Hundreds of Children Set to Visit Temple Mount


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Hundreds of children and teenagers are expected to arrive at the Temple Mount Tuesday in what has become an annual event – the ascending of groups of children to the Mount, coordinated and organized by the Women for the Holy Temple Organization.

Speaking with Arutz Sheva, Ya'el Kabilio, one of the event's organizers, said that the ascent was the apex of three days of visits by hundreds of Jews to the Temple Mount that have taken place this week, during the intermediate days of Sukkot. Children and youths visiting the site will receive special instructions on how to prepare for their visit, and which areas are off limits according to Jewish law due to their immense holiness. Many of the children will be visiting with their families, who will also receive those instructions.

Hundreds of Children Set to Visit Temple Mount - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News


Hundreds of children and teenagers are expected to arrive at the Temple Mount Tuesday in what has become an annual event – the ascending of groups of children to the Mount, coordinated and organized by the Women for the Holy Temple Organization.

Speaking with Arutz Sheva, Ya'el Kabilio, one of the event's organizers, said that the ascent was the apex of three days of visits by hundreds of Jews to the Temple Mount that have taken place this week, during the intermediate days of Sukkot. Children and youths visiting the site will receive special instructions on how to prepare for their visit, and which areas are off limits according to Jewish law due to their immense holiness. Many of the children will be visiting with their families, who will also receive those instructions.

Hundreds of Children Set to Visit Temple Mount - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News




Repeat Performance: Jews Banned from the Temple Mount
Activists say police have failed in their duty to secure Jewish visits, call for shared prayer arrangements to prevent discrimination.

By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 9/24/2013, 9:32 AM

Hundreds of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount this morning (Tuesday September 24th) were turned back upon their arrival, after being informed at the gate that the police had decided to close Judaism's holiest site to Jews.

Scores of Jews from across the country - including participants in a pre-organized ascent of hundreds of Jewish schoolchildren - arrived in cars and buses, after undertaking the necessary preparations to ascend the Mount in accordance with many interpretations of Jewish law, including ritual immersion in a mikveh (ritual pool).

"We are talking about continued harassment against the Jewish world on the Temple Mount by the Israeli police. Hundreds of children made their way here with their parents after coordinating their ascent with the police," complained one visitor to Arutz Sheva.

"The police have once again violated the order of the Knesset's Interior Committee to open the Mount to Jews without disruption during the intermediate days of the Sukkot holiday," he added.

Among those visitors banned from ascending was Member of Knesset Shuli Muallem of the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party.

Aviad Visulai, Chairman of the Temple Mount Movement - an umbrella organization representing Temple Mount activists - condemned the summary ban, and called for the replacement of the police presence on the Temple Mount with a private security company.

"The police have proved, again and again, that they are unable to secure Jews with free access to the Temple Mount," he said.

Visulai continued: "After the police closed the Mount to Jews during [the Islamic holy month of] Ramadan, they should have opened it exclusively for Jews during the Jewish festivals, to enable free access to all Jews, without submitting to Muslim terrorism."

The sweeping ban on Jewish visitors comes a day after a Jewish man was arrested for praying on the site, in violation of a ban on all signs of non-Muslim worship.

The Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site, and the location of the two Holy Temples of Jerusalem. Despite that fact, in the face of pressure and threats of violence by Muslim extremists, the Israeli authorities enforce a ban on Jewish prayer or other religious rituals, on behalf of the Waqf Islamic trust, which administers the site.

Numerous court rulings have stipulated that Jews must be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount as a basic right to freedom of religion. Nevertheless, the Israeli police force has repeatedly ignored the rulings, citing unspecified "security concerns" as a pretext to continue enforcing the ban, and even barring religious Jews from the area for days or even weeks at a time.

Repeat Performance: Jews Banned from Temple Mount - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

This is great news ! We should not let the threats of Palestinian protests stop us from wanting to pray there !
No, we shouldn't.

What do the Palestinians imagine there is to be afraid of about Jews praying in a place which is holy to both of our faiths?

This has never made any sense to me. I find myself wondering if they're not afraid that HaShem might listen to us?

AS IF anything any group of humans could do, would be able to prevent His hearing others' prayers!
No, we shouldn't.

What do the Palestinians imagine there is to be afraid of about Jews praying in a place which is holy to both of our faiths?

This has never made any sense to me. I find myself wondering if they're not afraid that HaShem might listen to us?

AS IF anything any group of humans could do, would be able to prevent His hearing others' prayers!

With their anger, and WITH their protest, we will bring our children there and show them where in the future, the Third Temple will be built!

Something which cannot happen too early for us!:)

No, we shouldn't.

What do the Palestinians imagine there is to be afraid of about Jews praying in a place which is holy to both of our faiths?

This has never made any sense to me. I find myself wondering if they're not afraid that HaShem might listen to us?

AS IF anything any group of humans could do, would be able to prevent His hearing others' prayers!

With their anger, and WITH their protest, we will bring our children there and show them where in the future, the Third Temple will be built!

Something which cannot happen too early for us!:)


Amen. And again I say Amen!
No, we shouldn't.

What do the Palestinians imagine there is to be afraid of about Jews praying in a place which is holy to both of our faiths?

This has never made any sense to me. I find myself wondering if they're not afraid that HaShem might listen to us?

AS IF anything any group of humans could do, would be able to prevent His hearing others' prayers!

With their anger, and WITH their protest, we will bring our children there and show them where in the future, the Third Temple will be built!

Something which cannot happen too early for us!:)


Be'ezrat Hashem !

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