HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

We just want the same shit baby boomers had. Good paying jobs, job security, affordable healthcare, SS, Medicare, pensions.

Baby boomers are greedy ignorant and selfish. The worst generation

DemonCrats make that difficult, look what they did to Detroit? There are no pensions? Inless you "public servant"? You have to save your own 401K and hope they not crash economy before you 59.5 years old. Put in 10%/year and hope. I suppose if you get job with big Company they match a few percent of your tax-free input to 401K? You get taxed when you take it out.
I other words not as good as the baby boomers had it. Got it
Candidates Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 27,827 40.0%
Ted Cruz 21,721 31.2
Marco Rubio 9,536 13.7
John Kasich 9,205 13.2
Other 1,315 1.9
Looks like Trump's money is best spent hiring lawyers to sue Cruz for running for Pres with a Canadian (or Russian, or Chinese, or N. Korean or Iranian...or...) birth certificate. While we're waving pennant flags and hooting in favor of our Maple Leaf candidate...don't forget where this is all leading...

In a hypothetical contest for the presidency, a new national poll finds that Ohio Gov. John Kasich would be the most likely Republican candidate to beat Democrat Hillary Clinton....The poll’s hypothetical contests put Kasich over Clinton 49 to 38 percent; and Rubio over Clinton 48 to 42 percent. The contests with Ted Cruz and Trump would be much closer — Cruz led 45 percent to Clinton’s 44 percent, and Trump led 45 percent to Clinton’s 43 percent. New poll shows Ohio Gov. John Kasich most likely Republican to beat Hillary Clinton

Kasich sits around 10 points ahead of Hillary in a general election result. And that, kids, is where the rubber meets the road.. Rubio won't win the Rust Belt. Nor California. And when the cream of experience, maturity and sensibility floats to the top in this primary race, it won't have the name "Rubio" attached to it.

Cruz is.....going to get sued by Trump's people...on that you can be sure. You don't dethrone someone as grandiose and ruthless as Trump without him extracting some pounds of flesh in blind revenge..
Candidates Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 27,827 40.0%
Ted Cruz 21,721 31.2
Marco Rubio 9,536 13.7
John Kasich 9,205 13.2
Other 1,315 1.9
Looks like Trump's money is best spent hiring lawyers to sue Cruz for running for Pres with a Canadian (or Russian, or Chinese, or N. Korean or Iranian...or...) birth certificate. While we're waving pennant flags and hooting in favor of our Maple Leaf candidate...don't forget where this is all leading...

In a hypothetical contest for the presidency, a new national poll finds that Ohio Gov. John Kasich would be the most likely Republican candidate to beat Democrat Hillary Clinton....The poll’s hypothetical contests put Kasich over Clinton 49 to 38 percent; and Rubio over Clinton 48 to 42 percent. The contests with Ted Cruz and Trump would be much closer — Cruz led 45 percent to Clinton’s 44 percent, and Trump led 45 percent to Clinton’s 43 percent. New poll shows Ohio Gov. John Kasich most likely Republican to beat Hillary Clinton

Kasich sits around 10 points ahead of Hillary in a general election result. And that, kids, is where the rubber meets the road.. Rubio won't win the Rust Belt. Nor California. And when the cream of experience, maturity and sensibility floats to the top in this primary race, it won't have the name "Rubio" attached to it.

Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!
Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!

It seems we are in agreement...Kasich will come from behind and win.. The poll shows him and his maturity being the only candidate poised to mop the floor with Hillary..
Candidates Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 27,827 40.0%
Ted Cruz 21,721 31.2
Marco Rubio 9,536 13.7
John Kasich 9,205 13.2
Other 1,315 1.9
Looks like Trump's money is best spent hiring lawyers to sue Cruz for running for Pres with a Canadian (or Russian, or Chinese, or N. Korean or Iranian...or...) birth certificate. While we're waving pennant flags and hooting in favor of our Maple Leaf candidate...don't forget where this is all leading...

In a hypothetical contest for the presidency, a new national poll finds that Ohio Gov. John Kasich would be the most likely Republican candidate to beat Democrat Hillary Clinton....The poll’s hypothetical contests put Kasich over Clinton 49 to 38 percent; and Rubio over Clinton 48 to 42 percent. The contests with Ted Cruz and Trump would be much closer — Cruz led 45 percent to Clinton’s 44 percent, and Trump led 45 percent to Clinton’s 43 percent. New poll shows Ohio Gov. John Kasich most likely Republican to beat Hillary Clinton

Kasich sits around 10 points ahead of Hillary in a general election result. And that, kids, is where the rubber meets the road.. Rubio won't win the Rust Belt. Nor California. And when the cream of experience, maturity and sensibility floats to the top in this primary race, it won't have the name "Rubio" attached to it.

Cruz is.....going to get sued by Trump's people...on that you can be sure. You don't dethrone someone as grandiose and ruthless as Trump without him extracting some pounds of flesh in blind revenge..
get off your high horse Cruz hawked his own children as political fodder ....your boy is a low life scumbag....his own kids as low as anyone can go!
Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!

It seems we are in agreement...Kasich will come from behind and win.. The poll shows him and his maturity being the only candidate poised to mop the floor with Hillary..

Yes, so far after 3 of these primaries have been declared he has 2 delegates! The only way he could become president is if Trump, Cruz, and Rubio's buses collided and blew up!
We just want the same shit baby boomers had. Good paying jobs, job security, affordable healthcare, SS, Medicare, pensions.

