How Would You Describe What's Happening Here?

Andy, get over yourself. I am not talking about your issues because I don't CARE about your issues. I do care about the Bill of Rights as it applies to law enforcement. That is partly because I am in law enforcement.

If you support people who allowed Jussie Smollet get away with what he did, and that guy banging the drum at the maga hat kid, and what they did to Kavanough, then you don't care about the bill of rights.

If you don't know about any of those things, then stop talking. You need get over yourself first. I made valid points, and you haven't answered a single one, without some lame excuse about you have no idea what is going on.

Again, if you don't understand my statements, maybe you should learn something first before talking.

Well, now. YOU support Trump, who said during his campaign that he was going to round up and deport 12 million illegal immigrants in his first 2 years in office. When told that he could not simply demand proof that someone is an American citizen, without probable cause that he is not an American citizen, he claimed that he could do it anyway. That is a direct violation of the Constitution, being advocated by a man who later swore to protect and uphold the constitution. When he isn't doing that, he is ranting against football players for kneeling which they have a constitutional right to do. He calls the free press the enemy of the country, and no longer even gives press conferences at all. Federal courts have ruled so many times against Trump in the last 2 years based on constitutionality issues, that I have lost count.

You are wasting your time to even suggest that I not post my opinions on the loosest cannon ever to occupy the oval office, and that is the mildest thing that I can say about the SOB.

Fail. See this is how I can tell you are in the left-wing. You make up stuff. I voted for the Constitutionalist party. Not Trump.

But that doesn't stop the left-wing trash from making up crap does it? And you just proved it right here in this post.

Him ranting against football players that kneel, isn't a violation of free speech. In fact, his ranting is him exercising his freedom of speech. I love how hypocritical you people on the left are IN EVERYTHING.

So you defend a left-winger using his freedom of speech, but the moment someone else also uses their freedom of speech, you scream about it. Only you guys have freedom of speech, no one else.

Hypocrites. All of you evil left-wing trash... you are all hypocrites.

Trump has the power, and uses it, to curtail free speech. I don't. Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation. Oh, and BTW. You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting. I never said that to you. And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation

Good? What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe you missed it, but freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, is not violated by any of this. Freedom of speech, means you can say what you want. Freedom of the press, means the press can print or report whatever they want.

Neither of those, means I can barge into your home and just sit there insulting you, and reporting from your home.

Similarly, if Trump doesn't want your lying evil butt in his house, then you don't get to be there. Denying you entry into his house, doesn't deny your right to go wherever else you wish, and say all your endless lies, and report whatever you want.

The press corp is there at the discretion of the president, just like you being allowed in my own personal home is at my discretion.

You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting.

Yeah, I'm using my freedom of speech. Am I not allowed to tell you shut up when you deserve it? Oh, that's right, only you have freedom of speech, not me.
Well tough snot sparky, we have freedom of speech too.

And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

When I come and throw you in prison for speaking.... then you are right. I have violated your freedom of speech, and yes it would mean I'm a hypocrite.

When I just tell you to shut up... yet I have no intention of actually throwing you in prison for not shutting up.... that isn't a violation of your rights. That is me, using my rights.
No, that is not hypocritical.

Calling you out for being ignorant, and clearly foolish... is not a violation of your rights. It is me just letting you know everyone here thinks you are clearly too stupid to be on a forum arguing about topics you have zero knowledge of.

Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.
"Wut yew be doin'?"
"Do I godda Tay-yew wut I be dewin'?"
"Wut beerdin' yew stey et?"
"Eye eint hef 2 Tay-yew dat! Y u need tuh no?"
"Coz iffin' yuh dunt lib hee-yuh!"

Fucking country ass black folks. With their slow ass way of talking.

Couldn't listen to the whole video. It got so irritating.
If you support people who allowed Jussie Smollet get away with what he did, and that guy banging the drum at the maga hat kid, and what they did to Kavanough, then you don't care about the bill of rights.

