HS student wears confederate flag - Obama administration calls it race discrimination

Obama administration calls it race discrimination

Is a lie. Not even the daily caller could find a way to sneak that lie in so it must have originated with the op. The real "kerfuffle" is that the lying op and the Daily Caller are what trying to turn this into.

AZ is as backward and stupid as Texass. Believe me. I know because I lived there for more than 25 years.

Remember, along with reptilian Guv Brewer and KKK favorite, Russell Pearce, the shame of the state is Joe Arpaio, who really doesn't do much but grandstand. Racist? His personal attorney is Kris Kobach of Kansas, aka KKK Kris. He makes no secret of being high up in the KKK.

Negged for being a stupid post.
This is so idiotic. The civil war was not about freeing the slaves. It was about money and states rights and the right to secede.

Slavery was the issue underlying all the other factors that led to (and through) the American Civil War. You can't deny the obvious just because your racist cowardice urges you to.
Obama administration calls it race discrimination

Is a lie. Not even the daily caller could find a way to sneak that lie in so it must have originated with the op. The real "kerfuffle" is that the lying op and the Daily Caller are what trying to turn this into.

AZ is as backward and stupid as Texass. Believe me. I know because I lived there for more than 25 years.

Remember, along with reptilian Guv Brewer and KKK favorite, Russell Pearce, the shame of the state is Joe Arpaio, who really doesn't do much but grandstand. Racist? His personal attorney is Kris Kobach of Kansas, aka KKK Kris. He makes no secret of being high up in the KKK.

Negged for being a stupid post.

Stop the childish name calling long enough to actually read the link, such as it is.

You can pretend whatever you wish but you cannot change the FACT that the Obama administration has not "called it racial discrimination".
Just further proof that Obama wants to play race politics to keep you divided while he's busy tapping your phones and wiping his skinny black ass with what is left of the constitution.
This is so idiotic. The civil war was not about freeing the slaves. It was about money and states rights and the right to secede.

Try reading a history book again.

All causes of the Civil War can be traced back to slavery, including money and states rights.
Obama administration calls it race discrimination

Is a lie. Not even the daily caller could find a way to sneak that lie in so it must have originated with the op. The real "kerfuffle" is that the lying op and the Daily Caller are what trying to turn this into.

AZ is as backward and stupid as Texass. Believe me. I know because I lived there for more than 25 years.

Remember, along with reptilian Guv Brewer and KKK favorite, Russell Pearce, the shame of the state is Joe Arpaio, who really doesn't do much but grandstand. Racist? His personal attorney is Kris Kobach of Kansas, aka KKK Kris. He makes no secret of being high up in the KKK.
And senator byrd was? Please tell me. He was loved bg the left.
If the kid wants to wear an emblem for those whose treason and betrayal of his nation was in the defense of slavery, I say he has that right.
If the kid wants to wear an emblem for those whose treason and betrayal of his nation was in the defense of slavery, I say he has that right.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. The south just wanted to secede and be left alone. Just like the original 13 colonies seceded from england. America was founded on secession!


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