How Would You Describe What's Happening Here?

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.

The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.

If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.

Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, which is law enforcement harassment without probable cause, today is day three of Trump's round up of "millions and millions of illegal aliens", for which he and his supporters said could be rounded up without probable cause. Let's see how many have been rounded up so far.

Well, now, the result is ZERO.

We'll just add that to where we recorded his campaign promise to deport 12 million in 2 years, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.

So what you are saying is that he didn't violate people's rights?


Regardless, as we on the right-wing have been saying for ages, deporting is pointless, unless we have a wall. So we are trying to get a wall.
At least Trump is trying. Would any of your democrats even try to fix this problem? And if so, why didn't then when Obama had both houses?

So I'll take someone who is trying to do something, over people actively trying to prevent a solution, any day.
The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.

If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.

Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, which is law enforcement harassment without probable cause, today is day three of Trump's round up of "millions and millions of illegal aliens", for which he and his supporters said could be rounded up without probable cause. Let's see how many have been rounded up so far.

Well, now, the result is ZERO.

We'll just add that to where we recorded his campaign promise to deport 12 million in 2 years, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.

So what you are saying is that he didn't violate people's rights?


Regardless, as we on the right-wing have been saying for ages, deporting is pointless, unless we have a wall. So we are trying to get a wall.
At least Trump is trying. Would any of your democrats even try to fix this problem? And if so, why didn't then when Obama had both houses?

So I'll take someone who is trying to do something, over people actively trying to prevent a solution, any day.

So Trump's failure to build an environmentally disastrous wall that would be ridiculously expensive to build and maintain that would slightly slow down illegals, without doing anything about the 60% who simply overstay they visa, and another 15%-20% who come in by air or boat and those that tunnel and climb over it is better than spending the money on environmentally friendly solutions, like better electronic surveillance and heat sensing drones.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.

If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.

Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, which is law enforcement harassment without probable cause, today is day three of Trump's round up of "millions and millions of illegal aliens", for which he and his supporters said could be rounded up without probable cause. Let's see how many have been rounded up so far.

Well, now, the result is ZERO.

We'll just add that to where we recorded his campaign promise to deport 12 million in 2 years, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.

So what you are saying is that he didn't violate people's rights?


Regardless, as we on the right-wing have been saying for ages, deporting is pointless, unless we have a wall. So we are trying to get a wall.
At least Trump is trying. Would any of your democrats even try to fix this problem? And if so, why didn't then when Obama had both houses?

So I'll take someone who is trying to do something, over people actively trying to prevent a solution, any day.

So Trump's failure to build an environmentally disastrous wall that would be ridiculously expensive to build and maintain that would slightly slow down illegals, without doing anything about the 60% who simply overstay they visa, and another 15%-20% who come in by air or boat and those that tunnel and climb over it is better than spending the money on environmentally friendly solutions, like better electronic surveillance and heat sensing drones.


See? Do you not read your own posts? You just outlined exactly why Trump will win re-election.

What you are in effect saying is... you don't care. You don't care about rapists and murders getting back into the country. You don't care about MS 13 members getting back into the country. You don't care about national security. You don't care about the rule of law. You don't care about anything that matters.

And then you lie. You just flat out lie.

For example, you claim in your post that you are worried about wasteful spending, saying "ridiculously expensive to build".
But you actually are the least caring about wasted money. Let me show you real wasted money.

DHS record: Illegal immigrant deported 44 times in 15 years

Illegal deported 44 times in 15 years. 44 times. That's just one of a half dozen people deported more than 30 times each.

Let me ask you.... how many hundreds of thousands of dollars did the Federal government spend paying agents to catch the same people over and over again? How many hundreds of thousands were spent doing the legal paperwork, and paying for food and room, and paying for transportation, and contacting the Mexican authorities to transfer the person over, and all the support people from Ohio where this guy was caught, down to the border under guard.....

All to have all these people turn right around, and walk back into the US through the wide open area that doesn't even have a line drawn in the sand?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, if not billions spent every year to deport people who walk right back into the US.....

and then you claim to care about how expensive it is? Liar. You are a liar.

This is why Trump is president right now. Because of how shamefully stupid you people are. You don't care at all about how much harm you are doing to those around you.
If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.

Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, which is law enforcement harassment without probable cause, today is day three of Trump's round up of "millions and millions of illegal aliens", for which he and his supporters said could be rounded up without probable cause. Let's see how many have been rounded up so far.

Well, now, the result is ZERO.

We'll just add that to where we recorded his campaign promise to deport 12 million in 2 years, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.

So what you are saying is that he didn't violate people's rights?


Regardless, as we on the right-wing have been saying for ages, deporting is pointless, unless we have a wall. So we are trying to get a wall.
At least Trump is trying. Would any of your democrats even try to fix this problem? And if so, why didn't then when Obama had both houses?

So I'll take someone who is trying to do something, over people actively trying to prevent a solution, any day.

So Trump's failure to build an environmentally disastrous wall that would be ridiculously expensive to build and maintain that would slightly slow down illegals, without doing anything about the 60% who simply overstay they visa, and another 15%-20% who come in by air or boat and those that tunnel and climb over it is better than spending the money on environmentally friendly solutions, like better electronic surveillance and heat sensing drones.


