Human Population Increase and Its Implications

My own home town and many, many others have changed considerably just in the last 20 years with population booms. It is no longer a "small town." Most of the woods are gone. There would not be enough room to farm for anything because there are too many people taking up all the space. This shit is just COMMON SENSE shit.
There is a reason why we push birth control in Africa. Because there are too many people and not enough resources or "livable" land.
they lack resources b/c their governments abuse them.

they could do it, they simply get fucked over if they do

Bullshit. Every single resource on this planet has it's limitations.
food has no limit, none, Zip, zero zilch

Sure, remain ignorant. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.
My own home town and many, many others have changed considerably just in the last 20 years with population booms. It is no longer a "small town." Most of the woods are gone. There would not be enough room to farm for anything because there are too many people taking up all the space. This shit is just COMMON SENSE shit.
math says your wrong
My own home town and many, many others have changed considerably just in the last 20 years with population booms. It is no longer a "small town." Most of the woods are gone. There would not be enough room to farm for anything because there are too many people taking up all the space. This shit is just COMMON SENSE shit.
math says your wrong

Let's see this math, you genius you. :D I cannot even believe it. Lol.
Some like to assert that everybody on Earth could be fit into the State of Texas, using logic as follows. The area of Texas is about 262,000 mi2. Dividing this figure by the current human population of 7 billion leaves each person with less than 100 square meters, a small plot the size of a big room about 10 m x 10 m.
We are way overdue for a natural disaster that takes out half of us, really. :D Lol. There are WAY too many retards in the world as it is now! And the more people, the more retards, the less rural areas, more big crowded stinky cities, more starving, homeless people, less everything for everyone. Those are the FACTS.
Some like to assert that everybody on Earth could be fit into the State of Texas, using logic as follows. The area of Texas is about 262,000 mi2. Dividing this figure by the current human population of 7 billion leaves each person with less than 100 square meters, a small plot the size of a big room about 10 m x 10 m.

Oh my, that sounds appealing! Lol!
One more thing though, it is important, before throwing your support behind any idea (no matter HOW silly and irrational it might be) to list the pros and cons of the situation. I see absolutely NO pros to overpopulation. The cons list far outweighs the pros list.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
already been shown one river and one country can feed and provide water and space for everyone what more do you need?
Along with more and more and more people comes more and more and more problems. More big cities, less woods, less wildlife, less rural areas, less farming areas, less food, less everything for everyone.


?? I don't understand what you would find funny about these facts? Unless you are ignorant enough to believe that our resources are infinite?

It’s funny that anyone still buys into this old false crisis from the 70s.

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