Huggies' owner Kimberly-Clark to slash 5,000 jobs, close 10 factories

"Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers and Kleenex tissues, announced Tuesday it will cut about 13 percent of its workforce globally, or at least 5,000 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs as sales wane.The company plans to shutter or sell 10 of its 91 production factories worldwide. In all, it is anticipating more than $2 billion in cost cuts by 2021. About $1.5 billion will come from reducing costs within its business. An added $500 million to $550 million will come from the efforts to streamline its manufacturing supply chain and overhead."- Source

Cynically, this must be part of trumps plan for America. Considering all the jobs he supposedly saved at Carrier are now gone, it makes sense to assume this will be happening to all industries, under the trump regime. All labor intensive companies will experience the same thing. Loss of jobs.

Trump: "Kimberly Clark, she's such a pig. Too much lipstick, she bleeds from her...whatever. And 5,000 jobs lost there. It's great, believe me. So much winning. We're losing so many jobs we're winning. Trust me. You'll be glad these jobs are gone. The fake news will tell you losing 5,000 jobs is bad, but it's great. I have 5,000 more people who don't have to pay any taxes now. It's huge. And Carrier lost 1,000 jobs so no more paying taxes for those people either. I know how to make deals, I'm a deal maker trust me. All the people I put out of work pay no taxes on no income. I create jobs then I take them away. That's how you make America great again, my new Ponzi scheme it's beautiful believe me."

And......a sizeable minority in the US DO believe this POS. Even now.

PT Barnum where are you now. "A sucker born every minute".
/----/ Why not tell the entire story, Libtard?
Huggies maker Kimberly-Clark to cut 5,000 jobs on sluggish sales as birth rate falls.
Huggies maker Kimberly-Clark to cut 5,000 jobs on sluggish sales as birth rate falls
Americans are having fewer babies, and diaper makers are feeling the pinch.

Kimberly-Clark said Tuesday it will cut as many as 5,500 jobs, or 13 percent of its workforce, in an attempt to lower costs.

The job cuts come as the maker of Huggies and Kleenex — like other consumer-products companies — is seeing a decline in demand for some core products as U.S. birthrates fall.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the general fertility rate fell 11 percent between 2007 and 2016. Only provisional data is available for 2017, but it tells the same story: Women under 30 are having fewer children and aren't in the market for diapers, tissue and other products that new parents buy in bulk.

Now which party supports the PP abortion mills that promote a lower birth rate, democRAT or Republican. Go ahead Tinkerbell, I dare you to answer truthfully.

You aren’t seriously suggesting that women have more babies to keep Kimberley Clark in business are you?

You can’t be that stupid.
/----/ No but apparently you are too stupid to follow a thread. The OP blamed Trump and his tax cut for the layoffs. I merely posted the facts (and facts are what confuse you) KImberly Clark laid off the workers for lower demand for their diapers and other paper goods DUE TO THE REDUCED BIRTH RATE. Now pay attention. I said instead of blaming the Trump tax cut for a declining birth rate that has been going on since 2002 he should look at what party supported abortion that is a direct cause of a lower birth rate. I know, I know it's confusing but ask your Special ed teacher to make you a diagram with pictures.

What a one-sided and false narrative you’re creating.

Democrats do NOT promote abortion. It is not the policies of the Democratic Party that keeps American abortion rate the highest in the first world. It is Republican policies that force poor women to terminate their pregnancies.

First and foremost, there is no right to maternity leave if you’re pregnant. Nor is there any job security for pregnant women. Most women who have abortions already have one or more children and need their jobs. If they lose their job their families will suffer.

Republicans finally renewed CHiP. Lack of universal health care is another driver of the abortion rate. It is also the reason why Americans have the highest maternal death rates and the highest infant mortality rate in the first world.

Americans claim to have the best health care in the world and yet more American women die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth than any other first world country.

To blame Democrat policies for the high abortion rate shows such a high level of ignorance as to question the quality of your education.

Canada has FREE legal abortions - government funded, no copays, no abortion laws whatsoever. Our abortion rate is half of that in the US. Why the lower rate?

1. Mandated one year paid maternity/paternity leave funded by unemployment insurance, on the birth or adoption of a child.

2. Job security for pregnant workers. Your employer is legally required to return you to your prior position on your return from leave.

