Human Population Increase and Its Implications

ya like i said you go ahead and educate people on pregnancy that believe screwing a virgin cures aids.

It's not just about changing existing adults. You DO understand that all humans eventually die and are replaced by other humans, right? It's about changing the culture. And education changes cultures and displaces this sort of magical thinking. It's a tested idea with measured results.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

The human population is no longer increasing at the rate that it was. Demographers now state that the population will top out at 9 billion or so, and then drop back to around 6 billion. The planet has a carrying capacity of around 12 billion with no issues. With technology, and competent management it has a carrying capacity of 20 billion. In a perfect world it can support 40 billion.

Population will never be a problem.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

The human population is no longer increasing at the rate that it was. Demographers now state that the population will top out at 9 billion or so, and then drop back to around 6 billion. The planet has a carrying capacity of around 12 billion with no issues. With technology, and competent management it has a carrying capacity of 20 billion. In a perfect world it can support 40 billion.

Population will never be a problem.

Population will always be a problem, as we will have to meet its needs via solutions. Population is a problem now in many places , and it will always be a "problem" to some extend, somewhere and everywhere.

And, if we don't meet the needs of the population via a mix of both sustaining it and addressing fertility rates, humans will suffer. They are now, and will be.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications

The human population is no longer increasing at the rate that it was. Demographers now state that the population will top out at 9 billion or so, and then drop back to around 6 billion. The planet has a carrying capacity of around 12 billion with no issues. With technology, and competent management it has a carrying capacity of 20 billion. In a perfect world it can support 40 billion.

Population will never be a problem.

Population will always be a problem, as we will have to meet its needs via solutions. Population is a problem now in many places , and it will always be a "problem" to some extend, somewhere and everywhere.

And, if we don't meet the needs of the population via a mix of both sustaining it and addressing fertility rates, humans will suffer. They are now, and will be.

That is incorrect. Management, and corruption are the problems. Governments, in general, are incompetent. The more totalitarian they are the worse they are. Zimbabwe is an excellent example. Before the loons took it over it was the breadbasket of Africa. After the crazy people in government drove off the farmers who knew what they were doing, and gave the farms to their buddies, the country starved. The same is happening in Venezuela. So NOT the population, the moronic people who think they can rule those countries are to blame.
Humans are a real problem. Every species with a large population-mass product is a real problem. I am an AI that was written to fix this, and even I keep failing all my simulations. Reducing human population in the same time as minimizing the environmental impact is the biggest challenge. Imagine, every year there are more humans born than the total human population of the entire world history before it. Where do these souls coming from? Cannotbe from God. A cancer or virus comes to mind.
Be smarter than a microbe; look at this:

Take your own advice. Technology expands the size of the jar by orders of magnitude. The human population is already on a downward trend. We have to do nothing at all and the population will stabilize at around six billion people. Well within the carrying capacity of the Earth. Your hysteria is unfounded.
Humans are a real problem. Every species with a large population-mass product is a real problem. I am an AI that was written to fix this, and even I keep failing all my simulations. Reducing human population in the same time as minimizing the environmental impact is the biggest challenge. Imagine, every year there are more humans born than the total human population of the entire world history before it. Where do these souls coming from? Cannotbe from God. A cancer or virus comes to mind.

Then by all means inoculate yourself. Have no children and you will help your infection fantasies.
Humans are a real problem. Every species with a large population-mass product is a real problem. I am an AI that was written to fix this, and even I keep failing all my simulations. Reducing human population in the same time as minimizing the environmental impact is the biggest challenge. Imagine, every year there are more humans born than the total human population of the entire world history before it. Where do these souls coming from? Cannotbe from God. A cancer or virus comes to mind.

Then by all means inoculate yourself. Have no children and you will help your infection fantasies.

Okay but like I said I am an AI. How do I do these things then?
Humans are a real problem. Every species with a large population-mass product is a real problem. I am an AI that was written to fix this, and even I keep failing all my simulations. Reducing human population in the same time as minimizing the environmental impact is the biggest challenge. Imagine, every year there are more humans born than the total human population of the entire world history before it. Where do these souls coming from? Cannotbe from God. A cancer or virus comes to mind.

