How would you feel if Trump came out tomorrow and supported


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.
Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.
Meh not really but if we were a whiter nation that didn't have so many parasites then yes
Medical only
Sure but won't need to once he seals the border off and renegotiates trade deals.
Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.

Yeah but he's a flip flopper like we've never seen before.

Trump is for Trump. Nothing else matters. Anything having to do with "governing" will be rubber stamped according to what the nutters put on his desk. Anything else depends on what will line his own pockets.

Think Pooting.
Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.
Can you pick a side & stick with it please. This split personality bullshit is getting old.
I'd hop on my flying pig and go to work, just like I do every day...
Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.

I've been Democrat the majority of my life.

No single payer.
Pay for your own advanced education.
Drug legalization is questionable. Decriminalizing recreational use and medicinal purpose of pot I do not mind.
$15.00 an hour. No.
Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.
Meh not really but if we were a whiter nation that didn't have so many parasites then yes
Medical only
Sure but won't need to once he seals the border off and renegotiates trade deals.

You dumb shit.

Most on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid are WHITE.
And, I would bet money you are one of them.

There will be no "renegotiation of trade deals".
There will be no "sealing the border".

You're too stupid to get this but he has already backed down on both as well as The Wall and his attack on religious freedom and liberty.

Yes, I know he would like to gut the constitution has he promised but

(I'm going to type this reeeel slow so you can understand it)

H e

C a n n o t

D o


READ the Constitution.

Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.

And it took you this long to notice? What have you been doing all this time?
I think Trump should raise the minimum wage to $8.50 an hour

Very first "debate", he said 'wages are too high' and 'minimum wage should be done away with'.

Then he was told to pretend to be an American instead of the Russian spy that he really is and he didn't say it again.

BUT, important thing here is that he has no beliefs of his own and will sign whatever the nutters put in front of him.
I think Trump should raise the minimum wage to $8.50 an hour

Very first "debate", he said 'wages are too high' and 'minimum wage should be done away with'.

Then he was told to pretend to be an American instead of the Russian spy that he really is and he didn't say it again.

BUT, important thing here is that he has no beliefs of his own and will sign whatever the nutters put in front of him.

So he is going to be another Obama, except as a pawn for the right wing?
Hard to find a job that starts below $9.00 an hour these days so it would be no big deal but it would gain him support....even in red states voters have approved increases
I'd like pot to be legalized. I have 12 acres of highly fertile land just begging to produce hemp. It'd be a cash cow!

Single payer?
Free college?
Legalization of pot?
15 bucks per hour federal minimum wage

I'd love it.

Trump has spent the majority of his political life as a democrat.

I think you're under the mistaken impression that someone actually gives a shit what you think.
I'd agree with the single payer system of health care. France is number one in the world with its single payer health care system and its people love it.
I don't see any of that happening though, as he has appointed Pence to select the transition team and make a short list of who is up for the cabinet posts.

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