How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.
The Romans put Jesus to death, not the Jews.

Yes they did literally and physically, but the elite Jews wanted them to do it. They brought him to Pilate.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.
The Romans put Jesus to death, not the Jews.

Yes they did literally and physically, but the elite Jews wanted them to do it. They brought him to Pilate.
Think about something first. If all this was prophesized, then even Judas "helped" fulfill the prophecy. He played his role. The point that some make, ( and rightly so, IMO), is that the RCC teachings turned out anti-semites with this bit of Jewish involvement.

Christ was not a victim.
Early Jews who became the first Christians believed in Christ as King for a couple of reasons. He said he was a King--but not of this world.

When Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this world or did not belong to this word he continued to say, "If it did my followers would be fighting to save me from arrest." ( instead of running away and hiding like cowards).

What is the implication ?

That the kingdom of heaven is in some other-worldly dimension or that the awareness of the reality that the kingdom of Heaven has always been governing human affairs wasn't established at that time on earth because the people were not worthy?
Last edited:
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome

Pimp of Rome, yes some were in it for the power and money, but many were not, kind of like the PM's of Israel have been all atheist, save one. The RCC taught nothing out of line, the same as other Christians, except we have a Mass instead of listening to an hour lecture.
Yeshu isn't the messiah because:

Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

The word "Messiah" is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "anointed." It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3) It doesn't mean a supernatural being or man god which is pagan in its beleifs

Early Jews who became the first Christians believed in Christ as King for a couple of reasons. He said he was a King--but not of this world. Then there were the Jewish prophecies.

First, a great king was to follow David--and none had. Second, with the building of Herod's Temple, it was IN THOSE DAYS believed this was the third Temple that had been prophesied. This is why those claiming to be the Messiah was at fever pitch at the time of Christ. The third Temple was present, the fulfillment of the prophecy must be at hand. (It wasn't until after Herod's Temple had been destroyed that Jews decided this Temple had merely been a renovation of the Second Temple, because Temple sacrifice had not ceased during the construction.)

With Christ, a spiritual king ruling always over our spiritual life, another Jewish sect was born. Those who believed the prophecies were about a spiritual king, not a political one. It was noted that Jesus life was an overlay of Jewish history. To know the history of one was to know the history of the other. The third Temple (Herod's), built just before Jesus' lifetime had been destroyed within decades after his death.

To assure people of God and their faith, Jewish leaders had to to show why Herod's Temple could be counted as the Second Temple. (i.e., because Temple sacrifice had never ceased while this Temple was being built.) If Herod's Temple could be counted as only the second temple, the political king could still arrive. However, the prophecy of a world/political king has now gone over twenty-six hundred years--well over ten thousand generations--without being fulfilled. Why is this? How long will thing Kingdom survive?

After all this time, Guno, why not explain why people today should still believe in the validity of a Jewish worldly king rather than thinking it is a false prophecy, or that the prophecy had been about a spiritual king all along and that it had been fulfilled in Jesus? I am sure a great many of us would be very interested in the truth you could tell us about your own faith rather than hear once again the lies we have heard and refuted for decades you keep reiterating about our faith. The lies you present and re-present are so old not only are they cliche, they are so boring. At the very least, you might entertain us with a new lie! But as I said, better yet, why not present the truths about your own faith. That would be truly interesting to those of faith.

your post is a bit of a jumble Meri----and is not at all consistent with the prophecies of the OT--------what THIRD TEMPLE? You have a right to YOUR beliefs----it is very unfortunate that so meny of you FEEL compelled to spit on the beliefs of those who do not buy into yours. Your comments on the VALIDITY OF A JEWISH KING
are mysterious. Who invented "lies" about your "faith" that you find offensive?
Ie---what is the "lie"
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome

Pimp of Rome, yes some were in it for the power and money, but many were not, kind of like the PM's of Israel have been all atheist, save one. The RCC taught nothing out of line, the same as other Christians, except we have a Mass instead of listening to an hour lecture.
I disagree. What you seem to say in this post is that the RCC assumes no responsibility for being anti-semitic even though this post smacks of it.
I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.
The Romans put Jesus to death, not the Jews.

Yes they did literally and physically, but the elite Jews wanted them to do it. They brought him to Pilate.
Think about something first. If all this was prophesized, then even Judas "helped" fulfill the prophecy. He played his role. The point that some make, ( and rightly so, IMO), is that the RCC teachings turned out anti-semites with this bit of Jewish involvement.