If you don't know about any of those things, then stop talking. You need get over yourself first. I made valid points, and you haven't answered a single one, without some lame excuse about you have no idea what is going on.

Again, if you don't understand my statements, maybe you should learn something first before talking.

Well, now. YOU support Trump, who said during his campaign that he was going to round up and deport 12 million illegal immigrants in his first 2 years in office. When told that he could not simply demand proof that someone is an American citizen, without probable cause that he is not an American citizen, he claimed that he could do it anyway. That is a direct violation of the Constitution, being advocated by a man who later swore to protect and uphold the constitution. When he isn't doing that, he is ranting against football players for kneeling which they have a constitutional right to do. He calls the free press the enemy of the country, and no longer even gives press conferences at all. Federal courts have ruled so many times against Trump in the last 2 years based on constitutionality issues, that I have lost count.

You are wasting your time to even suggest that I not post my opinions on the loosest cannon ever to occupy the oval office, and that is the mildest thing that I can say about the SOB.

Fail. See this is how I can tell you are in the left-wing. You make up stuff. I voted for the Constitutionalist party. Not Trump.

But that doesn't stop the left-wing trash from making up crap does it? And you just proved it right here in this post.

Him ranting against football players that kneel, isn't a violation of free speech. In fact, his ranting is him exercising his freedom of speech. I love how hypocritical you people on the left are IN EVERYTHING.

So you defend a left-winger using his freedom of speech, but the moment someone else also uses their freedom of speech, you scream about it. Only you guys have freedom of speech, no one else.

Hypocrites. All of you evil left-wing trash... you are all hypocrites.

Trump has the power, and uses it, to curtail free speech. I don't. Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation. Oh, and BTW. You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting. I never said that to you. And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation

Good? What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe you missed it, but freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, is not violated by any of this. Freedom of speech, means you can say what you want. Freedom of the press, means the press can print or report whatever they want.

Neither of those, means I can barge into your home and just sit there insulting you, and reporting from your home.

Similarly, if Trump doesn't want your lying evil butt in his house, then you don't get to be there. Denying you entry into his house, doesn't deny your right to go wherever else you wish, and say all your endless lies, and report whatever you want.

The press corp is there at the discretion of the president, just like you being allowed in my own personal home is at my discretion.

You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting.

Yeah, I'm using my freedom of speech. Am I not allowed to tell you shut up when you deserve it? Oh, that's right, only you have freedom of speech, not me.
Well tough snot sparky, we have freedom of speech too.

And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

When I come and throw you in prison for speaking.... then you are right. I have violated your freedom of speech, and yes it would mean I'm a hypocrite.

When I just tell you to shut up... yet I have no intention of actually throwing you in prison for not shutting up.... that isn't a violation of your rights. That is me, using my rights.
No, that is not hypocritical.

Calling you out for being ignorant, and clearly foolish... is not a violation of your rights. It is me just letting you know everyone here thinks you are clearly too stupid to be on a forum arguing about topics you have zero knowledge of.

Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.
Well, now. YOU support Trump, who said during his campaign that he was going to round up and deport 12 million illegal immigrants in his first 2 years in office. When told that he could not simply demand proof that someone is an American citizen, without probable cause that he is not an American citizen, he claimed that he could do it anyway. That is a direct violation of the Constitution, being advocated by a man who later swore to protect and uphold the constitution. When he isn't doing that, he is ranting against football players for kneeling which they have a constitutional right to do. He calls the free press the enemy of the country, and no longer even gives press conferences at all. Federal courts have ruled so many times against Trump in the last 2 years based on constitutionality issues, that I have lost count.

You are wasting your time to even suggest that I not post my opinions on the loosest cannon ever to occupy the oval office, and that is the mildest thing that I can say about the SOB.

Fail. See this is how I can tell you are in the left-wing. You make up stuff. I voted for the Constitutionalist party. Not Trump.

