How You Can Be Saved Forever and Know It

Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


Sorry, I am not compelled by nonsense. I reject what you cling to out of fear of dying. I don't live in fear. If you do that is your choice. I have better things to do with what time I have here on this earth.

Why is it that you insist fear motivates faith? Especially when faith has never prevented death. I have weighed the evidence and believe. I sought and found. And it doesn't prevent me from doing things with what time I have here. I just do them with joy is all.

That's just pure nonsense. The brain can go back and forth between two or more tasks but it is incapable of doing it all at the same instant. What you do is trick yourself into believing things that are simply not true. If that gives you comfort for whatever reason who am I to tell you not to?

On the other hand there are just so many years/days/hours/minutes depending on how aware you are. You are safer being more aware and looking for truth or you could easily step out in front of a bus daydreaming about Jesus.

Agreed that mindfulness, awareness and the search for truth is a safer refuge than "daydreaming about Jesus."
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
I'm in between your apparent position of eternalism, and Huggy's which may be more nihilistic. Buddhists train in the "Middle Way" instead these two polarized extremes.
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.
I honor Jesus as Guru, even though my spiritual path leads me to Eastern religion and philosophy. I was raised Irish Roman Catholic. Much had to and continues to have to be abandoned from that early training.

Ethics, service to others and social justice remain important values from that early training.
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.
I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

Yuck, keep your banana curl men.

is that the best you can do-----Nazi slut? Jesus had curls-----same style----
it is a long standing custom to keep the "CORNERS OF THE BEARD" ie---the sideburns in American speak---- uncut---------because doing so was in opposition to the conceits of the BABYLONIAN PIMPS AND THE ROMAN PIMPS. Do you actually believe that JESUS looked like a blue eyed scandanavian? I know you well-----I grew up with kids who got insulted if anyone mentioned that Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast

Jesus was a hunk and gets better looking every year. Ever see pictures of him. He did not have curls, they most likely started that in Ukraine and Russia, where their clothes are from.

Actually he was most likely a dark skinned , short man , with dark hair. Who knows its the words and story which is important.

another fantasy you had whilst sucking the priest's dick , Penelope? The Pharisee Jesus cut his hair to a moderate length and left the corners of his beard (side locks of his temple area) uncut. The custom is described in ancient texts . Did the priest that you sucked have a bald spot carved out his hair at the top of his head
(tonsured<<< a barbaric bit of filth that priests do) carving bald spots on the head
is specifically proscribed in jewish law as are tattoos-------it was a Babylonian bit of filth. In fact---tattoos are specifically described in ancient Babylonian texts-----gee you are dim
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people
I read the NT and I read your INTERPRETATION which included your idiot idea that Jesus PREVENTED A whole town of people who were EAGER to stone someone from doing so. In fact----the parable is ENTIRELY consistent with
PHARISEE theology-------(stuff of which you are entirely ignorant) . Pharisee interpretation of LAW ------always seeks to find ANY REASON AT ALL to avoid
execution-------which is what Jesus does in the PARABLE. He conducts himself in
the PREFERRED PHARISEE STYLE---------but the fact is that it is a parable in support of the PHARISEE approach----it cannot be history since capital cases
could be heard ONLY by the SANHEDRIN in JERUSALEM. Not your fault---
your mind was perverted by the catechism whore who supported the INQUISITION

Yes and I'm sure the Sanhedrin told the men , hunt her down and stone her, they were chasing her. Oh I'm sure they loved to stone women, made their day. The orthodox ones still treat women as possessions don't they? Probably worst way back when.

you are "SURE" about that? I am sure that your catechism whore told you that she would give you a dime every time you sucked the priest's dick----because the poor nun was getting EXHAUSTED------after awhile you accepted nickles. A slut like you ----accustomed to the men who 'visit' the brothel in which you were spawned------will never know what a decent man is like-------like those CHASSIDIC MEN you have never met. (for those who do not know----satmar women control those poor guys--------I am not all that fond of the satmar-----but they have been my patients--------completely controlled men-------if I ask 'where does it hurt'---the poor guy invariably looks at his wife for the ANSWER)

Yuck, keep your banana curl men.

is that the best you can do-----Nazi slut? Jesus had curls-----same style----
it is a long standing custom to keep the "CORNERS OF THE BEARD" ie---the sideburns in American speak---- uncut---------because doing so was in opposition to the conceits of the BABYLONIAN PIMPS AND THE ROMAN PIMPS. Do you actually believe that JESUS looked like a blue eyed scandanavian? I know you well-----I grew up with kids who got insulted if anyone mentioned that Jesus did not eat bacon and eggs for breakfast

Jesus was a hunk and gets better looking every year. Ever see pictures of him. He did not have curls, they most likely started that in Ukraine and Russia, where their clothes are from.

