How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I'm was not born to anything. Change is always possible, let it start with Israel,
anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I am referring to ENVIRONMENT ----keep in mind-----the personality is NATURE AND NURTURE------catholic Maryland is kinds KNOWN for its RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM

I'll tell you what if we go to war with Iran because of your PM , and your neocons in our government, and our own Zionist who aim to please you neocon jews I hope all us enlistees refuse to fight.

You want Iran , take them yourself, leave the US out of it. You and SA take them out. Enough is enough.

I hope all of your adolf ass kissers drop dead. Your post is just about LIFTED
from the Nazi propaganda that littered my town ----left over from the 1930s. Very popular with the catholics-------the adulators of NAZI PIG FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN --------murderer of millions FOR CHRIST and good friend of PIMP PIUS
Stop calling everyone nazi's while referring to the Pope as "pimps". You are sounding like a lunatic.

it is convenient kind of SHORT HAND-----I am emulating the pimps and whores who use the word ZIONIST as if it were a "dirty word" . It is absolutely lacking in
ELEGANCE-------but it does create the same mood. A real problem is that the pimps and whores who use the word 'zionist' or 'jew" as dirty words SEEM OK
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.
anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I'm was not born to anything. Change is always possible, let it start with Israel,
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I am referring to ENVIRONMENT ----keep in mind-----the personality is NATURE AND NURTURE------catholic Maryland is kinds KNOWN for its RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM

I'll tell you what if we go to war with Iran because of your PM , and your neocons in our government, and our own Zionist who aim to please you neocon jews I hope all us enlistees refuse to fight.

You want Iran , take them yourself, leave the US out of it. You and SA take them out. Enough is enough.

I hope all of your adolf ass kissers drop dead. Your post is just about LIFTED
from the Nazi propaganda that littered my town ----left over from the 1930s. Very popular with the catholics-------the adulators of NAZI PIG FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN --------murderer of millions FOR CHRIST and good friend of PIMP PIUS
Stop calling everyone nazi's while referring to the Pope as "pimps". You are sounding like a lunatic.

it is convenient kind of SHORT HAND-----I am emulating the pimps and whores who use the word ZIONIST as if it were a "dirty word" . It is absolutely lacking in
ELEGANCE-------but it does create the same mood. A real problem is that the pimps and whores who use the word 'zionist' or 'jew" as dirty words SEEM OK
Hold on. I'm not your enemy. I'm just noticing that by imitating the tactic of hurtful others you're losing something valuable that you have.

The ability to wake up ignorance.
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

I am a REALIST I do not take the OT , the NT, the ODYSSEY, or the RAMAYANA literally The one book which seems literally true to me---aside
from the magical stuff------is the KORAN-----I really do believe that muhummad
raped, murdered and pillaged. I see lots of VALUE in scritptural writings. At to the OT and NT----they were written by MANY different authors ---compiled and---
redacted and fixed up now and then. I do not consider them entirely accurate historical records but DO NOT DISCOUNT them. Of the historical elements of
the bibles------among the most questionable is the account of the crucifixtion of
Jesus------IT DON'T MAKE SENSE on so many levels and is not SO ANCIENT
that one can chalk up the fantastic parts to -----"PREHISTORY" (like noah and his
big boat. to me the BOOK OF JOB---is obviously just a very arty bit of literature for its time----in fact very instructive of the MIND SET of the ancient world writer)
I have also read HISTORICAL NOVELS-----like stuff by Irving Stone and Taylor Caldwel------which are sorta novels between reality and historical fiction.
I see the several accounts of the crucifixtion story as HISTORICAL FICTION----
and fixed up a bit to adapt to roman Christianity. Romans at that time could
not accept an ANTI ROMAN JESUS-----and MOST OF ALL that which Jesus
really was-----a PHARISEE JEW----because romans had an intense animosity
to Pharisees who refused to see the GLORY AND REFINEMENT AND TERRIFICNESS of roman culture. In that ethnocentricity----the romans sorta
aped the GREEKS. Alexander was a wonderful guy-----he wanted GREEK
FOR THE WORLD------and Christianity became a ROMANIZED RELIGION and its adherents wanted ROMAN CHRISTIANITY FOR THE WORLD
Judaism actually mixed better with greek culture than with Roman culture but---in the end with NEITHER. The rejectors of ROME became the "killers"
of "god" aka "Christ killers" The crucifixtion story is far too full of holes to
be any more true than detailed conversations between Michelangelo and
his father that are on the pages of the AGONY AND THE ECSTACY. However
I do believe that Michalangelo hated Rafael--------see? these books do HELP
understand real history. I would not know anything about LUKE if I had not read Taylor Caldwel's stuff. For a better understanding of ROMAN CHRISTIANITY-----
the life and times of CONSTANTINE---(a mad mass murderer) as founder of
roman Christianity and-----is vital IMO PAUL---was an Hellenistic UNIVERASLIST type guy.
As compared to the lovely zealots and Sicariis of the day. The Jews destroyed their own land and temple.
Rome just finished it.