Christ was not a victim.

Jews brought on their own anti Semitism, and to this day, they play the card.

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

These Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)
Without more reflection, you're not aware of how the RCC perpetuates anti-semiticism.

You seem hostile toward Jews and Judaism. It takes a lot of work to challenge erroneous indoctrination.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome

Pimp of Rome, yes some were in it for the power and money, but many were not, kind of like the PM's of Israel have been all atheist, save one. The RCC taught nothing out of line, the same as other Christians, except we have a Mass instead of listening to an hour lecture.

wrong again----the MASS ceremony is a recapitulation of incidents that are described in the NT which came to be called "the last supper" in Mathew,
Mark and Luke. the only PIMPS and catechism whores not IN IT, entirely
for money ----are IN IT ---for perverse sex
I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome

Pimp of Rome, yes some were in it for the power and money, but many were not, kind of like the PM's of Israel have been all atheist, save one. The RCC taught nothing out of line, the same as other Christians, except we have a Mass instead of listening to an hour lecture.

wrong again----the MASS ceremony is a recapitulation of incidents that are described in the NT which came to be called "the last supper" in Mathew,
Mark and Luke. the only PIMPS and catechism whores not IN IT, entirely
for money ----are IN IT ---for perverse sex
That's a terrible thing to say.
your post is a bit of a jumble Meri----and is not at all consistent with the prophecies of the OT--------what THIRD TEMPLE? You have a right to YOUR beliefs----it is very unfortunate that so meny of you FEEL compelled to spit on the beliefs of those who do not buy into yours. Your comments on the VALIDITY OF A JEWISH KING
are mysterious. Who invented "lies" about your "faith" that you find offensive?
Ie---what is the "lie"

First, I do not spit on anyone's beliefs/holy ground. I do try to learn and understand various faiths and what they teach. It was a Jew that first got me interested in Third Temple prophecies, and my research went from there. Even Wiki talks about what Orthodox Jews believe about the Third Temple.

As far as the lies Guno keeps presenting on Christianity, the Jews were NOT the originators of such lies. When I first came across them at a very young age, what confused me the most (being an avid reader of mythology) was how these people were as wrong about their mythology presentations as they were about Christian beliefs. When a child can point out errors in the mythology examples, it doesn't take actual scholars any time at all to refute the errors on a scholarly level.

In any case, why follow and discuss lies when studying and discussing truth and faith (even when we disagree on certain points, dogma, and doctrine) is so much more enlightening and fun?
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.

I am IN CONTEXT-----keeping up with the catholic school girl, slut Penelope. I learned that I am a jew when my family-----(parents and five kids) moved into a little town that had been "RESTRICTED" until it became very PROFITABLE to sell
little houses to veterans with VA mortgages------I was just five years old----the little
girls who all wore plaid jumpers told me that I killed some person named Jesus-----
the plaid jumper was the uniform of the local catholic school-------the little girls were
about my age------I did not know them but they seemed to "KNOW" what I am based on the excellence of their "EDUCATIONS" and no doubt that which they,
like Penelope LEARNED AT HOME. The catechism sluts start them off young and the parents probably attended the same school
your post is a bit of a jumble Meri----and is not at all consistent with the prophecies of the OT--------what THIRD TEMPLE? You have a right to YOUR beliefs----it is very unfortunate that so meny of you FEEL compelled to spit on the beliefs of those who do not buy into yours. Your comments on the VALIDITY OF A JEWISH KING
are mysterious. Who invented "lies" about your "faith" that you find offensive?
Ie---what is the "lie"

First, I do not spit on anyone's beliefs/holy ground. I do try to learn and understand various faiths and what they teach. It was a Jew that first got me interested in Third Temple prophecies, and my research went from there. Even Wiki talks about what Orthodox Jews believe about the Third Temple.

As far as the lies Guno keeps presenting on Christianity, the Jews were NOT the originators of such lies. When I first came across them at a very young age, what confused me the most (being an avid reader of mythology) was how these people were as wrong about their mythology presentations as they were about Christian beliefs. When a child can point out errors in the mythology examples, it doesn't take actual scholars any time at all to refute the errors on a scholarly level.

In any case, why follow and discuss lies when studying and discussing truth and faith (even when we disagree on certain points, dogma, and doctrine) is so much more enlightening and fun?

