HS teacher tells students Trump is Nazi gets hit with instant justice bomb

She's right - pino trump is a nazi. And a fascist.

I remember when I was in school, my math teacher taught math. I do remember though at one point in the school the home room teacher did this little exercize letting us kids express ourselves during the reagan / carter election. Those who favored one or the other candidate sat at opposing tables and then the kids got to say a few words.
All we did though was smile and laugh at each other. at no time did the homeroom teacher inject his opinion. It was all about the kids and their freedom to express themselves, and I would have expected no less. This teacher telling kids Trump is a nazi is an asshole. even if she was right, but she isnt. You obviously have no idea what a nazi is or your willfully being ignorant.
To call someone, including the US President, a Nazi, is serious degradation, I cannot disagree with the punishment. It equals the lowest obscene term you can imagine.
trump doesn't deserve any respect. Besides the teacher didn't vote for trump and trump thus far in only governing for red state Amerika!
do explain why he got more minority votes than Romney.....this is how yo get more Trump.....truly believe your own talking points....just like Hilly did
You sound like white nationalist or white supremacist.
Is that the best you can come up with ^^^


It's all good, but the bitch should have been fired on the spot, that would have been instant justice.:clap2:

Anyway....better something than nothing.
Let's hope trump is fired soon as well.

Don't hold your breath. :popcorn:
trump is worried about Hurricane Mueller........he's closing in.

TRUMP, TRUMP we LOVE TRUMP, we love TRUMP .......................

Stop spaming.......Jack Ass.

The MOD Can STOP YOU and if you get my post locked because of your FUCKING Off.......... I'll be sure to cause the same to your next post
It's all good, but the bitch should have been fired on the spot, that would have been instant justice.:clap2:

Anyway....better something than nothing.
Let's hope trump is fired soon as well.
. And that would help you how ? Tell everyone why you really hate Trump ? I mean he is no different than any other wealthy man in this country who has held power, so why the shock to you that Trump is the president ? These presidents do some good, and of course they do some not so good as well, but the shock that you people have over Trump winning is something far more different this time in history. What's so different this time ? What has the leftist cult been up to so bad, that to change president's devastated them so badly this time around ?? People know the answer, because they have gotten a preview of it for that last 40 years. At the hight of the leftist agenda they hoped to convince the nation of some crazy things, and to begin forcing those things upon the entire nation, but then along came the upset (Trump winning), and that just destroyed the leftist movement in accordance to their cultist views in life. Hollywood is so dysfunctional that it can no longer appear as some kind of heroe or role model to society in which it has served. It has shown it's idiocy now, and any celebs that follow the idiocy will pay with the downfall of their careers. It has already begun. Politicians are exposed in their idiocy, and many of their careers will be ending as well. Following idiots won't work anymore. The fallacy of the left has become it's akillies heel. It is falling, and has fallen.
It's all good, but the bitch should have been fired on the spot, that would have been instant justice.:clap2:

Anyway....better something than nothing.
Let's hope trump is fired soon as well.
. And that would help you how ? Tell everyone why you really hate Trump ? I mean he is no different than any other wealthy man in this country who has held power, so why the shock to you that Trump is the president ? These presidents do some good, and of course they do some not so good as well, but the shock that you people have over Trump winning is something far more different this time in history. What's so different this time ? What has the leftist cult been up to so bad, that to change president's devastated them so badly this time around ?? People know the answer, because they have gotten a preview of it for that last 40 years. At the hight of the leftist agenda they hoped to convince the nation of some crazy things, and to begin forcing those things upon the entire nation, but then along came the upset (Trump winning), and that just destroyed the leftist movement in accordance to their cultist views in life. Hollywood is so dysfunctional that it can no longer appear as some kind of heroe or role model to society in which it has served. It has shown it's idiocy now, and any celebs that follow the idiocy will pay with the downfall of their careers. It has already begun. Politicians are exposed in their idiocy, and many of their careers will be ending as well. Following idiots won't work anymore. The fallacy of the left has become it's akillies heel. It is falling, and has fallen.

Severe brain damage there is no hope getting through to dumbasses like that one.
. Your interpretation, but an interpretation that's wrong. Now why are you using the race card to stir up trouble for Trump ? What, is the Russia card running out of steam or hot air ? Funny how you keep switching up, otherwise when one thing looses steam you quickly go to something else. It show's a weak cause that's held up by weak reasoning.
To call someone, including the US President, a Nazi, is serious degradation, I cannot disagree with the punishment. It equals the lowest obscene term you can imagine.
trump doesn't deserve any respect. Besides the teacher didn't vote for trump and trump thus far in only governing for red state Amerika!

The kids deserve the respect of not being indoctrinated by someone other than their own parents in an Extreme political position. Its too bad this teacher is so emotionally damaged by the election that she has the need to dump her baggage onto impressionable minds. She needs to teach math. If she's even capable of that.
To call someone, including the US President, a Nazi, is serious degradation, I cannot disagree with the punishment. It equals the lowest obscene term you can imagine.

Well, actually, "communist" is far worse and obscene and offensive.

What you went through? No, that shits awful.
Nope, When I went to school they taught reading, writing, history, science and math. Now they teach Social Justice, Liberalism and how to be a victim. My sister in law is a HS teacher and she is a POS libtard like you, she cant keep her politics out of the classroom.
What you went through? No, that shits awful.
Nope, When I went to school they taught reading, writing, history, science and math. Now they teach Social Justice, Liberalism and how to be a victim. My sister in law is a HS teacher and she is a POS libtard like you, she cant keep her politics out of the classroom.
^ calls his own sister a piece of shit

Typical Trump sheep

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