Human Population Increase and Its Implications

People who are so concerned about it that they believe other people are parasites should be the first ones to get themselves and theirs neutered or take the plunge and fully opt out of life. Leave the rest alone though if you think that you are a parasite deal with yourself first.

This is about as anti-intellectual as it gets. You know, there is also the option to merely talk about why it is concerning, and let people make their own informed decisions... as rational people blessed with more than just a brain stem are capable of doing, including you and me. You shouldn't cower in fear of ideas like you do.
I don't cower in fears but hey maybe that is what you have already engraved in your head. My position is that people who are willing to destroy others just because they have been given advantage through money, inheritance, or their unrestricted greed have no business telling others that they are the ones that are ruining the planet so they think they must control the populace with their crap like tainted vaccinations and foods that alter other peoples dna without fully informing that "worthless populace" what they are taking in or letting into their bodies.

This is where we can get technical where as an atheist you may understand where I am coming from. You have said you don't believe in God or Jesus Christ and that is your prerogative but those who do believe have given their consent to be altered by the spirit of God and his hosts. It isn't done without consent or acceptance knowing that a change will come. If a preacher cannot give you a full description of what you are going to be giving your consent to be done to you if you are thinking with logic verses faith in that spirit you have a choice not to be altered and you keep your carnal precepts intact and have no choice but to work through whatever comes from that. If a preacher cannot describe what happens or tried to give you some goobered up concocted description without knowledge of how that works and it didn't fit would you just simply accept being changed? Obviously not because you say you are still an atheist. That same theory can be applied to the carnal precepts to the discussion of birth control, altered food products or just about anything that affects us as human beings.

When scientist are putting out junk science in order to promote a product without telling the dangers or minimizing the risk through deceptive word play they need to be kicked very hard in the nutz, Hard enough that they won't ever do it again but that is not what has been taking place as commerce creeps have infiltrated and covered for this type of crap for years. As for me I know when I drink any water with fluoridation or other chemicals in it tears my stomach up. why would I accept a scientist telling me that it is harmless when I already know what it does to me?

Personally I knew after my daughter was born there was no way I was going to spend the rest of my life with the ex. I opted to stay with him and give it a best try for my daughter's sake. I had a lot of time to consider it all and assumed the experience was such a disaster I would never make that mistake again if I could help it if I ever got out of it. Shortly after my son was born asshole got worse an event took place and that was it, done, finished kaput. There was no doubt in my mind I couldn't take care of and raise more than two children on my own so I got fixed. It was the rational thing to do in light of my entire situation. I gave consent to the doc to be altered. Now lets talk about the what if's. If I had went the other scientific route and took pills to be alter would the doc had said, "Hey look these pills to prevent you from getting pregnant are made from horse piss hormones. If you take them you will be altering your hormonal structure which could possibly lead to endocrine issues, mood alterations and other issues for you". No they wouldn't have because doctors are pill pushers. Now I could have listen to an uptight preacher tell me just abstain but that is not even a reasonable request for an eighteen year old that has already been married but is now divorce. The other option would be try to prevent pregnancy through other means like tell the guy to keep his sperm out and I doubted that would be a fail safe method also. Speaking on the subject today females and males both have options such as spermicides, day after pills or even many herbs available that prevent pregnancy.

If anyone is going to determine what is best for another person without their full and informed consent they need to be taken down. That same applies to anyone who is not willing to protect the best interest of the people they assume in their minds that they need to be controlled. Is that enough discussion for you as I am not into long drawn out bs postings going over and over the same things about where I stand on an issue.

Softball question! A huge campaign for science and reason-based education, like we see in developed countries. Just give me the award now. I win. The rest of you can go home.
We aren't liking the left's educational theories at this point so that is totally out of the question to put y'all in charge of devising more bs.

"Willing to destroy others"

My suggestions have had nothing to do with destroying peole, nor have those of anyone else here. Perhaps, if the Boogeyman shows up on USMB today, he will answer your hyperbolic claims.
There is nothing hyperbolic about being aware what certain people are doing in the eugenics movement. I did not accuse you.

But your disproportionate response is, indeed, hyperbolic. Maybe I should now respond by pointing out the very Christian idiots who are putting people in jail for contraceptive use in Africa? Then we can sit here and spit and scream and throw little fits. Forever.

But where would that get us?
Like I said that is my position. I don't live in Africa and am not a policy maker there, nor do I know anyone that is so your post back to me is inane. I gave you my opinion as to not waste time with you or your hate for Christians. Have a good day.
Well except population is not a problem because of numbers but rather location and government. And yes most supposed solutions are kill people. As for education good luck on that, how you expect that to work on people that think screwing a virgin will cure AIDS is pretty stupid.

