Hse Repblicns Amrcn Peple Dont Wnt Witch Hnt Invstigatins!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Republican Representative Mr. Issa the new Chairman for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform says he wants to do investigations on things like the legitimacy of using TARP money to bailout GM or how unions got such a great deal with respect to bond holders on the GM and Chrysler Bankruptcies, etc.. Mr. Issa don't be a huge jackass! These were liberal policy decisions and when the American people elect a left wing liberal government which they did in 2008, even thought they didn't know it, that is exactly what kind of government decisions they will get. Republican leadership don't waste committee time doing political investigations if you want to ramp up oversight hearings do hearings which will lead to changes that will make a meaningful difference for America. Here's some ideas Mr. Issa for hearings!

Mr. Issa recently you have publicly stated you would like to investigate the misuse of funds on the Iraq War. The American people already know quite well the utter absolute disgrace that transpired in spending money on the Iraq War and rebuilding Iraq. The American people know the Bush Administration restricted major contracts to U.S. contractors where foreign contractors who had experience doing projects in Iraq would have done a much better and less costly job, they know about power plants built relying on natural gas where none was available locally, they knew about transport contractors running empty trucks to generate bills, contractors acquiring goods (like fuel) at grossly inflated prices compared to acquisition from closer sources, etc.. Mr. Issa focus your hearings on solutions so this problem doesn't happen again where is the Government Accountability Office in this why does the American people hear about these abuses after the fact why doesn't the American people learn about these things in real time so the abuses can be stopped in their tracks one would think the GAO would have real time knowledge of these things and be screaming bloody murder about these things so they could be stopped. The hearings should focus on what has to be done to get the GAO office to be effective, I don't how how the top authority official in this office gets his or her job but I suspect its probably political. The American people probably need to hear a Congressional committee proposing that this GAO top official be appointed for ten year terms and that office's budget not be permitted to be reduced by any greater amount than the Defense Department budget or the overall general budget whichever is lesser to protect this office from political influence. Mr. Issa you have said you want to hold hearings about the waste of money in federal aid on Katrina recovery, its the same deal the American people already know about the abuse its like a half a billion dollars which was wrongly given out by the Federal government to residents in that Hurricane hit area, the American people want to see it doesn't happen again so as stated fix the GAO Office so they can stop the waste, fraud and abuse before it rises to level where it's a scandal!

Mr. Issa hold hearings where you can make a significant difference for the American people. Hold hearings revealing the absurdity of the government's blocking of disclosure of Doctors identities and the total fees they receive from Medicare, so the American people can see the extreme and obviously abusive amounts a minor percentage of doctors are getting from Medicare so the American people can put a stop to the abuse. Hold hearings revealing the historic scandal that is about to take place with the pending FCC approval of the Comcast acquisition of NBC, it will go down in history on par with the scandal of the early colonist to North America who tricked the Native Indians into selling Manhattan for a few trinkets during colonial times. It is really rather unbelievable that the powers to be in this country think they can get away with this so called deal clincher on the government approval of Comcast's purchase of NBC where Comcast promises to give $10/month broadband internet service to low income Americans for three years, not a like arrangement for fifteen years or indefinitely, three years - good thing the FCC is on the job! This Comcast buying NBC is a terrible deal for the American consumer and the Federal government should never approve it, by approving it would give a major cable TV distributor ownership of a huge amount of must have TV programming that other cable distributors are going to have to buy from this approved cable distributor, reasonably and realistically whatever type of conditions the government regulators put on the deal to try to get Comcast to not use its selling of the programming to other cable distributors to an unfair advantage and be appealing enough to have Comcast still go through will be skirted by lawyers and /or lobbyist over time. This Comcast deal compelling calls out for good elected officials to the nation's legislature to hold oversight hearings on this matter!
All of those "crimes" have, at their root, government malfeasance.