But that doesn't stop the left-wing trash from making up crap does it? And you just proved it right here in this post.

Him ranting against football players that kneel, isn't a violation of free speech. In fact, his ranting is him exercising his freedom of speech. I love how hypocritical you people on the left are IN EVERYTHING.

So you defend a left-winger using his freedom of speech, but the moment someone else also uses their freedom of speech, you scream about it. Only you guys have freedom of speech, no one else.

Hypocrites. All of you evil left-wing trash... you are all hypocrites.

Trump has the power, and uses it, to curtail free speech. I don't. Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation. Oh, and BTW. You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting. I never said that to you. And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation

Good? What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe you missed it, but freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, is not violated by any of this. Freedom of speech, means you can say what you want. Freedom of the press, means the press can print or report whatever they want.

Neither of those, means I can barge into your home and just sit there insulting you, and reporting from your home.

Similarly, if Trump doesn't want your lying evil butt in his house, then you don't get to be there. Denying you entry into his house, doesn't deny your right to go wherever else you wish, and say all your endless lies, and report whatever you want.

The press corp is there at the discretion of the president, just like you being allowed in my own personal home is at my discretion.

You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting.

Yeah, I'm using my freedom of speech. Am I not allowed to tell you shut up when you deserve it? Oh, that's right, only you have freedom of speech, not me.
Well tough snot sparky, we have freedom of speech too.

And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

When I come and throw you in prison for speaking.... then you are right. I have violated your freedom of speech, and yes it would mean I'm a hypocrite.

When I just tell you to shut up... yet I have no intention of actually throwing you in prison for not shutting up.... that isn't a violation of your rights. That is me, using my rights.
No, that is not hypocritical.

Calling you out for being ignorant, and clearly foolish... is not a violation of your rights. It is me just letting you know everyone here thinks you are clearly too stupid to be on a forum arguing about topics you have zero knowledge of.

Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.

The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.
Fail. See this is how I can tell you are in the left-wing. You make up stuff. I voted for the Constitutionalist party. Not Trump.

But that doesn't stop the left-wing trash from making up crap does it? And you just proved it right here in this post.

Him ranting against football players that kneel, isn't a violation of free speech. In fact, his ranting is him exercising his freedom of speech. I love how hypocritical you people on the left are IN EVERYTHING.

So you defend a left-winger using his freedom of speech, but the moment someone else also uses their freedom of speech, you scream about it. Only you guys have freedom of speech, no one else.

Hypocrites. All of you evil left-wing trash... you are all hypocrites.

Trump has the power, and uses it, to curtail free speech. I don't. Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation. Oh, and BTW. You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting. I never said that to you. And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation

Good? What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe you missed it, but freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, is not violated by any of this. Freedom of speech, means you can say what you want. Freedom of the press, means the press can print or report whatever they want.

Neither of those, means I can barge into your home and just sit there insulting you, and reporting from your home.

Similarly, if Trump doesn't want your lying evil butt in his house, then you don't get to be there. Denying you entry into his house, doesn't deny your right to go wherever else you wish, and say all your endless lies, and report whatever you want.

The press corp is there at the discretion of the president, just like you being allowed in my own personal home is at my discretion.

You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting.

Yeah, I'm using my freedom of speech. Am I not allowed to tell you shut up when you deserve it? Oh, that's right, only you have freedom of speech, not me.
Well tough snot sparky, we have freedom of speech too.

And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

When I come and throw you in prison for speaking.... then you are right. I have violated your freedom of speech, and yes it would mean I'm a hypocrite.

When I just tell you to shut up... yet I have no intention of actually throwing you in prison for not shutting up.... that isn't a violation of your rights. That is me, using my rights.
No, that is not hypocritical.

Calling you out for being ignorant, and clearly foolish... is not a violation of your rights. It is me just letting you know everyone here thinks you are clearly too stupid to be on a forum arguing about topics you have zero knowledge of.

Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.

The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.
Trump has the power, and uses it, to curtail free speech. I don't. Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation. Oh, and BTW. You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting. I never said that to you. And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation

Good? What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe you missed it, but freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, is not violated by any of this. Freedom of speech, means you can say what you want. Freedom of the press, means the press can print or report whatever they want.

Neither of those, means I can barge into your home and just sit there insulting you, and reporting from your home.

Similarly, if Trump doesn't want your lying evil butt in his house, then you don't get to be there. Denying you entry into his house, doesn't deny your right to go wherever else you wish, and say all your endless lies, and report whatever you want.

The press corp is there at the discretion of the president, just like you being allowed in my own personal home is at my discretion.

You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting.

Yeah, I'm using my freedom of speech. Am I not allowed to tell you shut up when you deserve it? Oh, that's right, only you have freedom of speech, not me.
Well tough snot sparky, we have freedom of speech too.

And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

When I come and throw you in prison for speaking.... then you are right. I have violated your freedom of speech, and yes it would mean I'm a hypocrite.

When I just tell you to shut up... yet I have no intention of actually throwing you in prison for not shutting up.... that isn't a violation of your rights. That is me, using my rights.
No, that is not hypocritical.

Calling you out for being ignorant, and clearly foolish... is not a violation of your rights. It is me just letting you know everyone here thinks you are clearly too stupid to be on a forum arguing about topics you have zero knowledge of.

Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.

The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.

If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.
Get back to me when you understand reality, or do you have a problem handling the truth?

What’s sad about individuals like yourself is you believe you’re without fault and are entitled to set judgement in these situations. Did the officer abuse this gentleman? No he didn’t, are you naive enough to believe something didn’t click for him to take this action? Do you honestly believe they’re to perform their jobs perfectly?

Why don’t you WTFU and realize this can easily go both ways, then we can have a civil discourse on the topic.

I am a member of the Sheriff Auxiliary volunteers. We are trained to respect the civil rights of citizens. In fascist countries, it is perfectly OK to stop people at random and demand their papers. Not in the USA. Sorry, but you are not allowed to shred the constitution in the USA.

Supreme Court says otherwise and you know it 100 miles of the border

Sorry pal. I cross the border checkpoint 25 miles north of the border at least once per week. The BP has the right to stop you and ask you questions, but unless they have probable cause you don't have to answer. I can post dozens of videos like the following:

So when is the last time you told LE no? Is this what you would teach your children/grandchildren to do?

As a matter of fact, I taught my child to resist tyranny, and to stand up for her constitutional rights. I know that goes against Trump and his storm troopers, but that is the way it is.

We taught our children to respect authority and speak up when someone try’s abusing them, but you avoided the question about telling LE no? Why is that?
I am a member of the Sheriff Auxiliary volunteers. We are trained to respect the civil rights of citizens. In fascist countries, it is perfectly OK to stop people at random and demand their papers. Not in the USA. Sorry, but you are not allowed to shred the constitution in the USA.

Supreme Court says otherwise and you know it 100 miles of the border

Sorry pal. I cross the border checkpoint 25 miles north of the border at least once per week. The BP has the right to stop you and ask you questions, but unless they have probable cause you don't have to answer. I can post dozens of videos like the following:

So when is the last time you told LE no? Is this what you would teach your children/grandchildren to do?

As a matter of fact, I taught my child to resist tyranny, and to stand up for her constitutional rights. I know that goes against Trump and his storm troopers, but that is the way it is.

We taught our children to respect authority and speak up when someone try’s abusing them, but you avoided the question about telling LE no? Why is that?

