How you know Trump is a billionaire..

He’s worth somewhere around $1 billion. It might be $800 million, it might be $1.2 billion.

He’s not worth $10 billion like he claims. The $9 billion difference is what he claims the Trump brand is worth, which is nonsense.
He’s worth somewhere around $1 billion. It might be $800 million, it might be $1.2 billion.

He’s not worth $10 billion like he claims. The $9 billion difference is what he claims the Trump brand is worth, which is nonsense.
He made his money from Russians and Saudi Arabians buying his condos to launder their money, and from Miami Mamas... pregnant Russian women who come here and buy or rent his Condo there, to deliver their kids, so they have US citizenship along with their Russian citizenship.... :rolleyes:
He made his money from Russians and Saudi Arabians buying his condos to launder their money, and from Miami Mamas... pregnant Russian women who come here and buy or rent his Condo there, to deliver their kids, so they have US citizenship along with their Russian citizenship.... :rolleyes:

Who exactly made those stupid laws, and who wants them changed to stop that anchor baby cottage industry?
He made his money from Russians and Saudi Arabians buying his condos to launder their money, and from Miami Mamas... pregnant Russian women who come here and buy or rent his Condo there, to deliver their kids, so they have US citizenship along with their Russian citizenship.... :rolleyes:

Who exactly made those stupid laws, and who wants them changed to stop that anchor baby cottage industry?

If the issue ever makes it to the SC the anchor baby issue will be gone.
Trump made his money defrauding senior citizens at his fraudulent university, and from bilking investors in his bankrupt casinos.

You know, good old fashioned Christian stuff.
Trump made his money defrauding senior citizens at his fraudulent university, and from bilking investors in his bankrupt casinos.

You know, good old fashioned Christian stuff.

No one was "defrauded" at Trump University. Just because some of the graduates weren't successful in becoming Real Estate Tycoons after taking the course is hardly proof. Not every one who graduates from Columbia School of Broadcasting gets an offer to do Fake News for CNN. Real Estate Tycoonery is a very competitive field to get into, even with a top notch education from Trump U
Trump made his money defrauding senior citizens at his fraudulent university, and from bilking investors in his bankrupt casinos.

You know, good old fashioned Christian stuff.

No one was "defrauded" at Trump University. Just because some of the graduates weren't successful in becoming Real Estate Tycoons after taking the course is hardly proof. Not every one who graduates from Columbia School of Broadcasting gets an offer to do Fake News for CNN. Real Estate Tycoonery is a very competitive field to get into, even with a top notch education from Trump U
I read the court documents. You obviously didn't.

Trump stole the nest eggs of old people. Fact. It was a totally fraudulent operation from top to bottom.

That's why he settled for $25 million. He was on the hook for far, far more if he didn't.
Trump made his money defrauding senior citizens at his fraudulent university, and from bilking investors in his bankrupt casinos.

You know, good old fashioned Christian stuff.

No one was "defrauded" at Trump University. Just because some of the graduates weren't successful in becoming Real Estate Tycoons after taking the course is hardly proof. Not every one who graduates from Columbia School of Broadcasting gets an offer to do Fake News for CNN. Real Estate Tycoonery is a very competitive field to get into, even with a top notch education from Trump U
I read the court documents. You obviously didn't.

Trump stole the nest eggs of old people. Fact. It was a totally fraudulent operation from top to bottom.

That's why he settled for $25 million. He was on the hook for far, far more if he didn't.

The entire Trump U court case was an election year effort, to try and discredit Mr. Trump.

Trump didn't "steal" anything, any more than other educational institutions "steal" when they charge tuition.
Trump made his money defrauding senior citizens at his fraudulent university, and from bilking investors in his bankrupt casinos.

You know, good old fashioned Christian stuff.

