Human Caused Global Warming


It's interesting how people like you can buy into the lies and misinformation of global warming without question and call it the truth, hoping to convince others of your brain-washed beliefs. :cuckoo:
The truth speaks for itself. If you don't want to believe it, that's up to you.

"The truth speaks for itself".

Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation of global warming that is based on fraudulent science then repackaged as being the truth that brain-washed morons like yourself fully believe and accept and then are trying to convince others of. :cuckoo:

That so-called "truth"?
The truth shows that temperatures are rising. The truth shows that manmade CO2 levels are rising at an almost, if not completely vertical track. According to something I saw on a PBS show recently, they said that CO2 levels are going up faster than they have in the past 800,000 years. But whatever may have made it go up faster in the past, at least it wasn't one supposedly intelligent kind of animal causing it. Admit it and get over it. You deniers are wrong. Dangerously wrong.

The truth shows that temperatures are rising.

Survey says: Wrong again!

:arrow: Global warming No the planet is getting cooler World News Daily Express
You deniers are wrong. Dangerously wrong.

No.... we're not wrong. We're just not gullible like you warmists are. :cuckoo:
What time frame did the world news daily express get this from. The last five minutes? The trend since the beginning of the industral revloution has been upward.

No, the trend since the end of the Little Ice Age has been upward. The LIA's end just happens to coincide with the IR. Furthermore there have been multiple cycles within the last 150 years of cooling/warming which you and your fellow cultists ignore.
You're a fool. We are pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. As the planet warms, it causes feedbacks which actually magnifies the effect. So, for example, when sea ice, which usually reflects light, melts, and it's replaced by open ocean which absorbs light and heat, then the effect of climate change is magnified. Of course computer models are going to represent scientific principles when the numbers are punched in because it's a sophisticated calculator which performs millions of calculations.

1) We are pumping about 5% of what CO2 NATURE puts into the atmos. every year.. And that assessment by man has some bad accounting in it.. When NATURE eats all that CO2 every year, it eats almost all of it except for about 3% --- Doesn't taste the diff between MAN'S CO2 and her own...

2) The concept of "positive feedbacks" is the weakest portion of GW theory.. Since the ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS over the past 100 years or so match the CO2 only warming power that everyone agrees on. The "accelerated" warming assumes this is a junker of planet with a death wish. And that a couple degrees can force it to destroy itself.. Not in evidence AT all from the numbers..

3) MOST of the positive feedback that the MAGICAL part of GW depends on is water vapor and clouds. The PRIMARY ghouse gas.
No general agreement on the Magical happenings that should be occuring with increased water vapor.

Ice free oceans may also be MORE LIKELY to absorb surface heat to lower ocean layers and take that heat OUT OF THE GREENHOUSE. In fact, the phoney assertion that this is the reason for the temp. pause DEPENDS on taking that heat to a place (Davey Jone's locker) where it's never likely to return.
That my bro -- represents a MIGHTY LARGE NEGATIVE feedback that was never realized by these clowns until the past few years..

The ignorance of the climate change deniers is stunning.

Ultimately, the ocean IS the repository of heating the planet. But guess what? It's the oceans, and NOT the atmosphere, that DRIVES the climate of the planet. We're also making the oceans more acidic in the process.

Another fact. Congrats! Now read the fact that IR can only penetrate microns deep into the ocean. Your long wave IR simply can't do what you claim. Period.

Hang you think that the warming of the oceans...or driven by direct solar radiation?
Like a giant microwave?
Now I understand why you're so confused.
You're a fool. We are pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. As the planet warms, it causes feedbacks which actually magnifies the effect. So, for example, when sea ice, which usually reflects light, melts, and it's replaced by open ocean which absorbs light and heat, then the effect of climate change is magnified. Of course computer models are going to represent scientific principles when the numbers are punched in because it's a sophisticated calculator which performs millions of calculations.

1) We are pumping about 5% of what CO2 NATURE puts into the atmos. every year.. And that assessment by man has some bad accounting in it.. When NATURE eats all that CO2 every year, it eats almost all of it except for about 3% --- Doesn't taste the diff between MAN'S CO2 and her own...

