How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

what had the other "criminal" done that got him crucified? I have a burning desire to know. When you say he had broken THE COMMANDMENTS-----it seems to me that you mean one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS-------why would the romans have cared?
---------------------------------------------- I think that he was condemned by the Jewish scholars and lawmakers wasn't he ?? Sentence of death may have been a chore that they gave to the Romans to do . ------------ just a guess !!

very bad guess------in fact utterly ridiculous. Jews did not sentence "thieves" to death. You are discussing a situation that existed a mere 2000 years ago----not five million years ago. The romans had no interest at all in jewish civil law.
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Jesus is handed over to Pilate.

When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people plotted against Jesus to put Him to death. And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor.

Matthew 27 - Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial

They turned Jesus over to the Romans..this was how the Romans dealt with the death penalty..

Crucifixion was not a punishment that originated with the Jews or their judicial laws. Crucifixion was a brutal form of punishment that was common among the Romans. The Romans chose this mode of capital punishment to put fear in everyone who would stand against Rome and Roman laws. Crucifixion was common in first century Israel and this fact is well documented in the writings of Josephus. The Romans would choose a popular place in clear view, lest anyone else violate Roman law.

Ancient Crucifixion - Background Bible Study (Bible History Online)

There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

what had the other "criminal" done that got him crucified? I have a burning desire to know. When you say he had broken THE COMMANDMENTS-----it seems to me that you mean one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS-------why would the romans have cared?
---------------------------------------------- I think that he was condemned by the Jewish scholars and lawmakers wasn't he ?? Sentence of death may have been a chore that they gave to the Romans to do . ------------ just a guess !!

very bad guess------in fact utterly ridiculous. Jews did not sentence "thieves" to death. You are discussing a situation that existed a mere 2000 years ago----not five million years ago. The romans had no interest at all in jewish civil law.
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.
What can we learn from the thief on the cross?
Pontius Pilot didn't want to crucify Jesus, because he was blameless.
Pontius Pilate

Jews for Jesus

your "link" was blocked as a "dubious link"

they can call themselves jews for jesus all they want, btw.... by definition there's no such thing as someone who thinks jeshua was messiah is a ...wait for it....


not a jew.

but thanks for linking to religious dogma to try to validate religious dogma. :thup:

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Jews who believe that Christ is the Messiah, are Jews, who believe that Christ is the Messiah.

depends on which "gospel of Christ"------Luke creates a libel responsible for the
murder of millions. I would never accuse Jesus of creating it. Jews, historically, have "believed" 'in' a few dozen messiahs. Jesus is CERTAINLY as fair a candidate as ALL the rest. Luke is a bit off. As for PONTIUS PILATE not wanting to crucify Jesus----he crucified THOUSANDS of innocent jews----before and after------when did he decide to grow a conscience?

jews hoped for many messiahs. none turned out to be one. had the messiah been here, the prophesies required that certain things happen. they have not happened.

that should be sufficient.

the libel is that jesus is ENTIRELY SPIRITUAL and what DA JOOOOS really wanted is an atomic bomb to kill all the romans-------try to keep up

Maybe you should make your own thread about the Jewish history...

In the christian faith: v. Pilate would not be interested in the charge of blasphemy against Jesus, regarding that as a religious matter of no concern to Rome. So all the chief priests and elders essentially brought Jesus to Pilate with three false accusations: that Jesus was a revolutionary; that He incited the people to not pay their taxes; and that He claimed to be a king in opposition to Caesar (Luke 23:2).

what had the other "criminal" done that got him crucified? I have a burning desire to know. When you say he had broken THE COMMANDMENTS-----it seems to me that you mean one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS-------why would the romans have cared?
---------------------------------------------- I think that he was condemned by the Jewish scholars and lawmakers wasn't he ?? Sentence of death may have been a chore that they gave to the Romans to do . ------------ just a guess !!

very bad guess------in fact utterly ridiculous. Jews did not sentence "thieves" to death. You are discussing a situation that existed a mere 2000 years ago----not five million years ago. The romans had no interest at all in jewish civil law.
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Jesus is handed over to Pilate.

When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people plotted against Jesus to put Him to death. And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor.

Matthew 27 - Jesus' Trial, Death, and Burial

They turned Jesus over to the Romans..this was how the Romans dealt with the death penalty..

