How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..

crucifixion was not only a punishment that did not originate with jews-----it was
SPECIFICALLY AND IN DETAIL PROHIBITED. Historians attribute it to the
Persians and it was very popular with the greeks ----the romans aped the greeks
in all kinds of things----including crucifixtion. As to JOSEPHUS------good book---
he details the fact that ONLY the romans employed crucifixion in first century Israel-----including both before and after the roman sack of Jerusalem. Jews never used
it. He writes extensively on the Pharisees--------GOOD BOOK FOR REAL HISTORY. I came on a copy long ago-------the forward included a note by
a Christian theologian who lauded Josephus WITH ONE EXCEPTION-----He thought that Josephus had misrepresented the EVIL PHARISEES as if they were
good people. Another victim of his childhood sunday school teacher

Even though the Gospel accounts include stories of righteous Pharisees, it is true later on in Christianity, Pharisees came to be painted with the proverbial broad brush. Gospel accounts do verify that there were good Pharisees.

Where the Gospels and Jews agree is that the family of Annas and Caiaphas were not particularly righteous or well-liked. At the time they were high priests, they were dealing with Jesus and his message that sins are forgiven (hence no need for Temple sacrifice), and if nothing else, they were protective of the purpose and the power of the Temple. Seeing Jesus as a threat to the high priesthood and the Temple, they naturally wanted to see him eliminated. Annas and Caiaphas had the motive. Other Pharisees did not, and are shown to have taken a great interest in Jesus and what he had to say.

A piece of history that is not in the Gospels is the falling out between Tiberius Caesar and Sejanus, who was instrumental in appointing Pilate as Prefect. A better reason for seeing Pilate's hemming and hawing over the crucifixion of Jesus is Pilate's own self-interest. If he had Jesus crucified, and it caused a riot, Rome would blame Pilate for the trouble and depose him. However, if Annas and Caiaphas showed that Jesus had declared himself king, and Pilate had done nothing about it, Pilate could then be accused of having more loyalty to Sejanus than Tiberius, who by then was showing he, not Sejanus, would come out on top. Doing nothing when an accusation/threat of being called "No friend of Caesar" would have been political suicide at that time.

Jesus may have been little more than a pawn (let's say bishop ;) ) in a political chess game of power playing out on the world stage. Anyway it's looked at, Pilate was the one in a precarious position.
PS Eagle----where do you see INTIMIDATION? I read the parable of the adultress the way it was MEANT TO BE------a parable and not history. At the time
of Jesus' LIFE------no one could be executed in jewish law by a LOCAL court-----the
case had to go to Jerusalem------that was the LAW

I was talking about the below comment, as well as telling Pismoe he was wrong, and Jillian to keep up...:blues:

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?


that was not INTIMIDATION----that was an entirely logical spoof of penny's vision of Jesus FORCING THE STONES out of the hands of scores of people eager to stone
someone. SINGLE HANDEDLY------sheeesh ----not my image of Jesus-----I colored pictures of a gentle guy holding a lamb----in sunday school

John 8:1-11

4 “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery.5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger.7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said,“All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.

There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


Sorry, I am not compelled by nonsense. I reject what you cling to out of fear of dying. I don't live in fear. If you do that is your choice. I have better things to do with what time I have here on this earth.
very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

So you have not read the NT?

I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


Sorry, I am not compelled by nonsense. I reject what you cling to out of fear of dying. I don't live in fear. If you do that is your choice. I have better things to do with what time I have here on this earth.

Interesting that you take the time to respond here in the religion section, it means that you read it..maybe watch some of those videos....but no I am not afraid of dying..I have actually had cancer x 2 with cancer in my lymph nodes.

How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It
"What must I do to be saved?" you ask. Here is God's answer given in Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Many are deceived, yet they should not be. It is not hard to be saved if one sincerely wishes to come God's way. To do the will of the Father means simply to trust Jesus Christ His Son who died to save you. He paid for all your sins. God is satisfied with the price Jesus paid, and offers free pardon to all who depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. All through the Bible that blessed truth is given. Claim these blessed promises today:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." - John 5:24.