Actually he was most likely a dark skinned , short man , with dark hair. Who knows its the words and story which is important.

In the time of jesus-----his fellow Pharisees generally wore all white. The color NOT to wear was RED.
People of GALILEE had hair of variable color------even including some blondish-----described as hair the color of sand in old time writings. In height----the men were probably something like around 5' 6" You have preferences for any particular "stories"??
There was a man hanging on the cross with Christ that was a criminal, was never baptized, not a follower, and broke the Commandments. He believed that Christ was who He said He was. That was enough to secure the thief's eternity in Paradise.

Hi Jakey. :)

How convenient! You people are incredible. Your bible really has it all covered doesn't it. :lol: Even a place for the mentally lazy. Doesn't it seem just a tad too simple?

Sorry folks.. there really is no free lunch. This is all you get. There isn't even possibly any personal Jesus moment. There just isn't enough time. Think about it. If there was a Jesus moment for every person that's all your precious Jesus would ever have time to do. Maybe if your Jesus story was true at first and there were only a few thousand followers.. but not now. The story/fairytale of christianity has long since outgrown it's self.

Now it is made up nonsense peopled by fearful scared lemmings that cannot face the certain nothingness of death. Possibility a heaven? Not even a chance.

We are spirits of energy when we die, we cannot see it unless if we are turned on to see it with the heart.
These shows are about people who have died and came back..yeah yeah some science people say it is the brain...But wouldn't you want to be sure?
There is actually one show where a guy went to hell, came back and changed his whole life.
Most Christians I know are not afraid of dying what so ever..


I had an encounter with LIGHT-----I was four years old------lying on a table----with a strong light overhead. The doctor put something on my face and the light WAY UP THERE ----floated down into my brain. I felt very nauseated as it happened--- then I woke up without my tonsils. I actually remember my MYSTICAL encounter with LIGHT-------aged 4 -------ETHER

WOW! an actual documented "ether"ical experience! Thanks for sharing! :lol:

the aspect of my ether-ical experience that I find interesting is the fact that I REMEMBER it-----after (well never mind how many YEARS)
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.
Yeshu isn't the messiah because:

Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

The word "Messiah" is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "anointed." It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3) It doesn't mean a supernatural being or man god which is pagan in its beleifs

the goyim of that time were ignorant and illiterate about Torah so it was easy for them to accept pauls idea about a messiah , couple that with the inclusion of pagan rituals and thought , christianity was born. Now in the year 2016 CE they still cling to it.

In addition the ten commandments clearly tells us that the commandments were for the Jews, not goyim and had nothing to do with the goyim!

all goyim have to follow are The Seven Laws of Noah

For Non-Jews

  1. God never brought the goyim or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. The Lord has not given the goy the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"
  3. Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring the goyim to keep it! (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)
  4. If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the goyim were never required at any point in earth history to keep the Sabbath
  5. in essence the Jewish text have nothing to do with the goyim or their religion , no matter how much they believe it does
Yeshu isn't the messiah because:

Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

The word "Messiah" is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "anointed." It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3) It doesn't mean a supernatural being or man god which is pagan in its beleifs

the goyim of that time were ignorant and illiterate about Torah so it was easy for them to accept pauls idea about a messiah , couple that with the inclusion of pagan rituals and thought , christianity was born. Now in the year 2016 CE they still cling to it.

In addition the ten commandments clearly tells us that the commandments were for the Jews, not goyim and had nothing to do with the goyim!

all goyim have to follow are The Seven Laws of Noah

For Non-Jews

  1. God never brought the goyim or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
  2. The Lord has not given the goy the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"
  3. Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring the goyim to keep it! (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)
  4. If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the goyim were never required at any point in earth history to keep the Sabbath
  5. in essence the Jewish text have nothing to do with the goyim or their religion , no matter how much they believe it does

and jews still cling to the imaginary temple of Solomon, but really its Herod's temple they want. Also the exodus story is not true, and God did not give any land to anyone. Christianity is the new and improved Judaism, time to get use to it.
The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

Yes, and as such those who became Christian in lands outside of Judea were wrong to give all Pharisees a black name and to blame all Jews for Christ's death. As Christians, I think it more vital that we remember it was one of Jesus' chosen disciples, one closest to him, who turned Jesus over to the Annas and Caiaphas. As Christians we need to look within at our own villainy rather than search outward for the villainy of others. Ours was the greater.

