Huffington Post Accidentally Admits Rich Pay More than 'Fair Share'

I pay my taxes.

Do what Jesus would do and pay more, the IRS gladly takes donations
I wish I were able to afford more. If I were in a higher tax bracket I wouldn't be whining.

What's stopping you..

I don't owe you an explanation of anything.
Well then I guess Trump doesn't owe you either.
I wasn't expecting Trump to provide me with anything.
I pay my taxes.

Do what Jesus would do and pay more, the IRS gladly takes donations
I wish I were able to afford more. If I were in a higher tax bracket I wouldn't be whining.

What's stopping you..

I don't owe you an explanation of anything.

Then quit crying about it.
Who's crying? The OP maybe. Like I said, I paid my taxes. I didn't come here and whine about it.
Do what Jesus would do and pay more, the IRS gladly takes donations
I wish I were able to afford more. If I were in a higher tax bracket I wouldn't be whining.

What's stopping you..

I don't owe you an explanation of anything.
Well then I guess Trump doesn't owe you either.
I wasn't expecting Trump to provide me with anything.
He's provided me with pretty much everything I wanted. Mostly your misery. And a SC justice. That was nice.
I wish I were able to afford more. If I were in a higher tax bracket I wouldn't be whining.

What's stopping you..

I don't owe you an explanation of anything.
Well then I guess Trump doesn't owe you either.
I wasn't expecting Trump to provide me with anything.
He's provided me with pretty much everything I wanted. Mostly your misery. And a SC justice. That was nice.
I'm not in misery. He hasn't yet done anything that has had an effect on my life. But I'm glad you are happy.
What's stopping you..

I don't owe you an explanation of anything.
Well then I guess Trump doesn't owe you either.
I wasn't expecting Trump to provide me with anything.
He's provided me with pretty much everything I wanted. Mostly your misery. And a SC justice. That was nice.
I'm not in misery. He hasn't yet done anything that has had an effect on my life. But I'm glad you are happy.
Well shit, maybe you should just chill out then.
The US Government has been giving tax incentives to try to stabilize the economy for ages. Just as they did to encourage clean energy, same shit just a different goal. That a business uses said incentives is expected, not "wrong" the fact that people try to make it "wrong" to use tax incentives and deductions to ones benefit is a false ideological that basically renders all arguments afterward as meaningless and unintelligent. ~shrug~
When I see statements that contend, "New data Released by the IRS has just shown that the top 1% income earners pays more in tax than the bottom 95% combined," it causes me to question the data behind the numbers. To those that want to argue that the rich already pay their fair share, I'm uncomfortable making the assumption that the top 1% of income earners and the top 1% of our richest people are one in the same. Being rich is a measure of wealth. And wealth can be gained in a couple of ways besides income. Capital gains aren't taxed at all until sold and there is a big chunk a person can receive through inheritance that isn't subject to tax.

It's like when a politician wants to simplify the tax code and claims he'd do it by eliminating some of the tax brackets. Heck, I can reduce all but one of the tax brackets and it isn't going to simplify a whole lot. The meat and potatoes of the tax code deals with what is and what isn't taxable income. That's a subject politicians don't talk about, although Trump did sort of hint upon it when at the start of his campaign when he said he would sock hedge fund managers.

At this point I'm just not sold one way or the other.
Right, because it's not just about taxing income made, but also adding to the misery of the children and spouses left behind when their wealthy family member dies... Death taxes are disgusting.
I don't owe you an explanation of anything.
Well then I guess Trump doesn't owe you either.
I wasn't expecting Trump to provide me with anything.
He's provided me with pretty much everything I wanted. Mostly your misery. And a SC justice. That was nice.
I'm not in misery. He hasn't yet done anything that has had an effect on my life. But I'm glad you are happy.
Well shit, maybe you should just chill out then.
Yeah, maybe.
...Gotta gouge those fat cats...
Interesting term, we've even been called that a few years ago by the President.

imho it's sick that the extreme left gets away w/ name calling using a derogatory adjective and pejorative animal. How long could anyone on the right last if they ever called the former pres a "crazy monkey" or Hillary a "stupid bitch". Then again, the right never stoops to that level anyway...
...seems to me that they could stand to pay more of the tax burden.
That makes sense if the only goal is attacking the evil subhuman rich --a popular view. Doesn't matter if it makes everyone worse off, it's worth it as long as we can hurt the hated ones.

...they had to apologize because the results proved the opposite. What a surprise, liberals aren't in touch with the real world. Who'd have saw that coming?
Of course the left never apologizes no matter what, but the point's still valid. More and more it seems that the left calls for some kind of investigation (like say, Russian collusion) only to find the case far stronger against the Dems.
...the infamous Top 1% — you know, the folks who don't pay their "fair share" — actually pay 25% of all federal taxes.
...seems to me that they could stand to pay more of the tax burden.
For what? What exactly do they owe more for?
The maintenance of the country.
You mean tax revenue to support the gov't? If that's our goal then we want to cut rates. If the goal is attack the inferior race rich then country-maintenance doesn't matter.

This is an old question that was posed back in '08 at a presidential debate:

Obama: Let's Raise Capital Gains Tax Even if Less Revenue- Fairness...
...Warren Buffet's secretary pays 15% of his/her income in taxes, why should Warren pay a lower percentage...
Interesting, this Warren Buffet story is really on topic because it addresses the extreme left wing lies that have been contaminating our discourse.

The whole "secretary pays less" story came out back when the IRS was after Warren for trying to cheat the gov't our of a billion dollars and the corrupt left gave him a pass in return for that "secretary pays less" lie. We really need to stick to the facts here.
from: Huffington Post Accidentally Destroys The Left's Entire 'Tax Fairness' Argument


The left-leaning (to put it politely) Huffington Post website makes a convincing case for the Republicans' plans to cut taxes.

