HUGE: House Speaker McCarthy Handed Over 41,000 Hours of Jan 6 Video to Tucker Carlson


Prove it....or don't allege it.
Your avatar's reputation for gravitas, due diligence and truthiness has already been dinged.
Don't keep diggin' the hole.
The irony meter just shattered.
I get that. But, amigo, it appears you are unwilling to invest even a modicum of due diligence to vet or substantiate your opinion.

You shouldn't do that. It makes that poor avatar you employ......well, it makes him look un-educated, and a poor student of events.
You just perfectly described yourself. Your utter refusal to accept anything other than the sham “committee” and their fairy tales mark you the uneducated poor student.
Well we already know that the BLM rioters were 1000 times worse. Back in the summer of 2020 they invaded police stations, looted homes and businesses and killed at least 25 people. And they are a bunch of criminals.

On January 6 there was maybe 20 people who used violence. from the start the mass media blew January 6 way out of proportion.

I suspect the new videos are going to show us a lot of peaceful people on jan 6 wandering around the capital building standing around doing nothing as opposed to the “violent insurrectionist” we were told that they were. Plus it’s been shown that the FBI apparently had undercover agents egging on some of the January 6 protesters.

btw Black Lives Matter is a disgrace to the great honorable African nation.

The Christian and Muslim people of Africa oppose BLM because BLM is a disgrace there a joke they don’t talk about the dignity of Africa… they are about being “the victim “ and stealing as much money as possible from working class Americans … blm is weak and pathetic they have no place in America

I’ve talked with people from Africa including refugees and immigrants they want nothing to do with BLM.
If you haven't done it before, this post absolutely proves you're a certified idiot.

Carry on.
You don't expect anything new from over 40,000 hours of video Nancy Pelosi did not allow to be released to the public? Yeah, we've seen maybe a couple of dozen hours, what possibly could be in those 40,000 hours Nancy wanted to be hidden?
Lotsa idiotic, far rightwing, empty rhetoric there, but no subtance.

What's your expectation?

You must have one, so spill it.
There is no reason all of the videos should not be released.

Lets see what every cop did, lets see what the feds did.

I saw video of a MAGA supporter BEGGING COPS TO CALL BACKUP. He said “You guys need more police here now, why arent you calling backup?”

Does that sound like an insurrectionist?

No one has explained to be how the dude with the horned hat was going to get control and command of the military. The mostly peaceful protestors had no weapons.

Explain to me how they were going to overthrow the government.

You know who did overthrow a government?

Will McCarthy et al release it ALL...only what suits his agenda?
You guys seem to be thinking is that it somehow though was the Democrats, or Antifa, or the FBI that caused them to attack police and break in. Something I find not a little bit weird. Considering it takes no imagination whatsoever to realize that large groups of upset people are capable of committing acts of violence without any prompting. Especially if you set up a permission structure, like for instance a perceived leader talking about not showing weakness and the like.
Gaetz was there, he said it was Antifa.
The sad fact is that even with 30 workers working around the clock 12 hours a day reviewing the video, it will take NINE YEARS to go through it all.

Which really begs the question of how much of it and how did the J6 goofs do it???

Personally, I find this development unethical....not to mention unwise and imprudent

If I owned WaPo, or NYT, PBS, NBC, or any other large organizations capable of professionally and securely reviewing this footage then I'd have lawyers filing for access in a micro-second. This is government property.....if it is given to one for-profit entity...then others too should have access.

I'd hope to hear the McCarthy justification for releasing to Fox and Carlson, most especially after what was released by the court last week.
For me, it is a WTF!-moment.

Why not release to all?
Or why not release to a selected group so that there is cross-vetting?
Why to just one network and one widely-recognized as partisan media personality?

Now, I have no idea what is portrayed in those 41,000 hours. I would expect the vast majority is just empty corridors or sidewalks. Surely there will be some hours of violent we have seen across many platforms and venues since the insurrection/riot/sedition occurred.

My concern is the competency, motives, and ethical-character of Carlson and Fox. Last week's court release of Fox's communications about 'The Big Steal'...and their enabling of the players advancing it was disturbing.

Let's watch to see how the rest of the media....Fox's RightWing competitors, and Fox's MSM national competitors react tomorrow.

I will not be surprised if this is a "bumpy ride" for Kevin McCarthy
Can they legally release it to only one outlet? I imagine FOA's arw being filed as we speak. I don't care of it is released, only thst it should all be. not just select bits with no context.
Regardless of where you stand, why wouldn’t you want as much footage as possible released if not all? Why would you have a problem whether it is released in full then, now, to one person or many? Normal Americans like information and the opportunity for them to get the whole picture(s). Withholding, limiting, or cherry picking media to be released only raises credibility issues.
Is it being released to the public in full or will it be cherry picked?
Lotsa idiotic, far rightwing, empty rhetoric there, but no subtance.

What's your expectation?

You must have one, so spill it.
As always, I'll wait to see the results.

What I do know is that House Speaker Pelosi went to extreme ends to conceal those videos from the public. I also know that notorious liar Adam Schiff is having a conniption fit over the videos being made public. If he and the other far-left Democrats were proud of what was in those videos, they'd have been released years ago.

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