See? Do you not read your own posts? You just outlined exactly why Trump will win re-election.

What you are in effect saying is... you don't care. You don't care about rapists and murders getting back into the country. You don't care about MS 13 members getting back into the country. You don't care about national security. You don't care about the rule of law. You don't care about anything that matters.

And then you lie. You just flat out lie.

For example, you claim in your post that you are worried about wasteful spending, saying "ridiculously expensive to build".
But you actually are the least caring about wasted money. Let me show you real wasted money.

DHS record: Illegal immigrant deported 44 times in 15 years

Illegal deported 44 times in 15 years. 44 times. That's just one of a half dozen people deported more than 30 times each.

Let me ask you.... how many hundreds of thousands of dollars did the Federal government spend paying agents to catch the same people over and over again? How many hundreds of thousands were spent doing the legal paperwork, and paying for food and room, and paying for transportation, and contacting the Mexican authorities to transfer the person over, and all the support people from Ohio where this guy was caught, down to the border under guard.....

All to have all these people turn right around, and walk back into the US through the wide open area that doesn't even have a line drawn in the sand?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, if not billions spent every year to deport people who walk right back into the US.....

and then you claim to care about how expensive it is? Liar. You are a liar.

This is why Trump is president right now. Because of how shamefully stupid you people are. You don't care at all about how much harm you are doing to those around you.

Andy, you are so brainwashed that I never maker it past your first sentence. In this case, Trump's scare tactics about MS-13, which if you look it up, you will find is a gang that originated in Los Angeles.
Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, which is law enforcement harassment without probable cause, today is day three of Trump's round up of "millions and millions of illegal aliens", for which he and his supporters said could be rounded up without probable cause. Let's see how many have been rounded up so far.

Well, now, the result is ZERO.

We'll just add that to where we recorded his campaign promise to deport 12 million in 2 years, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.

So what you are saying is that he didn't violate people's rights?


Regardless, as we on the right-wing have been saying for ages, deporting is pointless, unless we have a wall. So we are trying to get a wall.
At least Trump is trying. Would any of your democrats even try to fix this problem? And if so, why didn't then when Obama had both houses?

So I'll take someone who is trying to do something, over people actively trying to prevent a solution, any day.

So Trump's failure to build an environmentally disastrous wall that would be ridiculously expensive to build and maintain that would slightly slow down illegals, without doing anything about the 60% who simply overstay they visa, and another 15%-20% who come in by air or boat and those that tunnel and climb over it is better than spending the money on environmentally friendly solutions, like better electronic surveillance and heat sensing drones.


See? Do you not read your own posts? You just outlined exactly why Trump will win re-election.

What you are in effect saying is... you don't care. You don't care about rapists and murders getting back into the country. You don't care about MS 13 members getting back into the country. You don't care about national security. You don't care about the rule of law. You don't care about anything that matters.

And then you lie. You just flat out lie.

For example, you claim in your post that you are worried about wasteful spending, saying "ridiculously expensive to build".
But you actually are the least caring about wasted money. Let me show you real wasted money.

DHS record: Illegal immigrant deported 44 times in 15 years

Illegal deported 44 times in 15 years. 44 times. That's just one of a half dozen people deported more than 30 times each.

Let me ask you.... how many hundreds of thousands of dollars did the Federal government spend paying agents to catch the same people over and over again? How many hundreds of thousands were spent doing the legal paperwork, and paying for food and room, and paying for transportation, and contacting the Mexican authorities to transfer the person over, and all the support people from Ohio where this guy was caught, down to the border under guard.....

All to have all these people turn right around, and walk back into the US through the wide open area that doesn't even have a line drawn in the sand?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, if not billions spent every year to deport people who walk right back into the US.....

and then you claim to care about how expensive it is? Liar. You are a liar.

This is why Trump is president right now. Because of how shamefully stupid you people are. You don't care at all about how much harm you are doing to those around you.

Andy, you are so brainwashed that I never maker it past your first sentence. In this case, Trump's scare tactics about MS-13, which if you look it up, you will find is a gang that originated in Los Angeles.

So you are so brainwashed, that you are denying that more than a few of these gang members originating out of LA, were in fact illegal immigrants?

Shameful dude. Totally shameful. No wonder Trump get elected. It's the right-wing against the mental ill.

Just shameful. Even left-wing outlets like the Washington Post, admit this, but the rapid mental illness people on the left don't even listen to their own people.

The irony in all this... I never voted for Trump. But now that I see what shameful scum is the alternative (people like you), I am pretty sure I will vote for Trump this time around. What's the alternative? You people, and your zero border system, where you live in your mythical fairy land that doesn't have any illegals that ever do anything wrong, and we can just trust completely unknown people walking into our country because..... we just can?

You are right here, now, on this forum, are a walking talking advertisement for Trump. He should run campaign ads that are just shameful idiots like you, talking. That would drive everyone to vote for Trump.

Honestly, this is like Omar saying "some people did something", and having videos of 9/11... then we'll just have idiots like you, talking about illegals and MS-13 have nothing to do with each other, and we'll just have all the news reports about illegal MS-13 immigrants killing people scrolling behind you.

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