers have, let's say favorite candidate, and they have access to voter registration list, and at the end of counting of the ballot, they realize their candidate is losing by couple of thousands of votes. Conveniently, at the same time, people that are harvesting ballots find in the back of the truck somewhere boxes with unused ballots and decide to help their preferred candidate. And since their state doesn't require ID to vote, and postmark doesn't matter, and signature doesn't matter, those ballots are counted weeks after the election.

So, let's say hypothetically this happens, would you be upset, whether is Republican or Democrat state? Or you wouldn't care...
Weā€™re claiming no widespread fraud. Youā€™re whining over a clerical error that was fixed! :slap:
Weā€™re claiming no widespread fraud. Youā€™re whining over a clerical error that was fixed! :slap:

Yet, your reply has nothing to do with my post. Of course, how could you be upset about things you've planned for years and doing them intentionally.

In how many states there are no election results yet?
A stolen election is established under law when someone is convicted of stealing an election since we are a nation of laws.

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