Baby boomers are greedy ignorant and selfish. The worst generation

DemonCrats make that difficult, look what they did to Detroit? There are no pensions? Inless you "public servant"? You have to save your own 401K and hope they not crash economy before you 59.5 years old. Put in 10%/year and hope. I suppose if you get job with big Company they match a few percent of your tax-free input to 401K? You get taxed when you take it out.
I other words not as good as the baby boomers had it. Got it

Baby Boomers get same as anyone else? Their own savings? SSI (if any left)? if somebody could pop the job market you might be able to even pick and choose as baby boomers retire. There is hope. But vote for hope and change............well not much change and my hope was long gone. 50% taxes.........overall? yep add it up. I know it tough out there, believe me I know. it maybe was easier to get into a house early 2000 but not now? A house that appreciates is good for all to have.

They in public jobs live large, can never get fired, show up if they feel like it, do nothing and get early massive pension. Not right and I vote against it every chance. Any Bond issue of spending prop? NO may be Cruz yet!!!!

Trump leads by 6 points, with 44% reporting.

Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 34,141 38.1%
Ted Cruz 28,678 32.0
Marco Rubio 12,767 14.2
John Kasich 12,371 13.8
Other 1,642 1.8
Nate Silver 9:59 PM
The very earliest returns in Louisiana, which were substantially composed of votes cast before election day, showed Trump at 48 percent, Cruz at 23 percent, and Rubio at 20 percent. Now? It’s Trump 43, Cruz 34 and Rubio 14, according to the Louisiana Secretary of State. The differences suggest a major gap between early votes and election-day returns, with Cruz surging in the past couple of days at the expense of both Trump and Rubio.
Nate Silver 9:59 PM
The very earliest returns in Louisiana, which were substantially composed of votes cast before election day, showed Trump at 48 percent, Cruz at 23 percent, and Rubio at 20 percent. Now? It’s Trump 43, Cruz 34 and Rubio 14, according to the Louisiana Secretary of State. The differences suggest a major gap between early votes and election-day returns, with Cruz surging in the past couple of days at the expense of both Trump and Rubio.

So this is what....The Donald is going to lose everywhere tonight?

Say it ain't so :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Well not really. Ted Cruz really needs to win some Primary states (other than his home state of Texas) to put a dent into Trump's lead---or to show that he can take this race over. The same thing with Bernie Sanders.

Caucus states typically represent less than 1% of either party that will bother to show up at a caucus. Typically caucus states are won by the underdog in the race, simply because underdogs will make certain they show up, whereas the leaders in either the Democrat or Republican party--get a little complacent and don't bother with it.

Therefore, a caucus is really no indication (at less than 1%) of who that state really supports. The only way to correct this problem is to go to a Presidential primary in these states, where more people can and will participate, due to convenience of several days where they can drop by and cast a ballot at their convenience.

Colorado has decided to go back to a Presidential primary. Many CU students couldn't even get into the building last Tuesday to cast a vote. Albeit, that a Presidential primary would have produced a Hillary Clinton win in this state, it would have been a much more precise indication of who people were supporting.
  • Rubio downplays poor Super Saturday showings
    The Hill ^ | March 05, 2016 | Jonathan Easley
    Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio is downplaying his perfomance in the four states that held GOP caucuses or primaries on Saturday, saying that he had had long known “this would be the roughest period of the campaign.” Speaking primarily in Spanish at a press conference in Puerto Rico, where voters will head to the polls on Sunday, the Florida senator noted that the contests in Kansas, Maine, Kentucky and Louisiana are proportional, saying he’ll leave them with more delegates than he started with. Rubio is eyeing his home state, which will vote on March 15, as the turning point for his... may be Cruz yet!!!!

Trump leads by 6 points, with 44% reporting.

Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 34,141 38.1%
Ted Cruz 28,678 32.0
Marco Rubio 12,767 14.2
John Kasich 12,371 13.8
Other 1,642 1.8

Trump still leading in Kentucky. :) may be Cruz yet!!!!

Trump leads by 6 points, with 44% reporting.

Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 34,141 38.1%
Ted Cruz 28,678 32.0
Marco Rubio 12,767 14.2
John Kasich 12,371 13.8
Other 1,642 1.8

Trump still leading in Kentucky. :)

Trump leads by 4 points, with 67% reporting.

Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 56,225 35.0%
Ted Cruz 49,985 31.1
Marco Rubio 27,464 17.1
John Kasich 24,071 15.0
Other 2,734 1.7
It's going to be a Cruz Rubio ticket this fall.

A Much more DIVERSE, thus better choice....

That picture just made me check on moving to Canada.... at least for 4 years..that is s long as this duo will last...ONE TERM and the public will be sick to death of them. may be Cruz yet!!!!

Trump leads by 6 points, with 44% reporting.

Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 34,141 38.1%
Ted Cruz 28,678 32.0
Marco Rubio 12,767 14.2
John Kasich 12,371 13.8
Other 1,642 1.8

Trump still leading in Kentucky. :)

Trump leads by 4 points, with 67% reporting.

Vote Pct.
Donald J. Trump 56,225 35.0%
Ted Cruz 49,985 31.1
Marco Rubio 27,464 17.1
John Kasich 24,071 15.0
Other 2,734 1.7

Trump was 6% with 44% reporting, now he's at 4% with 67% reporting....this is too much to handle.

They need to stop counting now at 67% and then we can just declare The Donald the winner, this sounds a great idea to me, 67% is NEARLY 100% anyhow.
The media has totally blacked out Trump ahead and winning LA and KY. The headlines are:

Clinton: Instead of building walls, we knock down barriers
419 views 39 minutes ago

Hillary Clinton wins Louisiana Democratic primary
173 views 40 minutes ago

Bernie Sanders wins Nebraska caucuses
336 views 49 minutes ago

Sen. Ted Cruz wins Maine Republican caucuses
414 views 57 minutes ago

Sen. Ted Cruz wins Maine Republican caucuses
248 views 58 minutes ago

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