At the beginning of the First Jewish–Roman War, the Sicarii, and (possibly) Zealot helpers (Josephus differentiated between the two but did not explain the main differences in depth), gained access to Jerusalem and committed a series of atrocities in order to force the population to war. In one account, given in the Talmud, they destroyed the city's food supply so that the people would be forced to fight against the Roman siege instead of negotiating peace. Their leaders, including Menahem ben Yehuda and Eleazar ben Ya'ir, were important figures in the war, and the group fought in many battles against the Romans as soldiers. Together with a small group of followers, Menahem made his way to the fortress of Masada, took over a Roman garrison and slaughtered all 700 soldiers there. They also took over another fortress called Antonia and overpowered the troops of Agrippa II. He also trained them to conduct various guerrilla operations on Roman convoys and legions stationed around Judea.[5]

Josephus also wrote that the Sicarii raided nearby Jewish villages including Ein Gedi, where they massacred 700 women and children.[7

Sicarii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bad, bad joos.

Josephus was ENSLAVED by a ROMAN FAMILY------he wanted to write the history of the wars AGAINST ROME----by jews and he also wanted to SURVIVE HIS CAPTIVITY------and did so very cautiously and presented so PRO roman a slant----
that he was eventually made a ROMAN CITIZEN which was a big deal at that time----
In order to read Josephus------at the OUTSET------you need to know his position-----
he got a bit more CANDID about things later on
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)
The Catholic Church calls that "baptism by desire." The good thief who professes faith in Christ and his Kingdom desires to be baptized theory, but dies before he can is saved by his desire to be baptized. That story is the Biblical support for the concept.

There's also "baptism by blood" which is a person who intends to be baptized but is martyred before he is baptized, he is saved. The Biblical support for baptism by blood is the the story of the Holy Innocents, all the boy babies in Bethlehem who were murdered by King Herod trying to kill baby Jesus are considered martyrs and therefore saved.
How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It
"What must I do to be saved?" you ask. Here is God's answer given in Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Many are deceived, yet they should not be. It is not hard to be saved if one sincerely wishes to come God's way. To do the will of the Father means simply to trust Jesus Christ His Son who died to save you. He paid for all your sins. God is satisfied with the price Jesus paid, and offers free pardon to all who depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. All through the Bible that blessed truth is given. Claim these blessed promises today:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." - John 5:24.

And apparently there is no in between:

Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone

Unless they are repentant. If one is repentant, one is forgiven.
There is only one thing God will not forgive, and that was regarding the Pharisees. They blasphemed the Holy Spirit. They knew Jesus had extraordinary powers. That, they could not deny, so they accredited Christ's ability and power with Satan, instead of God's Spirit. Lying, Murdering, and the others are forgivable offenses by a Loving Father if you ask for forgiveness. Disbelief prevents you from asking.

You don't get it do you?