2) The concept of "positive feedbacks" is the weakest portion of GW theory.. Since the ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS over the past 100 years or so match the CO2 only warming power that everyone agrees on. The "accelerated" warming assumes this is a junker of planet with a death wish. And that a couple degrees can force it to destroy itself.. Not in evidence AT all from the numbers..

3) MOST of the positive feedback that the MAGICAL part of GW depends on is water vapor and clouds. The PRIMARY ghouse gas.
No general agreement on the Magical happenings that should be occuring with increased water vapor.

Ice free oceans may also be MORE LIKELY to absorb surface heat to lower ocean layers and take that heat OUT OF THE GREENHOUSE. In fact, the phoney assertion that this is the reason for the temp. pause DEPENDS on taking that heat to a place (Davey Jone's locker) where it's never likely to return.
That my bro -- represents a MIGHTY LARGE NEGATIVE feedback that was never realized by these clowns until the past few years..

The ignorance of the climate change deniers is stunning.

Ultimately, the ocean IS the repository of heating the planet. But guess what? It's the oceans, and NOT the atmosphere, that DRIVES the climate of the planet. We're also making the oceans more acidic in the process.

Another fact. Congrats! Now read the fact that IR can only penetrate microns deep into the ocean. Your long wave IR simply can't do what you claim. Period.

Hang you think that the warming of the oceans...or driven by direct solar radiation?
Like a giant microwave?
Now I understand why you're so confused.

Should let Westwall respond, but you ought to realize that the added CO2 insulation only re-radiates in narrow IR bands. It has no power to penetrate water as direct solar illumination does.

So for instance -- ice free polar seas CAN absorb more heat from direct solar radiation then when they were iced, but damn little of that comes from down radiation of the atmospheric GHgases.. In general, the oceans ARE largely temperature driven by direct solar radiation (or not).. And a minimal amount of direct heat convection cooling to the sky..
You're a fool. We are pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. As the planet warms, it causes feedbacks which actually magnifies the effect. So, for example, when sea ice, which usually reflects light, melts, and it's replaced by open ocean which absorbs light and heat, then the effect of climate change is magnified. Of course computer models are going to represent scientific principles when the numbers are punched in because it's a sophisticated calculator which performs millions of calculations.

1) We are pumping about 5% of what CO2 NATURE puts into the atmos. every year.. And that assessment by man has some bad accounting in it.. When NATURE eats all that CO2 every year, it eats almost all of it except for about 3% --- Doesn't taste the diff between MAN'S CO2 and her own...

2) The concept of "positive feedbacks" is the weakest portion of GW theory.. Since the ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS over the past 100 years or so match the CO2 only warming power that everyone agrees on. The "accelerated" warming assumes this is a junker of planet with a death wish. And that a couple degrees can force it to destroy itself.. Not in evidence AT all from the numbers..

3) MOST of the positive feedback that the MAGICAL part of GW depends on is water vapor and clouds. The PRIMARY ghouse gas.
No general agreement on the Magical happenings that should be occuring with increased water vapor.

Ice free oceans may also be MORE LIKELY to absorb surface heat to lower ocean layers and take that heat OUT OF THE GREENHOUSE. In fact, the phoney assertion that this is the reason for the temp. pause DEPENDS on taking that heat to a place (Davey Jone's locker) where it's never likely to return.
That my bro -- represents a MIGHTY LARGE NEGATIVE feedback that was never realized by these clowns until the past few years..

The ignorance of the climate change deniers is stunning.

Ultimately, the ocean IS the repository of heating the planet. But guess what? It's the oceans, and NOT the atmosphere, that DRIVES the climate of the planet. We're also making the oceans more acidic in the process.

Another fact. Congrats! Now read the fact that IR can only penetrate microns deep into the ocean. Your long wave IR simply can't do what you claim. Period.

Hang you think that the warming of the oceans...or driven by direct solar radiation?
Like a giant microwave?
Now I understand why you're so confused.

What exactly do you think warms the oceans?

Harry Reid Koch Brothers Are One Of The Main Causes Of Climate Change
Claiming that were in an interglacial period but it's still an ice age? That's just plain stupid. After all, just because there may be snow on the ground in late April or that you might even get a snow storm in May doesn't mean it's still winter.

Thinking is not that should try it sometime... Here, from guys seem to think that wiki is trustworthy...