3. Single payer health care - no copays.

4. Subsidized day care for low income families.

5. Birth control is covered in all health insurance policies issued.

Our government has policies in place that supports pregnant women and their families. Women don’t need to have abortions to keep their jobs and family supports.

Republicans have vehemently opposed each and every one of these measures. So don’t blame Democrats for your high abortion rates.
1. Mandated one year paid maternity/paternity leave funded by unemployment insurance, on the birth or adoption of a child.

Ok,I'll give you this one. you are correct that the US does not have this.
2. Job security for pregnant workers. Your employer is legally required to return you to your prior position on your return from leave.
Might want to check your source on this one. Last I checked, today, This is true in the US as well. Fail.

3. Single payer health care - no copays.
While single payer is not here, yet, there are options with no copays on pregnancy. I know because I have one. And no, it's not just the uber wealthy. I make less than $50k and can afford this for three.

4. Subsidized day care for low income families.
Um, we have that too, so check your source.

5. Birth control is covered in all health insurance policies issued.
Since The ACA went into effect, as I understand it, this is true here as well.

So to recap, the main reason for the US having a higher abortion rate is... Lack of a mandated one year PAID maternity/paternity leave, because one can obtain a FREE abortion here as well, ever heard of Planned Parenthood?

So, to follow the logic to its end... To curb the alarmingly high rate of abortions, we need government sponsored PAID leave for new parents.

So, yea, paid leave for those most likely to NOT HAVE A JOB!

Then there is this little tidbit:

But, who can be bothered with facts when you have an agenda...

You don’t have job security for pregnant women. Many low income workers are simply let go when their employer learns they’re pregnant.

Trump just told the religious right they didn’t have to pay for insurance which includes employee birth control, if it violated their religious beliefs.

Maternity/paternity leave is funded through the Employment Insurance fund (previously known as “Unemployment Insurance Taxes”). The amount is 55% of average weekly income to a maximum $547 per week for 35 weeks
Low income women may also resort to more social services based on need.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage would help solve many capital problems for Labor, not just women.
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.
seems more like, right wing feel good policies.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is more consistent.
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.
seems more like, right wing feel good policies.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is more consistent.
/----/ Would you turn down the bonus? Will you give back the tax cut? Libs scream for a $15 minimum wage the begrudge them a $1,000 bonus on top of their salary.
tax refund.jpg
a temporary bonus is temporary.

social services still cost around fourteen dollars an hour in our republic.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage brings wages for Labor "up to parity for modern times."
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.

Companies are getting a permanent reduction of taxes and giving out one-time bonuses. They’re doing this because there’s a lot of publicity around this tax cut and it makes them look like good guys. Next year, when the ruckus dies down there will be no bonus. The workers will get nothing.

The stock market tripled under Obama. 401K’s we’re making money for the past 7 years. Where were your praises when he did that? Why are you giving Trump all of the credit.

Obama took over an unemployment rate of over 10% and reduced it by more than 5%. The unemployment rate was 4.6 the day Trump was elected. It was 4.1 for December of 2017. And until the tax cut, which was passed in December, Trump hadn’t done anything which would impact jobs. There’s been no budget passed, and no large government projects undertaken.

Trump’s economy created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama’s did in 2016. Trump keeps bragging about saving jobs but in reality, there’s been more off-shoring than jobs returning during his tenure. There are fewer jobs in coal mining than there were before Trump set out to save it.

All of the modelling Republicans did for their tax cuts showed them increasing revenues and paying for themselves. What happens when, not if, they don’t?
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You don’t have job security for pregnant women. Many low income workers are simply let go when their employer learns they’re pregnant.
Could you cite some examples? I'm sure that law enforcement would be very interested to know about them...
"Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers and Kleenex tissues, announced Tuesday it will cut about 13 percent of its workforce globally, or at least 5,000 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs as sales wane.The company plans to shutter or sell 10 of its 91 production factories worldwide. In all, it is anticipating more than $2 billion in cost cuts by 2021. About $1.5 billion will come from reducing costs within its business. An added $500 million to $550 million will come from the efforts to streamline its manufacturing supply chain and overhead."- Source

Cynically, this must be part of trumps plan for America. Considering all the jobs he supposedly saved at Carrier are now gone, it makes sense to assume this will be happening to all industries, under the trump regime. All labor intensive companies will experience the same thing. Loss of jobs.
Well, if Planned Parenthood was closed, those 300,000 born and unborn babies would need diapers. But alas, those future democrat voters wont get a chance at life, and Huggies will have to cut its labor force.. Liberals hate everyone, even babies(who are punishment to women, Obama said it not me).
Who could afford diapers?

