How's that "Drill Baby, Drill" Workin' Out For Ya', Governor Perry?

how can oil companies possibly be hurting with the huge profits they get subsidized for too? I will tell you. it's easy to waste and take billions of unearned dollars. that's why. the whole idea of fossil profits going to a few is niave and immature at best, cowardly and devastating at worst

They will survive, the big ones will. They knew this was coming, just like the did in 1985. You can bet they've been working on early retirement packages and lay off plans for the past year.

Besides, that's not what they call it:

Oil & Gas Tax Provisions Are Not Subsidies For "Big Oil"
Oil Gas Tax Provisions Are Not Subsidies For Big Oil - Forbes
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Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

So you think low oil prices are bad?

Oh no! I think people will take those gas savings and recirculate them back into the economy. We haven't gotten the numbers yet but I think retail had a great Christmas.

People who were hesitant to take a job with any kind of commute will reconsider, so hiring should pick up, too.
Brilliant Comrade, attack low gas prices.

That's the winner for you progressive.

Get Obama on his hourly TV spot to declare that the democrats "are committed to increasing gas to $10 a gallon or more."

Run with it lefties, run with it.
how can oil companies possibly be hurting with the huge profits they get subsidized for too? I will tell you. it's easy to waste and take billions of unearned dollars. that's why. the whole idea of fossil profits going to a few is niave and immature at best, cowardly and devastating at worst

They will survive, the big ones will. They knew this was coming, just like the did in 1985. You can bet they've been working on early retirement packages and lay off plans for the past year.

They didn't know in 2014, and they didn't know in 1985. All the libturds were claiming that drilling wouldn't make a dent in oil prices.

It's hard to know what your advocating. Do you want oil prices to go back to $150/bbl? No matter where oil prices are at, it's virtually certain that libs will find some reason to complain about them.
the good things about gas being low is reduced fracking. We are at war with many and now economic war comes first, cybers running too. more money for us to waste is good tho.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

But Obammy adding $7.5 TRILLION to the US debt is cool.

Fucking Moron

Answer my question. When the layoffs start in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, North Dakota, etc. you won't blame Obama, correct?
how can oil companies possibly be hurting with the huge profits they get subsidized for too? I will tell you. it's easy to waste and take billions of unearned dollars. that's why. the whole idea of fossil profits going to a few is niave and immature at best, cowardly and devastating at worst

They will survive, the big ones will. They knew this was coming, just like the did in 1985. You can bet they've been working on early retirement packages and lay off plans for the past year.

They didn't know in 2014, and they didn't know in 1985. All the libturds were claiming that drilling wouldn't make a dent in oil prices.

It's hard to know what your advocating. Do you want oil prices to go back to $150/bbl? No matter where oil prices are at, it's virtually certain that libs will find some reason to complain about them.

Yes, they did. Big Oil is used to the roller coaster ride and can see around corners. I'm not advocating anything but I am putting a needle in the so-called Texas Miracle balloon.
I thought Obama was trying to push oil prices high and destroy the oil industry.
Shouldn't gas be too expensive for anyone to buy by now?
Shouldn't there be almost no US oil being produced?

Is this another Obama fail or have Fox and the Republicans lied to me?
I'm so confused.
Brilliant Comrade, attack low gas prices.

That's the winner for you progressive.

Get Obama on his hourly TV spot to declare that the democrats "are committed to increasing gas to $10 a gallon or more."

Run with it lefties, run with it.

Where am I attacking low gas prices? This is about the blowhard known as Rick Perry and his touting Texas as the savior of the United States economy.
Are you this stupid and cannot connect simple dots?
Why would we,,,,,, boom and bust has been history of the industry. Regardless those wells will remain as the healthy companies pick them up at value pricing.
I thought Obama was trying to push oil prices high and destroy the oil industry.
Shouldn't gas be too expensive for anyone to buy by now?
Shouldn't there be almost no US oil being produced?

Is this another Obama fail or have Fox and the Republicans lied to me?
I'm so confused.

So much for Obama being a dictator, hmmmm?
I thought Obama was trying to push oil prices high and destroy the oil industry.
Shouldn't gas be too expensive for anyone to buy by now?
Shouldn't there be almost no US oil being produced?

Is this another Obama fail or have Fox and the Republicans lied to me?
I'm so confused.

So much for Obama being a dictator, hmmmm?
He sucks at being a tyrant.
how can oil companies possibly be hurting with the huge profits they get subsidized for too? I will tell you. it's easy to waste and take billions of unearned dollars. that's why. the whole idea of fossil profits going to a few is niave and immature at best, cowardly and devastating at worst

They will survive, the big ones will. They knew this was coming, just like the did in 1985. You can bet they've been working on early retirement packages and lay off plans for the past year.

They didn't know in 2014, and they didn't know in 1985. All the libturds were claiming that drilling wouldn't make a dent in oil prices.

It's hard to know what your advocating. Do you want oil prices to go back to $150/bbl? No matter where oil prices are at, it's virtually certain that libs will find some reason to complain about them.

Yes, they did. Big Oil is used to the roller coaster ride and can see around corners. I'm not advocating anything but I am putting a needle in the so-called Texas Miracle balloon.

Your claim lacks any visible means of support. Can you quote a single person who predicted oil would go to $10/bbl in 1985?
I thought Obama was trying to push oil prices high and destroy the oil industry.
Shouldn't gas be too expensive for anyone to buy by now?
Shouldn't there be almost no US oil being produced?

Is this another Obama fail or have Fox and the Republicans lied to me?
I'm so confused.

So much for Obama being a dictator, hmmmm?

I don't know of any dictators who can overrule the laws of economics.

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