The history and sagas of the time were interesting. Power struggles were happening throughout the Roman Empire. Tiberius and Sejanus. Pilate and the Jewish high priests. The Jewish High Priests and an itinerant preacher who was telling the people (especially the poor) that they didn't need to pay fees and charges--it was repentance for the forgiveness of sins--not Temple sacrifices. Annas and Caiaphas were feeling the pressure from both sides. They manipulated Judas, they manipulated Pilate. The generous could say they did both manipulations for the greater good of the Jews. While I would like to believe this, the bits of information I've been able to pick up on the two is that (most likely) they did it for their own greater good, to save/bolster their own wealth and power.
in essence the Jewish text have nothing to do with the goyim or their religion , no matter how much they believe it does

If the law was given to the Jewish people as a light to the nations as scripture clearly states then the law has everything to do with the goyim.

No one lights a candle and then puts it under a bushel.. The law defines the way to life. The fact that you all seem to want to keep the life and light of the law to yourselves and its purpose hidden indicates to me that you are in rebellion against the expressed will of God for the law to give life and light to the world as if it was up to you to deprive the goyim of life.

For this reason Jesus said that the keys to the kingdom of heaven will be taken from you and given to another nation that bears its proper fruit.

Thats why many still think that the subject of kosher law is about what one serves and eats for meals and you are still waiting for a messiah to rebuild a temple so you can begin to slaughter farm animals in the name of the Lord, again..

There is no light or life in you.
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Yeshu isn't the messiah because:

Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

The word "Messiah" is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "anointed." It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3) It doesn't mean a supernatural being or man god which is pagan in its beleifs

Early Jews who became the first Christians believed in Christ as King for a couple of reasons. He said he was a King--but not of this world. Then there were the Jewish prophecies.

First, a great king was to follow David--and none had. Second, with the building of Herod's Temple, it was IN THOSE DAYS believed this was the third Temple that had been prophesied. This is why those claiming to be the Messiah was at fever pitch at the time of Christ. The third Temple was present, the fulfillment of the prophecy must be at hand. (It wasn't until after Herod's Temple had been destroyed that Jews decided this Temple had merely been a renovation of the Second Temple, because Temple sacrifice had not ceased during the construction.)

With Christ, a spiritual king ruling always over our spiritual life, another Jewish sect was born. Those who believed the prophecies were about a spiritual king, not a political one. It was noted that Jesus life was an overlay of Jewish history. To know the history of one was to know the history of the other. The third Temple (Herod's), built just before Jesus' lifetime had been destroyed within decades after his death.

To assure people of God and their faith, Jewish leaders had to to show why Herod's Temple could be counted as the Second Temple. (i.e., because Temple sacrifice had never ceased while this Temple was being built.) If Herod's Temple could be counted as only the second temple, the political king could still arrive. However, the prophecy of a world/political king has now gone over twenty-six hundred years--well over ten thousand generations--without being fulfilled. Why is this? How long will thing Kingdom survive?

After all this time, Guno, why not explain why people today should still believe in the validity of a Jewish worldly king rather than thinking it is a false prophecy, or that the prophecy had been about a spiritual king all along and that it had been fulfilled in Jesus? I am sure a great many of us would be very interested in the truth you could tell us about your own faith rather than hear once again the lies we have heard and refuted for decades you keep reiterating about our faith. The lies you present and re-present are so old not only are they cliche, they are so boring. At the very least, you might entertain us with a new lie! But as I said, better yet, why not present the truths about your own faith. That would be truly interesting to those of faith.
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.

thanks for yet another chapter out of the catholic school kindergarten curriculum
as determined by the Pimp of Rome
Huggy, You will never cease to exist. You're soul is eternal. When the clay gives out, you merely step right out of it like you would a space suit, and never miss a step.

Thing is. If you are right, and death is final, I have lost nothing. I lived a life trying to love my neighbor to the best of my ability.
If I am right, and you are wrong, you'll have an eternity to lament your decision.
Actually, the personality "Huggy" will cease to exist, as will the personality of "Dhara" and "the Irish Ram". Something continues, that isn't egoic. It's qualities and karma that continue. Just my opinion.

I agree. What of us that does live on does so because of who we have affected while here on earth. Some for the good we have done and some for the evil. Those who have caused no meaningful impact will just fade away quickly as they have done little to inspire or aggravate.

I have lived an "interesting life" and will probably live on for doing that to some degree. But most of my life has been selfish which has little lifespan afterwards. It bothers me nor excites me little what to expect at the end.

What I find amusing is that this man Jesus has missed out on all the hullabaloo. How ironic. His death was just as final as will be mine.

the romans murdered him whilst he was very young-------just as they murdered
millions of others-----young innocent people

The Jewish elites had him put to death. He was interfering with their money make scheme and authority status. He was gaining followers.
The Romans put Jesus to death, not the Jews.

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