Humanity should evolve!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I am often frustrated by humanity. They are too tribal. Rich or poor black or white why can't we see ourselves as human? I hate conformism! I hate stereotypes!

My loyalty is to Cerberus. Humanity needs to unite!

Cerberus is strength for every human. One Cerberus! One humanity!
well you'll die of frustration
You can't wave some magic wand and society or Humanity will become this magical thing you vision

that isn't real life, sorry
I am often frustrated by humanity. They are too tribal. Rich or poor black or white why can't we see ourselves as human? I hate conformism! I hate stereotypes!

My loyalty is to Cerberus. Humanity needs to unite!

Cerberus is strength for every human. One Cerberus! One humanity!

You hate "conformism" yet you want us all to "conform." Got it.
well you'll die of frustration
You can't wave some magic wand and society or Humanity will become this magical thing you vision

that isn't real life, sorry

Am I wrong? Is that not a completely crazy post that makes no sense?
What is so crazy about it? He is correct - wanting and wishing people to simply get along and recognize that we are all human is a lofty but unrealistic goal. We are tribal and that is a simple fact. People have a tendency to self segregate and I don't see the basic underlying realities of humanity changing anytime soon. Lets just hope our tech does not outpace our ability to cope with an ever decreasing planet (relative).
How do you expect to change human nature? Only Christ can do that.

I would expect to be frustrated for an extremely long time if you are waiting for others to change. The only change we can truly make in this world is the change in our own life, choice, thoughts, and habits
How do you expect to change human nature? Only Christ can do that.

I would expect to be frustrated for an extremely long time if you are waiting for others to change. The only change we can truly make in this world is the change in our own life, choice, thoughts, and habits
Living life on life's terms, staying in the here and now and letting go of grasping control (no matter how noble we view it) can bring an awakening of the unity of All beings. Fearless self examination and correction is good place to start..i did and never looked back, lol.
Embrace the beneficial change within the human spirit..nothing is permeant.

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