How do I expect to change culture via education? Slowly and generationally. It wouldn't happen overnight.

And nobody here has posited killing anyone, nor did you contribute a single other idea, yourself. What is with you people being so afraid of this topic?
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.
This is about as anti-intellectual as it gets. You know, there is also the option to merely talk about why it is concerning, and let people make their own informed decisions... as rational people blessed with more than just a brain stem are capable of doing, including you and me. You shouldn't cower in fear of ideas like you do.
I don't cower in fears but hey maybe that is what you have already engraved in your head. My position is that people who are willing to destroy others just because they have been given advantage through money, inheritance, or their unrestricted greed have no business telling others that they are the ones that are ruining the planet so they think they must control the populace with their crap like tainted vaccinations and foods that alter other peoples dna without fully informing that "worthless populace" what they are taking in or letting into their bodies.

This is where we can get technical where as an atheist you may understand where I am coming from. You have said you don't believe in God or Jesus Christ and that is your prerogative but those who do believe have given their consent to be altered by the spirit of God and his hosts. It isn't done without consent or acceptance knowing that a change will come. If a preacher cannot give you a full description of what you are going to be giving your consent to be done to you if you are thinking with logic verses faith in that spirit you have a choice not to be altered and you keep your carnal precepts intact and have no choice but to work through whatever comes from that. If a preacher cannot describe what happens or tried to give you some goobered up concocted description without knowledge of how that works and it didn't fit would you just simply accept being changed? Obviously not because you say you are still an atheist. That same theory can be applied to the carnal precepts to the discussion of birth control, altered food products or just about anything that affects us as human beings.

When scientist are putting out junk science in order to promote a product without telling the dangers or minimizing the risk through deceptive word play they need to be kicked very hard in the nutz, Hard enough that they won't ever do it again but that is not what has been taking place as commerce creeps have infiltrated and covered for this type of crap for years. As for me I know when I drink any water with fluoridation or other chemicals in it tears my stomach up. why would I accept a scientist telling me that it is harmless when I already know what it does to me?

Personally I knew after my daughter was born there was no way I was going to spend the rest of my life with the ex. I opted to stay with him and give it a best try for my daughter's sake. I had a lot of time to consider it all and assumed the experience was such a disaster I would never make that mistake again if I could help it if I ever got out of it. Shortly after my son was born asshole got worse an event took place and that was it, done, finished kaput. There was no doubt in my mind I couldn't take care of and raise more than two children on my own so I got fixed. It was the rational thing to do in light of my entire situation. I gave consent to the doc to be altered. Now lets talk about the what if's. If I had went the other scientific route and took pills to be alter would the doc had said, "Hey look these pills to prevent you from getting pregnant are made from horse piss hormones. If you take them you will be altering your hormonal structure which could possibly lead to endocrine issues, mood alterations and other issues for you". No they wouldn't have because doctors are pill pushers. Now I could have listen to an uptight preacher tell me just abstain but that is not even a reasonable request for an eighteen year old that has already been married but is now divorce. The other option would be try to prevent pregnancy through other means like tell the guy to keep his sperm out and I doubted that would be a fail safe method also. Speaking on the subject today females and males both have options such as spermicides, day after pills or even many herbs available that prevent pregnancy.

If anyone is going to determine what is best for another person without their full and informed consent they need to be taken down. That same applies to anyone who is not willing to protect the best interest of the people they assume in their minds that they need to be controlled. Is that enough discussion for you as I am not into long drawn out bs postings going over and over the same things about where I stand on an issue.

Softball question! A huge campaign for science and reason-based education, like we see in developed countries. Just give me the award now. I win. The rest of you can go home.
We aren't liking the left's educational theories at this point so that is totally out of the question to put y'all in charge of devising more bs.

"Willing to destroy others"

My suggestions have had nothing to do with destroying peole, nor have those of anyone else here. Perhaps, if the Boogeyman shows up on USMB today, he will answer your hyperbolic claims.
There is nothing hyperbolic about being aware what certain people are doing in the eugenics movement. I did not accuse you.

But your disproportionate response is, indeed, hyperbolic. Maybe I should now respond by pointing out the very Christian idiots who are putting people in jail for contraceptive use in Africa? Then we can sit here and spit and scream and throw little fits. Forever.