Republicans want to cut school lunches for poor children. I heard Republicans think they learn better hungry.

Everyone knows that.
"Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers and Kleenex tissues, announced Tuesday it will cut about 13 percent of its workforce globally, or at least 5,000 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs as sales wane.The company plans to shutter or sell 10 of its 91 production factories worldwide. In all, it is anticipating more than $2 billion in cost cuts by 2021. About $1.5 billion will come from reducing costs within its business. An added $500 million to $550 million will come from the efforts to streamline its manufacturing supply chain and overhead."- Source

Cynically, this must be part of trumps plan for America. Considering all the jobs he supposedly saved at Carrier are now gone, it makes sense to assume this will be happening to all industries, under the trump regime. All labor intensive companies will experience the same thing. Loss of jobs.
They made those cuts because sales were down. It has nothing to do with the economy. Maybe people decided to switch to another brand. It happens. Once again, Trump had nothing to do with this.
"Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers and Kleenex tissues, announced Tuesday it will cut about 13 percent of its workforce globally, or at least 5,000 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs as sales wane.The company plans to shutter or sell 10 of its 91 production factories worldwide. In all, it is anticipating more than $2 billion in cost cuts by 2021. About $1.5 billion will come from reducing costs within its business. An added $500 million to $550 million will come from the efforts to streamline its manufacturing supply chain and overhead."- Source

Cynically, this must be part of trumps plan for America. Considering all the jobs he supposedly saved at Carrier are now gone, it makes sense to assume this will be happening to all industries, under the trump regime. All labor intensive companies will experience the same thing. Loss of jobs.
Well, if Planned Parenthood was closed, those 300,000 born and unborn babies would need diapers. But alas, those future democrat voters wont get a chance at life, and Huggies will have to cut its labor force.. Liberals hate everyone, even babies(who are punishment to women, Obama said it not me).
Who could afford diapers?

Republicans want to cut school lunches for poor children. I heard Republicans think they learn better hungry.

Everyone knows that.
Why the fuck should my taxes pay for some mother fucking asshole who doesn't want to feed their Anchor babies, while there is PBNJ that anyone can afford, when the parents aren't doing heroine? Fuck you dickwads.. The only fucking reasons you allow those kids to survive is so they can continue their indoctrination towards Marxism..
Pack them up send them back across the border with their illegal immigrant parents, but keep the family together, and the US children can then be able to get FREE school lunches. deanrd doesn't give a shit about your children only the future democrat voters who dropped their anchors here.. As seen by his constant whining...
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.
401Ks have been making money since 2009. Where you been?
Trump just told the religious right they didn’t have to pay for insurance which includes employee birth control, if it violated their religious beliefs
"Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. ___ (2014), is a landmark decision[1][2] in United States corporate law by the United States Supreme Court allowing closely held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a regulation its owners religiously object to, if there is a less restrictive means of furthering the law's interest, according to the provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). "Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. - Wikipedia.

So, again, you might want to check your sources before posting things. You know, to make sure that you are telling the truth. Last I knew Trump had nothing to do with this 2014 decision.

Therefore, all Trump was doing is echoing the decision of the SCOTUS. Yet, you present it as if it was HIS decision. This is a wonderful example of why so many people find the hard (anti-Trump) left so difficult to believe and take seriously. Next time maybe you could try to present the whole story, not just cherry picked parts that fit your agenda.
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.

Companies are getting a permanent reduction of taxes and giving out one-time bonuses. They’re doing this because there’s a lot of publicity around this tax cut and it makes them look like good guys. Next year, when the ruckus dies down there will be no bonus. The workers will get nothing.

The stock market tripled under Obama. 401K’s we’re making money for the past 7 years. Where were your praises when he did that? Why are you giving Trump all of the credit.

Obama took over an unemployment rate of over 10% and reduced it by more than 5%. The unemployment rate was 4.6 the day Trump was elected. It was 4.1 for December of 2017. And until the tax cut, which was passed in December, Trump hadn’t done anything which would impact jobs. There’s been no budget passed, and no large government projects undertaken.

Trump’s economy created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama’s did in 2016. Trump keeps bragging about saving jobs but in reality, there’s been more off-shoring than jobs returning during his tenure. There are fewer jobs in coal mining than there were before Trump set out to save it.

