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"Hubris": New Documentary Reexamines the Iraq War "Hoax"

No he absolutely did not. Bush truly believed in what he was doing. I can't say that about the folks he surrounded himself with..but Bush himself?

He did all the wrong things for the right reasons. He truly thought that Saddam Hussien was a huge threat. Bush is..and was a patriotic American.

It doesn't do anyone any good framing him in any other way than that.

Good people with good intentions CAN do bad things.
If there were some reason to regard George W. Bush as anything but the self-serving elitist fop that he is I might be inclined to consider what you're presenting here. But that man is nothing more or less than a corporatist water-carrier and I am convinced the purpose of the Iraq invasion was to serve the interests of the Military Industrial Complex and to facilitate the emergence of a virtual army of private "contractors."

By David Corn

An MSNBC film, hosted by Rachel Maddow and based on Michael Isikoff and David Corn's book, finds new evidence that Bush scammed the nation into war.

A decade ago, on March 19, 2003, President George W. Bush launched the invasion of Iraq that would lead to a nine-year war resulting in 4,486 dead American troops, 32,226 service members wounded, and over 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians. The tab for the war topped $3 trillion. Bush did succeed in removing Saddam Hussein, but it turned out there were no weapons of mass destruction and no significant operational ties between Saddam's regime and Al Qaeda. That is, the two main assertions used by Bush and his crew to justify the war were not true. Three years after the war began, Michael Isikoff, then an investigative reporter for Newsweek (he's since moved to NBC News), and I published Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War, a behind-the-scenes account of how Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and their lieutenants deployed false claims, iffy intelligence, and unsupported hyperbole to win popular backing for the invasion.

Our book—hailed by the New York Times as "the most comprehensive account of the White House's political machinations"—was the first cut at an important topic: how a president had swindled the nation into war with a deliberate effort to hype the threat. The book is now the basis for an MSNBC documentary of the same name that marks the 10th anniversary of the Iraq war. Hosted by Rachel Maddow, the film premieres Monday night in her usual time slot (9PM ET/PT). But the documentary goes beyond what Isikoff and I covered in Hubris, presenting new scoops and showing that the complete story of the selling of that war has yet to be told.

One chilling moment in the film comes in an interview with retired General Anthony Zinni, a former commander in chief of US Central Command. In August 2002, the Bush-Cheney administration opened its propaganda campaign for war with a Cheney speech at the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars convention. The veep made a stark declaration: "There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." No doubt, he proclaimed, Saddam was arming himself with WMD in preparation for attacking the United States.

Zinni was sitting on the stage during the speech, and in the documentary he recalls his reaction:
It was a shock. It was a total shock. I couldn't believe the vice president was saying this, you know? In doing work with the CIA on Iraq WMD, through all the briefings I heard at Langley, I never saw one piece of credible evidence that there was an ongoing program. And that's when I began to believe they're getting serious about this. They wanna go into Iraq.​
That Zinni quote should almost end the debate on whether the Bush-Cheney administration purposefully guided the nation into war with misinformation and disinformation.

"Hubris": New Documentary Reexamines the Iraq War "Hoax" | Mother Jones

After Watergate, we were told that not putting Richard Nixon in prison would 'spare' America the distraction and 'national nightmare' of a trial etc.

At the time, I bought in to that argument. I was a fool to believe that it wasn't:

A. a mistake not to hold Nixon accountable (because we're SUPPOSED to be a nation of laws and not men) and send him to prison just like the people in European countries like France (which we are supposedly superior to in so many ways) manage to do when their leaders break the law.

B. the beginning of a trend where the rich and powerful in this country would continue to escape justice again, and Again, and AGAIN.

Watergate inevitably led to lran-Contra and then the Iraq War fiasco. And what happened to our leaders? They walk out as free men even as small fish like Lynndie England (sometimes) get sent to prison.

The 2008 financial meltdown in the private sector was just another example of how our legal system goes easy on the wealthy and powerful even as the rest of us have to pick up the pieces. Sometimes fines are levied. But jail time seems to be out of the question for most of these men.

