How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome

Pimp of Rome, yes some were in it for the power and money, but many were not, kind of like the PM's of Israel have been all atheist, save one. The RCC taught nothing out of line, the same as other Christians, except we have a Mass instead of listening to an hour lecture.
I disagree. What you seem to say in this post is that the RCC assumes no responsibility for being anti-semitic even though this post smacks of it.

I'm sorry the NT said it was the elite Jews who brought Jesus to Pilate. The rest of the jews had a choice Barabbas or Jesus. They picked to free Barabbas. I do not take the bible literal, but Jews themselves create their own anti Semitism, they have been kicked out of every country, and even today, the PM is accusing every nation of anti Semitism. If you say one thing neg about a Jew , its anti Semitism. A Politician or Journalist had best watch what they say, if they do not stand behind Israel they are accused of anti Semitism. They use it like no end. Jews think they are the chosen ones, that in itself creates anti Semitism, and since there are few real jews today, ones that actually do practice Judaism, most of the fake jews are anti Semites themselves.

Jew is not a race, the only true jews are those from the tribe of Judah, who practice Judaism, and those are hard to come by, like a needle in a haystack.
the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome

Pimp of Rome, yes some were in it for the power and money, but many were not, kind of like the PM's of Israel have been all atheist, save one. The RCC taught nothing out of line, the same as other Christians, except we have a Mass instead of listening to an hour lecture.
I disagree. What you seem to say in this post is that the RCC assumes no responsibility for being anti-semitic even though this post smacks of it.

I'm sorry the NT said it was the elite Jews who brought Jesus to Pilate. The rest of the jews had a choice Barabbas or Jesus. They picked to free Barabbas. I do not take the bible literal, but Jews themselves create their own anti Semitism, they have been kicked out of every country, and even today, the PM is accusing every nation of anti Semitism. If you say one thing neg about a Jew , its anti Semitism. A Politician or Journalist had best watch what they say, if they do not stand behind Israel they are accused of anti Semitism. They use it like no end. Jews think they are the chosen ones, that in itself creates anti Semitism, and since there are few real jews today, ones that actually do practice Judaism, most of the fake jews are anti Semites themselves.

Jew is not a race, the only true jews are those from the tribe of Judah, who practice Judaism, and those are hard to come by, like a needle in a haystack.
Jews don't create or perpetrate anti-semitism. Non-Jews do that. I appreciate your post and may have written it myself 30 years ago. It is VERY hard work to overcome ignorance because ignorance is literally NOT KNOWING. How can ignorance be cleared away if you don't know you have it.

Penelope what you don't realize is how influenced you are in your understanding of Jews by the RCC upbringing. I know it and can see it because I have it myself. I continually find the sneaky little ways attitudes show up even after CONSCIOUSLY working to eliminate my own anti-semitis,

It is not the job of a Jew to "educate" a non-Jew as to why the non-Jew may be anti-semitic. It is our job as those raised to believe a certain way to change ourselves.

I'm sorry the NT said it was the elite Jews who brought Jesus to Pilate. The rest of the jews had a choice Barabbas or Jesus. They picked to free Barabbas. I do not take the bible literal, but Jews themselves create their own anti Semitism, they have been kicked out of every country, and even today, the PM is accusing every nation of anti Semitism. If you say one thing neg about a Jew , its anti Semitism. A Politician or Journalist had best watch what they say, if they do not stand behind Israel they are accused of anti Semitism. They use it like no end. Jews think they are the chosen ones, that in itself creates anti Semitism, and since there are few real jews today, ones that actually do practice Judaism, most of the fake jews are anti Semites themselves


rosie. >>> I never read anything about elite jews in the NT Historically
the most despised jew of that time was CAIAPHAS the person that the
ROMANS had installed against the will of the people as "high priest"
[ Caiaphas IS mentioned in the NT-----if jews at that time ESPECIALLY the
Pharisees would have been happy to execute any other jew it would have been
CAIAPHAS-----not Jesus. In fact of all the obvious defects in the NT-----the
thing about CAIAPHAS is the most blatant. He is represented to innocent
young catholics ----or was------as VOICE OF THE JEWS -----be honest----didn't
you imagine that CAIAPHAS was a PHARISEE?. Nope----he was a roman
shill Sadducee--------Romans did not crucify roman shills------they CRUCIFIED
PHARISEES----by the thousands------and continued to murder Pharisees -----
into the 20th century as THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE------1st, 2nd and 3rd

How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It
"What must I do to be saved?" you ask. Here is God's answer given in Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Many are deceived, yet they should not be. It is not hard to be saved if one sincerely wishes to come God's way. To do the will of the Father means simply to trust Jesus Christ His Son who died to save you. He paid for all your sins. God is satisfied with the price Jesus paid, and offers free pardon to all who depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. All through the Bible that blessed truth is given. Claim these blessed promises today:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." - John 5:24.

