Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Why do you evil progressives insist the innocent baby die for what the father did? Why do you people hate babies not white?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Why do you insist on killing the spirit and ruining the life of the 10 year old for what the rapist did?
Is that really worse than actual murder of another human being?
Abortion is not killing another human being.
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.

Go back to you bible. Birth control and abortions are there. Bible does not prohibit either. Nor is a baby recognized as human till one month after birth.
Stop trying to make christians look stupid by waving a bible around on the issue of abortion and birth control.
The right of birth control and choice when to become a mother empowers women. Take that right away and she goes back to being little more than a slave.
Women of the bible are strong and can become leaders of men. How far are you going to turn the clock back?

Anti-abortion is not christian, it is barbaric slavery. Children should be wanted and love, that is moral. Unwanted and disposable children after birth is not, but that is what happens to the infants. There are millions of babies and children in the world that need good homes. The planet is over populated. This is not the age of the black death where half the population.

Not all people in the US or the planet are christian, stop trying to defame christians by pretending this is a christian issue, especially since you don't even know your bible. It is up to the woman to decide if she is ready to be a mother, not you or anyone else.
Abortion is a human rights violation. It's a depraved, disgusting practice carried out by unlicensed ghouls in non regulated hell houses, for the express purpose of reducing a hated population, and facilitating sex crime.

Actually, you anti-choice NaziCons are trying to push pregnant women seeking abortion back into back alleys and unlicensed coat hanger nightmares before Roe v. Wade. Don't you get that?
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Why do you evil progressives insist the innocent baby die for what the father did? Why do you people hate babies not white?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Why do you insist on killing the spirit and ruining the life of the 10 year old for what the rapist did?
Is that really worse than actual murder of another human being?
Which risks the life of the 10 year old.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Why do you evil progressives insist the innocent baby die for what the father did? Why do you people hate babies not white?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Why do you insist on killing the spirit and ruining the life of the 10 year old for what the rapist did?
Is that really worse than actual murder of another human being?
Abortion is not killing another human being.
Of course it is. And it's a human rights violation as well.
What's even this particular case, the butchers are screaming that the girl be subjected to a dangerous, illegal procedure in unsanitary conditions, performed by unlicensed criminals, instead of providing her safe, legal treat ment in a hospital by a team of licensed and caring professionals. They're advocating life threatening back alley abortion for little girls.
What's even this particular case, the butchers are screaming that the girl be subjected to a dangerous, illegal procedure in unsanitary conditions, performed by unlicensed criminals, instead of providing her safe, legal treat ment in a hospital by a team of licensed and caring professionals. They're advocating life threatening back alley abortion for little girls.
No one is advocating that, but if you got your way, that's how it would mostly happen.
What's even this particular case, the butchers are screaming that the girl be subjected to a dangerous, illegal procedure in unsanitary conditions, performed by unlicensed criminals, instead of providing her safe, legal treat ment in a hospital by a team of licensed and caring professionals. They're advocating life threatening back alley abortion for little girls.
No one is advocating that, but if you got your way, that's how it would mostly happen.

Yes life in the new theocratic paradise would be interesting indeed.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.

Go back to you bible. Birth control and abortions are there. Bible does not prohibit either. Nor is a baby recognized as human till one month after birth.
Stop trying to make christians look stupid by waving a bible around on the issue of abortion and birth control.
The right of birth control and choice when to become a mother empowers women. Take that right away and she goes back to being little more than a slave.
Women of the bible are strong and can become leaders of men. How far are you going to turn the clock back?

Anti-abortion is not christian, it is barbaric slavery. Children should be wanted and love, that is moral. Unwanted and disposable children after birth is not, but that is what happens to the infants. There are millions of babies and children in the world that need good homes. The planet is over populated. This is not the age of the black death where half the population.