You want to know what the REAL definition of American exceptionalism is? It's that we're a nation of laws and not men, except for the rich and powerful.

Read "With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful" by Glenn Greenwald if you want an eye-opener to our so-called justice system.
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It was a good re-hash of the events leading the USA to war, with a few more behind the scenes info.

BTW didn't MSNBC fire Donahue for being against the invasion?

All big media is in the pockets of the establishment. You can really tell in this forum who is an independent thinker aware of this principle, and who is not. Those who are not aware of this principle are rabidly partisan and repeat the government propaganda verbatim, like mindless zombies. It makes uniting the people against their common foe, (the globalists) a pain.

Instead they have this silly notion that the opposite party, or terrorists or some other fool notion is their foe. Meanwhile, the rest of us are just wishing they would do their own damn research and learn how to read.

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media

The Pratt House Matrix and "Ruling Class Journalists"
Big Media has been the handmaiden to Big Government for decades. Now that the Internet and independent media are challenging the statist game plan, Big Media and Big Government are desperately seeking to formally legitimize their longstanding illicit affair. To longtime observers it is not in the least surprising that the key players in this perverse Big Government-Big Media-Big Foundation symbiosis seem to hale disproportionately from the membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Like the slime trail that leads to the slug, most of the major efforts to centralize, nationalize, and cartelize political and economic power over the past century can be traced back to the CFR and the matrix of corporations, foundations, think tanks, and universities its members dominate. So it is with the current push to have the federal government fund and control more and more of the media. Dr. Bollinger (of Columbia University and the Federal Reserve) is a CFR member. As are Alberto Ibarg?en, president and CEO of the Knight Foundation and Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, key operatives leading the FOCAS campaign.

"The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations, has been the victim."

I hate Bush's wars, but when I tuned in and saw that Maddow was doing it, I tuned back out. There's no way of knowing what information is being distorted or avoided, so it would just be a waste of my time to watch it.

That's the problem with partisan ideologues providing "information": Who knows what the reality is.


I hate Bush's wars, but when I tuned in and saw that Maddow was doing it, I tuned back out. There's no way of knowing what information is being distorted or avoided, so it would just be a waste of my time to watch it.

That's the problem with partisan ideologues providing "information": Who knows what the reality is.

That's not what I got. I thought it was pretty good at showing how they cherry-picked the intel.
I thought Dr. Maddow did a great job of reporting the facts.

I can't assume what a partisan is telling me is the whole story, no way. If I can't hear both sides of a story, there's no way I can make a final decision. That's just me.


I can't assume what a partisan is telling me is the whole story, no way. If I can't hear both sides of a story, there's no way I can make a final decision. That's just me.


You mean you haven't been hearing the other side of the story from Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc...?
No he absolutely did not. Bush truly believed in what he was doing. I can't say that about the folks he surrounded himself with..but Bush himself?

He did all the wrong things for the right reasons. He truly thought that Saddam Hussien was a huge threat. Bush is..and was a patriotic American.

It doesn't do anyone any good framing him in any other way than that.

Good people with good intentions CAN do bad things.
If there were some reason to regard George W. Bush as anything but the self-serving elitist fop that he is I might be inclined to consider what you're presenting here. But that man is nothing more or less than a corporatist water-carrier and I am convinced the purpose of the Iraq invasion was to serve the interests of the Military Industrial Complex and to facilitate the emergence of a virtual army of private "contractors."

You nailed it! The cowboy was also interested in a little TX justice because Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate his daddy in 1993. I'd say he got it. Ask about 35,000-40,000 American familes whose lives were wrecked while he was doing it.
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Truly yesterdays news? The documentary doesn't air until tomorrow night.

The subject is truly old news just politically motivated clap trap by Maddow and MSDNC put out in a vain attempt to somehow distract people from the still near 8% unemployment, rapidly rising gas prices, and the sequester and budget battles coming in the next couple of weeks sorry.
It's timely to remind the country, since the NeoCons are at it again with Iran.