And apparently there is no in between:

Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.
How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It
"What must I do to be saved?" you ask. Here is God's answer given in Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Many are deceived, yet they should not be. It is not hard to be saved if one sincerely wishes to come God's way. To do the will of the Father means simply to trust Jesus Christ His Son who died to save you. He paid for all your sins. God is satisfied with the price Jesus paid, and offers free pardon to all who depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. All through the Bible that blessed truth is given. Claim these blessed promises today:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." - John 5:24.

And apparently there is no in between:

Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone

Unless they are repentant. If one is repentant, one is forgiven.
There is only one thing God will not forgive, and that was regarding the Pharisees. They blasphemed the Holy Spirit. They knew Jesus had extraordinary powers. That, they could not deny, so they accredited Christ's ability and power with Satan, instead of God's Spirit. Lying, Murdering, and the others are forgivable offenses by a Loving Father if you ask for forgiveness. Disbelief prevents you from asking.
the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.

I am IN CONTEXT-----keeping up with the catholic school girl, slut Penelope. I learned that I am a jew when my family-----(parents and five kids) moved into a little town that had been "RESTRICTED" until it became very PROFITABLE to sell
little houses to veterans with VA mortgages------I was just five years old----the little
girls who all wore plaid jumpers told me that I killed some person named Jesus-----
the plaid jumper was the uniform of the local catholic school-------the little girls were
about my age------I did not know them but they seemed to "KNOW" what I am based on the excellence of their "EDUCATIONS" and no doubt that which they,
like Penelope LEARNED AT HOME. The catechism sluts start them off young and the parents probably attended the same school
I'm sorry to hear you were hurt like that as a little girl. It sounds very traumatic. I was raised a Catholic, so I know what you're saying is true. I was saddled with anti-semitism that was taught to me at a young age.

Teaching children to hate is a forum of child abuse.

Bigotry and prejudice can be overcome, but it's a painful process of having to admit uncomfortable things that happened early on.

Never was I taught that the Jews killed Jesus, so that does not wash. In my day, they said not to read the bible, not necessary , the church will teach you everything you need to know. I was raised with the Baltimore Catechism.

Being a RC has not a thing to do with anything, I hate how Israel treats the people they have stolen the land from, I hate that they continue to speak how God gave them the land, even thought they are atheist. I hate that they think that Jew is a race, which it is not. I hate that they call everyone and their brother an anti Semite for looking crossways at them. I hate that we send 3.4 billion a year to them, as they are installing illegal settlements.

Has not a thing to do with any religion. Nothing to do with the RCC.
Your hate has nothing to do with religion, is that what you're saying Penelope?
The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.

I am IN CONTEXT-----keeping up with the catholic school girl, slut Penelope. I learned that I am a jew when my family-----(parents and five kids) moved into a little town that had been "RESTRICTED" until it became very PROFITABLE to sell
little houses to veterans with VA mortgages------I was just five years old----the little
girls who all wore plaid jumpers told me that I killed some person named Jesus-----
the plaid jumper was the uniform of the local catholic school-------the little girls were
about my age------I did not know them but they seemed to "KNOW" what I am based on the excellence of their "EDUCATIONS" and no doubt that which they,
like Penelope LEARNED AT HOME. The catechism sluts start them off young and the parents probably attended the same school
I'm sorry to hear you were hurt like that as a little girl. It sounds very traumatic. I was raised a Catholic, so I know what you're saying is true. I was saddled with anti-semitism that was taught to me at a young age.

Teaching children to hate is a forum of child abuse.

Bigotry and prejudice can be overcome, but it's a painful process of having to admit uncomfortable things that happened early on.

Never was I taught that the Jews killed Jesus, so that does not wash. In my day, they said not to read the bible, not necessary , the church will teach you everything you need to know. I was raised with the Baltimore Catechism.

Being a RC has not a thing to do with anything, I hate how Israel treats the people they have stolen the land from, I hate that they continue to speak how God gave them the land, even thought they are atheist. I hate that they think that Jew is a race, which it is not. I hate that they call everyone and their brother an anti Semite for looking crossways at them. I hate that we send 3.4 billion a year to them, as they are installing illegal settlements.