But where would that get us?
Like I said that is my position. I don't live in Africa and am not a policy maker there, nor do I know anyone that is so your post back to me is inane. I gave you my opinion as to not waste time with you or your hate for Christians. Have a good day.

And not one person here posited eugenics as a solution. Therefore, by your own logic, you verbose rant was and is inane

My post back to you was meant to be inane, and not an indictment of Christians. Stop being such a sensitive baby, anytime anyone DARES use you own methods on you.

So, can we safely say you have contributed every idea you could eke out of your brain, then? You sell yourself short, if this is the case.
Well except population is not a problem because of numbers but rather location and government. And yes most supposed solutions are kill people. As for education good luck on that, how you expect that to work on people that think screwing a virgin will cure AIDS is pretty stupid.

How do I expect to change culture via education? Slowly and generationally. It wouldn't happen overnight.

And nobody here has posited killing anyone, nor did you contribute a single other idea, yourself. What is with you people being so afraid of this topic?
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
Well except population is not a problem because of numbers but rather location and government. And yes most supposed solutions are kill people. As for education good luck on that, how you expect that to work on people that think screwing a virgin will cure AIDS is pretty stupid.

How do I expect to change culture via education? Slowly and generationally. It wouldn't happen overnight.

And nobody here has posited killing anyone, nor did you contribute a single other idea, yourself. What is with you people being so afraid of this topic?
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.
Well except population is not a problem because of numbers but rather location and government. And yes most supposed solutions are kill people. As for education good luck on that, how you expect that to work on people that think screwing a virgin will cure AIDS is pretty stupid.

How do I expect to change culture via education? Slowly and generationally. It wouldn't happen overnight.

And nobody here has posited killing anyone, nor did you contribute a single other idea, yourself. What is with you people being so afraid of this topic?
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.

You specifically said that overpopulation is not a problem, but our (governmental) response to it is. That is doublespeak which actually admits that it's a problem to which we must respond.

illustration: "The HIV virus is not a problem. It's our immunoresponse to it that is the problem.".....doublespeak.

And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
I am so glad you show your true colors of being an ignorant pig every time you post.

Education per the people having common sense behind it is good and idiot cultures that depress and restrict women believing they are too weak to make up their own minds is a big issue. "Keeping women pregnant and barefoot" isn't a viable solution as we can well see the results of that in places that treat females like crap.
Well except population is not a problem because of numbers but rather location and government. And yes most supposed solutions are kill people. As for education good luck on that, how you expect that to work on people that think screwing a virgin will cure AIDS is pretty stupid.

How do I expect to change culture via education? Slowly and generationally. It wouldn't happen overnight.

And nobody here has posited killing anyone, nor did you contribute a single other idea, yourself. What is with you people being so afraid of this topic?
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.

You specifically said that overpopulation is not a problem, but our (governmental) response to it is. That is doublespeak which actually admits that it's a problem to which we must respond.

illustration: "The HIV virus is not a problem. It's our immunoresponse to it that is the problem.".....doublespeak.

And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
so you can not quote me where i ever said over population was a problem thanks for admitting you lied.
And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
I am so glad you show your true colors of being an ignorant pig every time you post.

Education per the people having common sense behind it is good and idiot cultures that depress and restrict women believing they are too weak to make up their own minds is a big issue. "Keeping women pregnant and barefoot" isn't a viable solution as we can well see the results of that in places that treat females like crap.

Empowerment of women is exactly the opposite of that. Are you on drugs? Your post was a completely inappropriate response that seemed directed at precisely the opposite of what I wrote. Embarrassing, do better .

And if common sense were a good standard, we wouldnt need education. It isn't, and we do. How fucking embarrassingly stupid to imply otherwise
How do I expect to change culture via education? Slowly and generationally. It wouldn't happen overnight.

And nobody here has posited killing anyone, nor did you contribute a single other idea, yourself. What is with you people being so afraid of this topic?
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.

You specifically said that overpopulation is not a problem, but our (governmental) response to it is. That is doublespeak which actually admits that it's a problem to which we must respond.

illustration: "The HIV virus is not a problem. It's our immunoresponse to it that is the problem.".....doublespeak.

And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
so you can not quote me where i ever said over population was a problem thanks for admitting you lied.

You implied it, and I said exactly why. It was doublespeak on your part, and nothing but an intellectual copout.

Yes, all the people saying "overpopulation is not a problem, unless we dont respond to it correctly" are admitting it is a problem and are being intellectually dishonest. The irony is that they say this in an effort to preempt discussion of the better responses! Damn people can be so fucking stupid.
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.