By continually predicting the end of the world and failing? As you have?
PS Eagle----where do you see INTIMIDATION? I read the parable of the adultress the way it was MEANT TO BE------a parable and not history. At the time
of Jesus' LIFE------no one could be executed in jewish law by a LOCAL court-----the
case had to go to Jerusalem------that was the LAW

I was talking about the below comment, as well as telling Pismoe he was wrong, and Jillian to keep up...:blues:

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?


that was not INTIMIDATION----that was an entirely logical spoof of penny's vision of Jesus FORCING THE STONES out of the hands of scores of people eager to stone
someone. SINGLE HANDEDLY------sheeesh ----not my image of Jesus-----I colored pictures of a gentle guy holding a lamb----in sunday school

John 8:1-11

4 “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery.5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger.7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said,“All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.


the story is a parable-------and very PHARISEE at that. The law of moses as interpreted by PHARISEES does not support stoning women caught in adultery.
In fact------the first question a Pharisee would have asked is "WHERE IS THE ADULTERER" that means the man who did it and then "where are the people who did the "catching"? Your sunday school teacher was right about the PHARISEES being LEGALISTIC------nothing happened without a REALLY REALLY STICK TO THE RULES TRIAL-----witnesses and all----so strict that it was all but
IMPOSSIBLE to convict anyone of a capital crime
Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

So you have not read the NT?

I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

Yuck, keep your banana curl men.
you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

You are actually very rude, hi-jacking a thread with your comments that do not belong here, and I am done...See Ya!

There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


I had an encounter with LIGHT-----I was four years old------lying on a table----with a strong light overhead. The doctor put something on my face and the light WAY UP THERE ----floated down into my brain. I felt very nauseated as it happened--- then I woke up without my tonsils. I actually remember my MYSTICAL encounter with LIGHT-------aged 4 -------ETHER
you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

You are actually very rude, hi-jacking a thread with your comments that do not belong here, and I am done...See Ya!


I am not at all surprised that you endorse the filth expressed by your fellow Nazi whore----PENELOPE-----in her idiot and IMAGINATIVE interpretations-----and consider my aping of HER STYLE "rude". You do not like real history------I mean the old time stuff well documented that took place in RECENT history------2000 years ago
you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

So you have not read the NT?

I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

Yuck, keep your banana curl men.

is that the best you can do-----Nazi slut? Jesus had curls-----same style----
it is a long standing custom to keep the "CORNERS OF THE BEARD" ie---the sideburns in American speak---- uncut---------because doing so was in opposition to the conceits of the BABYLONIAN PIMPS AND THE ROMAN PIMPS. Do you actually believe that JESUS looked like a blue eyed scandanavian? I know you well-----I grew up with kids who got insulted if anyone mentioned that Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast
So you have not read the NT?

I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

Yuck, keep your banana curl men.

is that the best you can do-----Nazi slut? Jesus had curls-----same style----
it is a long standing custom to keep the "CORNERS OF THE BEARD" ie---the sideburns in American speak---- uncut---------because doing so was in opposition to the conceits of the BABYLONIAN PIMPS AND THE ROMAN PIMPS. Do you actually believe that JESUS looked like a blue eyed scandanavian? I know you well-----I grew up with kids who got insulted if anyone mentioned that Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast

Jesus was a hunk and gets better looking every year. Ever see pictures of him. He did not have curls, they most likely started that in Ukraine and Russia, where their clothes are from.

Actually he was most likely a dark skinned , short man , with dark hair. Who knows its the words and story which is important.
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


Sorry, I am not compelled by nonsense. I reject what you cling to out of fear of dying. I don't live in fear. If you do that is your choice. I have better things to do with what time I have here on this earth.

Why is it that you insist fear motivates faith? Especially when faith has never prevented death. I have weighed the evidence and believe. I sought and found. And it doesn't prevent me from doing things with what time I have here. I just do them with joy is all.
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


Sorry, I am not compelled by nonsense. I reject what you cling to out of fear of dying. I don't live in fear. If you do that is your choice. I have better things to do with what time I have here on this earth.

Interesting that you take the time to respond here in the religion section, it means that you read it..maybe watch some of those videos....but no I am not afraid of dying..I have actually had cancer x 2 with cancer in my lymph nodes.


Sorry to hear that. My favorite pit bull "Dre" developed cancer of the limphs and from discovery to his demise was 5 horrible weeks. You are lucky to still be drawing breath.
I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

Yuck, keep your banana curl men.

is that the best you can do-----Nazi slut? Jesus had curls-----same style----
it is a long standing custom to keep the "CORNERS OF THE BEARD" ie---the sideburns in American speak---- uncut---------because doing so was in opposition to the conceits of the BABYLONIAN PIMPS AND THE ROMAN PIMPS. Do you actually believe that JESUS looked like a blue eyed scandanavian? I know you well-----I grew up with kids who got insulted if anyone mentioned that Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast

Jesus was a hunk and gets better looking every year. Ever see pictures of him. He did not have curls, they most likely started that in Ukraine and Russia, where their clothes are from.