Has not a thing to do with any religion. Nothing to do with the RCC.

you were a Nazi slut at birth, penny dear born in Maryland-----Maryland started out as an INQUISITION LAND-----being jewish in that catholic shit hole ---in the seventeenth century was a CAPITAL CRIME. The catholic hero ADOLF would have LOVED MARYLAND
Jake----you do understand that the EXECUTION of Jesus involves a jew executed in Judea about 2000 years ago. Ram has posted ---sorta---- the he thinks the "thieves" were executed for a violation of the ten commandments (in this case --do not steal) The HISTORIC FACT is that jewish law does not prescribe the death
penalty for stealing--------nor does roman law----usually. Roman law at that time and place prescribed CRUCIFIXION FOR SEDITION AGAINST ROME---by non romans. If you want to conclude that some guys (I seem to remember that there
was more than one other person being crucified specifically described as "thieves")
-----there is a question-----WHAT HAD THE THIEVES DONE to make THEM believe
that they DESERVED to be crucified. They were not being crucified for violating a
JEWISH LAW ------so according to their religion----they actually did not DESERVE
to be crucified--------so what had they DONE? (ps I am a jew) For stealing---at
that time----Jewish law prescribed mostly COMPENSATION IN MULTIPLES----sorta
like a TORT suit today

Actually Irish Ram is a she, not a he. I did not sorta suggest the thief was executed for breaking the Ten Commandments. He was a thief, who had also broken the 10 commandments.
The Jews broke their own laws to make sure Jesus was killed. They murdered Stephen for blasphemy, with no help from Rome.

what laws did DA JOOOOS break to murder jesus? actually the story of Stephen DISPROVES the silly sophist bullshit claimed by the catholic church that DA JOOOOS did not know how to kill otherwise they would have killed jesus.
The romans did not crucify people for being thieves in Judea------they crucified
people for SEDITION AGAINST ROME----you really should bone up on reality----
thousands of PHARISEES ----just being a Pharisee was SEDITION AGAINST

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I am referring to ENVIRONMENT ----keep in mind-----the personality is NATURE AND NURTURE------catholic Maryland is kinds KNOWN for its RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM
thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.

I am IN CONTEXT-----keeping up with the catholic school girl, slut Penelope. I learned that I am a jew when my family-----(parents and five kids) moved into a little town that had been "RESTRICTED" until it became very PROFITABLE to sell
little houses to veterans with VA mortgages------I was just five years old----the little
girls who all wore plaid jumpers told me that I killed some person named Jesus-----
the plaid jumper was the uniform of the local catholic school-------the little girls were
about my age------I did not know them but they seemed to "KNOW" what I am based on the excellence of their "EDUCATIONS" and no doubt that which they,
like Penelope LEARNED AT HOME. The catechism sluts start them off young and the parents probably attended the same school
I'm sorry to hear you were hurt like that as a little girl. It sounds very traumatic. I was raised a Catholic, so I know what you're saying is true. I was saddled with anti-semitism that was taught to me at a young age.

Teaching children to hate is a forum of child abuse.

Bigotry and prejudice can be overcome, but it's a painful process of having to admit uncomfortable things that happened early on.

Never was I taught that the Jews killed Jesus, so that does not wash. In my day, they said not to read the bible, not necessary , the church will teach you everything you need to know. I was raised with the Baltimore Catechism.

Being a RC has not a thing to do with anything, I hate how Israel treats the people they have stolen the land from, I hate that they continue to speak how God gave them the land, even thought they are atheist. I hate that they think that Jew is a race, which it is not. I hate that they call everyone and their brother an anti Semite for looking crossways at them. I hate that we send 3.4 billion a year to them, as they are installing illegal settlements.

Has not a thing to do with any religion. Nothing to do with the RCC.

you were a Nazi slut at birth, penny dear born in Maryland-----Maryland started out as an INQUISITION LAND-----being jewish in that catholic shit hole ---in the seventeenth century was a CAPITAL CRIME. The catholic hero ADOLF would have LOVED MARYLAND

I'm from Mi, far away from Maryland. Leave Adolf out of this, WWII over 65 mil lost their lifes, many innocent.
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.