Not all people in the US or the planet are christian, stop trying to defame christians by pretending this is a christian issue, especially since you don't even know your bible. It is up to the woman to decide if she is ready to be a mother, not you or anyone else.
Abortion is a human rights violation. It's a depraved, disgusting practice carried out by unlicensed ghouls in non regulated hell houses, for the express purpose of reducing a hated population, and facilitating sex crime.

Actually, you anti-choice NaziCons are trying to push pregnant women seeking abortion back into back alleys and unlicensed coat hanger nightmares before Roe v. Wade. Don't you get that?
No, we want them to receive treatment...not death. You're on the side of the girl's abusers.
You also don't know what force means. Force is used to rape little girls. Force is used to abort them to hide the rape as well. Pregnancy isn't's a natural conclusion that us infinitely safer for a little girl than a filthy, illegal chop job by your perverted friends who work with the abusers to hide the crimes committed on the girl.
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
You also don't know what force means. Force is used to rape little girls. Force is used to abort them to hide the rape as well. Pregnancy isn't's a natural conclusion that us infinitely safer for a little girl than a filthy, illegal chop job by your perverted friends who work with the abusers to hide the crimes committed on the girl.

Pregnancy is "natural"? Ya...but so is abortion.

Adolescent Maternal Mortality An Overlooked Crisis
Adolescents age 15 through 19 are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or child birth as those over age 20; girls under age 15 are five times more likely to die.[2,6,7]
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
And highly dangerous while an abortion would not have been.
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

Actually a child can give birth at 5 yrs old. Lina Medina was 5 1/2. That means she was 4 when she became pregnant. Parents took her to the doctor thinking she has a tumor, but found out she was 7 months pregnant.

No child should have to go through that at any age till they are mentally and physically ready to be a mother

Most abusers are from within the family or a friend of the family. No child should have to go through that.
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
It's sicker to subject her to a dangerous, illegal abortion at the behest of her abusers. Abortion doesn't cure rape, dumbass. It makes it worse.
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
It's sicker to subject her to a dangerous, illegal abortion at the behest of her abusers. Abortion doesn't cure rape, dumbass. It makes it worse.

The little girl's mother wanted an abortion - but authorities wouldn't allow it. Are you suggesting the mother was also an abuser?
At what age would this 10-year-old have qualified for an abortion according to Huckabee's thinking? Any age? 8? 6? 4?
Are you unaware that 4 year olds cannot get pregnant? Really?

Actually a child can give birth at 5 yrs old. Lina Medina was 5 1/2. That means she was 4 when she became pregnant. Parents took her to the doctor thinking she has a tumor, but found out she was 7 months pregnant.

No child should have to go through that at any age till they are mentally and physically ready to be a mother

Most abusers are from within the family or a friend of the family. No child should have to go through that.
Pregnancy is safer than an abortion at that age. Babies can be raised as siblings, or adopted out. Nobody proposes that a ten year old raise a child. Though....interesting factoid....Henry VIIs mom Margaret Beauford was 12 when she got pregnant. Her great granddaughter was Elizabeth I
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
It's sicker to subject her to a dangerous, illegal abortion at the behest of her abusers. Abortion doesn't cure rape, dumbass. It makes it worse.
Abortion doesn't cure rape, nothing does, but tell us, is there ever a case when you approve of abortion?
This thread could care less about the Little Girl. for one it would be doubtful a 10 year old can get knocked up and for TWO. they are only USING her for their warped agenda for the butchers of abortion
You are sick.
It's sick to insist a ten year old should go to an abortionist instead of a real doctor. In this case a back alley abortionist. Though all pp abortionists are unqualified, un monitored back alley abortionists.

It is sick to insist a 10 yr old little girl MUST have a baby.
It's sicker to subject her to a dangerous, illegal abortion at the behest of her abusers. Abortion doesn't cure rape, dumbass. It makes it worse.

The little girl's mother wanted an abortion - but authorities wouldn't allow it. Are you suggesting the mother was also an abuser?
I'm suggesting she was willing to risk her daughter's life to cover a crime that she should have prevented. At best.

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