HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

The positive out of this whole thing, if there is any, is that the next time the left 'demonstrates' with explosives, arson, beatings, rioting, and theft in the capitol, they will be the 'insurrectionists'. They've set the bar, I really can't wait for them to exceed it and eat their words. You know it will happen, probably sooner than later.

I think it already did at some State Capitol but the story is a few months old and very little reporting on it.
Democrats are the Communists. Republicans are the anti-Communists. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist party and see which side they support and which side they are against.
Yet you root for Vladimir Putin (a Commie) and his old sock puppet Donald Trump over America and America's leader Joe Biden.
I don't really believe you have any problem with Commies.
What "laws" are you referring to here?
The First Amendment maybe which allows people to kneel in protest during The National Anthem?
Or even burn the flag in protest if a person so chooses?
Yes Ray....those are protected forms of speech.

Invading The U.S. Capitol in a failed coup attempt to overthrow tbe U.S. Government because you don't like your political candidate losing an election is NOT a protected form of speech.

This is why it is ridiculous to compare these two things.

I wasn't referring to anything constitutional. What I mean is that these stupid jocks don't understand police can use deadly force even against somebody that is not armed. That's the law for us CCW holders and that's the law for police. There is no law in any state that says an attacker (or suspect) must be armed with deadly force in order for a police officer to use deadly force against them.

Police have used deadly force against unarmed white suspects as well as black. But dumb jocks think that the system is rigged, and police only kill unarmed black suspects.
Democrats are the Communists. Republicans are the anti-Communists. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist party and see which side they support and which side they are against.
You are the one posting shit online here that gives aid and support to our Commie enemies.
They use anti-Biden crap like you post for their propaganda back home.
Then I guess democrats should have released the unedited footage themselves. Now its possible for the footage to be used nefariously. Oh well, they should have been transparent from the start. :dunno:

Yes, they should have.
The rest of the media wasn't interested because it might conflict with the democrat party's manufactured scenario.
Yet you root for Vladimir Putin (a Commie) and his old sock puppet Donald Trump over America and America's leader Joe Biden.
I don't really believe you have any problem with Commies.

What are you talking about? Dementia and his son both made money in Communist China. Nobody on the right supports Putin, another commie propaganda lie. We are just against sending a corrupt country like Ukraine (another one that funded the Biden crime family) hundreds of billions of dollars while we crossed the 31 trillion debt line. There is no US interest there, especially none so important as to risk a potential nuclear war.
Then I guess democrats should have released the unedited footage themselves. Now its possible for the footage to be used nefariously. Oh well, they should have been transparent from the start. :dunno:

If they didn't have anything to hide, they would have released it. That's why this new release will probably be pretty interesting.
Democrats are the Communists. Republicans are the anti-Communists. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist party and see which side they support and which side they are against.
Actually it is the other way around dipshit.
Watch Vlad himself here praising your orange cat-turd king and your traitorous comrades from Jan. 6th insurrection.

Here's the part where you try to discredit the MSNBC link.
That is a REAL Putin there saying thise words. They didn't use a wax manequin.
Numerous otger sites also carry tge same interview.
Except Fox of course....
or Newsmax
or OAN.

Actually it is the other way around dipshit.
Watch Vlad himself here praising your orange cat-turd king and your traitorous comrades from Jan. 6th insurrection.

Here's the part where you try to discredit the MSNBC link.
That is a REAL Putin there saying thise words. They didn't use a wax manequin.
Numerous otger sites also carry tge same interview.
Except Fox of course....
or Newsmax
or OAN.

Okay, so Putin didn't object to it. WTF does that prove?
It will take "a while" for the Fox news army to go through the materials and distill them down to a few that can have the greatest impact - to show the phoniness of the 1/6 committee, and how they had no actual interest in getting to the truth.

Then we will have the usual Leftist suspects claiming that the tapes don't actually show what they show.

But it should be interesting nonetheless.
I read heard and watched a reasonable amount concerning the mess at the capital.
drew a conclusion about how & why it happened.
Why would I need hours more of political propaganda promoters, in either direction,
too keep me riled up about something that I had already made a reasonable decision about?
It proves that you MAGAts are Commie sympathizers who peddle propaganda for your own country's arch enemy.

Because of what Putin said? Okay, fair enough.

Tell Putin after my reelection, I'll have more flexibility!
Well, one issue that has traction is that much of this video is from "security" cameras. Probably not a few of them...'hidden' security cameras. So releasing the perspectives from those cameras....even if it is only empty hallways, or clerks rushing by with paperwork...... will inform any future criminal attackers on where the cameras are and what must be done to neutralize them.

Anyone who is viewing these 41,000 hours of video maybe should have a security clearance. Why give away secret information to our enemies just to sell more ED medicine on FOX?
That only goes so far. Based on that logic, none should have been released. I think the solution lies in setting up a bipartisan commission like the 9-11 Commission with the star testimonies starting from Trump AND Pelosi.

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