HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

70.9% reporting

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22,738 51.0% 17

10,823 24.3% 6

6,389 14.3% 0

3,999 9.0% 0

613 1.4% 0

Trump should be getting worried.

IF he loses these states which polls had him winning by YUUUGE numbers, he certainly should be...and so should the Hildebeast, as Cruz is a much better DEBATER than Trump, who is a significant BRAWLER!
Cruz is the only one Hillary can beat, IMO.

Honestly your LOTTO pick would be closer than the Hildebeast beating Cruz...Need I post the RCP polling on that subject?
No need. Independents and Democrats will not vote Cruz, so that's a total loss.

Cruz is consistently beating Hillary in the polls. Trump is consistently losing to Hillary
That will change if Cruz is the nominee.
Was Cruz supposed to win Kansas?

I think Trump was ahead.

Donald Trump holds a 6-point lead over his Republican rivals on the eve of the Kansas caucuses, according to a new poll released Friday.

Trump is supported by 35 percent of likely GOP caucusgoers, followed by Ted Cruz, at 29 percent, Marco Rubio, at 17 percent, and John Kasich at 13 percent in the Trafalgar Group poll.

Public polling in the state has been infrequent. The Trafalgar poll is only the second survey included in the RealClearPolitics index of Kansas polls.

Poll: Trump holds slim lead over Cruz in Kansas
WoooooooHooooo! Go Ted!

You can always tell who the man is when liberal weenies are scared, rooting for some loser. :lmao:

Scared? Don't be silly, nutbag.

I love Ted. He's my number 1 GOP candidate. True story.

I'd like him to stop claiming that single mom's are working two and three jobs.....for 28 or 29 hours because Obamacare made employers cut their hours. That's really stupid, isn't it? If they have two jobs....they can work 20 hours at both and VOILA! They have full time hours.

Ol' Ted thinks his supporters are imbeciles.
Was Cruz supposed to win Kansas?

I think Trump was ahead.

Donald Trump holds a 6-point lead over his Republican rivals on the eve of the Kansas caucuses, according to a new poll released Friday.

Trump is supported by 35 percent of likely GOP caucusgoers, followed by Ted Cruz, at 29 percent, Marco Rubio, at 17 percent, and John Kasich at 13 percent in the Trafalgar Group poll.

Public polling in the state has been infrequent. The Trafalgar poll is only the second survey included in the RealClearPolitics index of Kansas polls.

Poll: Trump holds slim lead over Cruz in Kansas
Holy shit. Well, I'll be interested to see how Trump reacts.

Maybe some kind of comment about his dick.
WoooooooHooooo! Go Ted!

You can always tell who the man is when liberal weenies are scared, rooting for some loser. :lmao:

Scared? Don't be silly, nutbag.

I love Ted. He's my number 1 GOP candidate. True story.

I'd like him to stop claiming that single mom's are working two and three jobs.....for 28 or 29 hours because Obamacare made employers cut their hours. That's really stupid, isn't it? If they have two jobs....they can work 20 hours at both and VOILA! They have full time hours.

Ol' Ted thinks his supporters are imbeciles.

Well, he's right about that.
Uh oh. It's early...but Fox just called Kansas for Cruz and Cruz is up big in Maine.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm ok with Cruz also. Heck...I'd support Kasich too.

But is Trump hurting after that debate? I have to admit...the size of manhood comment and the "they'll do what I tell them" military comment kinda got to me. Otherwise I thought he did well. But those 2 may have swayed a few voters.

Sorry but why are these results coming in earlier than the NH, Iowa, SC and ALL of the other states?

It's what 5.25 pm in Kansas or something....what time did the polls close 4pm, if so why so early closing?
Uh oh. It's early...but Fox just called Kansas for Cruz and Cruz is up big in Maine.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm ok with Cruz also. Heck...I'd support Kasich too.

But is Trump hurting after that debate? I have to admit...the size of manhood comment and the "they'll do what I tell them" military comment kinda got to me. Otherwise I thought he did well. But those 2 may have swayed a few voters.

Sorry but why are these results coming in earlier than the NH, Iowa, SC and ALL of the other states?

It's what 5.25 pm in Kansas or something....what time did the polls close 4pm, if so why so early closing?

It's a conspiracy. Trump is winning in reality. Don't you worry your pretty little head.
Uh oh. It's early...but Fox just called Kansas for Cruz and Cruz is up big in Maine.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm ok with Cruz also. Heck...I'd support Kasich too.

But is Trump hurting after that debate? I have to admit...the size of manhood comment and the "they'll do what I tell them" military comment kinda got to me. Otherwise I thought he did well. But those 2 may have swayed a few voters.

Sorry but why are these results coming in earlier than the NH, Iowa, SC and ALL of the other states?

It's what 5.25 pm in Kansas or something....what time did the polls close 4pm, if so why so early closing?

It's a conspiracy. Trump is winning in reality. Don't you worry your pretty little head.

:tinfoil: :scared1:
i'd like to hear ted's definition of natural born, cause everyone is wearing rose colored glasses about this.

but he is brilliant and conservative, so is marco, kasich is a just as capable, dr. carson is a prince.
he and miss carly gave really great talks last night.

they're also taking music and exercise out of the schools, that's never a good idea.

but i don't think there are any t party states other than boston harbor.
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