Human Population Increase and Its Implications

Everyone should just ignore common sense and the huge cons to population growth and listen to you about this topic. :D Lol! Overpopulation! Yeah!
be VERY specific and explain how you would limit the growth of thr human race?

I never claimed I could do that. I am also not going to chime in to support of INCREASING it exponentially either though. That is just . . . insane.
Nature whether by disease or natural disaster tends to cull the herd. Humans also have shown throughout history that it is just as ingenious as nature in accomplishing that same outcome.
For humans to continue expansion and possibly evolution as a species we need to get off world. Or just become a stagnant species fighting over the limited resources of one single world in a limitless universe of possibility.

I'll help you pack.
And ride with the Russians? No thanks. By the time the U.S. has a capable delivery system I will probably be dead.
We already do. A result of private enterprise, called Space X. And soon they will have the largest booster in the world. This is how our nation has always worked. First the government explores where the businesses cannot afford to. And demonstrates where the opportunities are. Then the entrepeneurs follow, many losing their shirts in the process. And after the losers and winners establish what a successful business model is for that environment, the blue chips start investing.
That's where those with a vision towards the future will lead the way. It is an inevitability that humans will spread throughout the solar system.

Sooooo....when you leave, I can count on it freeing up another parking spot?
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
we can still fit the worlds entire population inside the borders of Texas.

The sky is not falling.

The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.

Don't be silly.

Would resources be a problem?

1. "Surely water would be a problem wouldn't it? Well, let's find out... It is recommended that 50 liters per person, per day, be used as an adequate amount for consumption, sanitation, and cooking. That works out to (7<EEX>9<ENTER> 50 × 1<EEX>9 ÷) 350 billion liters of fresh water, per day, to keep all of us properly hydrated. That's a lot of water! Given there are 1000 liters per cubic meter, we need 350 million cubic meters of fresh water, every day. Yes, a large volume! But is it really?

2. Take the Columbia River, the 4th largest in the US, and the main division between the States of Washington and Oregon. The average outflow of water is 7,500 cubic meters per second. How long would it take the Columbia to give us our 350 million cubic meters of fresh water? Well, it would take (350<EEX>6<ENTER> 7500 ÷) 46,667 seconds. Or (46667<ENTER> 60 ÷) 777.8 minutes. Or (777.8<ENTER> 60 ÷) just under 13 hours.

3. With just over half the daily average outflow of the Columbia River, we could meet the freshwater needs of the entire world's population. Now, that is a big pipeline to Texas, but if we could get everyone there in the first place, the pipeline is child's play!

4. To recap: so far, we can put every living person on the planet within the land territory of Texas, with density about equal to New York City (not just Manhattan; all 5 boroughs). And we can give them all adequate water with just over half the water from the Columbia River.

5. But what about food? Clearly that is of concern! Well, apparently 300 square meters will feed one person for one year. Since a kilometer is 1000 meters, we could feed (1000<ENTER> 1000 × 300 ÷) 3333 people per square kilometer. We'll call it 3000 people per square kilometer to make things even. And that means (7<EEX>9 <ENTER> 3000 ÷) 2,333,333 square kilometers to feed everyone.

6. The total farmland in the US is about 922,000,000 acres. There are 247.1 acres per square kilometer, so that is (922<EEX>6<ENTER> 247.1 ÷) 3,731,282 square kilometers. Hey, that's more than 2,333,333! In other words, the farmland in the US could feed everyone!

7. So what have we ended up with? Well, every person in the world could live inside of Texas without overcrowding. We could all have water with just the Columbia River alone. And we could easily feed ourselves with just the farmland within the US as it exists.

8. Canada. Mexico. Alaska. Central America. South America. Europe. Asia. Africa. Australia. Greenland. All the islands. All the oceans. The Great Lakes. All empty, devoid of people. No need to farm or live there.

