HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

Democrats are the Communists. Republicans are the anti-Communists. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist party and see which side they support and which side they are against.
Hmm. So you're saying that Republicans are White Nationalists. Okay.
41,000 hours to cherry pick a few minutes which fit the narrative, while ignoring the 39,999 hours of evidence that the attempted coup was exactly what we all know it to be.
Video footage contained in the thread documents the coordinated efforts by DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, the federal Capitol Police Department, and other law enforcement outfits to inflict maximum “pain” on January 6th demonstrators.

In bringing maximum “pain” to the American people, even the cops captured in the footage admitted at the time that they’d only incited a riot and were injuring up to 10 “innocent” people each time they hurled explosives, fired tear gas and shot “nonlethal” projectiles into the crowd.

“What led to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6th?” @InvestigateJ6 asked, kicking off the “POLICE BRUTALITY evidence thread” that blows the lid off of the uni-party, corporate media narrative of the January 6th, 2021 protests on Capitol Hill.

As has been described by numerous protesters who were on the ground on January 6th, the video footage shows that the already tense mood around the Capitol took a serious turn into dangerous territory when DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, under the direct command of Black Lives Matter Mayor Muriel Bowser, arrived on the scene.

In all, 4 demonstrators were killed during the January 6th demonstrations, and the federal government has moved to cover up their deaths. Ashli Babbit was fatally shot inside the Capitol Building, while Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death outside. Shockingly, despite eyewitness accounts and video evidence showing that Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death by violent cops, the DC medical examiner has claimed that she somehow died of a drug overdose, in the midst of the January 6th demonstrations.
Cementing the bond between the liars at Faux New and the Neo-GOP party of liars.

How long before the real media sues and gets all the footage released to the public.
By the time Tucker Carlson is done cherry picking the videos, it will look like Ashli Babbitt was shot in the Capitol gift shop while attempting to buy a copy of the Constitution.
By the time he is done it will be called the "Fedsurrection".

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