Actually he was most likely a dark skinned , short man , with dark hair. Who knows its the words and story which is important.

No. it is the truth that is important. You have to justify what you are doing. Unless you just think it is intelligent to commit off of a fantasy.
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


I had an encounter with LIGHT-----I was four years old------lying on a table----with a strong light overhead. The doctor put something on my face and the light WAY UP THERE ----floated down into my brain. I felt very nauseated as it happened--- then I woke up without my tonsils. I actually remember my MYSTICAL encounter with LIGHT-------aged 4 -------ETHER

WOW! an actual documented "ether"ical experience! Thanks for sharing! :lol:
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


Sorry, I am not compelled by nonsense. I reject what you cling to out of fear of dying. I don't live in fear. If you do that is your choice. I have better things to do with what time I have here on this earth.

Why is it that you insist fear motivates faith? Especially when faith has never prevented death. I have weighed the evidence and believe. I sought and found. And it doesn't prevent me from doing things with what time I have here. I just do them with joy is all.

That's just pure nonsense. The brain can go back and forth between two or more tasks but it is incapable of doing it all at the same instant. What you do is trick yourself into believing things that are simply not true. If that gives you comfort for whatever reason who am I to tell you not to?

On the other hand there are just so many years/days/hours/minutes depending on how aware you are. You are safer being more aware and looking for truth or you could easily step out in front of a bus daydreaming about Jesus.
Begin reading the Gospels and then Acts.

Think about it. Pray about it.

The realization will come to you.

The great thing is that Jesus comes to you where you are at: on the Board, in prison, on the street, at the ball game, walking around St. Paul's Basilica, in the woods wanting to thank Something for having such a wonderful day.

You don't need luck.

Just do it.
Interesting post. When I first read the OP title, I thought, "oh they must be talking about Adult Children of Alcoholics Recovery program.

IMO, Jesus "came to me" and told me to study Buddhism, trauma recovery and ACOA recovery. I found more Christ mind in Buddhism when reading Murdo MacDonald-Bayne's book, I AM THE LIFE. MacDonald-Bayne brought Christianity alive to me by integrating Buddhist principals. He was a Christian minister who traveled to Tibetan and studied with Tibetan Lama's.

I can completely relate to how the power of Presence comes wherever you're at and with whatever words you are most open to.

Here's a poem that illuminates the Path from Macdonald Bayne's book, I AM THE LIFE:

  • He who lives in Truth is not afraid to proclaim the Truth. He is strong, he is full of
    optimism. He looks for the bright side in all things. In the darkest corners he makes the
    sun shine. He walks through life with a smile. He sings the song of joyHis faith is in the Absolute who lives in and through him. He carries a message of hope
    and courage and loves all life. He gives help where and when it is needed. He helps
    others to help themselves. He is free from fear and worry, always forgiving, always
    tolerant. He is devoid of hate, envy and malice. He radiates love to all the world and
    minds his own business and expects others to do the same. He goes joyfully through
    life, things that drive others to despair and misery leave him in a calm undisturbed state
    of mind. His peace comes from within. He is like the ocean which receives all streams
    and rivers yet the ocean’s mighty calm is unmoved. Those who contact him feel his
    presence and receive encouragement. He attracts love and friends; not that he desires them, because he does not
    depend on people and things, but these things come to him as his right. He
    acknowledges the Law and the Law responds. He is at home with all classes of people,
    the rich and the poor are all alike to him. He does not favour one more than the other;
    he is not interested in what they have. All are equally at home with him. He is welcome
    in all homes, and children cling to his hands and coat. He loves life and life responds. Sinner and saint are the same to him, he sees the
    good in the sinner and does not look for a weakness in the saint. He knows that he
    himself is not without sin and so he never casts the stone. The outcast recognises him
    as a brother. The woman who has passed through the furnace of life trusts him. He
    gives of his love and wisdom and points the way to happiness. He heals the heart and relieves the troubled mind. God never holds His love from
    His most disobedient child, neither does He hold that love of God from his brother or
    sister. He neither pities nor condemns because he knows all are conquerors if they will
    to conquer. He finds joy in his work; he never hurries nor can he be rushed. He knows
    that time does not control him: he is attuned to the eternal. He has absolute faith in the absolute power of which he has become aware. He
    knows he is one with all life, and behind him is the power of the universe. He believes in
    the all good. Divine justice is his key to all situations. He is simple, loving and kind. He
    recognises that to attain wisdom one must be humble and when wisdom is mastered
    one must be humbler still. He is the future’s promise of a better world to come.

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