Human Population Increase and Its Implications

Nature whether by disease or natural disaster tends to cull the herd. Humans also have shown throughout history that it is just as ingenious as nature in accomplishing that same outcome.
For humans to continue expansion and possibly evolution as a species we need to get off world. Or just become a stagnant species fighting over the limited resources of one single world in a limitless universe of possibility.

I'll help you pack.
And ride with the Russians? No thanks. By the time the U.S. has a capable delivery system I will probably be dead.
We already do. A result of private enterprise, called Space X. And soon they will have the largest booster in the world. This is how our nation has always worked. First the government explores where the businesses cannot afford to. And demonstrates where the opportunities are. Then the entrepeneurs follow, many losing their shirts in the process. And after the losers and winners establish what a successful business model is for that environment, the blue chips start investing.
Nature whether by disease or natural disaster tends to cull the herd. Humans also have shown throughout history that it is just as ingenious as nature in accomplishing that same outcome.
For humans to continue expansion and possibly evolution as a species we need to get off world. Or just become a stagnant species fighting over the limited resources of one single world in a limitless universe of possibility.

I'll help you pack.
And ride with the Russians? No thanks. By the time the U.S. has a capable delivery system I will probably be dead.
We already do. A result of private enterprise, called Space X. And soon they will have the largest booster in the world. This is how our nation has always worked. First the government explores where the businesses cannot afford to. And demonstrates where the opportunities are. Then the entrepeneurs follow, many losing their shirts in the process. And after the losers and winners establish what a successful business model is for that environment, the blue chips start investing.
That's where those with a vision towards the future will lead the way. It is an inevitability that humans will spread throughout the solar system.
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

Said belief is the basis of environmentalism....

1. Modern environmentalism is, and I mean this in the kindest way, a bastardization of the conservation of the Progressive Era. Today’s devotees are a random mix of

a) the pagan religion of Gaia worship,

b) folks who believe that human beings are a virus that must be eradicated from the land,

c) the ignorant and easily led,

and…a very strong influence of the NeoMarxist Frankfurt School.

2. What the take-away? Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated. In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.” Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored the previous President.


And the people who promote it are typically educators...or brownshirts who are paid well to hang out in the vast public lands that they think other people should not be allowed to use or access.
Along with more and more and more people comes more and more and more problems. More big cities, less woods, less wildlife, less rural areas, less farming areas, less food, less everything for everyone.

It's worse than just the overall population growth. The people who can least afford to be growing the population are the ones having the most kids. The people best suited economically to have kids, aren't.
Along with more and more and more people comes more and more and more problems. More big cities, less woods, less wildlife, less rural areas, less farming areas, less food, less everything for everyone.


?? I don't understand what you would find funny about these facts? Unless you are ignorant enough to believe that our resources are infinite?
Nature whether by disease or natural disaster tends to cull the herd. Humans also have shown throughout history that it is just as ingenious as nature in accomplishing that same outcome.
For humans to continue expansion and possibly evolution as a species we need to get off world. Or just become a stagnant species fighting over the limited resources of one single world in a limitless universe of possibility.

I'll help you pack.
And ride with the Russians? No thanks. By the time the U.S. has a capable delivery system I will probably be dead.
We already do. A result of private enterprise, called Space X. And soon they will have the largest booster in the world. This is how our nation has always worked. First the government explores where the businesses cannot afford to. And demonstrates where the opportunities are. Then the entrepeneurs follow, many losing their shirts in the process. And after the losers and winners establish what a successful business model is for that environment, the blue chips start investing.
That's where those with a vision towards the future will lead the way. It is an inevitability that humans will spread throughout the solar system.

Well, as far as I am aware, there have been no planets found that could support a human population of any large numbers. You need to be able to grow food there and have plenty of fresh water, etc.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
we can farm the rest of the world

the US grows more than it can eat and sell.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
we can farm the rest of the world

the US grows more than it can eat and sell.

:rolleyes: Come on. Don't be ignorant. We already have water bans. Think about if the population was tripled or quadrupled. People throughout the world starve to death and die of thirst daily as it is right now. What on earth makes you think these situations would IMPROVE with adding even more problems to the mix.

Also, I hope you like big crowded cities and traffic jams!
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
we can farm the rest of the world

the US grows more than it can eat and sell.

:rolleyes: Come on. Don't be ignorant. We already have water bans. Think about if the population was tripled or quadrupled. People throughout the world starve to death and die of thirst daily as it is right now. What on earth makes you think these situations would IMPROVE with adding even more problems to the mix.

Also, I hope you like big crowded cities and traffic jams!
the people that die of thirst are fucking morons, their defective genes won't be missed.

again, we can live inside an area the size of texas and farm the world

we have more than we need.

and your multipliers are generations away if not eons
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
we can farm the rest of the world

the US grows more than it can eat and sell.

:rolleyes: Come on. Don't be ignorant. We already have water bans. Think about if the population was tripled or quadrupled. People throughout the world starve to death and die of thirst daily as it is right now. What on earth makes you think these situations would IMPROVE with adding even more problems to the mix.

Also, I hope you like big crowded cities and traffic jams!
the people that die of thirst are fucking morons, their defective genes won't be missed.

again, we can live inside an area the size of texas and farm the world

we have more than we need.

and your multipliers are generations away if not eons

This is just pure ignorance. WHY don't we do this now then? Good grief. This is a perfect example of why we don't want any MORE people on this earth. In fact, we need quite a few LESS ignorant tards.
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
we can farm the rest of the world

the US grows more than it can eat and sell.

:rolleyes: Come on. Don't be ignorant. We already have water bans. Think about if the population was tripled or quadrupled. People throughout the world starve to death and die of thirst daily as it is right now. What on earth makes you think these situations would IMPROVE with adding even more problems to the mix.

Also, I hope you like big crowded cities and traffic jams!
the people that die of thirst are fucking morons, their defective genes won't be missed.

again, we can live inside an area the size of texas and farm the world

we have more than we need.

and your multipliers are generations away if not eons

This is just pure ignorance. WHY don't we do this now then? Good grief. This is a perfect example of why we don't want any MORE people on this earth. In fact, we need quite a few LESS ignorant tards.
you can look it up yourself.

the people that are going hungry are fucked over by their governments.

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