HUGE! Pentagon Finds Extra $12.8 Billion for President Trump’s Border Wall Construction

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MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Conservatives are racist.
More proof.

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Sounds like your raciest.
How is a wall racist. Its built to keep everyone out regardless of race or relgion sex its has no preference
Heaven has walls and gates.

Just saying, that not even Democrats are going to be able to climb those walls or sneak through those gates.
Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids

Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids | Reuters

He will hurt heroic soldiers and their families just to help his political cause.

These are funds that were allocated, but were not used, for building projects. This is just another Reuters troll writing another anti-Trump article.

Border protection must come at all costs.

1) No shit they were allocated but not used. How the hell could they be used for the wall if they were already used for the military...sheesh.

2) So which is more important - a) national defense or b) building a border wall to try and stop a diminishing, illegal immigrant problem?


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

a or b?

BTW - if you answer b), you are a traitorous American. NOTHING is more important to American sovereignty than the national defense of the nation. And NOTHING is more important than supporting the troopers (and their families) who bravely serve to protect America.

I am fine with the wall - don't give a shit one way or another. But to take it from the military budget is pathetic and traitorous.
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MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Conservatives are racist.
More proof.

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Sounds like your raciest.
How is a wall racist. Its built to keep everyone out regardless of race or relgion sex its has no preference

Why isn’t there talk if a wall on the northern border?
Because Mexicans don’t come from Canada.

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MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.

HUGE! Pentagon Finds $12.8 Billion for President Trump's Border Wall Construction
They didn't find it in Mexico tho did they........

The pentagon budget is so bloated, you can easily find 12 billion in the couch cushions....Trump is playing you folks for suckers
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Conservatives are racist.
More proof.

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No, we're patriotic America firsters!

Racist piece of garbage.
Get therapy.

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Oh so you are a racist and a bigot if you don't want illegals from Mexico in the US?? We already have over 11 million here.

Illegals that cost we the tax payer billions every year.

Illegals that rob, rape and murder American citizens??

You sure are seven kinds of a fool.
Tell those "job creators" to stop hiring illegals......and if they don't stop, put em in jail....problem solved...

then you can go back to hating minorities who aren’t illegal again like the good old days.….
Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids

Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids | Reuters

He will hurt heroic soldiers and their families just to help his political cause.

These are funds that were allocated, but were not used, for building projects. This is just another Reuters troll writing another anti-Trump article.

Border protection must come at all costs.

1) No shit they were allocated but not used. How the hell could they be used for the wall if they were already used for the military...sheesh.

2) So which is more important - a) national defense or b) building a border wall to try and stop a diminishing, illegal immigrant problem?


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

a or b?

BTW - if you answer b), you are a traitorous American. NOTHING is more important to American sovereignty than the national defense of the nation. And NOTHING is more important than supporting the troopers (and their families) who bravely serve to protect America.

I am fine with the wall - don't give a shit one way or another. But to take it from the military budget is pathetic and traitorous.
Building the Wall for stopping the illegal Invaders is national defense. Having the country’s border protected from this invasion will be more important for these kids than getting spiffed up classrooms one year late. It is only temporary, and there will be plenty of money for education for all American children once the wall is built, the invasion is stopped, and the illegals are deported. Not only that, but once our border is secured, our military will not be placed in harm’s way on our southern border and that is definitely a far better thing for their children.
Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids

Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids | Reuters

He will hurt heroic soldiers and their families just to help his political cause.

These are funds that were allocated, but were not used, for building projects. This is just another Reuters troll writing another anti-Trump article.

Border protection must come at all costs.

1) No shit they were allocated but not used. How the hell could they be used for the wall if they were already used for the military...sheesh.

2) So which is more important - a) national defense or b) building a border wall to try and stop a diminishing, illegal immigrant problem?


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

a or b?

BTW - if you answer b), you are a traitorous American. NOTHING is more important to American sovereignty than the national defense of the nation. And NOTHING is more important than supporting the troopers (and their families) who bravely serve to protect America.

I am fine with the wall - don't give a shit one way or another. But to take it from the military budget is pathetic and traitorous.
Building the Wall for stopping the illegal Invaders is national defense. Having the country’s border protected from this invasion will be more important for these kids than getting spiffed up classrooms one year late. It is only temporary, and there will be plenty of money for education for all American children once the wall is built, the invasion is stopped, and the illegals are deported. Not only that, but once our border is secured, our military will not be placed in harm’s way on our southern border and that is definitely a far better thing for their children.

You just spat on the military.

And to take it from the military budget is pathetic and traitorous.

You are a traitor.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Conservatives are racist.
More proof.

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MAGA!!!!MAGA!!!!! I love using the acronym MAGA!!!! you?
Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids

Trump's border wall money may come at expense of schools for military kids | Reuters

He will hurt heroic soldiers and their families just to help his political cause.

These are funds that were allocated, but were not used, for building projects. This is just another Reuters troll writing another anti-Trump article.

Border protection must come at all costs.

1) No shit they were allocated but not used. How the hell could they be used for the wall if they were already used for the military...sheesh.

2) So which is more important - a) national defense or b) building a border wall to try and stop a diminishing, illegal immigrant problem?


5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

a or b?

BTW - if you answer b), you are a traitorous American. NOTHING is more important to American sovereignty than the national defense of the nation. And NOTHING is more important than supporting the troopers (and their families) who bravely serve to protect America.

I am fine with the wall - don't give a shit one way or another. But to take it from the military budget is pathetic and traitorous.
Building the Wall for stopping the illegal Invaders is national defense. Having the country’s border protected from this invasion will be more important for these kids than getting spiffed up classrooms one year late. It is only temporary, and there will be plenty of money for education for all American children once the wall is built, the invasion is stopped, and the illegals are deported. Not only that, but once our border is secured, our military will not be placed in harm’s way on our southern border and that is definitely a far better thing for their children.

You just spat on the military.

And to take it from the military budget is pathetic and traitorous.

You are a traitor.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
It’s a disgrace. Taking from military families to build a fuking wall? A wall they can climb over?
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Conservatives are racist.
More proof.

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/——/ WTF? You’re just lashing out like a cornered democRAT

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