HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

Cruz would lose.

Trump would clean up in the Northeast, Northwest, Midwest, East and the rest of the South.

Cruz only has the rest of the west(minus the west coast).

You mean other than Maine, right?
Maine is actually a fairly Republican state which Cruz can draw from(although I was surprised he actually won).

Cruz has no chance in Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Conn. and Rhode Island, just like New Hampshire and Mass.
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.

Trump narrowly won those states, delegates are split. Cruz won bigger in the states he won.
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.

Trump narrowly won those states, delegates are split. Cruz won bigger in the states he won.
Florida will be the end of Cruz and Rubio. Trump will take it decisively. The polls reflect this.
Trump has won two relatively big states, Louisiana with a population of 4.6 million and Kentucky with a population of 4.4 million people by decent margins. Ted Cruz meanwhile won two relatively small states. Kansas with 2.89 million and Maine with 1.32 million.

Trump narrowly won those states, delegates are split. Cruz won bigger in the states he won.
Florida will be the end of Cruz and Rubio. Trump will take it decisively. The polls reflect this.

Perhaps. But if Rubio and the others drop out, Cruz has a good chance.

It will be the start of the "winner takes all" part of the primaries.
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Many reasons he can't do it.
1. He'd need 58% of the remaining delegates.
2. He is behind 30% Trump in Florida(winner take all 99 delegates!)
3. He can't beat the ohio governor in his home state and being a midwest/northeast state means that trump has the best chance.
So when you consider this that number probably goes up a quite bit!

Trump is going to win Mississippi on the 8th and probably fill out the map in the south and mid Atlantic on the 15th. Cruz only has a few states between now and then to attempt to catch up the 92 delegates difference....Idaho!

Trump is ahead of him by a lot in michigan!

Lets just say if Trump can win Mississippi, Michigan(doesn't need to be big at all), be within 5% in Hawaii and Idaho...Well, Chances are Trump will be at least 75 delegates at least going into the 15th.

Trump wins Florida or Ohio = good bye cruz!
If Trump wins both then he has a serious shot at the nomination.

Every state trump gets = higher number of delegates makes life ever harder for little cruz!
Last edited:
Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!

It seems we are in agreement...Kasich will come from behind and win.. The poll shows him and his maturity being the only candidate poised to mop the floor with Hillary..

Yes, so far after 3 of these primaries have been declared he has 2 delegates! The only way he could become president is if Trump, Cruz, and Rubio's buses collided and blew up!
Brokered convention, baby.
By Delegate count currently Trump is ahead of Romney in 2012 by 12%.
We have only two viable candidates now,
Trump with about 378,
Cruz with 295, only 83 delegates behind, Cruz gaining from his previous 98 delegate gap.

Then in distant second tier, we have Rubio with 123 and Kasich with 34, Rubio being only 89 delegates ahead of the last place candidate but behind the second place candidate Ted Cruz by 172 delegates.

That is a huge gap, more than double Rubios total delegate count.

Trump (378)...[D98]....Cruz (295).............................[172]................................Rubio (123).....[89]...Kasich(34)

2016 Delegate Count Tracker: 2016 Election

Rubio is so far behind in Florida he might as well save himself the cost and just throw in the towel and stop wasting people time and money, then Kasich should also drop.
No because if they can keep Trump from getting the needed delegate count, they can win at the convention.
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Not true.
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Not true.

You have other information you'd like to share?
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Not true.

You have other information you'd like to share?
Cruz won in delegates 64 to 49 with 20 more delegates not yet allocated. For what you said to be true, 19 of the 20 would have to go to Trump. Won't happen. The delegates not yet allocated are in Kentucky and Louisiana but Trump won't get all of them
Cruz clearly won Maine because of the illegal Canadian immigrant vote. He should go back to his home country.
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Not true.

You have other information you'd like to share?
Cruz won in delegates 64 to 49 with 20 more delegates not yet allocated. For what you said to be true, 19 of the 20 would have to go to Trump. Won't happen. The delegates not yet allocated are in Kentucky and Louisiana but Trump won't get all of them

That chart I posted came from here....perhaps they are mistaken?

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?

Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Not true.

You have other information you'd like to share?
Cruz won in delegates 64 to 49 with 20 more delegates not yet allocated. For what you said to be true, 19 of the 20 would have to go to Trump. Won't happen. The delegates not yet allocated are in Kentucky and Louisiana but Trump won't get all of them

That chart I posted came from here....perhaps they are mistaken?

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mine information is from the Bloomberg, linked at the top (don't know why it went up there)..
Your site has Cruz winning in delegate count 73-61 today. If the total numbers show a larger Trump Cruz gap today then yesterday it must be because delegates from previously voting states were finally allocated.
Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.
How did Cruz get more delegates? Before tonight, Cruz was behind 90 delegates, he's now behind 92 delegates.

Not true.

You have other information you'd like to share?
Cruz won in delegates 64 to 49 with 20 more delegates not yet allocated. For what you said to be true, 19 of the 20 would have to go to Trump. Won't happen. The delegates not yet allocated are in Kentucky and Louisiana but Trump won't get all of them

That chart I posted came from here....perhaps they are mistaken?

Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Republican Delegate Count
Donald Trump is NOT expanding his vote.

He has consistently been winning 34%-35% of the vote. The people who months ago decided they were going to vote for him are voting for him, but he's not winning many other voters.

If this continues, there will be a contested convention.

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