Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

Actually a child can give birth at 5 yrs old. Lina Medina was 5 1/2. That means she was 4 when she became pregnant. Parents took her to the doctor thinking she has a tumor, but found out she was 7 months pregnant.

No child should have to go through that at any age till they are mentally and physically ready to be a mother

Most abusers are from within the family or a friend of the family. No child should have to go through that.
Pregnancy is safer than an abortion at that age. Babies can be raised as siblings, or adopted out. Nobody proposes that a ten year old raise a child. Though....interesting factoid....Henry VIIs mom Margaret Beauford was 12 when she got pregnant. Her great granddaughter was Elizabeth I

Prove it. She is 5 times more likely to die giving birth than an adult.
Which is why she had a C-section. Way too little to deliver naturally.
Why does anything that happens in Paraguay (or what Paraguay's laws are) matter?
I think the better question is why the Hell does ANYTHING that idiot Huckster says is a reason for the rabid right fascists to listen and respond to his dog whistles and scamper to his defense!
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
It's sicker to subject her to a dangerous, illegal abortion at the behest of her abusers. Abortion doesn't cure rape, dumbass. It makes it worse.

abortion in a clinic by a doctor is not illegal or as dangerous as a pregnancy.
It is in Paraguay. And it's illegal in this country if the butcher fails to call the authorities. And they almost always fail to call the authorities because #1 they are criminals engaged in criminal acts themselves, and #2 they get their money from abusers. Call the cops, lose the harvest.
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

Actually a child can give birth at 5 yrs old. Lina Medina was 5 1/2. That means she was 4 when she became pregnant. Parents took her to the doctor thinking she has a tumor, but found out she was 7 months pregnant.

No child should have to go through that at any age till they are mentally and physically ready to be a mother

Most abusers are from within the family or a friend of the family. No child should have to go through that.
Pregnancy is safer than an abortion at that age. Babies can be raised as siblings, or adopted out. Nobody proposes that a ten year old raise a child. Though....interesting factoid....Henry VIIs mom Margaret Beauford was 12 when she got pregnant. Her great granddaughter was Elizabeth I

Prove it. She is 5 times more likely to die giving birth than an adult.
And 10 times more likely to die screaming from the abortion as to die from birth.
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

Who here said she should go be taken to a back alley abortionist?


At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

Actually a child can give birth at 5 yrs old. Lina Medina was 5 1/2. That means she was 4 when she became pregnant. Parents took her to the doctor thinking she has a tumor, but found out she was 7 months pregnant.

No child should have to go through that at any age till they are mentally and physically ready to be a mother

Most abusers are from within the family or a friend of the family. No child should have to go through that.
Pregnancy is safer than an abortion at that age. Babies can be raised as siblings, or adopted out. Nobody proposes that a ten year old raise a child. Though....interesting factoid....Henry VIIs mom Margaret Beauford was 12 when she got pregnant. Her great granddaughter was Elizabeth I

Prove it. She is 5 times more likely to die giving birth than an adult.
And 10 times more likely to die screaming from the abortion as to die from birth.
Tell us, what do you think about the fact that they cut her open to get the baby? Were they wrong?

And you never told us if there is ever an abortion you'd approve of?
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
It's sicker to subject her to a dangerous, illegal abortion at the behest of her abusers. Abortion doesn't cure rape, dumbass. It makes it worse.

abortion in a clinic by a doctor is not illegal or as dangerous as a pregnancy.
It is in Paraguay. And it's illegal in this country if the butcher fails to call the authorities. And they almost always fail to call the authorities because #1 they are criminals engaged in criminal acts themselves, and #2 they get their money from abusers. Call the cops, lose the harvest.

There are four planned parenthood clincs in Paraguay that do abortions. Centro Paraguayo de Estudios de Poblacion (CEPEP). Giving birth at that age posses a threat to her life.
What's even this particular case, the butchers are screaming that the girl be subjected to a dangerous, illegal procedure in unsanitary conditions, performed by unlicensed criminals, instead of providing her safe, legal treat ment in a hospital by a team of licensed and caring professionals. They're advocating life threatening back alley abortion for little girls.

That you think this tragedy is "funny" says it all but

EXACTLY who here has "advocated life threatening back alley abortion for little girls"?

At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

The youngest mother on record was a five-year-old Peruvian girl.

Why does anything that happens in Paraguay (or what Paraguay's laws are) matter?

Because presidential candidate Huckabee agrees!

Then let presidential candidate Huckabee pick up the bill for the girl's lifetime of welfare, medical and child care then. Time to put his money where his mouth is.
Tell her to drop the baby off on my doorstep ... No questions asked.

I will raise it.
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

Actually a child can give birth at 5 yrs old. Lina Medina was 5 1/2. That means she was 4 when she became pregnant. Parents took her to the doctor thinking she has a tumor, but found out she was 7 months pregnant.

No child should have to go through that at any age till they are mentally and physically ready to be a mother

Most abusers are from within the family or a friend of the family. No child should have to go through that.
Pregnancy is safer than an abortion at that age. Babies can be raised as siblings, or adopted out. Nobody proposes that a ten year old raise a child. Though....interesting factoid....Henry VIIs mom Margaret Beauford was 12 when she got pregnant. Her great granddaughter was Elizabeth I

Prove it. She is 5 times more likely to die giving birth than an adult.
And 10 times more likely to die screaming from the abortion as to die from birth.

beside being irrational, you're making up facts, but in the process, you undercut your own argument.

I'm no fan of Huckabee, but the rape-and-incest gambit is a giant red herring. Less than one percent of abortions is for rape. The abortionists want us all to focus on the extreme exception to avoid talking about the nearly million abortions a year that are done because a child is inconvenient.

The abortionists are using rape and incest victims as human shields. It's a disgusting, shameful tactic.

Their other favorite tactic is blackmail. "Pay for my inconvenient kid, or I will kill it."
There is no other logical or morally consistent view to have. The method of conception does not mean that the woman has to hate the unborn child within her. If she is to hate anyone it would be the perpetrator of the real crime. I am all for castration of sexual offenders.
I'm no fan of Huckabee, but the rape-and-incest gambit is a giant red herring. Less than one percent of abortions is for rape. The abortionists want us all to focus on the extreme exception to avoid talking about the nearly million abortions a year that are done because a child is inconvenient.

The abortionists are using rape and incest victims as human shields. It's a disgusting tactic.
If you are truly Pro-Life, there are no exceptions. Stop worrying about people having sex and start worrying about making sure it doesn't make unwanted babies, and most of these elective abortions will go away.
There is no other logical or morally consistent view to have. The method of conception does not mean that the woman has to hate the unborn child within her. If she is to hate anyone it would be the perpetrator of the real crime. I am all for castration of sexual offenders.
Which does little, if any, good.
I'm no fan of Huckabee, but the rape-and-incest gambit is a giant red herring. Less than one percent of abortions is for rape. The abortionists want us all to focus on the extreme exception to avoid talking about the nearly million abortions a year that are done because a child is inconvenient.

The abortionists are using rape and incest victims as human shields. It's a disgusting tactic.

What's wrong with "inconvenient"? Roe v. Wade gives pregnant women the right to choose! I care much more about pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons - including "convenience". The woman has first priority. It's her right. The rabid anti-choice NaziCons don't have the political muscle to overturn Roe v. Wade - so they just keep coming through the back door and chipping away at it. This thread alone is ample proof that their argument is based on lies and misinformation. The anti-choicers started out saying they just didn't want federal funds used for abortions - but that lie quickly morphed into what we are seeing now. They want to end all abortions - period.

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