How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

right------I am almost as old as are you. I remember it in my early years and did not feel brainwashed by it-------I knew the words---understood their meaning ----and
wrote at the weeks spelling words FIVE TIMES EACH.. The ENTIRE ritual meant nothing to me

If it were not for the continuous brainwashing of each generation that ancient god worship would have been dead a thousand years ago.

Teaching loyalty, values &principals of our heritage and our Nation is not brainwashing.

Peach----it is absolutely NORMAL SOCIETY-------all cultures do it------from Manhattan (uhm----the EPITOME of CULTURE) all the way to the natives of
south pacific islands-----who live on bananas and lizards----and walk bare-
assed. for those who read WILLINGLY----try CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY---
eric erikson. Some song birds teach their babies the same songs that THEIR
grandma birds sang

What is absolutely Normal Society?
What is it that all cultures do?
Are you trying to insult me (because I read plenty of books) or our Nation with that psychological drivel? I was around plenty of Psychology Grad Students in the 70's. Every single one of them was sick in the head.

What you wrote about (repetitiveness-song birds) has nothing to do with what I just posted.

IT's a really good book-----(yes----psych students are nuts-----usually dropouts from other majors--------like CHEMISTRY) sheeeesh ---you are a bit touchy today----

I am not touchy,you are the one who insulted by suggesting I don't read.
Not one of the ones I knew were dropouts from other majors.
They all majored in Psychology in undergrad and then went to graduate school.
If it were not for the continuous brainwashing of each generation that ancient god worship would have been dead a thousand years ago.

Teaching loyalty, values &principals of our heritage and our Nation is not brainwashing.

Peach----it is absolutely NORMAL SOCIETY-------all cultures do it------from Manhattan (uhm----the EPITOME of CULTURE) all the way to the natives of
south pacific islands-----who live on bananas and lizards----and walk bare-
assed. for those who read WILLINGLY----try CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY---
eric erikson. Some song birds teach their babies the same songs that THEIR
grandma birds sang

What is absolutely Normal Society?
What is it that all cultures do?
Are you trying to insult me (because I read plenty of books) or our Nation with that psychological drivel? I was around plenty of Psychology Grad Students in the 70's. Every single one of them was sick in the head.

What you wrote about (repetitiveness-song birds) has nothing to do with what I just posted.

IT's a really good book-----(yes----psych students are nuts-----usually dropouts from other majors--------like CHEMISTRY) sheeeesh ---you are a bit touchy today----

I am not touchy,you are the one who insulted by suggesting I don't read.
Not one of the ones I knew were dropouts from other majors.
They all majored in Psychology in undergrad and then went to graduate school.

try again PEACH I reread my post and have NO IDEA how YOU interpret
it as a slur on YOUR reading habits--------In fact-----ERIC ERIKSON was a develop- mental psychologist------however the book was a required reading in one of
my electives----SOCIOLOGY 101------which was another major in my school
taken up be people like math majors who failed calculus. (I was undeclared---
so Dabbled) My post was a reminiscence-----lots of people DID not read the
book----IT IS LONG. I found it fascinating ------but did not end up either a sociology or a psych major.
Teaching loyalty, values &principals of our heritage and our Nation is not brainwashing.

Peach----it is absolutely NORMAL SOCIETY-------all cultures do it------from Manhattan (uhm----the EPITOME of CULTURE) all the way to the natives of
south pacific islands-----who live on bananas and lizards----and walk bare-
assed. for those who read WILLINGLY----try CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY---
eric erikson. Some song birds teach their babies the same songs that THEIR
grandma birds sang

What is absolutely Normal Society?
What is it that all cultures do?
Are you trying to insult me (because I read plenty of books) or our Nation with that psychological drivel? I was around plenty of Psychology Grad Students in the 70's. Every single one of them was sick in the head.

What you wrote about (repetitiveness-song birds) has nothing to do with what I just posted.

IT's a really good book-----(yes----psych students are nuts-----usually dropouts from other majors--------like CHEMISTRY) sheeeesh ---you are a bit touchy today----

I am not touchy,you are the one who insulted by suggesting I don't read.
Not one of the ones I knew were dropouts from other majors.
They all majored in Psychology in undergrad and then went to graduate school.

try again PEACH I reread my post and have NO IDEA how YOU interpret
it as a slur on YOUR reading habits--------In fact-----ERIC ERIKSON was a develop- mental psychologist------however the book was a required reading in one of
my electives----SOCIOLOGY 101------which was another major in my school
taken up be people like math majors who failed calculus. (I was undeclared---
so Dabbled) My post was a reminiscence-----lots of people DID not read the
book----IT IS LONG. I found it fascinating ------but did not end up either a sociology or a psych major.

For those who read willingly says to me that you don't think that I do.
what happens to those who have lived and died without once hearing of any of this stuff...what about them....are they just "out of luck" ?

Catholic teaching is that those who do not hear the Gospels, or those who lived lives in different cultures/faiths, are entrusted to the boundless love and mercy of God.

Paul offers an additional thought (in Romans, if I recall correctly) that non-believers instead of being judged by a loving God, will be judged by their own hearts. Paul seems to have been pointing out that we are often harder on ourselves than anyone else might be.
what happens to those who have lived and died without once hearing of any of this stuff...what about them....are they just "out of luck" ?

Catholic teaching is that those who do not hear the Gospels, or those who lived lives in different cultures/faiths, are entrusted to the boundless love and mercy of God.

Paul offers an additional thought (in Romans, if I recall correctly) that non-believers instead of being judged by a loving God, will be judged by their own hearts. Paul seems to have been pointing out that we are often harder on ourselves than anyone else might be.

Mark 16
15And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16"He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. 17"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;…
If it were not for the continuous brainwashing of each generation that ancient god worship would have been dead a thousand years ago.
Your observation, framed by the theory of evolution, suggest that the phenomenon of Religion which is seen across cultures, times and geography may have value in terms of survival. The Human organism is subject to all kinds of existential anxiety driven by the knowledge of one's inevitable death and the need to balance the horror of existence with the wonder of it all. Religion may serve as a "balancing stick" used by tight rope walkers for the ordinary person to assist the organism to not fall into despair and hopelessness. One does not need to take this approach of having a Religious dogma to balance one out. One can develop and amass personal power to get one through . In order to do that one has to get clear of ordinary concerns and allow "Source" to come through to balance one out ....I call Source "Tetra" short for "Tetragrammaton" or the four sounds of God ... I also call this Source "OSOTU" which is an acronym for "Operating System of the Universe"... the entity is a mystery to me .....yet it treats me nice...

I guess I'm lucky. The eventual death of every living thing as never given me much heartburn. So far I've been too busy living....'course I'm just 82.

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