Crucifixion was not a punishment that originated with the Jews or their judicial laws. Crucifixion was a brutal form of punishment that was common among the Romans. The Romans chose this mode of capital punishment to put fear in everyone who would stand against Rome and Roman laws. Crucifixion was common in first century Israel and this fact is well documented in the writings of Josephus. The Romans would choose a popular place in clear view, lest anyone else violate Roman law.

Ancient Crucifixion - Background Bible Study (Bible History Online)


crucifixion was not only a punishment that did not originate with jews-----it was
SPECIFICALLY AND IN DETAIL PROHIBITED. Historians attribute it to the
Persians and it was very popular with the greeks ----the romans aped the greeks
in all kinds of things----including crucifixtion. As to JOSEPHUS------good book---
he details the fact that ONLY the romans employed crucifixion in first century Israel-----including both before and after the roman sack of Jerusalem. Jews never used
it. He writes extensively on the Pharisees--------GOOD BOOK FOR REAL HISTORY. I came on a copy long ago-------the forward included a note by
a Christian theologian who lauded Josephus WITH ONE EXCEPTION-----He thought that Josephus had misrepresented the EVIL PHARISEES as if they were
good people. Another victim of his childhood sunday school teacher
what had the other "criminal" done that got him crucified? I have a burning desire to know. When you say he had broken THE COMMANDMENTS-----it seems to me that you mean one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS-------why would the romans have cared?
---------------------------------------------- I think that he was condemned by the Jewish scholars and lawmakers wasn't he ?? Sentence of death may have been a chore that they gave to the Romans to do . ------------ just a guess !!

very bad guess------in fact utterly ridiculous. Jews did not sentence "thieves" to death. You are discussing a situation that existed a mere 2000 years ago----not five million years ago. The romans had no interest at all in jewish civil law.
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?
you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

Wow really? lol..I am not a Catholic and why do you try to intimidate to make your point?
Why don't you read the scriptures provided by the way the Bible teaches ...which is what the OP was originally about..
The message is simple

Why don't you make a thread on the Jewish history, I would be interested in reading it?


your "link" was blocked as a "dubious link"

they can call themselves jews for jesus all they want, btw.... by definition there's no such thing as someone who thinks jeshua was messiah is a ...wait for it....


not a jew.

but thanks for linking to religious dogma to try to validate religious dogma. :thup:

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Jews who believe that Christ is the Messiah, are Jews, who believe that Christ is the Messiah.

depends on which "gospel of Christ"------Luke creates a libel responsible for the
murder of millions. I would never accuse Jesus of creating it. Jews, historically, have "believed" 'in' a few dozen messiahs. Jesus is CERTAINLY as fair a candidate as ALL the rest. Luke is a bit off. As for PONTIUS PILATE not wanting to crucify Jesus----he crucified THOUSANDS of innocent jews----before and after------when did he decide to grow a conscience?

jews hoped for many messiahs. none turned out to be one. had the messiah been here, the prophesies required that certain things happen. they have not happened.

that should be sufficient.

the libel is that jesus is ENTIRELY SPIRITUAL and what DA JOOOOS really wanted is an atomic bomb to kill all the romans-------try to keep up

Maybe you should make your own thread about the Jewish history...

In the christian faith: v. Pilate would not be interested in the charge of blasphemy against Jesus, regarding that as a religious matter of no concern to Rome. So all the chief priests and elders essentially brought Jesus to Pilate with three false accusations: that Jesus was a revolutionary; that He incited the people to not pay their taxes; and that He claimed to be a king in opposition to Caesar (Luke 23:2).


right ----LUKE that greek guy who was not there at the time----and did not speak Aramaic OR Latin He and a few other unnamed people wrote a "gospel" that would be acceptable to ROME ------some 100 years after the event.
A charge of blasphemy THEORECTIALLY was entirely the purview of the SANHEDRIN.-------and the Sanhedrin acquitted jesus. In fact-----there is absolutely nothing recorded in the NT as a charge what would have led to an execution in jewish law. AND there was absolutely nothing preventing "ALL THE
JEWS who wanted Jesus dead" from Killing him. Poor mass murderer PILATE---was somehow "FORCED". He was so upset with himself that he went on to murder thousands of other innocent people. Jesus was executed for. among other things, his action in the TEMPLE COURYARD-----which----btw was an ATTACK ON ROME. more news-----the "money changers in the temple courtyard" were NOT PHARISEES -------your sunday school teacher lied
you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

Wow really? lol..I am not a Catholic and why do you try to intimidate to make your point?
Why don't you read the scriptures provided by the way the Bible teaches ...which is what the OP was originally about..
The message is simple

Why don't you make a thread on the Jewish history, I would be interested in reading it?