Ice age - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
wiki said:
There is strong evidence that the Milankovitch cycles affect the occurrence of glacial and interglacial periods within an ice age. The present ice age is the most studied and best understood, particularly the last 400,000 years, since this is the period covered by ice cores that record atmospheric composition and proxies for temperature and ice volume. Within this period, the match of glacial/interglacial frequencies to the Milanković orbital forcing periods is so close that orbital forcing is generally accepted.

Here...from the University of Indiana....

Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation

he episodic nature of the Earth's glacial and interglacial periods within the present Ice Age (the last couple of million years) have been caused primarily by cyclical changes in the Earth's circumnavigation of the Sun. Variations in the Earth's eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession comprise the three dominant cycles, collectively known as the Milankovitch Cycles for Milutin Milankovitch, the Serbian astronomer and mathematician who is generally credited with calculating their magnitude.

Here is an entry from a kids encyclopedia...maybe this one would be more to your reading level.

Ice age - Academic Kids

The present ice age began 40 million years ago with the growth of an ice sheet in Antarctica, but intensified during the Pleistocene(starting around 3 million years ago) with the spread of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. Since then, the world has seen cycles of glaciation with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000 and 100,000 year time scales. The last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago. A map is available showing estimated ice extent and coastline changes during the last glacial period.

You want, from books.

Fundamentals of Weather and Climate
By Robin McIlveen

page 573...In fact, we are in the latest of a series of relatively short, mild interglacials which have punctuated, but not interrupted the present ice age

Here, from The Encyclopedia of World Climatology
edited by John E. Oliver pp 422

The present ice age condition has lasted about 2 million years and is identified as the Quaternary Period.

How many more references do you need to convince you that the earth is presently in an interglacial period within a larger period known as an ice age?

Why don't you read a damn BOOK written by people who actually KNOW what they're talking about!

I have...I would suggest that you take your own advice..
I don't understand why the 97% of scientists that accept AGW are labelled as 'shills' while the other 3% are apparently the only honest brokers.
I take it that is a rhetorical question. Because you know the answer as well as I. Just follow the money.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
Oh brother...not another global warming thread...

Everyone knows AGW is nothing but a political ploy by the elites...well except foolish leftists.

Its not science...its politics.
Human caused global warming is real.

Prove it... what is happening in the climate that is outside the boundaries of natural variation...and if nothing is outside of natural can you be sure humans are involved?
I don't understand why the 97% of scientists that accept AGW are labelled as 'shills' while the other 3% are apparently the only honest brokers.
I take it that is a rhetorical question. Because you know the answer as well as I. Just follow the money.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
What regulations may do to energy prices is debatable. But that isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is a reality. Unfortunately those who cause it will be the last ones to suffer from it. And for many, when things get really bad, they can look forward to going to heaven and being herded around by Jesus.
Oh brother...not another global warming thread...

Everyone knows AGW is nothing but a political ploy by the elites...well except foolish leftists.

Its not science...its politics.
Human caused global warming is real.

Prove it... what is happening in the climate that is outside the boundaries of natural variation...and if nothing is outside of natural can you be sure humans are involved?
If your arguments are coming down to asking people to repeat themselves, you may as well just give up.
I don't understand why the 97% of scientists that accept AGW are labelled as 'shills' while the other 3% are apparently the only honest brokers.
I take it that is a rhetorical question. Because you know the answer as well as I. Just follow the money.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
What regulations may do to energy prices is debatable. But that isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is a reality. Unfortunately those who cause it will be the last ones to suffer from it. And for many, when things get really bad, they can look forward to going to heaven and being herded around by Jesus.
And me thinks you're loco!!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

It's interesting how people like you can buy into the lies and misinformation of global warming without question and call it the truth, hoping to convince others of your brain-washed beliefs. :cuckoo:
The truth speaks for itself. If you don't want to believe it, that's up to you.

"The truth speaks for itself".

Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation of global warming that is based on fraudulent science then repackaged as being the truth that brain-washed morons like yourself fully believe and accept and then are trying to convince others of. :cuckoo:

That so-called "truth"?
The truth shows that temperatures are rising. The truth shows that manmade CO2 levels are rising at an almost, if not completely vertical track. According to something I saw on a PBS show recently, they said that CO2 levels are going up faster than they have in the past 800,000 years. But whatever may have made it go up faster in the past, at least it wasn't one supposedly intelligent kind of animal causing it. Admit it and get over it. You deniers are wrong. Dangerously wrong.

