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"Hubris": New Documentary Reexamines the Iraq War "Hoax"

Faulty intelligence had many thinking Saddam had WMD - but the Bush boys had an agenda...OIL...

You nailed it! I'm 78 years old and we've had American oil companies in most of the middle eastern oil producing countries nearly all my life. At the end of the second world war at the conference in Yalta when Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met to make the most strategic decisions about the spoils of war Churchill told them to divide up the countries anyway they wanted to but not to mess with Great Britain's oil interests. Poor old Roosevelt was nearly on his death bed and agreed to the division of the European countries which resulted in the Berlin wall and in Asia the 38th parallel division which later led us into the Korean and Vietnamese wars. Roosevelt died about thee months after the meeting.
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Dude you really don't have a brain in your head...you do know that Billy was Prez when he said that...

You do know that Kerry and Hillarywere briefed when they said those things AFTER 9/11?

Good lord please do NOT procreate.

I must apologize, I assumed that anyone who could read the post would also be able to understand it, well you know what they say about assumptions.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

Now go and play with the other children kids.
You are dismissed.

Let's ask him to watch this nice collection of their lies and tell us again about "Honest Abe" Bush:


Did any of those folks have the power the commander in chief does?

Wait, what? NO?
It's all depending on what perspective one has or it is all being viewed from..

This is from the historians, in which they had this perspective of Sadam, so is this documentary well done or totally wrongheaded and/or wrong ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv9Adb3EuVE]Greatest Tank Battles - Season 1 - Episode 1 - The Battle of 73 Easting - YouTube[/ame]

Like I said, what sense did it make for Sadam to sacrifice his whole nation on a lie, in which is claimed that Bush was allegedly telling on him? If he had nothing to hide (innocent), then the Americans would have never went in, but Sadam taunted America by lying and distracting until the Americans & coalition forces came against him again. Undoubtedly Sadam figured he had plenty to hide, and also was arrogant to think he could bring his nation to the brink due him being a self made powerful dictator, the same way in which he was towards his people and his nation.

Funny how you don't hear people speaking in his favor after he is gone..
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Dude you really don't have a brain in your head...you do know that Billy was Prez when he said that...

You do know that Kerry and Hillarywere briefed when they said those things AFTER 9/11?

Good lord please do NOT procreate.

I must apologize, I assumed that anyone who could read the post would also be able to understand it, well you know what they say about assumptions.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

Now go and play with the other children kids.
You are dismissed.

Let's ask him to watch this nice collection of their lies and tell us again about "Honest Abe" Bush:


Did any of those folks have the power the commander in chief does?

Wait, what? NO?

No soldier died when Clinton lied.

When Bush and Cheney made up a thousand lies to make a case to invade with boots on the ground 10,000 miles from home 4500 died and 35,000 were seriously wounded. A little matter of a trillion dollars of new debt was also counted. Bush was always and still is an arrogant idiot.
Bush didn't want to go when they found out there were no WMD's but couldn't say "no" to the chickenhawks like Cheney and Rumsfield. They bullied him into that so called war.
War sucks, but the fact remains EVERYBODY believed Saddam had them, deal with it old man.

Dude you really don't have a brain in your head...you do know that Billy was Prez when he said that...

You do know that Kerry and Hillarywere briefed when they said those things AFTER 9/11?

Good lord please do NOT procreate.

I must apologize, I assumed that anyone who could read the post would also be able to understand it, well you know what they say about assumptions.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

Now go and play with the other children kids.
You are dismissed.

Did any of those folks have the power the commander in chief does?

Wait, what? NO?

No soldier died when Clinton lied.

When Bush and Cheney made up a thousand lies to make a case to invade with boots on the ground 10,000 miles from home 4500 died and 35,000 were seriously wounded. A little matter of a trillion dollars of new debt was also counted. Bush was always and still is an arrogant idiot.[/QUOTE]
Dude you really don't have a brain in your head...you do know that Billy was Prez when he said that...

You do know that Kerry and Hillarywere briefed when they said those things AFTER 9/11?

Good lord please do NOT procreate.

I must apologize, I assumed that anyone who could read the post would also be able to understand it, well you know what they say about assumptions.

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

Now go and play with the other children kids.
You are dismissed.

Let's ask him to watch this nice collection of their lies and tell us again about "Honest Abe" Bush:


Did any of those folks have the power the commander in chief does?

Wait, what? NO?

You're the one who can't get simple tagging right and your asking "me" not to procreate?

Here's a clue.

The VERY same folks that begged Clinton to attack Iraq, populated the Bush administration.

Letter to President Clinton on Iraq


I've got 30 more quotes from your side...face it moron, EVERYBODY thought he had them...here is another little tidbit for you...just because they weren't found doesn't mean he didn't have them...

Did he?
I have no idea, and the fact is neither do you....and thats the dirty little secret.

We don't know.
Now dad....read more than your little lefty sources, you are embarrassing yourself here.

Dude you really don't have a brain in your head...you do know that Billy was Prez when he said that...

You do know that Kerry and Hillarywere briefed when they said those things AFTER 9/11?