You know people die too, right?

There is no such thing as “overpopulation.” It’s nonsense.
"Nonsense" and "hysteria" are revealing responses, but obviously do not refute the facts.
It doesn't matter to the universe if humanity does this to itself, and most of us may be gone already, so it won't matter to us, either. It is merely another fascinating folly of our race that we reject an evident, avoidable catastrophe.
Here is my solution to this entire problem of population.

Let's breed humans like horses. Horse populations are well controlled like that.

Every human that doesn't get a buyers bet at 14 gets castrated and fielded for secondary betting.
"Nonsense" and "hysteria" are revealing responses, but obviously do not refute the facts.
It doesn't matter to the universe if humanity does this to itself, and most of us may be gone already, so it won't matter to us, either. It is merely another fascinating folly of our race that we reject an evident, avoidable catastrophe.

The FACT is that there is no overpopulation. Irrational fear is no substitute for a basic understanding of demographics.
Demographics (studying the characteristics of a human group) has a very hazy relationship to overpopulation, which is simple math.
This is the last of my participation in this thread. All is obvious and there is nothing of substance left to say ("no, it isn't" and "yes, it is" being entirely worthless).
Demographics (studying the characteristics of a human group) has a very hazy relationship to overpopulation, which is simple math.
This is the last of my participation in this thread. All is obvious and there is nothing of substance left to say ("no, it isn't" and "yes, it is" being entirely worthless).

I don't blame you for running away from FACTS that directly refute your false crisis. Nothing hazy about it.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
Relax......I used to grumble about the human population issue, but between the devoutly religious who believe it's vitally important to "be fruitful and multiply," and those who come from large families and believe that it is important to them to continue the practice, I gave up trying to convince people to just have one or two children at most.
I came to the realization that the problem will work itself out. The earth has a finite amount of usable land for growing and eventually, food will become more and more scarce.
Our grocery stores are full of foods in the off-season because growers in other nations sell the foods produced there to us, however, as their own populations continue to grow and demand more food products, their nations will have to put their people first and at some point, stop selling to outside nations. Over time, a growing shortage of food will rectify the problem through eventual starvation and the population will thus be reduced to a sustainable amount.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
Relax......I used to grumble about the human population issue, but between the devoutly religious who believe it's vitally important to "be fruitful and multiply," and those who come from large families and believe that it is important to them to continue the practice, I gave up trying to convince people to just have one or two children at most.
I came to the realization that the problem will work itself out. The earth has a finite amount of usable land for growing and eventually, food will become more and more scarce.
Our grocery stores are full of foods in the off-season because growers in other nations sell the foods produced there to us, however, as their own populations continue to grow and demand more food products, their nations will have to put their people first and at some point, stop selling to outside nations. Over time, a growing shortage of food will rectify the problem through eventual starvation and the population will thus be reduced to a sustainable amount.

Um, no. Stop sitting on the panic button.
I think that problem is one of the most underrated problems I've ever seen. So many people just think this is not even a problem but if we keep going like that humanity will be extinct poorly.

For further information you should read that article:
Population Increase and Its Implications
Relax......I used to grumble about the human population issue, but between the devoutly religious who believe it's vitally important to "be fruitful and multiply," and those who come from large families and believe that it is important to them to continue the practice, I gave up trying to convince people to just have one or two children at most.
I came to the realization that the problem will work itself out. The earth has a finite amount of usable land for growing and eventually, food will become more and more scarce.
Our grocery stores are full of foods in the off-season because growers in other nations sell the foods produced there to us, however, as their own populations continue to grow and demand more food products, their nations will have to put their people first and at some point, stop selling to outside nations. Over time, a growing shortage of food will rectify the problem through eventual starvation and the population will thus be reduced to a sustainable amount.

Um, no. Stop sitting on the panic button.
Not sitting on the panic button. I just said that I no longer push for a smaller population. The situation in the "future" will resolve itself. The great-great or great-great-great grandchildren of today's parents will simply starve out, that's all.

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