All of the modelling Republicans did for their tax cuts showed them increasing revenues and paying for themselves. What happens when, not if, they don’t?
/----/ How do you know they are one time bonuses? That's your wishful thinking.
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.

Companies are getting a permanent reduction of taxes and giving out one-time bonuses. They’re doing this because there’s a lot of publicity around this tax cut and it makes them look like good guys. Next year, when the ruckus dies down there will be no bonus. The workers will get nothing.

The stock market tripled under Obama. 401K’s we’re making money for the past 7 years. Where were your praises when he did that? Why are you giving Trump all of the credit.

Obama took over an unemployment rate of over 10% and reduced it by more than 5%. The unemployment rate was 4.6 the day Trump was elected. It was 4.1 for December of 2017. And until the tax cut, which was passed in December, Trump hadn’t done anything which would impact jobs. There’s been no budget passed, and no large government projects undertaken.

Trump’s economy created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama’s did in 2016. Trump keeps bragging about saving jobs but in reality, there’s been more off-shoring than jobs returning during his tenure. There are fewer jobs in coal mining than there were before Trump set out to save it.

All of the modelling Republicans did for their tax cuts showed them increasing revenues and paying for themselves. What happens when, not if, they don’t?
/----/ How do you know they are one time bonuses? That's your wishful thinking.

If they were permanent, they’d be called “raises”.
"Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers and Kleenex tissues, announced Tuesday it will cut about 13 percent of its workforce globally, or at least 5,000 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs as sales wane.The company plans to shutter or sell 10 of its 91 production factories worldwide. In all, it is anticipating more than $2 billion in cost cuts by 2021. About $1.5 billion will come from reducing costs within its business. An added $500 million to $550 million will come from the efforts to streamline its manufacturing supply chain and overhead."- Source

Cynically, this must be part of trumps plan for America. Considering all the jobs he supposedly saved at Carrier are now gone, it makes sense to assume this will be happening to all industries, under the trump regime. All labor intensive companies will experience the same thing. Loss of jobs.
Stop shitting your panties.
Companies are awarding bonuses to employees for the first time in decades, the DOW is up by thousands, 401k's are making money instead of losing it and unemployment is down to a 20 year low but the left finds a diaper company that is downsizing and pronounces the economy as a failure. No surprises here.

Companies are getting a permanent reduction of taxes and giving out one-time bonuses. They’re doing this because there’s a lot of publicity around this tax cut and it makes them look like good guys. Next year, when the ruckus dies down there will be no bonus. The workers will get nothing.

The stock market tripled under Obama. 401K’s we’re making money for the past 7 years. Where were your praises when he did that? Why are you giving Trump all of the credit.

Obama took over an unemployment rate of over 10% and reduced it by more than 5%. The unemployment rate was 4.6 the day Trump was elected. It was 4.1 for December of 2017. And until the tax cut, which was passed in December, Trump hadn’t done anything which would impact jobs. There’s been no budget passed, and no large government projects undertaken.

Trump’s economy created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama’s did in 2016. Trump keeps bragging about saving jobs but in reality, there’s been more off-shoring than jobs returning during his tenure. There are fewer jobs in coal mining than there were before Trump set out to save it.

All of the modelling Republicans did for their tax cuts showed them increasing revenues and paying for themselves. What happens when, not if, they don’t?
/----/ How do you know they are one time bonuses? That's your wishful thinking.

If they were permanent, they’d be called “raises”.
/-----/ 40 years in corporate sales and I received regular yearly bonuses in addition to my commission and raises.
"Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies diapers and Kleenex tissues, announced Tuesday it will cut about 13 percent of its workforce globally, or at least 5,000 jobs, in a bid to reduce costs as sales wane.The company plans to shutter or sell 10 of its 91 production factories worldwide. In all, it is anticipating more than $2 billion in cost cuts by 2021. About $1.5 billion will come from reducing costs within its business. An added $500 million to $550 million will come from the efforts to streamline its manufacturing supply chain and overhead."- Source

Cynically, this must be part of trumps plan for America. Considering all the jobs he supposedly saved at Carrier are now gone, it makes sense to assume this will be happening to all industries, under the trump regime. All labor intensive companies will experience the same thing. Loss of jobs.

Not this stupid shit again.

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