Good lord please do NOT procreate.

Did any of those folks have the power the commander in chief does?

Wait, what? NO?

You're the one who can't get simple tagging right and your asking "me" not to procreate?

Here's a clue.

The VERY same folks that begged Clinton to attack Iraq, populated the Bush administration.

Letter to President Clinton on Iraq

Dad, I am already on record as saying Iraq was a mistake...you need to work on some credibility and and admit you are all fucked up on what the facts are.

CIA Director George Tenet - July 11, 1997 – July 11, 2004

Tenet and Iraq WMD controversy

According to a report by veteran investigative journalist Bob Woodward in his book Plan of Attack, Tenet privately lent his personal authority to the intelligence reports about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq.[33] At a meeting on December 12, 2002, he assured Bush that the evidence that Iraq had WMDs amounted to a "slam dunk case." After several months of refusing to confirm this statement, Tenet stated that it was taken out of context. He indicated that it was made pursuant to a discussion about how to convince the American people to support invading Iraq.[34] The search following the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S., British and international forces yielded no significant WMDs.

George Tenet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NOTE: Dubya awarded Tenet the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Dude you really don't have a brain in your head...you do know that Billy was Prez when he said that...

You do know that Kerry and Hillarywere briefed when they said those things AFTER 9/11?

Good lord please do NOT procreate.

Did any of those folks have the power the commander in chief does?

Wait, what? NO?

You're the one who can't get simple tagging right and your asking "me" not to procreate?

Here's a clue.

The VERY same folks that begged Clinton to attack Iraq, populated the Bush administration.

Letter to President Clinton on Iraq


Ain't It The Truth. The Fox crowd doesn't like facts:

January 26, 1998

The Honorable William J. Clinton
President of the United States
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing you because we are convinced that current American policy toward Iraq is not succeeding, and that we may soon face a threat in the Middle East more serious than any we have known since the end of the Cold War. In your upcoming State of the Union Address, you have an opportunity to chart a clear and determined course for meeting this threat. We urge you to seize that opportunity, and to enunciate a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S. and our friends and allies around the world. That strategy should aim, above all, at the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime from power. We stand ready to offer our full support in this difficult but necessary endeavor.

The policy of “containment” of Saddam Hussein has been steadily eroding over the past several months. As recent events have demonstrated, we can no longer depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition to continue to uphold the sanctions or to punish Saddam when he blocks or evades UN inspections. Our ability to ensure that Saddam Hussein is not producing weapons of mass destruction, therefore, has substantially diminished. Even if full inspections were eventually to resume, which now seems highly unlikely, experience has shown that it is difficult if not impossible to monitor Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons production. The lengthy period during which the inspectors will have been unable to enter many Iraqi facilities has made it even less likely that they will be able to uncover all of Saddam’s secrets. As a result, in the not-too-distant future we will be unable to determine with any reasonable level of confidence whether Iraq does or does not possess such weapons.

Such uncertainty will, by itself, have a seriously destabilizing effect on the entire Middle East. It hardly needs to be added that if Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass destruction, as he is almost certain to do if we continue along the present course, the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil will all be put at hazard. As you have rightly declared, Mr. President, the security of the world in the first part of the 21st century will be determined largely by how we handle this threat.

Given the magnitude of the threat, the current policy, which depends for its success upon the steadfastness of our coalition partners and upon the cooperation of Saddam Hussein, is dangerously inadequate. The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power. That now needs to become the aim of American foreign policy.

We urge you to articulate this aim, and to turn your Administration's attention to implementing a strategy for removing Saddam's regime from power. This will require a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts. Although we are fully aware of the dangers and difficulties in implementing this policy, we believe the dangers of failing to do so are far greater. We believe the U.S. has the authority under existing UN resolutions to take the necessary steps, including military steps, to protect our vital interests in the Gulf. In any case, American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council.

We urge you to act decisively. If you act now to end the threat of weapons of mass destruction against the U.S. or its allies, you will be acting in the most fundamental national security interests of the country. If we accept a course of weakness and drift, we put our interests and our future at risk.


Elliott Abrams Richard L. Armitage William J. Bennett

Jeffrey Bergner John Bolton Paula Dobriansky

Francis Fukuyama Robert Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad

William Kristol Richard Perle Peter W. Rodman

Donald Rumsfeld William Schneider, Jr. Vin Weber

Paul Wolfowitz R. James Woolsey Robert B. Zoellick
Lets clear up the whole Bush lied crap, Bush articulated what virtaully EVERY leading politician was saying from BOTH sides of the isle were saying.

Having said that, Iraq was a mistake.
WE had the Taliban on the ropes in Afghanistan AND we had Bin Laden stuck in Tora Bora and we elt them and him get out.

As for Bin Laden in the 80's, we did what we did to help Afghanistan take down the Soviets.
It worked but AS IS USUAL for our Nation we did not calculate the Cultural and Religious
differences of our Society, we have a VERY long history of no thinking past the length of our own dicks.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"....meaning we want hate these guys more than you, so we'll whip them and then deal with you later....and that is EXACTLY what happened.

roo tell us how the leadin to the Iraq war really wnet in your memory?
You say that we let him or them get out in Tora Bora, but do you have proof that this was what happened ( we let him or them just walk ), otherwise get out as you say ?