I can't assume what a partisan is telling me is the whole story, no way. If I can't hear both sides of a story, there's no way I can make a final decision. That's just me.

It's pretty obvious to see what's going on when the government dismisses the conlcusions of their nuclear experts and goes with a story from an informant that the British and Italian intelligence agencies have both said the guy couldn't be trusted.

When the IAEA say's the uranium tubes were not the right kind for enriching uranium, how can anyone justify Cheney dismissing that finding, when he doesn't know squat about the technology?

How can George Bush say one of the reasons for going to war was because Hussein refused to allow UN inspectors in Iraq, when they were already there driving around in white vans.

Or the more obvious thought that popped into my head when he said Iraq was a threat, which is...

"how is a country of goat-herders, that we bombed back to the stone-age in the first Persian Gulf war, that has barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen?"​
George Washington would be lost in today's world.

No. He just wouldn't tolerate your bullcrap and you'd think he was a nutjob.

BTW you are proud of a propaganda piece? seriously? As if people didn't live through the last 10 years.
No he absolutely did not. Bush truly believed in what he was doing. I can't say that about the folks he surrounded himself with..but Bush himself?

He did all the wrong things for the right reasons. He truly thought that Saddam Hussien was a huge threat. Bush is..and was a patriotic American.

It doesn't do anyone any good framing him in any other way than that.

Good people with good intentions CAN do bad things.
If there were some reason to regard George W. Bush as anything but the self-serving elitist fop that he is I might be inclined to consider what you're presenting here. But that man is nothing more or less than a corporatist water-carrier and I am convinced the purpose of the Iraq invasion was to serve the interests of the Military Industrial Complex and to facilitate the emergence of a virtual army of private "contractors."

You nailed it! The cowboy was also interested in a little TX justice because Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate his daddy in 1993. I'd say he got it. Ask about 35,000-40,000 American familes who were wrecked while he was doing it.

Saddam was pissed after "daddy" betrayed him. Remember Ambassador April Glaspie's meeting with Saddam regarding Kuwait on July 25, 1990?

TRANSCRIPT: Saddam and Ambassador Glaspie

I can't assume what a partisan is telling me is the whole story, no way. If I can't hear both sides of a story, there's no way I can make a final decision. That's just me.


You mean you haven't been hearing the other side of the story from Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc...?

Not exactly credible sources there, either. If I'm gonna watch a cartoon, I find SpongeBob Squarepants™ much funnier.

The only way to get fairly reliable information on something this nasty would be to hear from intelligence and administration sources, and there's some of that. Based on that, my suspicion that Bush cherry-picked evidence because he had a hard-on for bein' "exceptional" 'n stuff. If that's the premise of this show, great, I'm already there.

Yeah, but it's good to be reminded of such a stupid atrocity so it isn't repeated.

Not good enough.
A war crimes trial for those concerned has to be the way forwards, perhaps even treason considering they killed so many Americans.

Nothing the Bush administration did was treasonous.

Criminal, yes..but not treasonous.

I would call outing a covert CIA agent treasonous.


Look at the actions of Colin Powell since all that crap came down. He still says he's a Republican but in fact ever since they fooled him into making that speech of lies to the U N he has been acting like a Democrat.
I believe you are quite right in 99% of what you've said. But do you really believe Colin Powell was "fooled" into making his fatefully deceitful and misleading presentation before the UN and the world?

Colin Powell, more than any other single individual, is responsible for the Iraq invasion. Because it was his effort that achieved final approval for it. He deliberately and calculatedly prostituted his reputation by showing himself to be Bush's house ****** and lying for him, thus betraying not only the Nation that trusted him but each of those American troops who died or were crippled in that wholly unnecessary and unlawful military aggression.

What you should keep in mind is Colin Powell was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs during Operation Desert Storm. He orchestrated the destruction of the Iraqi Army. Who had access to better intelligence about Iraq's capabilities and subsequent military potential than he?

Colin Powell deserves to be tried as a criminal, stood against a wall and shot. Yet he is gradually re-inserting himself into the political mainstream.

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