Hugo Chavez Amassed a BILLION DOLLAR NEST-EGG!!! WTF

Listen to the Republican Extremists ranting and raving .
Something about glasshouses and throwing stones is pertinent .
What is wrong with a decent slice of fraud and deceit . It built and maintains America ?

^ Typical Liberal. Blame America, well defending people like Chavez. It's always Ideology before country with you loons.
He took a little off the top from his countries oil riches.

So you think that is good? Taking a little off the top? Well, isn't Oblamer doing the same. In 4 years Oblamer as president has become a multi millionaire and before 2016 he will more than likely amass millions more.
Think of the lives Chavez took while a tyrant and dictator of Venezuela. Does anyone think Oblamer is any different? He may be your dear leader, however most Americans look upon Oblamer as a dictator similar to Chavez and the rest of the Marxist despots of this world.
You people just don't understand. If someone creates a business and sells things and makes money doing it, that's bad.

If someone steals from the people he claims to be protecting, that's okay.

So what if Venezuela, and every country that allied with Chavez, are worse off than before he came along? He's a HERO for the singular reason that he hated America. And that is all it takes to be admired by leftists. Just hate America and you are solid with the leftists for all time. You'll be immortalized on a T-shirt, [ame=]which will be sold by an evil profit-making business[/ame].
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Listen to the Republican Extremists ranting and raving .
Something about glasshouses and throwing stones is pertinent .
What is wrong with a decent slice of fraud and deceit . It built and maintains America ?

^ Typical Liberal. Blame America, well defending people like Chavez. It's always Ideology before country with you loons.

It's our frantic reactionaries along with the liberals who put absolutism before what is good for the country.
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion

This piece of shit came from a dirt poor family, went to school, then to the military and then to politics. This SOB NEVER ran a business and never did anything but military and politics, so how the FUCK does he amass a billion dollar fortune?

Lefty morons is this really your hero. He talks about blundering the wealthy, yet he is a man that has stole from the power to the tune of a billion dollars. He is wealther than Mitt Romney, GWB, Obama, Gore and Clinto combined. This is a man that never ran a SINGLE business, never had a single job outside of the military and politics, yet he was a billionaire. Where did he get this money? Corruption is the ONLY answer.

A US president makes $250K a year and with 14 years as President of Venezuela Chavez 150 mil a year!

Like all lefties that crusade for the poor, while in effect make huge dollars for themselves and pushing the poor further and further into poverty, is a fake lying piece of shit and the world is better off now that he is dead!

What is Criminal Justice International Associates ?
It is one Right-wing nut, Jerry Brewer, with a website. All he has to do is pull a number out of his ass and if the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood likes it, it becomes fact.
He took a little off the top from his countries oil riches.

So you think that is good? Taking a little off the top? Well, isn't Oblamer doing the same. In 4 years Oblamer as president has become a multi millionaire and before 2016 he will more than likely amass millions more.
Think of the lives Chavez took while a tyrant and dictator of Venezuela. Does anyone think Oblamer is any different? He may be your dear leader, however most Americans look upon Oblamer as a dictator similar to Chavez and the rest of the Marxist despots of this world.

Dude relax, I didn't say that was good.:cuckoo:
OH NO, a political leader got rich as a "benefit" of his office! That shouldn't be ALLOWED!
. . . oh, wait a minute . . .

You can't be serious! I wonder if you would give a conservative leader such a pass. I have no problem with a leader making a legit dollar from a business they run or from speaking and other engagments AFTER they leave office, but this guy never worked a private sector job in his life and he never ran a business, yet he amassed $2 BIL! This is what communism breeds! A small elitist rich class at the top (like the nobility of England and medivel Europe) and everyone else in poverty!

This is craziness . . . are you serious? Name ONE U.S. senator that hasn't gotten fabulously wealthy while in office.

Bill Bradley,

He was, I think, completely shocked by what he discovered about most of his fellow Senators.

I actually think he may have been one of those all-too-rare honest POLS.
He took a little off the top from his countries oil riches.