Why don't we ask the military in charge of that operation, about what happened in Tora Bora, and how is it that we allegedly just "LET HIM or THEM GET OUT". This is a conspiracy theory about what happened, and so what people need is this kind of theory to be laid to rest by actual accounts or by confirmation on the ground that day. We need to see interviews by the officers in charge of that operation or even more so, maybe some actual soldiers and their accounting of that situation or operation to speak also. Have you got links to any interviews with the military about that operation, and them suggesting that they just let Bin Laden Go or get away due to their idiocy or direct orders? Which is it maybe ?
I'll believe the war was a good idea when Iraq stops palling around w/ countries like Iran & Syria PLUS when Repubs pay for it.

They wouldn't be paling around with them, I mean what maybe trying to fill the void or vacuum created? If we would have finished the job for them in the first place, then I think we would be accepted by most if not all of the Iraqi's afterwards, otherwise if it was done the way it was suppose to be done. It was coming, but to bad we have an election every 8 years in Bush's case, in which isn't enough time to see such a huge operation like that completed finally. The one side of our powerful political dynamic is not unified with the other side in this nation in which we call America any longer. We went to war at the peril of our own, but that doesn't matter to certain people in power now, who have an agenda to destroy the other side of the power dynamic in this nation, and they are doing this in order to put forth a social agenda that trumps it all, and this no matter who or what gets in their way. NPR is pure poison, as also the same with MSNBC etc.
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Hubris will repeat on March 15.
It had the most viewers of any documentary on MSNBC in a decade.

Number two was the documentary explaining how the greedy Wall St. assholes manipulated the financial system for years and finally crashed the mortgage industry.

Best I remember it was called "House Of Cards"
Hubris will repeat on March 15.
It had the most viewers of any documentary on MSNBC in a decade.
I finally watched it last night...it was good.

I haven't deleted it from my DVR and most likely won't. I'll watch it again over the coarse of the weekend, perhaps tomorrow night or Sunday day.

The testimonies were just damning for the Bush Admin.

Many people involved are very regretful of allowing themselves to go along with it for political reasons. I distinctly remember one Democrat that said he didn't vote his conscious, he voted for political reasons to go along with the Iraq War...the remorse on his face as he said it was palpable. Colin Powell has had that same expression in the aftermath.

Like I've stated numerous times in the past on this very board, the Bush Administration had everyone in such a state of fear and hyper-patriotism that it was it was damn near impossible to vote against him. Not if you wanted to stay in office. It was you're either for us or against us, anyone else preaching anything other than war would have been branded as weak and be tossed out on the next go in spades.

Very, very few had the testicles to withstand that political climate.

I gotta give Bush, Cheney, Rove and the rest of the gang props for one thing....those bastards sure do know how to use the bully pulpit. Damn them for it.
I finally watched it last night...it was good.
I haven't deleted it from my DVR and most likely won't. I'll watch it again over the coarse of the weekend, perhaps tomorrow night or Sunday day.
Hmmmmm, what so now you are using self inflicting propaganda upon yourself, and so is this what you are into now Marko ? What is this, some kind of new way to get high for you libs maybe ?

The testimonies were just damning for the Bush Admin.

Keep telling yourself that OK, and maybe someday a little mouse in the corner will finally listen to you and agree, but make sure you have a cookie to give him ok.

Many people involved are very regretful of allowing themselves to go along with it for political reasons. I distinctly remember one Democrat that said he didn't vote his conscious, he voted for political reasons to go along with the Iraq War...the remorse on his face as he said it was palpable. Colin Powell has had that same expression in the aftermath.

Colin Powell's expression says it all to you eh ? Why don't they or you get Colin Powell in an interview, and then see if he will begin to roll with the flow, or will he remain a part of the team to your dis-liking ? Funny how you bring Colin Powell into this by name, and I mean to the point of showing some kind of bias towards him, but why ? What about Condi Rice, she to Uncle Tomisina for you maybe ?

Like I've stated numerous times in the past on this very board, the Bush Administration had everyone in such a state of fear and hyper-patriotism that it was damn near impossible to vote against him. Not if you wanted to stay in office. It was you're either for us or against us, anyone else preaching anything other than war would have been branded as weak and be tossed out on the next go in spades.

So you are saying really, that Bush was more powerful than any hated dictator would be in the world as according to you (even hated more so than Osama Bin Laden maybe?), but I thought the people and our government (with all it's checks and balances on power), could always keep an alledged dictator/tyrant in check ? Is this why you want to rebuild America from the bottom up, because it just isn't working any more for people like yourself or rather it has never worked for people likeyourself as found in your mind ?

I gotta give Bush, Cheney, Rove and the rest of the gang props for one thing....those bastards sure do know how to use the bully pulpit. Damn them for it.
Oh so Barack doesn't known how to use it as good maybe, and so in this envy that you give here, do you find that Barack is letting you down in comparrison too ?

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