People who believe a 2000 year old ghost story have a long way to go. I put my faith and understanding in these two men from the past:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism.
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obiturary)

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding" ~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter he wrote to John Adams)
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

GOYESHE KOP (ignorant goyim "thinking")

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things. Besides glossing over the very real and important theological and liturgical differences, it tends to subsume Jewish traditions within an umbrella that is dominated by Christian ideas and practices

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

GOYESHE KOP (ignorant goyim "thinking")

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things. Besides glossing over the very real and important theological and liturgical differences, it tends to subsume Jewish traditions within an umbrella that is dominated by Christian ideas and practices

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”

there is JUDEO CHRISTIAN ethics and law. Biblical law as in the OT----had
a very very very significant influence on BRITISH COMMON LAW. We ---in the USA inherited BRITISH COMMON LAW virtually WHOLE
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

GOYESHE KOP (ignorant goyim "thinking")

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things. Besides glossing over the very real and important theological and liturgical differences, it tends to subsume Jewish traditions within an umbrella that is dominated by Christian ideas and practices

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”

there is JUDEO CHRISTIAN ethics and law. Biblical law as in the OT----had
a very very very significant influence on BRITISH COMMON LAW. We ---in the USA inherited BRITISH COMMON LAW virtually WHOLE

When I was in the third and fourth grades, over 70 years ago, our teachers began our day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's prayer. Let them try that brainwashing technique today!!
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

GOYESHE KOP (ignorant goyim "thinking")

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things. Besides glossing over the very real and important theological and liturgical differences, it tends to subsume Jewish traditions within an umbrella that is dominated by Christian ideas and practices

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”
I think a better term than Judeo-Christian is Abrahamic. That says the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the same God
Odd that. One of the Gods you mentioned has a son. One makes a point of having no son. And yet you think they are the same. How can that be?

When one begins to believe in a 2000 year old ghost story written by folks who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat there's a strong possibility that problems will crop up from time to time.
Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

GOYESHE KOP (ignorant goyim "thinking")

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things. Besides glossing over the very real and important theological and liturgical differences, it tends to subsume Jewish traditions within an umbrella that is dominated by Christian ideas and practices

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”

there is JUDEO CHRISTIAN ethics and law. Biblical law as in the OT----had
a very very very significant influence on BRITISH COMMON LAW. We ---in the USA inherited BRITISH COMMON LAW virtually WHOLE

When I was in the third and fourth grades, over 70 years ago, our teachers began our day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's prayer. Let them try that brainwashing technique today!!

right------I am almost as old as are you. I remember it in my early years and did not feel brainwashed by it-------I knew the words---understood their meaning ----and
wrote at the weeks spelling words FIVE TIMES EACH.. The ENTIRE ritual meant nothing to me
what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

Before you label me a Jew Hater, or anti-Semite, I am a Judeo-Christian, who takes the Bible literally. Understanding the culpability of the Jews in the matter, is merely a matter of fact. Rome too. Although the spokesman and representative of the Roman Empire declared Jesus innocent, and found no fault in Him, he was an accessory.

But here is what I know. Had neither done it, Christ would have nailed himself to that cross. That cross was the mission. When He said it, It is finished." he was referring to taking the punishment for our sins onto His shoulders, so nothing could separate us from our Father again. There is no blame to be placed. It was a gift, from our brother.

GOYESHE KOP (ignorant goyim "thinking")

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things. Besides glossing over the very real and important theological and liturgical differences, it tends to subsume Jewish traditions within an umbrella that is dominated by Christian ideas and practices

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”

there is JUDEO CHRISTIAN ethics and law. Biblical law as in the OT----had
a very very very significant influence on BRITISH COMMON LAW. We ---in the USA inherited BRITISH COMMON LAW virtually WHOLE

When I was in the third and fourth grades, over 70 years ago, our teachers began our day with the pledge of allegiance and the Lord's prayer. Let them try that brainwashing technique today!!

right------I am almost as old as are you. I remember it in my early years and did not feel brainwashed by it-------I knew the words---understood their meaning ----and
wrote at the weeks spelling words FIVE TIMES EACH.. The ENTIRE ritual meant nothing to me

Why would I give a damn?

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