I read the entire NT----and the entire OT-------I know a bit about Jewish history----
because jews wrote lots at that time. Josephus was not the only one and his stuff
actually disputes stuff that appears on the NT. If by the BIBLE ---you mean the NT-----I read it as it was written with NO PRECONCEIVED ideas-------just as I read the OT and the BAGHAVID GITA and the RAMAYANA and the Koran ----and scores and scores of other "old" books. Of course I read it with the INTENT that it was written---but that is also how I read the ODYSSEY <<< a very fine scriptural writing with universal kinds of messages. When I was young----- my mind was a clean white page
PS Eagle----where do you see INTIMIDATION? I read the parable of the adultress the way it was MEANT TO BE------a parable and not history. At the time
of Jesus' LIFE------no one could be executed in jewish law by a LOCAL court-----the
case had to go to Jerusalem------that was the LAW
---------------------------------------------- I think that he was condemned by the Jewish scholars and lawmakers wasn't he ?? Sentence of death may have been a chore that they gave to the Romans to do . ------------ just a guess !!

very bad guess------in fact utterly ridiculous. Jews did not sentence "thieves" to death. You are discussing a situation that existed a mere 2000 years ago----not five million years ago. The romans had no interest at all in jewish civil law.
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

So you have not read the NT?
How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It
"What must I do to be saved?" you ask. Here is God's answer given in Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Many are deceived, yet they should not be. It is not hard to be saved if one sincerely wishes to come God's way. To do the will of the Father means simply to trust Jesus Christ His Son who died to save you. He paid for all your sins. God is satisfied with the price Jesus paid, and offers free pardon to all who depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. All through the Bible that blessed truth is given. Claim these blessed promises today:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." - John 5:24.
gee gizmo how did they let you sneak back in
PS Eagle----where do you see INTIMIDATION? I read the parable of the adultress the way it was MEANT TO BE------a parable and not history. At the time
of Jesus' LIFE------no one could be executed in jewish law by a LOCAL court-----the
case had to go to Jerusalem------that was the LAW

It was ok for Judah to go to a prostitute, wasn't it him? She must of been an adulterer.
How did your Jewish law and traditions come into play? Passed down through generations and by the elders touched by God..
Why is it any different with Luke, Matthew, John or the other chapters? They have actually found evidence of its reality.
Like I said Jesus was blameless and Pontius Pilate knew it... The elders were angry for many reasons not just because Jesus got angry about the Man Made Up Rules about religion and God and Taxing the very poor..., he flipped the table.


Jillian, you do understand that believers here know you are Jewish and probably agnostic.
I'm not agnostic. but that has nothing to do with what I said your rendition was only partially true and intentionally skewed. reality: jeshua, the person called jesus by the romans, was trying to get people to rise up against rome. that made life dangerous for jews who were occupied. was he turned over... yes, for violating rome's laws.
My answer correct without skewing. We have differing accounts of thieves in the Gospels, and Biblical scholarship argues over that to this day.Your answer is skewed in picturing Jesus solely as a revolutionary, which he was not. He was neither Essene nor Zealot.

Are you an atheist, jillian?
some education for da goyim

very bad guess------in fact utterly ridiculous. Jews did not sentence "thieves" to death. You are discussing a situation that existed a mere 2000 years ago----not five million years ago. The romans had no interest at all in jewish civil law.
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

So you have not read the NT?