The truth shows that temperatures are rising.

Survey says: Wrong again!

:arrow: Global warming No the planet is getting cooler World News Daily Express
You deniers are wrong. Dangerously wrong.

No.... we're not wrong. We're just not gullible like you warmists are. :cuckoo:
What time frame did the world news daily express get this from. The last five minutes? The trend since the beginning of the industral revloution has been upward.

It was the post war industrialization that caused the rapid rise in global CO2 emissions, but by 1945 when this began, the Earth was already in a cooling phase that started around 1942 and continued until 1975. With 32 years of rapidly increasing global temperatures and only a minor increase in global CO2 emissions, followed by 33 years of slowly cooling global temperatures with rapid increases in global CO2 emissions, it was deceitful for the IPCC to make any claim that CO2 emissions were primarily responsible for observed 20th century global warming."
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I don't understand why the 97% of scientists that accept AGW are labelled as 'shills' while the other 3% are apparently the only honest brokers.
I take it that is a rhetorical question. Because you know the answer as well as I. Just follow the money.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
What regulations may do to energy prices is debatable. But that isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is a reality. Unfortunately those who cause it will be the last ones to suffer from it. And for many, when things get really bad, they can look forward to going to heaven and being herded around by Jesus.

The point is that human caused global warming is a reality.
Is the sky falling too, chicken little? :cuckoo:
OH SHIT.... The WORKER BEES and TERMINALLY STUPID gave away the REAL AGENDA at the NYC "RED IS GREEN' climate rally!!!!!

We have the ability to build cars that could last for a thousand years if we wanted to. The reason we don't come even close to that is because our whole economic system revolves around waste and inefficiency. For a small hint of that, you should look at the operations of a landfill for about an hour. There is no way we can have an effect on climate change without there being a change in the system that creates it.
I take it that is a rhetorical question. Because you know the answer as well as I. Just follow the money.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
What regulations may do to energy prices is debatable. But that isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is a reality. Unfortunately those who cause it will be the last ones to suffer from it. And for many, when things get really bad, they can look forward to going to heaven and being herded around by Jesus.

The point is that human caused global warming is a reality.
Is the sky falling too, chicken little? :cuckoo:
You think it's better to be sorry than safe. I get it. But according to something I saw recently on PBS, CO2 it going up faster than it has in the past 800,000 years. And wherever CO2 goes, temperatures are sure to follow. You may be willing to let that take us where it will. But I'm not. Nor would any thinking person.
I take it that is a rhetorical question. Because you know the answer as well as I. Just follow the money.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
What regulations may do to energy prices is debatable. But that isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is a reality. Unfortunately those who cause it will be the last ones to suffer from it. And for many, when things get really bad, they can look forward to going to heaven and being herded around by Jesus.
And me thinks you're loco!!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Get back to me when you have a real claim about human caused global warming to make.
No, it's a genuine question.
Simple logic kicks against the 'shill' label attached to 97% of the scientific community.

If I were going to pay for shills I'd rather be forking out for 3% of the scientists - not 97%.
As I said before, follow the money. Where do scientists and governments get their money. From the companies that pollute. So if most scientists agree that there is human caused global warming, it stands to reason that money has nothing to do with their views.

Since the global warming hoax began...and governments began to put regulations in place to address the supposed warming...what has happened to energy prices? During the recent deep recession, which sector has continued to make record profits?...due in part to increased energy costs due to regulation?....Libs suck at companies stand to make more as a result of the energy sweet is it for energy companies that the very people who hate them most are the ones leading the way on the hoax that makes them all the richer?
What regulations may do to energy prices is debatable. But that isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is a reality. Unfortunately those who cause it will be the last ones to suffer from it. And for many, when things get really bad, they can look forward to going to heaven and being herded around by Jesus.

The point is that human caused global warming is a reality.
Is the sky falling too, chicken little? :cuckoo:
You think it's better to be sorry than safe. I get it. But according to something I saw recently on PBS, CO2 it going up faster than it has in the past 800,000 years. And wherever CO2 goes, temperatures are sure to follow. You may be willing to let that take us where it will. But I'm not. Nor would any thinking person.
and you have that evidence do you now? :bsflag::2up:

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