I don't avoid anything. I cooperate with border patrol. However, I do so voluntarily, which is something that Border Patrol needs to be aware of. Too many of them think that they have the authority to search my car, without cause. My point is not so much the BP at the checkpoints. The point is that Trump ran for office promising that he was going to "round up" 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, regardless of being told that ICE does not have the constitutional authority to demand proof of citizenship without probable cause. Millions of Americans applauded his stated intention to trample on the Bill of Rights. And now, we have the results of the 2nd day of Trump's illegal roundup of "millions and millions of illegals". Wait for it. So far, after 2 days of this roundup, the number of arrests are ZERO. Make that one point for the Bill of Rights and zero points for Trump.
I cooperate with border patrol. However, I do so voluntarily, which is something that Border Patrol needs to be aware of

Tough guy, better get that memo out to the USBP, yes sir...

You understand probable cause is so subjective that you would lose before you could complain, no judge is going to penalize a LE officer unless abuse occurs...

The point is that Trump ran for office promising that he was going to "round up" 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, regardless of being told that ICE does not have the constitutional authority to demand proof of citizenship without probable cause.

Still living in that cave I see, keep denying it and let me know how it works come November 2020!

Millions of Americans applauded his stated intention to trample on the Bill of Rights

Not really, they’re just tired of supporting illegals, strange how you think it’s okay...
I cooperate with border patrol. However, I do so voluntarily, which is something that Border Patrol needs to be aware of

Tough guy, better get that memo out to the USBP, yes sir...

You understand probable cause is so subjective that you would lose before you could complain, no judge is going to penalize a LE officer unless abuse occurs...

The point is that Trump ran for office promising that he was going to "round up" 12 million illegal aliens in 2 years, regardless of being told that ICE does not have the constitutional authority to demand proof of citizenship without probable cause.

Still living in that cave I see, keep denying it and let me know how it works come November 2020!

Millions of Americans applauded his stated intention to trample on the Bill of Rights

Not really, they’re just tired of supporting illegals, strange how you think it’s okay...

...and yet, you totally avoid the fact that Trump was going to round up "millions and millions", which mysteriously morphed into 2,000, all of whom have already been convicted of a crime, so they would not need probable cause, which then morphed into zero arrests. Sounds like you, too, needed my little 8th grade Civics lesson.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.

You know none of that. Maybe there had been a robbery in the arena, a rape in the building. Vandalism, theft, stolen cars. You do not know. What exactly is your problem if you are in the parking lot of where you live and a cop wants to know what you are doing there or if you live there simply providing the information seeks? Ever occur to you that the police are there keeping your neighborhood safe for you?

That cop wasn't keeping anything safe for anybody. He was too busy harassing the guy that lived there for no reason.

Why would anyone live there for no reason? Most people have a reason to live. :D

You typed it!
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.

You know none of that. Maybe there had been a robbery in the arena, a rape in the building. Vandalism, theft, stolen cars. You do not know. What exactly is your problem if you are in the parking lot of where you live and a cop wants to know what you are doing there or if you live there simply providing the information seeks? Ever occur to you that the police are there keeping your neighborhood safe for you?

That cop wasn't keeping anything safe for anybody. He was too busy harassing the guy that lived there for no reason.

Why would anyone live there for no reason? Most people have a reason to live. :D

You typed it!

Yes, I see it was a poor choice of words. Perhaps I could have said. , The cop was busy harassing the guy for no discernible reason, so he had no time to keep anything safe for anybody. I still doesn't sound exactly right, but at least it's not ambiguous.
The person in the video is wrong. The police were simply doing their job. Obviously, the police had a reason for being there and suspecting this guy of something. It is pure racism on the part of the video host and OP to assume that when the cop said: "You don't look like you belong here" that he was referring the the PERSON'S physical appearance! The police officer could have just as easily been referring to the appearance of a hundred other things:
  • The kind of car he was driving.
  • The way he was parked.
  • The way he was hanging around.
  • WHERE he was parked.
  • Something he was doing in the car.
The fact of the matter is that YOU DON'T KNOW. These officers are trying to do their job and right or not, if you have nothing to hide, why give these officers a hard time, just answer their simple questions and go on your way so they can go on theirs! The irony is, not only would this just piss me off as a police officer, but if the guy really does live there, sooner or later he is likely going to run into these cops again some other time and they will eventually find the answers to the questions they asked anyway.