In an article headlined 'That GOP 'Middle Class' Tax Cut Might Be a Big Fat Trojan Horse For The Rich," a Huffington Post writer set out to attack Republican tax-cutting plans.

There's nothing new about decrying tax cuts as giveaways to the rich. Democrats spent years trashing President Bush's tax cuts on those grounds, and the first chance President Obama had, he raised the top tax rates.

But in making his case, Huffington Post senior White House correspondent S. V. Date inadvertently reveals...

...the infamous Top 1% — you know, the folks who don't pay their "fair share" — actually pay 25% of all federal taxes.

The top 20%, Date goes on, pay 69% of all federal taxes. The middle 20? They pick up just 9% of the tax bill.

What's more, Date notes that the average federal tax rate has dropped significantly for every group over the past 30 years — except the wealthy.

"The poorest 20% saw their average federal tax rate drop from 8.7% in 1983 to 3.3% in 2013,"...

...a tiny fraction of the country pays the vast bulk of the tax bill, while more than 40% pay nothing. Then, whenever Republicans talk about tax cuts, Democrats scream that all the benefits go to the rich.

This isn't an argument against tax cuts. After all, the people paying the bulk of the tax load also tend to be the people who make the investments that grow the economy, create jobs and increase opportunities for everyone. Lower their taxes and they will have more money to invest...
Progressive taxes is an act of cowardice, ultimately brought on by envy... fact
from: Huffington Post Accidentally Destroys The Left's Entire 'Tax Fairness' Argument


The left-leaning (to put it politely) Huffington Post website makes a convincing case for the Republicans' plans to cut taxes.

In an article headlined 'That GOP 'Middle Class' Tax Cut Might Be a Big Fat Trojan Horse For The Rich," a Huffington Post writer set out to attack Republican tax-cutting plans.

There's nothing new about decrying tax cuts as giveaways to the rich. Democrats spent years trashing President Bush's tax cuts on those grounds, and the first chance President Obama had, he raised the top tax rates.

But in making his case, Huffington Post senior White House correspondent S. V. Date inadvertently reveals...

...the infamous Top 1% — you know, the folks who don't pay their "fair share" — actually pay 25% of all federal taxes.

The top 20%, Date goes on, pay 69% of all federal taxes. The middle 20? They pick up just 9% of the tax bill.

What's more, Date notes that the average federal tax rate has dropped significantly for every group over the past 30 years — except the wealthy.

"The poorest 20% saw their average federal tax rate drop from 8.7% in 1983 to 3.3% in 2013,"...

...a tiny fraction of the country pays the vast bulk of the tax bill, while more than 40% pay nothing. Then, whenever Republicans talk about tax cuts, Democrats scream that all the benefits go to the rich.

This isn't an argument against tax cuts. After all, the people paying the bulk of the tax load also tend to be the people who make the investments that grow the economy, create jobs and increase opportunities for everyone. Lower their taxes and they will have more money to invest...

Considering that 47% of Americans don't earn enough to pay taxes, the percentage of the total tax bill paid by the wealthy is a pointless figure.

If Warren Buffet's secretary pays 15% of his/her income in taxes, why should Warren pay a lower percentage, when he makes far more than her? Warren is able to use far more deductions than his secretary, and thereby reduce his taxable income substantially, and THEN he pays a lower percentage than she does. So Warren gets more deductions, more tax breaks and a lower rate.

Prior to Reagans amendments to the tax code in the 1980s, all but the poorest in American society had some savings and equity. Since Reagan reduced taxes for the wealthy, wealth and equity has been steadily rising to the top, first at the expense of the working class as their wages stagnated, and until last year, at the expense of the working class.

To say that the wealthy haven't had a tax cut in 20 years, well 20 years ago was the last time the country had a balanced budget, and as far as I'm concerned NOBODY gets a tax cut until that fucking deficit is wiped out, and not before. Otherwise, the wealthy are funding their wages and their wars on the backs of the working class and the middle class. Republicans love to spend money on war, well you want to got to war, stop kicking the costs down the road and start paying for your wars, and that includes the VA to take care of the battered and the broken for the rest of their lives.
All Americans should pay the same amount not percentage, but the same amount…
It's funny I pay more to my accountant than what I pay in taxes… Out of principal.
I rather give it to someone other than the federal government… lol
Progressive taxes is an act of cowardice, ultimately brought on by envy... fact
All Americans should pay the same amount not percentage, but the same amount…
We can say what we want and we can want what we want, but the facts will remain that--
  • we need government
  • the government needs money
  • the rich have the money
My issue w/ current policy discourse is the fact that we want to allow the rich to get richer, not only because the rich are people too and riches are good, but also because the better off one econ class gets the better off we all are.
Everybody in this fucking high taxed country pays too much taxes. In every household rich or poor combined State, Federal and Local taxes are usually the largest single household expense for the year. More than food and more for housing or anything else. The combined Federal, State and Local cost of the filthy ass government is a about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable.

The rich pays the great majority of the trillion a year collected by the Federal government in income taxes and states where there is income taxes so the greedy little welfare queens need to just shut their greedy envious big mouths.
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Progressive taxes is an act of cowardice, ultimately brought on by envy... fact
All Americans should pay the same amount not percentage, but the same amount…
We can say what we want and we can want what we want, but the facts will remain that--
  • we need government
  • the government needs money
  • the rich have the money
My issue w/ current policy discourse is the fact that we want to allow the rich to get richer, not only because the rich are people too and riches are good, but also because the better off one econ class gets the better off we all are.
The federal government is 100% wrong… They don't deserve anything it's taxation without representation… LOL

Despite Record Collections, 52,062,499 Filers Paid No Income Taxes in 2014

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