Hugo Chavez Amassed a BILLION DOLLAR NEST-EGG!!! WTF

Especially since it didn't come from the CIA, but nice red herring. I would bet you either on public assistance or work close to the poverty line. No one with any sense would idolize Hugo Chavez.
You don't know that Jerry Brewer and his organization is not a front for the CIA any more than you know that his 2 billion "estimate" is credible. I "estimate" Bishop Willard has 10 billion stashed in numbered accounts. My "estimate" is just as credible as Brewer's. So explain how Bishop Willard amassed 10 billion honestly.

Nice dodge there. This is about Chavez, who rails against the rich, and made himself one of them. Not only that he did what you think corporations dream about all the time, took over total control of a country and ruled it with an iron fist.

Put a guy in a suit and have him in a board room with power, and you guys rail against him. Put him in a military uniform and install him as a leftist "president" with even more power, and you guys will suck him off in a heartbeat.

Leave him along.. poor guy.

Leftists are always very fragile any time socialism takes a hard hit.
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Lefties hate the rich.So they should hate this guy for all his ill gotten gains.Because Libs feel that's how the rich get rich.Just read the Valerie Jarrett manual that Obama has under his pillow when he sleepsat night.Just be careful not to wake Valerie,I hear she's a light sleeper.

Your reactionary turdshit is as offensive as the liberals.
ghook93, typically as most reactionaries, is receiving public assistance or is slightly above the poverty line. He is a typical reactionary turdlet.

What a bunch of reactionary nonsense from these yoinks.
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Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

We're talking BILLIONS here.:wtf:
And you do not think that our illustrious leaders are trying to do the same thing?
Think again.
Hell. He reminds me of Arrafat.

There's another dude who got rich from being a politial leader.

Personally I could care. The people in V kept electing him and he kept getting rich. His family will live like kings.
This can be a real game changer. If Venezuelans elect Capriles in the upcoming elections, socialism in Latin America will take a huge hit.

Venezuela is currently sending around $5 billion to Cuba every year. Once that stops, Cuba will be severely cut off. That would have to ignite a political change on the island as well.

2013 is looking like a good year so far.
ghook93, typically as most reactionaries, is receiving public assistance or is slightly above the poverty line. He is a typical reactionary turdlet.

What a bunch of reactionary nonsense from these yoinks.

No one can support Hugo Chavez unless they are an out of touch mental midget from Hollywood or a public assistance fool that believes in communism!
Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

We're talking BILLIONS here.:wtf:

Funny I bet Hugo's kids are like, my dad was wrong, we don't need a death tax or can we just suspend it for my old man!
ghook93, typically as most reactionaries, is receiving public assistance or is slightly above the poverty line. He is a typical reactionary turdlet.

What a bunch of reactionary nonsense from these yoinks.

No one can support Hugo Chavez unless they are an out of touch mental midget from Hollywood or a public assistance fool that believes in communism!

Jakey is a communist.

That's why him and his lefty biddies sound so agitated in all these Chavez threads.
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Chavez's fortune is not at all surprising. It's quite typical that the People's Leaders grossly enrich themselves by turning The People into beasts of burden.
ghook93, typically as most reactionaries, is receiving public assistance or is slightly above the poverty line. He is a typical reactionary turdlet.

What a bunch of reactionary nonsense from these yoinks.

No one can support Hugo Chavez unless they are an out of touch mental midget from Hollywood or a public assistance fool that believes in communism!

Who is supporting Chavez? Reactionaries and liberals, both the evils of America, are making mud pies, nothing more.
ghook93, typically as most reactionaries, is receiving public assistance or is slightly above the poverty line. He is a typical reactionary turdlet.

What a bunch of reactionary nonsense from these yoinks.

No one can support Hugo Chavez unless they are an out of touch mental midget from Hollywood or a public assistance fool that believes in communism!

Who is supporting Chavez? Reactionaries and liberals, both the evils of America, are making mud pies, nothing more.

Wrong, conservatives think Chavez is evil. Independents range from thinking he is evil to utter douche bag. Many liberals believe Chavez is an incompetent fool.

Yet some liberals think he is a good man, but embarked on a bad course.

The far left liberals, like the douche bag with the avatar of him, are bottomfeeder of society, that are so use to getting free things that they suppose communism as the solution. Therefore they jerk their knobs to pictures of Chavez!
Analyst estimates Chávez?s family fortune at around $2 billion

This piece of shit came from a dirt poor family, went to school, then to the military and then to politics. This SOB NEVER ran a business and never did anything but military and politics, so how the FUCK does he amass a billion dollar fortune?

Lefty morons is this really your hero. He talks about blundering the wealthy, yet he is a man that has stole from the power to the tune of a billion dollars. He is wealther than Mitt Romney, GWB, Obama, Gore and Clinto combined. This is a man that never ran a SINGLE business, never had a single job outside of the military and politics, yet he was a billionaire. Where did he get this money? Corruption is the ONLY answer.

A US president makes $250K a year and with 14 years as President of Venezuela Chavez 150 mil a year!

Like all lefties that crusade for the poor, while in effect make huge dollars for themselves and pushing the poor further and further into poverty, is a fake lying piece of shit and the world is better off now that he is dead!

Meanwhile, his people suffered.
No one can support Hugo Chavez unless they are an out of touch mental midget from Hollywood or a public assistance fool that believes in communism!

Who is supporting Chavez? Reactionaries and liberals, both the evils of America, are making mud pies, nothing more.

Wrong, conservatives think Chavez is evil. Independents range from thinking he is evil to utter douche bag. Many liberals believe Chavez is an incompetent fool.Yet some liberals think he is a good man, but embarked on a bad course.The far left liberals, like the douche bag with the avatar of him, are bottomfeeder of society, that are so use to getting free things that they suppose communism as the solution. Therefore they jerk their knobs to pictures of Chavez!

Nonsense, no one of significance is supporting Chavez, but liberals and reactionaries (like you) are making mountains out of molehills.

You reactionaries are as slimy as the lefties, no doubt about it.
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Lots of US military officers live in gated communities, after 20 years having amassed quite a nice salary. Let one of them get into politicis, take a few donations, work as a private consultant to some defense firms, and well, you get rich.

So...wait. Are we back to hating the rich again?

Those Retired Military Officers do not amass billion dollar fortunes.

Or even million. Maybe $100s of thousands, but few, if any, would hit the million mark!

Yup, Yasser Arafat did the same thing Chavez did. Arafat took a cut of the aid money for the Pals for himself.

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