HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

Cruz up in Maine
Cruz 48%
Trump 35%
Rubio 8.6%
Kasich 7.4%

7% vote
Cruz wins all closed caucus voting....No DemoRAT crossovers!

In Maine too ? Cruz ?
Trump should be getting worried.

IF he loses these states which polls had him winning by YUUUGE numbers, he certainly should be...and so should the Hildebeast, as Cruz is a much better DEBATER than Trump, who is a significant BRAWLER!

Cruz would be easier for Hillary to beat than Trump. She will link Cruz to the Republican establishment, categorize and paint Cruz as being no different than any other Republican and use her general establishment views of the party against him. She can't use any of those tactics on Trump because he doesn't always agree or side with Republicans. Just look how Trump blamed Bush for 9-11 when going after Jeb, for just one example.
Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!

It seems we are in agreement...Kasich will come from behind and win.. The poll shows him and his maturity being the only candidate poised to mop the floor with Hillary..

lol. Trump won Kentucky. I guess the Kim Davis vote wasn't as important as you claimed it to be.
Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!

It seems we are in agreement...Kasich will come from behind and win.. The poll shows him and his maturity being the only candidate poised to mop the floor with Hillary..

lol. Trump won Kentucky. I guess the Kim Davis vote wasn't as important as you claimed it to be.

Considering the polls had Rubio as Trump's big competition there and Cruz managed a strong second is pretty amazing.
Yes, and I imagine you weren't born in AUG. OF 1980 when Ronald Reagan was losing to Jimmy Carter by 20%...only to go on in November to win 44 states and become president!

It seems we are in agreement...Kasich will come from behind and win.. The poll shows him and his maturity being the only candidate poised to mop the floor with Hillary..

lol. Trump won Kentucky. I guess the Kim Davis vote wasn't as important as you claimed it to be.

Considering the polls had Rubio as Trump's big competition there and Cruz managed a strong second is pretty amazing.

He did have a very strong showing. Impressive even. I'll never cast my vote for him, though. I can't suffer his smug social conservatism.
Cruz can easily catch up in the delegate count. He's not that far behind Trump, and he just gained more. Once Rubio and the other guys drop out, most of their delegates will go to Cruz.

If you say so? Don't know how delegates get split when someone quit? I would think Rubio voters go to Trump who is closer to RINO than Cruz on paper?

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