I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION
PS Eagle----where do you see INTIMIDATION? I read the parable of the adultress the way it was MEANT TO BE------a parable and not history. At the time
of Jesus' LIFE------no one could be executed in jewish law by a LOCAL court-----the
case had to go to Jerusalem------that was the LAW

I was talking about the below comment, as well as telling Pismoe he was wrong, and Jillian to keep up...:blues:

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.
How did your Jewish law and traditions come into play? Passed down through generations and by the elders touched by God..
Why is it any different with Luke, Matthew, John or the other chapters? They have actually found evidence of its reality.
Like I said Jesus was blameless and Pontius Pilate knew it... The elders were angry for many reasons not just because Jesus got angry about the Man Made Up Rules about religion and God and Taxing the very poor..., he flipped the table.



Interestingly enough eagle------you got that entirely wrong------the money changers had nothing to do with taxes. They were engaged in MERCANTILISM in the
Temple Court Yard------an activity that ENFURIATED the PHARISEES ----it was
sponsored and exploited by ROME with the SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS IN CAHOOTS-----this history is recorded extensively in writings FROM THAT TIME.
An interesting anecdote-----the EVIL PRIEST in the NT is CAIAPHAS-------more
EXTENSIVE JEWISH WRITINGS ----generally Pharisee-----is CAIAPHAS.
Jews have known that name as the EVIL KNIEVAL of that time without any
reference to JESUS at all--------he was in cahoots with the romans and their
SPONSORSHIP of mercantilism in the TEMPLE COURTYARD-----an abomination
in the eyes of who? THE PHARISEES, of course, It was their BIG TIME
ISSUE. The PHARISEES cheered ----if, indeed, some guy named jesus over
turned the money changers tables in the Temple Court Yard. The PHARISEES
taxed---- NO ONE. The ROMANS taxed peoples' brains out and even engaged
in graft involving the money changers. <<<< that's history. Now try to be honest------you actually thought that the "money changers" were pharisees
PS Eagle----where do you see INTIMIDATION? I read the parable of the adultress the way it was MEANT TO BE------a parable and not history. At the time
of Jesus' LIFE------no one could be executed in jewish law by a LOCAL court-----the
case had to go to Jerusalem------that was the LAW

I was talking about the below comment, as well as telling Pismoe he was wrong, and Jillian to keep up...:blues:

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?


that was not INTIMIDATION----that was an entirely logical spoof of penny's vision of Jesus FORCING THE STONES out of the hands of scores of people eager to stone
someone. SINGLE HANDEDLY------sheeesh ----not my image of Jesus-----I colored pictures of a gentle guy holding a lamb----in sunday school
---------------------------------------------------- I said that the thief on the cross was condemned to death by the Pharisees or Jewish holy men . Maybe he was a repeat offender and the Pharisees Jewish religion was pretty harsh even a mere 2000 years ago . Heck , didn't the Jews stone adultress women 2000 years ago ?? The Romans carried out the sentence of death alongside Jesus is all it may be . ------------ I said that it was a guess Rosie !!

very baseless guess------in fact PHARISEES never used the death penalty at all and still don't and CERTAINLY not for theft. The most serious crimes for PHARISEES were------murder, kidnapping (which at that time meant stealing kids and selling them into slavery) and adultery. AND in fact------there is no history at all of the death penalty actually imposed for adultery during that time. Try to focus----there is a reason why Israel does not impose the death penalty------current
jewish law is of the PHARISEE type. This is real stuff they do not teach in
sunday school. Tell me the truth-----as a kid did you think that the "money changers in the tample court yard" were 'pharisees' Keep in mind----as a kid
I was in sunday school a lot more than in any synagogue. No question in my mind
that the "money changers" MUST HAVE BEEN PHARISEES when I was 8
years old. PS----adultery was not just defined as something women do------the MEN involved were just as guilty (if not more so) and there is no history of any men being "stoned" for that crime. Strictly speaking ADULTERY is sex between a married woman and any man not her husband. SHEEEESH your sunday school teacher would be proud. The romans never acted as POLICE for the imposition
of Jewish law (or british law for the brits when they fought the blue people)

Really, they were salivating just at the though of stoning the prostitute or adulteress, whichever she was , till Jesus put an end to it.

you are recalling something that took place in the backyard of the "church" in which your catechism whore "worked" "jesus put an end to it"--------he must have
had a machine gun------SINGLE HANDEDLY ATTACKED AND SUBDUED A WHOLE VILLAGE--------did you really mean BRUCE LEE?

So you have not read the NT?

I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

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