HUFFPOST: "The president's performance is certainly going to revive Democrats' concerns about his age and mental acuity."


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The DNC tonight, and there's a word for it in pinball: 'TILT'!
It's time to panic, and pull the plug on fossil Joe before it's too late, and you know it's bad if the liberal birdcage liners are melting down. “We finally beat Medicare.” Yikes!

President Joe Biden fumbled his way through Thursday’s presidential debate with Donald Trump, an alarming performance for Democrats eager to see him shut down his deeply flawed GOP challenger: a twice-impeached convicted felon known for his lies and ugly attacks.
The beginning of the 90-minute debate was particularly brutal for Biden. His voice was scratchy and weak, and sometimes hard to understand. He appeared to lose his train of thought multiple times, including in response to a question from a moderator, CNN’s Jake Tapper, about the national debt. He struggled to answer another question about how his administration would strengthen health care, mixing up trillions with billions when talking about dollar amounts.

Been telling you folks for over a year that this election would be a referendum on whether or not folks want a President Kamala Harris. It is only going to get more intense from here.
Dims knew they had an old extremely weak candidate, and failed to act. Now if they don't make a move RIGHT NOW, they will have to deal with this kind of fallout.
What's shocking to me is, the Biden camp was the one who wanted this debate. It was their idea. They're more out of it then even Joe Biden.
Been telling you folks for over a year that this election would be a referendum on whether or not folks want a President Kamala Harris. It is only going to get more intense from here.
Picking Harris knowing she was not Presidential and Joe should have disqualified himself in 2020 is an albatross around the Progressives neck.
Picking Harris knowing she was not Presidential and Joe should have disqualified himself in 2020 is an albatross around the Progressives neck.
Really I think COVID caused everybody else to flee the race, but Harris was a very odd choice other than he wanted to be seen as not racist as a defense to his past legislative history. She was the least popular candidate in the DNC stable to begin with who brought nothing to the table.

Anyway, they aren't going anywhere before the election so it will be interesting to see if this ends up dragging down their turnout.

"Biden’s likelihood of winning the 2024 presidential election has fallen to a new low after Thursday night’s debate, as Trump’s has risen to a new high. Meanwhile, some bettors are now more upbeat about prominent Democrats such as Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama."

How long before Dems remember the word "stutter"?
Wow! Trump stood up there and ied for an entire debate and this is what you think is a winner?
Speaking of lies, why did Biden say there are less illegal border crossings now than during Trump’s term and that the Border Patrol endorsed him? Those were among the lies told by Biden.
Speaking of lies, why did Biden say there are less illegal border crossings now than during Trump’s term and that the Border Patrol endorsed him? Those were among the lies told by Biden.
It's gotta hurt when even the lies don't work.
What was exposed last night, was like the biggest fraud in history on the American people. Clearly, Joey Xiden is not mentally fit for the job, and clearly hasn't been. The lies, the repeated lies, by the Dembot press, the Press Sec, members of his cabinet, etc, make it clear there has been a vast conspiray to cover this up.....who's been running the Country? Clearly, it hasn't been him.,
Huffington is among the biggest Biden defenders. If Huff post and the venerable NYT turns on Biden where does it leave the democrat party?

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