No one was "defrauded" at Trump University. Just because some of the graduates weren't successful in becoming Real Estate Tycoons after taking the course is hardly proof. Not every one who graduates from Columbia School of Broadcasting gets an offer to do Fake News for CNN. Real Estate Tycoonery is a very competitive field to get into, even with a top notch education from Trump U
I read the court documents. You obviously didn't.

Trump stole the nest eggs of old people. Fact. It was a totally fraudulent operation from top to bottom.

That's why he settled for $25 million. He was on the hook for far, far more if he didn't.

The entire Trump U court case was an election year effort, to try and discredit Mr. Trump.

Trump didn't "steal" anything, any more than other educational institutions "steal" when they charge tuition.
Oooookaaayyy. Since you absolutely insist on speaking out of your ass, you asked for it.

Trump University Staffers Describe 'Fraudulent Scheme' in Court Documents

A pair of former employees of Trump University, the for-profit real estate school launched by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, described the courses as a "fraudulent scheme" focused on making money rather than educating students in court testimony released Tuesday night.

"Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money," Ronald Schnackenberg, a Trump University sales manager from 2006-2007, said in his testimony.

Trump U preys on the elderly.

This is the biggest SCAM I’ve ever seen! My 82 year old father went to a free seminar promising to make him rich through real estate. The seminar was solely for the purpose of upselling him into attending a $1500 three day workshop by promising him they would teach him how to buy and sell foreclosures for huge profits (which is totally unrealistic because the vast majority of foreclosures today are because people are upside down in their homes) Anyway, he goes to the 3 day workshop and when he comes home we find out that they pressured him into spending $35k MORE! I don’t care who you are there is no real estate course worth $35k. Then he proceeds to tell us how the majority of people there were SENIORS like him! tricked into thinking they can make a quick profit! If this isn’t the definition of preying on the elderly then I don’t know what is. Complaint.pdf

Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.

During the Fulfillment, the speakers pressure students to raise their credit card limits on the pretext of purchasing property. At the end of the workshop, Defendant's representatives asked students to use their credit cards to purchase the Gold Elite program for $34,995. Complaint.pdf

At the Preview, students were greeted by a large screen projector and two tall banners of Donald Trump's photo. The presentation opens with the song "Money, Money, Money," and the Main Promotional Video is shown.

The instructor is introduced as one of Donald Trump's top instructors who was hand selected because of his expertise and knowledge in the real estate business.

The speaker induces the audience to trust in the Donald Trump name and "family" by walking through the history of the Trump Organization and Defendant Trump's `humble beginnings.' Complaint.pdf

Pattern of Racketeering Activity
Defendant Trump, who is a person associated-in-fact with the Trump University Enterprise, knowingly, willfully, and unlawfully conducted or participated, directly or indirectly, in the affairs of the enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. § 1961(1), 1961(5) and 1962(c). The racketeering activity was made possible by the regular and repeated use of the facilities, services, distribution channels, and employees of the Trump University Enterprise.

Defendant Trump committed multiple "Racketeering Acts," as described 4 below, including aiding and abetting such acts.

The Racketeering Acts were not isolated, but rather were related in that they had the same or similar purposes and results, participants, victims, and methods of commission. Further, the Racketeering Acts were continuous, occurring on a regular (daily) basis throughout a time period beginning in mid-2007 and, upon information and belief, continuing through at least 2010.

In devising and executing the Scheme, Defendant Trump and Trump University personnel committed acts constituting indictable offenses under 18 U.S.C. § § 1341 and 1343, in that he devised and knowingly carried out a material scheme or artifice to defraud or to obtain money by means of materially false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, promises, or omissions of material facts. For the purpose of executing the Scheme, Defendant committed these Racketeering Acts, which number in the thousands, intentionally and knowingly, with the specific intent to advance the Illegal Scheme.

Defendant used thousands of mail and interstate wire communications to create and perpetuate the Scheme through virtually uniform misrepresentations, concealments and material omissions.

