HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

The media has totally blacked out Trump winning LA and KY. The headlines are:

Clinton: Instead of building walls, we knock down barriers
419 views 39 minutes ago

Hillary Clinton wins Louisiana Democratic primary
173 views 40 minutes ago

Bernie Sanders wins Nebraska caucuses
336 views 49 minutes ago

Sen. Ted Cruz wins Maine Republican caucuses
414 views 57 minutes ago

Sen. Ted Cruz wins Maine Republican caucuses
248 views 58 minutes ago

The Dinosaur Media is scum and is dead.

Nobody with half a brain cell pays any attention to them. They lie and omit that's what they do.
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.
Really this is a disaster for Republicans this year. To overcome Donald Trump means that a couple of guys are going to have to swallow their ego's to get a challenger for the nomination.

I think "real" Republicans are doing the no one but Trump vote, but the vote is soooo split between, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich--that Trump is winning.

Trump is going to win Florida because Marco Rubio won't drop out of this race. John Kasich will probably win his home state of Ohio--but he probably won't go any farther than that.

I think the buyer's remorse on a Donald Trump nominee is going to set in big time after he wins the nomination.

There are millions of Republicans that will not vote for Donald Trump no matter what.

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Really this is a disaster for Republicans this year. To overcome Donald Trump means that a couple of guys are going to have to swallow their ego's to get a challenger for the nomination.

I think "real" Republicans are doing the no one but Trump vote, but the vote is soooo split between, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich--that Trump is winning.

Trump is going to win Florida because Marco Rubio won't drop out of this race. John Kasich will probably win his home state of Ohio--but he probably won't go any farther than that.

I think the buyer's remorse on a Donald Trump nominee is going to set in big time after he wins the nomination.

There are millions of Republicans that will not vote for Donald Trump no matter what.

It's really nice a DemoRAT giving us his opinion and what we Republicans should do!
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.

They received about the same amount of votes. Actually, at this time Cruz is up by about 3k.
It's going to be a Cruz Rubio ticket this fall.

A Much more DIVERSE, thus better choice....

That picture just made me check on moving to Canada.... at least for 4 years..that is s long as this duo will last...ONE TERM and the public will be sick to death of them.
"Making America Great Again"...You just can't stand it when a Black man gets it right!
Is West Black? I thought he was Egyptian or something.:lol: BTW America has never lost it's greatness... It almost did when the GOP caused our credit rating to fall and when Bush led us to the brink of economic disaster. Thanks God the public voted Obama in to save us.... are you on your knees giving praise to the Lord for delivering us? Now you RW frauds want to thrust another Bush-like administration on us as if we don't remember what happened the LAST time the GOP reigned.

All I can say is..Good luck with ain't happening, bro...
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.
But if you take the Kasich vote and the Rubio vote and add them to the Cruz vote...

Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.
But if you take the Kasich vote and the Rubio vote and add them to the Cruz vote...

A 2 man race would change everything.

With a 2 man race the "anti-Trump" vote actually has to pick a candidate they most likely don't like any better than Trump.
By Delegate count currently Trump is ahead of Romney in 2012 by 12%.
We have only two viable candidates now,
Trump with about 378,
Cruz with 295, only 83 delegates behind, Cruz gaining from his previous 98 delegate gap.

Then in distant second tier, we have Rubio with 123 and Kasich with 34, Rubio being only 89 delegates ahead of the last place candidate but behind the second place candidate Ted Cruz by 172 delegates.

That is a huge gap, more than double Rubios total delegate count.

Trump (378)...[D98]....Cruz (295).............................[172]................................Rubio (123).....[89]...Kasich(34)

2016 Delegate Count Tracker: 2016 Election

Rubio is so far behind in Florida he might as well save himself the cost and just throw in the towel and stop wasting people time and money, then Kasich should also drop.
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.
But if you take the Kasich vote and the Rubio vote and add them to the Cruz vote...

A 2 man race would change everything.

With a 2 man race the "anti-Trump" vote actually has to pick a candidate they most likely don't like any better than Trump.

Why do you believe that everyone who votes for another candidate is anti-Trump? I've seen articles that say most of Cruz supporters go to Trump if he drops and only about three quarters of Rubios people go to Cruz and presumably one quarter go to Trump.

I would really like to see a Trump vrs Cruz one on one, cage match. :D
The media has totally blacked out Trump winning LA and KY. The headlines are:

Clinton: Instead of building walls, we knock down barriers
419 views 39 minutes ago

Hillary Clinton wins Louisiana Democratic primary
173 views 40 minutes ago

Bernie Sanders wins Nebraska caucuses
336 views 49 minutes ago

Sen. Ted Cruz wins Maine Republican caucuses
414 views 57 minutes ago

Sen. Ted Cruz wins Maine Republican caucuses
248 views 58 minutes ago

The Dinosaur Media is scum and is dead.

Nobody with half a brain cell pays any attention to them. They lie and omit that's what they do.

Unfortunately half the country has only has half a brain cell, and does pay attention to them. Welcome to democracy. Rule of the ignorant.

Years ago I was working at a Cadillac dealership, when one of the big news media outlets ran stories that "newer cars do not require premium gasoline anymore. Computer controlled cars can run on regular fuel".

The manager immediately told us they would be working some week ends. Sure enough, endless stream of Caddies coughing and bucking, came rattling into the shop with cheap gas.

"But they said"

"I saw it on the TV"

"There was a news program".

We're charging you $100 to empty the tank and fill it with premium gas. Have a nice day sucker. Next time read that little sticker on your dash "Premium fuel only", follow that, and not CBS.

BTW... they never issued a correction, or retraction for that story either.
A good day for Cruz. The momentum is going in his favor.

He may have lost Kentucky and Louisiana but he wasn't supposed to come anywhere close to Trump and it was a lot tighter than expected. The unexpected wins in Kansas and Maine are also huge.

Cruz is ahead of Rubio in Florida. He has a chance to win there. And he has a good chance to pick up delegates in four states on Tuesday.

If Rubio can read the writing on the wall he might be able to persuade Ted to run him as his VP. The two together would kick Trump's butt
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.
But if you take the Kasich vote and the Rubio vote and add them to the Cruz vote...

A 2 man race would change everything.

With a 2 man race the "anti-Trump" vote actually has to pick a candidate they most likely don't like any better than Trump.

Why do you believe that everyone who votes for another candidate is anti-Trump? I've seen articles that say most of Cruz supporters go to Trump if he drops and only about three quarters of Rubios people go to Cruz and presumably one quarter go to Trump.

I would really like to see a Trump vrs Cruz one on one, cage match. :D
Cruz would lose.

Trump would clean up in the Northeast, Northwest, Midwest, East and the rest of the South.

Cruz only has the rest of the west(minus the west coast).

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