Hummingbirds and alligators

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
I just read that because of high temps, hummingbirds are heading north weeks early and then I came across this.

Alligators in Virginia? Climate change could be pushing cold-blooded species into your backyard. - Slate Magazine

Thanks to climate change, the cold-blooded giants are lurching north.

Off the top of your head, where would you say is the closest wild alligator to you? Quickly now—Googling the answer is cheating. Most people think of gators as creatures of Florida and perhaps Louisiana, not realizing that they are common to the west well into Texas. To the north, we may imagine that they stop somewhere around Disney World. But, in fact, they already range a long way up from Florida. And depending on where you live, global warming could be moving alligators into your backyard.
I just read your post. Difference between us... I question what I read, you accept without question - as long as it suits your preconceived political view.
I just read your post. Difference between us... I question what I read, you accept without question - as long as it suits your preconceived political view.

Interesting point of view

Could you share the data that shows they are not moving north?
I just read your post. Difference between us... I question what I read, you accept without question - as long as it suits your preconceived political view.

Interesting point of view

Could you share the data that shows they are not moving north?

Did I say they weren't?

Could you share your GPA - with supporting evidence - so I know you're not a fucking idiot. TIA
I just read your post. Difference between us... I question what I read, you accept without question - as long as it suits your preconceived political view.

Interesting point of view

Could you share the data that shows they are not moving north?

Did I say they weren't?

Could you share your GPA - with supporting evidence - so I know you're not a fucking idiot. TIA

Since this is an anonymous forum and it is thus impossible to provide any "supporting evidence" for any claims about "GPA's", academic credentials, job experiences or anything else, it is obvious that you are one who is a "fucking idiot".

Someone posts some information and you come along and imply that the info is wrong and accuse them of not 'questioning what they read' but when challenged to provide some evidence that the info in the OP was mistaken, you flake out and deflect the question with an insult. More evidence that you are the "fucking idiot" here.
Interesting point of view

Could you share the data that shows they are not moving north?

Did I say they weren't?

Could you share your GPA - with supporting evidence - so I know you're not a fucking idiot. TIA

Since this is an anonymous forum and it is thus impossible to provide any "supporting evidence" for any claims about "GPA's", academic credentials, job experiences or anything else, it is obvious that you are one who is a "fucking idiot".

Someone posts some information and you come along and imply that the info is wrong and accuse them of not 'questioning what they read' but when challenged to provide some evidence that the info in the OP was mistaken, you flake out and deflect the question with an insult. More evidence that you are the "fucking idiot" here.

Depends on how you define 'information'. To me, I require some actual evidence to accept 'information'. What he posted was not 'information' it was an article - that may, or may not be accurate, it may, or may not be reliable, factual and presented without bias.

That's why I'm not stupid, because I know the difference. It is why you are, because you do not.
I just read that because of high temps, hummingbirds are heading north weeks early and then I came across this.

Alligators in Virginia? Climate change could be pushing cold-blooded species into your backyard. - Slate Magazine

Thanks to climate change, the cold-blooded giants are lurching north.

Off the top of your head, where would you say is the closest wild alligator to you? Quickly now—Googling the answer is cheating. Most people think of gators as creatures of Florida and perhaps Louisiana, not realizing that they are common to the west well into Texas. To the north, we may imagine that they stop somewhere around Disney World. But, in fact, they already range a long way up from Florida. And depending on where you live, global warming could be moving alligators into your backyard.

So not only do we have to watch out for Meteors, we stand a chance of being bitten by Gators, or buzzed by Hummingbirds? Interesting... I still don't think it has anything to do with the massive Carbon footprint I left snowmobiling this weekend.
I just read your post. Difference between us... I question what I read, you accept without question - as long as it suits your preconceived political view.

Interesting point of view

Could you share the data that shows they are not moving north?

Did I say they weren't?

Could you share your GPA - with supporting evidence - so I know you're not a fucking idiot. TIA

GPA? I work in a sewer

Even in a sewer we can tell you cant back up what you are rambling about. Do you actually read what you post?
Did I say they weren't?

Could you share your GPA - with supporting evidence - so I know you're not a fucking idiot. TIA

Since this is an anonymous forum and it is thus impossible to provide any "supporting evidence" for any claims about "GPA's", academic credentials, job experiences or anything else, it is obvious that you are one who is a "fucking idiot".

Someone posts some information and you come along and imply that the info is wrong and accuse them of not 'questioning what they read' but when challenged to provide some evidence that the info in the OP was mistaken, you flake out and deflect the question with an insult. More evidence that you are the "fucking idiot" here.

Depends on how you define 'information'. To me, I require some actual evidence to accept 'information'. What he posted was not 'information' it was an article - that may, or may not be accurate, it may, or may not be reliable, factual and presented without bias.

That's why I'm not stupid, because I know the difference. It is why you are, because you do not. again, you have no evidence to the contrary that would dispute the information in the article in the OP but you jumped in anyway to mindlessly reject the info because it doesn't "suit your preconceived political view", and then you projected your behavior onto the OP poster.....LOLOLOLOL.....and then, when challenged to provide some supporting evidence that the info in the OP wasn't correct, you disavowed rejecting the info (why did you post then?) and demanded impossible-to-provide 'proof' that the other person is not a "fucking idiot"......LOLOLOLOL.....and through all that, you are too retarded to notice that it is you that is playing the "fucking idiot" here.....LOLOLOL......
I just read your post. Difference between us... I question what I read, you accept without question - as long as it suits your preconceived political view.

Interesting point of view

Could you share the data that shows they are not moving north?

Did I say they weren't?

Could you share your GPA - with supporting evidence - so I know you're not a fucking idiot. TIA

In this case I blame more of urban heat islands than true global warming. How much a difference could a degree or two make to these animals?

Still I believe in greenhouse gasses and all. Just making conversation.

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