Show a little respect and cooperation with the police and folks would have a lot less polarization.

And he cited NONE of those causations.

Face it, the video guy is right --- he was fishing. Literally looking for trouble where none existed.

You know none of that. Maybe there had been a robbery in the arena, a rape in the building. Vandalism, theft, stolen cars. You do not know. What exactly is your problem if you are in the parking lot of where you live and a cop wants to know what you are doing there or if you live there simply providing the information seeks? Ever occur to you that the police are there keeping your neighborhood safe for you?

That cop wasn't keeping anything safe for anybody. He was too busy harassing the guy that lived there for no reason.

Why would anyone live there for no reason? Most people have a reason to live. :D

You typed it!

Yes, I see it was a poor choice of words. Perhaps I could have said. , The cop was busy harassing the guy for no discernible reason, so he had no time to keep anything safe for anybody. I still doesn't sound exactly right, but at least it's not ambiguous.

I just thought it was hilarious! :)
Trump has collected the credentials of the entire press corps in the White House. None are allowed in anymore without an invitation

Good? What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe you missed it, but freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, is not violated by any of this. Freedom of speech, means you can say what you want. Freedom of the press, means the press can print or report whatever they want.

Neither of those, means I can barge into your home and just sit there insulting you, and reporting from your home.

Similarly, if Trump doesn't want your lying evil butt in his house, then you don't get to be there. Denying you entry into his house, doesn't deny your right to go wherever else you wish, and say all your endless lies, and report whatever you want.

The press corp is there at the discretion of the president, just like you being allowed in my own personal home is at my discretion.

You have told me, not once, but twice, to stop posting.

Yeah, I'm using my freedom of speech. Am I not allowed to tell you shut up when you deserve it? Oh, that's right, only you have freedom of speech, not me.
Well tough snot sparky, we have freedom of speech too.

And you don't see your own hypocrisy about free speech?

When I come and throw you in prison for speaking.... then you are right. I have violated your freedom of speech, and yes it would mean I'm a hypocrite.

When I just tell you to shut up... yet I have no intention of actually throwing you in prison for not shutting up.... that isn't a violation of your rights. That is me, using my rights.
No, that is not hypocritical.

Calling you out for being ignorant, and clearly foolish... is not a violation of your rights. It is me just letting you know everyone here thinks you are clearly too stupid to be on a forum arguing about topics you have zero knowledge of.

Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.

The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.

If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.

Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.
Andy, you seem to have contracted the same disorder that Trumpettes everywhere have contracted, which is the mistaken belief that Trump is the boss in this country. He is not. He is a servant to the people, and answerable to them. Baby Bush made a similar mistake in the end, when he stopped giving speeches to anybody but the VFW and the military the last 2 or 3 years of his presidency. Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people". Such say dictators everywhere, including N. Korea and Cuba. The president tell the people that football players who exercise their constitutional right to free speech should be fired. Yes, he has the right to tell people that those who exercise their freedom should be punished. And, he will be judged by those same people at the next election. Since Trump has managed to alienate all but his most rabid fans, he may find that the next election will produce another 10 million illegal aliens voting democratic party.

No, but he is boss of who comes into his house. And right now, the white house, is in fact, his house.

The press is the enemy of the people, and has been for decades. People hated the press, long before Trump was in office. We hated the press before even Bush was in office.

We called CNN, the "Clinton News Network" back when Billy Clinton was screwing interns in his office, while diplomats were waiting in the rose garden to talk about world peace.