The up-sell

Insiders at Trump University have confirmed that the entire Trump University program is focused on the “up-sell” – the whole purpose of the free seminar is to get people to sign up for the $1,500 seminar. The purpose of the $1,500 seminar is to get people to sign up for the $35,000 seminar, and the entire purpose of that seminar is to get people to sign up for additional Seminars, products and books. Instructors were taught to be “armed with objections and rebuttals” and to “work the room with special attention to team members in possession of a credit card that needs to be run. Complaint.pdf

Students consistently complain that they have timely requested refunds under Trump University’s money-back guarantee, but that Trump University failed to refund them their money. In addition, Trump deliberately designed its program and cancellation policy so that once students realize they are not getting the information promised, it is too late to cancel. Complaint.pdf

As part of the $1,495 seminar, students are promised they will meet a Trump “power team” of mentors, real estate agents, brokers, contractors, attorneys and accountants who were “hand-picked by Donald Trump,” and will help the student make money in real estate. However, these Trump University “mentors” and power team members were not “hand-picked” by Donald Trump. Even worse, these mentors and “power team” members often guide the students toward deals in which they have a personal financial interest at stake – creating a severe conflict of interest so that the mentors profit while the student does not. Complaint.pdf

Many of Trump University’s testimonials violated FTC regulations and requirements. Complaint.pdf

Illegal practices

Furthermore, the real estate practices taught during the Seminars include transactions that are illegal in certain states, including California, such as posting anonymous “bandit signs.” These are signs placed by the roadway that mimic yellow and black road warning signs and say, “WE BUY HOUSES, 619-222-2222.” Trump University instructors also instructed students how to engage in real estate transactions which would be sanctionable as practicing real estate without a real estate license.


Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market. Complaint.pdf
Trump, in his promotional video. Notice the identical speech pattern he used to take in the retards infecting the Republican party:

We're going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. Terrific people. Terrific brains. Successful. The best. We are going to have the best of the best. And, honestly, if you don't learn from them, if you don't learn from me, if you don't learn from the people that we're going to be putting forward, and these are all people that are handpicked by me, then, you're just not gonna make it in terms of the world of success. And that's okay, but you're not gonna make it in terms of success. Complaint.pdf

Again, none of the instructors had any real estate experience. And Trump did not teach anything. He just raked in the old people's money.

You've heard of these get-rich-quick scams which bilk people. Trump was one of them.

FORGE: Mr. Trump, I've placed in front of you a document marked as Exhibit 481, which is an excerpt from Mr. Sexton's sworn testimony to the Office of the New York State Attorney General.
If you could, please, direct your attention to the second page, which is page 157. At line 10, Mr. Sexton is asked: "QUESTION:· And were any of those -- any of these other speakers at any of those events handpicked by Donald Trump?"
Mr. Sexton's answer: "ANSWER: None of our instructors at the live events were handpicked by Donald Trump." Do you have any basis to dispute Mr. Sexton's testimony in this regard?

TRUMP: No. That's correct.

Trump admitted under oath he had lied in his promotions of Trump U that he hand picked the instructors.
FORGE: What I'm getting at is -- I just want to confirm one way or the other -- you did not actually do a quality control -- you, Donald Trump, personally did not do a quality control --

TRUMP: Most of that would be Mr. Sexton and his staff.

FORGE: And Mr. Sexton, he had no background in terms of buying and selling real estate for profit, did he?

TRUMP: I -- it was long time ago that I talked to him.· You're talking about many, many year ago.· But he was a -- he's a high-quality person who -- frankly, who was very much into the world of education.

FORGE: ·But as you sit here today, do you know whether or not he had any experience buying and selling --

TRUMP: It was limited.· It was limited. I think it was much more so in the school world rather than the real estate world.

FORGE: Do you have any understanding as to whether he'd ever been an actual teacher before this? And "this" being Trump University.

TRUMP: I had the information many, many years ago, and I was very impressed with him.

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