I see no connection between third temple beliefs and anything stated by either Guno or your------as to BELIEF IN A JEWISH KING-------you got that a bit off------the
OT prophecies do not envision the Messiah quite the same as a "KING" You seem to be somehow fixed on TEMPLE SACRIFICES
I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
It's pretty offensive to call the Pope a pimp, especially the current Pope. I do agree with your point that RCC cathecism taught kids a falsity.

I am IN CONTEXT-----keeping up with the catholic school girl, slut Penelope. I learned that I am a jew when my family-----(parents and five kids) moved into a little town that had been "RESTRICTED" until it became very PROFITABLE to sell
little houses to veterans with VA mortgages------I was just five years old----the little
girls who all wore plaid jumpers told me that I killed some person named Jesus-----
the plaid jumper was the uniform of the local catholic school-------the little girls were
about my age------I did not know them but they seemed to "KNOW" what I am based on the excellence of their "EDUCATIONS" and no doubt that which they,
like Penelope LEARNED AT HOME. The catechism sluts start them off young and the parents probably attended the same school
I'm sorry to hear you were hurt like that as a little girl. It sounds very traumatic. I was raised a Catholic, so I know what you're saying is true. I was saddled with anti-semitism that was taught to me at a young age.

Teaching children to hate is a forum of child abuse.

Bigotry and prejudice can be overcome, but it's a painful process of having to admit uncomfortable things that happened early on.
your post is a bit of a jumble Meri----and is not at all consistent with the prophecies of the OT--------what THIRD TEMPLE? You have a right to YOUR beliefs----it is very unfortunate that so meny of you FEEL compelled to spit on the beliefs of those who do not buy into yours. Your comments on the VALIDITY OF A JEWISH KING
are mysterious. Who invented "lies" about your "faith" that you find offensive?
Ie---what is the "lie"

First, I do not spit on anyone's beliefs/holy ground. I do try to learn and understand various faiths and what they teach. It was a Jew that first got me interested in Third Temple prophecies, and my research went from there. Even Wiki talks about what Orthodox Jews believe about the Third Temple.

As far as the lies Guno keeps presenting on Christianity, the Jews were NOT the originators of such lies. When I first came across them at a very young age, what confused me the most (being an avid reader of mythology) was how these people were as wrong about their mythology presentations as they were about Christian beliefs. When a child can point out errors in the mythology examples, it doesn't take actual scholars any time at all to refute the errors on a scholarly level.

In any case, why follow and discuss lies when studying and discussing truth and faith (even when we disagree on certain points, dogma, and doctrine) is so much more enlightening and fun?

if you wish to discuss and bring up issues of LIES-----you should be able to state
just to what LIES you refer?. What does mythology have to do with the issue?
I read mythology as a child too. ----"point" "dogma" "doctrine" ??? go right ahead-----but please STATE the points
I see no connection between third temple beliefs and anything stated by either Guno or your------as to BELIEF IN A JEWISH KING-------you got that a bit off------the
OT prophecies do not envision the Messiah quite the same as a "KING" You seem to be somehow fixed on TEMPLE SACRIFICES

In earlier times, yes, the term "king" was often used. It still gets the point across. If you mean that he is more than a king, or that 'king' (modern usage) no longer adequately defines the Messiah, that's fine. I doubt I remember all the Messiah is supposed to be or do, but here is what I have off the top of my head (changing the word 'king' to more modern language.

1. He will be a great political leader (some say king)
2. He will be charismatic, inspiring others to follow his example.
3. He will be a military leader and will win battles for Israel.
4. He will be well-versed in Jewish Law
5. He will observe the Commandments
6. He will be a great judge, giving just decisions
7. He will be a human being

(Sorry, tried to come up with ten, but others can jog my memory.) What is often emphasized (my opinion) more than the others is that he will be a human being.

No, I am not fixed on Temple Sacrifices. What gave you that idea? There are many places in Hebrew Scriptures that point out that God desires mercy, not sacrifice. That does not mean everyone should close their eyes to any blood sacrifice that took place at the Temple. Nor should those sacrifices eclipse other Temple activities such as prayer, worship, teaching....
if you wish to discuss and bring up issues of LIES-----you should be able to state
just to what LIES you refer?. What does mythology have to do with the issue?
I read mythology as a child too. ----"point" "dogma" "doctrine" ??? go right ahead-----but please STATE the points

When Guno has brought them up, I respond. They are on record, what he has said, and what I have said in response. I'd like to move on past that, not rehash it yet again.
ok you missed a bit-------the KING thing is way off------the king in the 'days after'===
ie in the era of the third temple ----is without power------just a ceremonial figure head-----

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