I am IN CONTEXT-----keeping up with the catholic school girl, slut Penelope. I learned that I am a jew when my family-----(parents and five kids) moved into a little town that had been "RESTRICTED" until it became very PROFITABLE to sell
little houses to veterans with VA mortgages------I was just five years old----the little
girls who all wore plaid jumpers told me that I killed some person named Jesus-----
the plaid jumper was the uniform of the local catholic school-------the little girls were
about my age------I did not know them but they seemed to "KNOW" what I am based on the excellence of their "EDUCATIONS" and no doubt that which they,
like Penelope LEARNED AT HOME. The catechism sluts start them off young and the parents probably attended the same school
I'm sorry to hear you were hurt like that as a little girl. It sounds very traumatic. I was raised a Catholic, so I know what you're saying is true. I was saddled with anti-semitism that was taught to me at a young age.

Teaching children to hate is a forum of child abuse.

Bigotry and prejudice can be overcome, but it's a painful process of having to admit uncomfortable things that happened early on.

Never was I taught that the Jews killed Jesus, so that does not wash. In my day, they said not to read the bible, not necessary , the church will teach you everything you need to know. I was raised with the Baltimore Catechism.

Being a RC has not a thing to do with anything, I hate how Israel treats the people they have stolen the land from, I hate that they continue to speak how God gave them the land, even thought they are atheist. I hate that they think that Jew is a race, which it is not. I hate that they call everyone and their brother an anti Semite for looking crossways at them. I hate that we send 3.4 billion a year to them, as they are installing illegal settlements.

Has not a thing to do with any religion. Nothing to do with the RCC.

you were a Nazi slut at birth, penny dear born in Maryland-----Maryland started out as an INQUISITION LAND-----being jewish in that catholic shit hole ---in the seventeenth century was a CAPITAL CRIME. The catholic hero ADOLF would have LOVED MARYLAND

I'm from Mi, far away from Maryland. Leave Adolf out of this, WWII over 65 mil lost their lifes, many innocent.

virtually all were innocent------that is what happens in the wars created by Nazi dogs like you. The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE PIGS killed hundreds of millions over the past 2000 years-----MOSTLY IN THE NAME OF "Christ"------ In fact the murder of MONTEZUMA was CATHOLIC CHURCH INSPIRED

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I'm was not born to anything. Change is always possible, let it start with Israel,

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I am referring to ENVIRONMENT ----keep in mind-----the personality is NATURE AND NURTURE------catholic Maryland is kinds KNOWN for its RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM

I'll tell you what if we go to war with Iran because of your PM , and your neocons in our government, and our own Zionist who aim to please you neocon jews I hope all us enlistees refuse to fight.

You want Iran , take them yourself, leave the US out of it. You and SA take them out.
Last edited:

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I'm was not born to anything. Change is always possible, let it start with Israel,

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I am referring to ENVIRONMENT ----keep in mind-----the personality is NATURE AND NURTURE------catholic Maryland is kinds KNOWN for its RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM

I'll tell you what if we go to war with Iran because of your PM , and your neocons in our government, and our own Zionist who aim to please you neocon jews I hope all us enlistees refuse to fight.

You want Iran , take them yourself, leave the US out of it. You and SA take them out. Enough is enough.

I hope all of your adolf ass kissers drop dead. Your post is just about LIFTED
from the Nazi propaganda that littered my town ----left over from the 1930s. Very popular with the catholics-------the adulator of NAZI PIG FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN --------murderer of millions FOR CHRIST and good friend of PIMP PIUS

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.

I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I'm was not born to anything. Change is always possible, let it start with Israel,
I begun watching this when 40, before that just thought Israel was a holy place. No indoctrination by the RCC, I do not want anyone to think the RCC was anyway involved with my feelings.

anyone born in Catholic Mary land is BORN to antisemitism------that state----at its colonial inception considerrf being a jew a CAPITAL CRIME BY LAW----consistent with the teachings of the CATHOLIC CHURCH-------MARY-LAND
Just because one may or may not be "born to it" change is possible.

I am referring to ENVIRONMENT ----keep in mind-----the personality is NATURE AND NURTURE------catholic Maryland is kinds KNOWN for its RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM

I'll tell you what if we go to war with Iran because of your PM , and your neocons in our government, and our own Zionist who aim to please you neocon jews I hope all us enlistees refuse to fight.

You want Iran , take them yourself, leave the US out of it. You and SA take them out. Enough is enough.

I hope all of your adolf ass kissers drop dead. Your post is just about LIFTED
from the Nazi propaganda that littered my town ----left over from the 1930s. Very popular with the catholics-------the adulators of NAZI PIG FATHER CHARLES COUGLIN --------murderer of millions FOR CHRIST and good friend of PIMP PIUS
Stop calling everyone nazi's while referring to the Pope as "pimps". You are sounding like a lunatic.

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