HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson

No it doesn't. That's not what FOIA is about. It's about keeping information from everybody like Piglosi did. Let them try a FOIA lawsuit and see what happens? A judge will look at it and say "WTF are they talking about? It was released to the public!"
You are 100% wrong. But I do admire the false confidence you use to spew that incorrect ( lying) information.

Just as an exercise in logic (which will be totally lost on you of course). Should the government provide info to ONE entity and they refuse to share it… is it them “publicly released”. Of course not

Another entity can file a FOI request as well.

You’re full of shit as usual.
Dems were watching, trying to discern intent, like looking at a hanging chad trying to decide what the voter wanted to do, then overwhelmingly saying it's a vote for gore

What they don't understand is that Fox viewers are not like CNN or MSMBC viewers. We look to other sources when claims are made by FOX. They just buy whatever the MSM tells them hook, line and sinker.
FOIA is only used when people are keeping information from all the public, not for being fair with all media outlets. If you think McCarthy did this on his own without seeking advice from lawyers, I think you're going to be terribly disappointed.

A FOIA request is to get information from the government being kept from the people. Now that McCarthy has turned it over, he can no longer claim any privilege of it, or declare it sensitive any longer.

And those judges in DC ain’t going to be seeing it your way.
No it doesn't. That's not what FOIA is about. It's about keeping information from everybody like Piglosi did. Let them try a FOIA lawsuit and see what happens? A judge will look at it and say "WTF are they talking about? It was released to the public!"
After more than a dozen news outlets, including CNN, sued for access to the videos in 2021, the chief judge of DC federal court ruled that the public has a strong interest in seeing some security footage from the attack. However, these video releases haven’t been automatic or guaranteed. News outlets can request the public release of videos after they are played in open court, on a case-by-case basis.

McCarthy continues to disgrace the House and the Speakership.
Sorry, you're wrong, again!

Pelosi said she spoke with McCarthy Wednesday morning to inform him of her decision, and she requested that he recommend two alternative Republicans to replace Jordan and Banks.

This is from your link. What exactly am I wrong about?
That means every other media company will get them through a FOIA request, and McCarthy will be forced to hand them over by a court. It also means that McCarthy has released sensitive information to the media about camera security at the Capitol. Which now puts him under a microscope by DHS.

Be careful what you say on the phone, what you text, and who you have meetings with Kev. Getting a warrant from a FISA court just got a lot easier in your case.
Buckle up anyway. This is going to be a wild ride.
Spewing what you claim to be facts without documentation does not make it opinion.

It makes it LIES

No, it's like drug heads laptop. They claimed that it wasn't his at all, that was before they claimed it was Russian disinformation. No evidence whatsoever. Fox interviewed the owner of the repair shop several times. That's why people watch Fox.
By the time Tucker Carlson is done cherry picking the videos, it will look like Ashli Babbitt was shot in the Capitol gift shop while attempting to buy a copy of the Constitution.
So you expect Tucker Carlson to do the same hatchet job as was done by Pelosi and company. Why not wait and see?
A FOIA request is to get information from the government being kept from the people. Now that McCarthy has turned it over, he can no longer claim any privilege of it, or declare it sensitive any longer.

And those judges in DC ain’t going to be seeing it your way.

Like I said, let them try. It's not going anywhere since the info has been already released to the public.
Buckle up anyway. This is going to be a wild ride.
Same old shit you mean. Faux will find tiny clips and pretend they validates one or more of their long held CT's they've broadcast to the flock, while the Main Media will look for the longer or more complete videos to explain how Faux lied to the flock, again. SOS.
No, it's like drug heads laptop. They claimed that it wasn't his at all, that was before they claimed it was Russian disinformation. No evidence whatsoever. Fox interviewed the owner of the repair shop several times. That's why people watch Fox.
Did you get lost? Wrong topic dickhead
Same old shit you mean. Faux will find tiny clips and pretend they validates one or more of their long held CT's they've broadcast to the flock, while the Main Media will look for the longer or more complete videos to explain how Faux lied to the flock, again. SOS.
Why could those clips show? Someone not committing a crime at that exact minute?
Did you get lost? Wrong topic dickhead

Not at all. These claims of yours that the reason Fox is number one is because of their lies. It's the other stations that do most of the lying which is why people tune into Fox; to get the other side of the story.
Not at all. These claims of yours that the reason Fox is number one is because of their lies. It's the other stations that do most of the lying which is why people tune into Fox; to get the other side of the story.
And there ya go. I did NOT say they are number one because of their lies.
We all saw the attempted coup with our own eyes, dipshit. We don't need to see it from 500 different angles.

You conspiracy whackjobs are the ones who are willfully blind.
A coup without arms! Got it!

Yep, that sure looks like a coup, doesn't it?


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