9. Now that we have the numbers, are we really overpopulated? I would argue a resounding "NO" and I think any who say otherwise are simply not adding it up."
The Overpopulation Myth

Of course no facts will convince the indelibly indoctrinated.
My own home town and many, many others have changed considerably just in the last 20 years with population booms. It is no longer a "small town." Most of the woods are gone. There would not be enough room to farm for anything because there are too many people taking up all the space. This shit is just COMMON SENSE shit.

“Common sense”. :lmao:
The problem is resources, not fitting people. Water, food, LIVABLE land. Land that you can grow food on. You can't keep growing veggies on the same plot of land. You have to move and let that land recuperate because you eventually drain the soil of it's nutrients. It's called crop rotation. All of our natural resources have limits.
we can farm the rest of the world

the US grows more than it can eat and sell.

:rolleyes: Come on. Don't be ignorant. We already have water bans. Think about if the population was tripled or quadrupled. People throughout the world starve to death and die of thirst daily as it is right now. What on earth makes you think these situations would IMPROVE with adding even more problems to the mix.

Also, I hope you like big crowded cities and traffic jams!
the people that die of thirst are fucking morons, their defective genes won't be missed.

again, we can live inside an area the size of texas and farm the world

we have more than we need.

and your multipliers are generations away if not eons

This is just pure ignorance. WHY don't we do this now then? Good grief. This is a perfect example of why we don't want any MORE people on this earth. In fact, we need quite a few LESS ignorant tards.
you can look it up yourself.

the people that are going hungry are fucked over by their governments.
Exactly. It has nothing to do with global food availability. We have plenty of food. The reason people are starving is because their leaders deny them access to food. Period.
The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.
The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.

"...mindless over population..."

People are lucky to have you to tell when and how frequently to reproduce!!!

I'm certain that the production of an award is underway.
The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.

"...mindless over population..."

People are lucky to have you to tell when and how frequently to reproduce!!!

I'm certain that the production of an award is underway.
notice how all the whiners refuse to put forth a supposed solution?
The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.

"...mindless over population..."

People are lucky to have you to tell when and how frequently to reproduce!!!

I'm certain that the production of an award is underway.
notice how all the whiners refuse to put forth a supposed solution?

By implication, we are left with the view of Obama's science czar:

"John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,”Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

“It must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,” wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will “seems to horrify people” and yet it doesn’t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction."
» Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.

What tripe lol.

Though certainly those who deny food to the people who they will not allow to leave..those people are certainly genocidal. Typically, they're communists and socialists.

Communists and socialists like to prate about how they need to kill people to prevent overpopulation. It's been a favored theme of theirs since they came into being.
The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.

"...mindless over population..."

People are lucky to have you to tell when and how frequently to reproduce!!!

I'm certain that the production of an award is underway.
notice how all the whiners refuse to put forth a supposed solution?

Solution to a non-problem?
People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

This is about as anti-intellectual as it gets. You know, there is also the option to merely talk about why it is concerning, and let people make their own informed decisions... as rational people blessed with more than just a brain stem are capable of doing, including you and me. You shouldn't cower in fear of ideas like you do.
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The masses that will die from mindless over population (especially when at the moment we know better and could still avoid the menace) will regard us as virtually genocidal in our crime.

"...mindless over population..."

People are lucky to have you to tell when and how frequently to reproduce!!!

I'm certain that the production of an award is underway.
notice how all the whiners refuse to put forth a supposed solution?

Solution to a non-problem?

Of course overpopulation is a problem and will get worse. The most effective solution that we know of (that is also ethical and moral) is education (in general, not just about this issue). Seems like a win/win to tackle it this way, if you ask me.
Communists and socialists like to prate about how they need to kill people to prevent overpopulation.

....and pure Capitalists let people die of starvation and illness, and then say they killed themselves by not working harder. Maybe no system , by itself, is perfect? Hmm, I wonder if we should try something like a "mixed system".... hey, wait a minute...
be VERY specific and explain how you would limit the growth of thr human race?

Softball question! A huge campaign for science and reason-based education, like we see in developed countries. Just give me the award now. I win. The rest of you can go home.

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