The hatred of the press started with Clinton, because the press white washed everything Clinton did. You moronic brainless left-winger, are so blatantly ignorant and stupid, you think the hatred of the press started with Trump. And ironically it's exactly because you are this stupid, that Trump got in office to begin with.

You put Trump in office, more than the right-wing did. By attacking him from all your news outlets, his poll numbers kept going up and up. By white washing Hillary and all her lies, his poll numbers went up and up.

Yes, they should be fired. You have to right to free speech, but not on my TV. I don't want to watch that. Go kneel on a street corner, spouting your nonsense. I'm watching football to get away from all this partisan political crap.

And if the NFL is being harmed, because a bunch of low-quality football players thing that the USA is so unfair to allow multi-millionaire black people, play a game for million dollar contracts..... Then they should fire them.

If it was your business, and I was an employee in your business, using your business to promote Trump, and because I was doing that, customers were canceling their orders.... you would fire me, and rightly so.

Equally, if these mindless fools are harming football... which clearly they did.... then they should be fired for turning their entertainment job, into some fake political outrage that alienated fans of the game.

So I agree with Trump completely on both accounts. Neither violates the constitution.

The only hypocrisy here, is you. Because you know that if the situation was reversed, you would fire my butt, if I was harming your business. You are lying if you deny that.

The White House is NOT Trump's house. It is my house and your house, and that is exactly what I am talking about. The White house is servant quarters, and he has no special privileges there.

That is all the time I have to read or post. I host a Monday evening poker game, so that will have to do for now.

No, it is not. Trump is not obligated to have any reporters in the white, and no president ever was. They allow reporters in, at their own choice. And we're not talking about 'special privileges'. Being able to say, that I don't want someone in my house, is not a special privilege, anymore than you telling me, that you want me out of your poker night.

The white house, is the home of the president. It's his home. HOME. That's what it is there for. You don't have a 'right' to be in my home. Nor does the press have a 'right' to be in the white house. No. Sorry, you are wrong.

If it was Trump's home, he would put a giant neon sign with his name on it. That house is the property of the people of the United States. In fact, the press quarters are in the West Wing, which is not even part of the residence. The Congress of the United states pays for it's maintenance, and even has the authority to gut it, as they have 3 times. The president has no say in the matter. The employees of the people of the USA have given the secret service the right to enter the bedroom in the middle of the night, if they feel the need. Trump does not pay the staff, nor does he pay for the food that is prepared and served there. Congress can remove him from that home anytime they like, as Nixon found out. The President serves at the pleasure of the people, and the people are experiencing less and less pleasure. The key word is "serves". Trump serves only himself.

Yeah, and if you rent a house to me.... and I'm living there... it's my home.... but I can't put a neon sign over it. And if some random strange walks into that house I'm living in, even if I'm renting it from you... I can call the police and have that person removed from the house. In fact, If you march into that house, and I have proof I rented it, I can get the police to remove you too.

Dude... I don't know how many time I have to keep proving you wrong on this... but everyone else gets it. You are the only idiot still trying to argue this. The white house is not owned by the media. The media doesn't have a 'right' to be there.

If Trump, or any other president wants a specific reporter removed from the white house, he should have, and does have, the right to remove that reporter.

Now if he goes out side on the public side walk, then yes any reporter can walk up on a public sidewalk, and ask questions.

But no, you can't force your way into the white house because you call yourself a reporter. Every president has the right to determine who can come into the white house.

You can keep arguing that until the end of time... you are still wrong.

Ironically, it is exactly because of irrational left-wing arguments like this... that Trump has so much support, and if you people keep this up, he'll win a second term. Because you people are acting nuts.

Getting back to the topic of the thread, which is law enforcement harassment without probable cause, today is day three of Trump's round up of "millions and millions of illegal aliens", for which he and his supporters said could be rounded up without probable cause. Let's see how many have been rounded up so far.

Well, now, the result is ZERO.

We'll just add that to where we recorded his campaign promise to deport 12 million in 2 years, build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it.

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