You specifically said that overpopulation is not a problem, but our (governmental) response to it is. That is doublespeak which actually admits that it's a problem to which we must respond.

illustration: "The HIV virus is not a problem. It's our immunoresponse to it that is the problem.".....doublespeak.

And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
so you can not quote me where i ever said over population was a problem thanks for admitting you lied.

You implied it, and I said exactly why. It was doublespeak on your part, and nothing but an intellectual copout.

Yes, all the people saying "overpopulation is not a problem, unless we dont respond to it correctly" are admitting it is a problem and are being intellectually dishonest. The irony is that they say this in an effort to preempt discussion of the better responses! Damn people can be so fucking stupid.

Why are you misrepresenting what he said?
And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
I am so glad you show your true colors of being an ignorant pig every time you post.

Education per the people having common sense behind it is good and idiot cultures that depress and restrict women believing they are too weak to make up their own minds is a big issue. "Keeping women pregnant and barefoot" isn't a viable solution as we can well see the results of that in places that treat females like crap.

Empowerment of women is exactly the opposite of that. Are you on drugs? Your post was a completely inappropriate response that seemed directed at precisely the opposite of what I wrote. Embarrassing, do better .

And if common sense were a good standard, we wouldnt need education. It isn't, and we do. How fucking embarrassingly stupid to imply otherwise
Perhaps embarrassing for you as you attempt to twist your chit as usual.
What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.

You specifically said that overpopulation is not a problem, but our (governmental) response to it is. That is doublespeak which actually admits that it's a problem to which we must respond.

illustration: "The HIV virus is not a problem. It's our immunoresponse to it that is the problem.".....doublespeak.

And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
so you can not quote me where i ever said over population was a problem thanks for admitting you lied.

You implied it, and I said exactly why. It was doublespeak on your part, and nothing but an intellectual copout.

Yes, all the people saying "overpopulation is not a problem, unless we dont respond to it correctly" are admitting it is a problem and are being intellectually dishonest. The irony is that they say this in an effort to preempt discussion of the better responses! Damn people can be so fucking stupid.

Why are you misrepresenting what he said?
Because that is what he/she does. Probably a sock that everyone got used to ignoring that had to get its self another name to try to play its inane games with.
why would i posit a solution to something i do not believe is a problem? and yes historically every government that has tried to 'solve' the problem has resorted to murder.

What an odd already admitted it is a problem, and said the solution is via government (I assume this was meant as saying the solution is NOT via any type of measures to limit population).

None of us are governments. And we are not talking about the past, we are talking about the future. And you are wrong anyway. You can look at the government efforts to promote contraception and education in, for instance, Namibia and then look at its effect on the fertility rate there.
lol be very specific and quote me where i said it was a problem all i said was every government that has said it was a problem has resorted to murder to solve it.

You specifically said that overpopulation is not a problem, but our (governmental) response to it is. That is doublespeak which actually admits that it's a problem to which we must respond.

illustration: "The HIV virus is not a problem. It's our immunoresponse to it that is the problem.".....doublespeak.

And I forgot a big one! Empowerment of women.

Education and empowerment of women. Therein lies the solution.
so you can not quote me where i ever said over population was a problem thanks for admitting you lied.

You implied it, and I said exactly why. It was doublespeak on your part, and nothing but an intellectual copout.

Yes, all the people saying "overpopulation is not a problem, unless we dont respond to it correctly" are admitting it is a problem and are being intellectually dishonest. The irony is that they say this in an effort to preempt discussion of the better responses! Damn people can be so fucking stupid.
I did not say any such thing we need no response as there is no problem dumb ass.
Well except population is not a problem because of numbers but rather location and government.

This is boilerplate doublespeak. Same dismissive, "non-solution"... "non-starter to even talk about a solution" bullshit you can read all over the place, when this topic comes up.

It's the population numbers and fertility rates that cause those problems of location and those which have to be dealt with by the government. to admit they have to be addressed IS to admit it can be a problem. What kind of weak, non-solution copout is this, anyway? "they should just move, and get better governments, then it wouldn't be a problem!" Give me a break...

These are all problems that happen in concert precisely because of increasing population and it just so happens these problems are worse in places with higher fertility rates. Naturally.

So, I presented two ideas: Education and empowerment of women. Anyone have something better? I'm all ears. Dear Sgt.: you complained about nobody offering solutions. I did. Still you complained.
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ya like i said you go ahead and educate people on pregnancy that believe screwing a virgin cures aids.

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