Investigate away.
Sounds like the left is running scared. Americans want to know what happened when Fannie Mae collapsed. Don't you? Americans want to know if their hard earned money went to corrupt union funds. Americans want to know why the Fannie Mae CEO walked off with 90 Million in bonus money for three years work just before the fund went under. Americans want to know what happened to their grand-kids money.
There won't be any "witch hunts", just investigations into finding out where all the the money went and what laws may have been broken in the process.

You Liberals have nothing to worry about.
Ah well, anything to keep from actually doing anything that would benefit the American Citizen. Provided, of course, that the citizen is not wealthy.
Ah well, anything to keep from actually doing anything that would benefit the American Citizen. Provided, of course, that the citizen is not wealthy.

Keeping in mind that Mitch McConnell has already spelled out the GOP's palns for the next two years: "Ensure President Obama is a one term President"......what a leader McConnell is for the weak minded.
Ah well, anything to keep from actually doing anything that would benefit the American Citizen. Provided, of course, that the citizen is not wealthy.

Keeping in mind that Mitch McConnell has already spelled out the GOP's palns for the next two years: "Ensure President Obama is a one term President"......what a leader McConnell is for the weak minded.

VaYank ... isn't that the goal of either party when they are not in power? Hmmmm? Get the other guy OUT of the biggest office and replace him with one of your own? Common sense here!
Mr. Issa focus your hearings on solutions so this problem doesn't happen again where is the Government Accountability Office in this why does the American people hear about these abuses after the fact why doesn't the American people learn about these things in real time so the abuses can be stopped in their tracks one would think the GAO would have real time knowledge of these things and be screaming bloody murder about these things so they could be stopped.
Americans were convinced (quite voluntarily) it would have been UN-American to step on Dick Cheney's agenda!!


After all.....if it wasn't for leftist-journalism & inadequate tax-cuts, we could have WON, IN IRAQ!!!!!!!


Fuck what Americans want!

These asshole Teabaggers are going to investigate and witchhunt whether we like it or not.
Sounds like the left is running scared. Americans want to know what happened when Fannie Mae collapsed. Don't you? Americans want to know if their hard earned money went to corrupt union funds. Americans want to know why the Fannie Mae CEO walked off with 90 Million in bonus money for three years work just before the fund went under. Americans want to know what happened to their grand-kids money.
Yeah....that's what we need....another serving o' reheated distractions!!! :cuckoo:

$ $ $ $ $


"They also remember Bush's stories about how the New Haven, Connecticut police always let him go, after he told them his name, when they stopped him "all the time" for driving drunk as a student at Yale in the late 1960s.

"He would laugh uproariously as though there was something funny about this. To me, that was pretty memorable, because here he is, a number of years out of college, talking about this to people he doesn't know," Archibald said. "He just struck me as a guy who really had an idea of himself as very much a child of privilege, that he wasn't operating by the same rules."
Why not investigate? is there something to hide?

i don't think that's what you said when some talked about investigating bush, cheney and friends.

you're right... they should waste another 70 million of our money investingating trash. :cuckoo:
Fuck what Americans want!

These asshole Teabaggers are going to investigate and witchhunt whether we like it or not.
No doubt.

After all....anything & everything (pre-Obama) is Water, under the bridge, now.....



the republican congress under Bush investigated the least of any congress in history.

They broke the records for LACK of oversight.

Lets all remember a near decade of whitewater investigations.

The republicans will abuse ANY power and have proven it over and over again.

Why any American is stupid enough to vote for this pack of completely morally bankrupted assholes is beyond me.

the republican congress under Bush investigated the least of any congress in history.

They broke the records for LACK of oversight.

Lets all remember a near decade of whitewater investigations.

The republicans will abuse ANY power and have proven it over and over again.

Why any American is stupid enough to vote for this pack of completely morally bankrupted assholes is beyond me.
Even Ignorance evolves.....​

why do they deny facts constantly?

why do they lie to themselves about the facts at every turn.

I have searched and searched for the reasoning that produced such wanton disregraud of the facts.

They are mentally ill is the only reasoning that makes any sense.

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