So you think that is good? Taking a little off the top? Well, isn't Oblamer doing the same. In 4 years Oblamer as president has become a multi millionaire and before 2016 he will more than likely amass millions more.
Think of the lives Chavez took while a tyrant and dictator of Venezuela. Does anyone think Oblamer is any different? He may be your dear leader, however most Americans look upon Oblamer as a dictator similar to Chavez and the rest of the Marxist despots of this world.

Dude relax, I didn't say that was good.:cuckoo:

I'm relaxed. Just showing those "Liberals" on the board how corrupt their dear leader really is. Then there's Oblamer's $35 Million mansion in Hawaii that's being built as we post.
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Those Retired Military Officers do not amass billion dollar fortunes.

Or even million. Maybe $100s of thousands, but few, if any, would hit the million mark!
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Lefties hate the rich.
So they should hate this guy for all his ill gotten gains.
Because Libs feel that's how the rich get rich.
Just read the Valerie Jarrett manual that Obama has under his pillow when he sleeps
at night.

Just be careful not to wake Valerie,I hear she's a light sleeper.
Liberals only have a problem with rich people if they have an (R) next to their names.

But as long as you're a lefty, you can lie, cheat, steal, exploit, murder, and other lefties will worship you. They've proven it time and time again.
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Are you really comparing a gated community and a nice salary with a $2 Billion dollar swindled fortune?

Desperate much?
Sure sounds like CIA dis-information, as usual!:coffee:

Especially since it didn't come from the CIA, but nice red herring. I would bet you either on public assistance or work close to the poverty line. No one with any sense would idolize Hugo Chavez.

First, as the billions of dollars he stole from his country contests to he was a crook. Second, he gun grab, he enacted a total ban on guns in the country, only to see a SPIKE in murder, rape and robbery! Third, despite being blessed with oil, his country remains one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere. Just a step above Haiti. Chavez's policies over the last decade has only sunk them further. No foreigner wants to invest in that country, no business wants to start up there, and any multicorp that could provide thousands of jobs would go over the border to much more business friendly Colombia. Chavez oversaw the largest flight of businesses, multicorps and rich Venezuela from the country in a 10 year span than any Latin American country has ever seen.

On top of all this, despite being one of the poorest countries in the world, through boneheaded taxing and spending, Hugo has caused Venezuela's inflation to increase so much that Carcas is in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world! See all the other expensive cities on the list (2 from Japan, 2 from Australia, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Norway, 1 from Singapore and 1 from France), what do they ALL not have in common with Carcas? All of them are in top 10 richest countries in the world!

The world's most expensive cities - 1. Tokyo, Japan (1) - CNNMoney

Face it Hugo Fat Ass is a failure!
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Are you really comparing a gated community and a nice salary with a $2 Billion dollar swindled fortune?

Desperate much?

Yes he really is that stupid!
Wow, I didn't realize libs would get this unhinged about Chavez.

These threads on Chavez are priceless.
Sure sounds like CIA dis-information, as usual!:coffee:

Especially since it didn't come from the CIA, but nice red herring. I would bet you either on public assistance or work close to the poverty line. No one with any sense would idolize Hugo Chavez.
You don't know that Jerry Brewer and his organization is not a front for the CIA any more than you know that his 2 billion "estimate" is credible. I "estimate" Bishop Willard has 10 billion stashed in numbered accounts. My "estimate" is just as credible as Brewer's. So explain how Bishop Willard amassed 10 billion honestly.
Sure sounds like CIA dis-information, as usual!:coffee:

Especially since it didn't come from the CIA, but nice red herring. I would bet you either on public assistance or work close to the poverty line. No one with any sense would idolize Hugo Chavez.
You don't know that Jerry Brewer and his organization is not a front for the CIA any more than you know that his 2 billion "estimate" is credible. I "estimate" Bishop Willard has 10 billion stashed in numbered accounts. My "estimate" is just as credible as Brewer's. So explain how Bishop Willard amassed 10 billion honestly.

Nice dodge there. This is about Chavez, who rails against the rich, and made himself one of them. Not only that he did what you think corporations dream about all the time, took over total control of a country and ruled it with an iron fist.

Put a guy in a suit and have him in a board room with power, and you guys rail against him. Put him in a military uniform and install him as a leftist "president" with even more power, and you guys will suck him off in a heartbeat.

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