Hundreds of thousand of immigrants not even fingerprinted


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
Last I heard none of these EU countries had to take any refugees.

Now they want them all fingerprinted??

Load of bullshit if you ask me.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia

Of course we never would have been in this alarming situation had the Traitor Merkel not opened the floodgates and if she had not FORCED this on Europa.

Traitor Merkel from the beginning of this MANUFACTURED "crisis" has acted exactly like a NKVD thug ditto Juncker, Timmermans and Schultz.

Now they're worried about terrorists posing as refugees? WTF we've been saying that from day one, that's why we've been saying that it's just too much of a risk allowing ANY of them in, not one so-called "refugee" should have been allowed in....period.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
After decades of Socialist governments running Greece the government couldn't afford the fucking ink pads to take the fingerprints.
That would be funny if it wasn't a fact.
Government offices in Greece haven't been able to afford to pay for printer paper for the last three years.
In fact the Government employees who absolutely MUST make a photocopy go into grocery stores and grab piles of discount flyers which they then hand cut to fit the photocopier. You can see what's printed if you concentrate.
Last I heard none of these EU countries had to take any refugees.

Now they want them all fingerprinted??

Load of bullshit if you ask me.

Traitor Merkel has been trying to force countries in Europa to take them, not that anyone actually wants any of the so-called refugees.

In true Dictatorship fashion Traitor Merkel and the Traitors at the EU Commission, they've tried every which way to force our nations to have from thousands to ten of thousands each, they've even used open threats, they've actually been threatening sanctions....not too surprisingly this caused much anger across Europa.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
After decades of Socialist governments running Greece the government couldn't afford the fucking ink pads to take the fingerprints.
That would be funny if it wasn't a fact.
Government offices in Greece haven't been able to afford to pay for printer paper for the last three years.
In fact the Government employees who absolutely MUST make a photocopy go into grocery stores and grab piles of discount flyers which they then hand cut to fit the photocopier. You can see what's printed if you concentrate.
I agree, but it's not just Greece, it's Italy, Croatia and who knows how many others. I suspect it is deliberate so that when the 'refugees' decide they'd prefer to go to another EUropean country, they won't be traced back to ie Greece and sent back under the Dublin agreement.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
After decades of Socialist governments running Greece the government couldn't afford the fucking ink pads to take the fingerprints.
That would be funny if it wasn't a fact.
Government offices in Greece haven't been able to afford to pay for printer paper for the last three years.
In fact the Government employees who absolutely MUST make a photocopy go into grocery stores and grab piles of discount flyers which they then hand cut to fit the photocopier. You can see what's printed if you concentrate.

Yes and the Greek people are suffering because of not only Traitor Merkel, the ECB and the IMF, but also the current Communist Government and the previous so-called Conservative Government.

The Greek people suffering doesn't matter, what apparently matters is that the Greeks pander to the so-called refugees and feed them and keep them warm in the Winter.

It's beyond immoral.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
After decades of Socialist governments running Greece the government couldn't afford the fucking ink pads to take the fingerprints.
That would be funny if it wasn't a fact.
Government offices in Greece haven't been able to afford to pay for printer paper for the last three years.
In fact the Government employees who absolutely MUST make a photocopy go into grocery stores and grab piles of discount flyers which they then hand cut to fit the photocopier. You can see what's printed if you concentrate.

Yes and the Greek people are suffering because of not only Traitor Merkel, the ECB and the IMF, but also the current Communist Government and the previous so-called Conservative Government.

The Greek people suffering doesn't matter, what apparently matters is that the Greeks pander to the so-called refugees and feed them and keep them warm in the Winter.

It's beyond immoral.
There have been running street battles on some of the Greek islands where the 'refugees' run amok, terrifying the locals. Tourism will no doubt suffer greatly - like Greece needs that.
Greece already have hundreds of thousands of their own 'young men' who have never had a job. Will never get a job.
They survive committing petty crimes against tourists. Now the Socialist leader wants to add thousands of young men from Syria.
Guess what is going to happen when a dozen Syrian young men set up shop selling drugs on street corners controlled by young Greek men?

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Greece already have hundreds of thousands of their own 'young men' who have never had a job. Will never get a job.
They survive committing petty crimes against tourists. Now the Socialist leader wants to add thousands of young men from Syria.
Guess what is going to happen when a dozen Syrian young men set up shop selling drugs on street corners controlled by young Greek men?

Exactly and exactly.

Also Greece is the experiment. This is what the NWO is going to look like for the entire Western world. This is WHY we must say no to and fully reject and try to stop Globalisation and the criminal International Banksters, who of course are based in Wall Street and have their fingers on the strings of every Western central bank.

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.
WTF? Are you fuckin kiddin me?

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.

Yes her name is Traitor Merkel, she's a psychopath, she's in charge of Germany, she loves foreigners and hates Germans, which is why she's allowed a million aliens to invade Germany and won't let anyone touch the gentle lambs and why she's telling Germans effectively to shut-up and accept it or ELSE.

Traitor Merkel is trying to hand Germany and it's future over to a group of aliens who have no loyalty nor genetic connection to Germany....which is why she's a Traitor.

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.
WTF? Are you fuckin kiddin me?
I dunno... am I? :badgrin:

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.
WTF? Are you fuckin kiddin me?

Lefties believe this horsecrap.

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.

Yes her name is Traitor Merkel, she's a psychopath, she's in charge of Germany, she loves foreigners and hates Germans, which is why she's allowed a million aliens to invade Germany and won't let anyone touch the gentle lambs and why she's telling Germans effectively to shut-up and accept it or ELSE.

Traitor Merkel is trying to hand Germany and it's future over to a group of aliens who have no loyalty nor genetic connection to Germany....which is why she's a Traitor.
Whoa well I guess Germans should stop re-electing her so much. I wonder if your complete bullshit will reach them.

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