Hundreds of thousand of immigrants not even fingerprinted

I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia

The children of Leipzig know the score, patriotic young teenagers....they know Traitor Merkel wants to deprive them of being the rulers of their OWN nation....her idea is to make them within two generations a minority in their OWN nation and deprive them of continuing to add to the already thousands upon thousands of years of German culture.

We stand with these patriotic young teenagers, Traitor Merkel has bought trouble and violence inside the gates, does she really think that Germans and we Austrians and ALL Europeans are just going to lay down and die and let OUR Continent be destroyed by aliens that WE haven't been asked do we want them?

We haven't been asked, because they know the answer is no....the majority are against.

Schoolchildren attack refugee classmates in 'Lord of the Flies' riot

If you read all the comments at the end of this article, pretty much ALL are supporting the Leipzig schoolchildren and only ONE comment was against....The Mirror is a Leftie newspaper, so what does this say?

Oh I love the way in typical fashion the children are called "neo-Nazis" in the article, this is why I said earlier in this thread, when the SHTF THIS time the majority of Europa will be Nazi's, because being AGAINST this invasion of so-called "refugees" already means you're labelled "Nazi" and "neo-Nazi" EVEN CHILDREN.

Of course when the SHTF who do the Commies think the police will side with? That's correct, NOT with the Commies.
I wanted to read the comments but they wouldn't load. I'll try again. I've noticed over the last year that regardless of the traditional leanings of newspapers, the voices of liberal idiots in the comments sections are becoming fewer and fewer. Used to be the other way around. Everyone is getting fed up now and it's not going to end well. It's a case of where is it all going to kick off first? I used to think France, now I'm thinking maybe Germany?

Well Sweden is officially the rubber room of Europa, that's a mega powder-keg situation.

I'll tell you, it's now a political mixed bag, there are Classical Liberals and Centrists and Center-Left all joining in....across Europa we are together, we have one piece of common ground, which is to preserve our Continent, preserve our peoples, preserve our cultures and thus preserve our futures.

The Marxists, Anarcho-Marxists ie. Traitors, joined by the Altruistic-type Liberals and the general Left are ALL even further in the minority now....the word on the ground in at least 5 nations in Europa is that they're now scared....yes, they have good reason to be.

Most of them won't actually become violent....but the Antifa section will become violent at the drop of a hat....and they already know the police HATE them.

In Germany, in Weinheim, in the Karlsruhe region of Baden-Württemberg, 1,000 Antifa, a ton of them already got beaten-up and thrown to the floor and kicked and beaten by the police, blood everywhere it was reported....being fanatical lunatics the Antifa don't think, so they go straight in for the punishment.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia

The children of Leipzig know the score, patriotic young teenagers....they know Traitor Merkel wants to deprive them of being the rulers of their OWN nation....her idea is to make them within two generations a minority in their OWN nation and deprive them of continuing to add to the already thousands upon thousands of years of German culture.

We stand with these patriotic young teenagers, Traitor Merkel has bought trouble and violence inside the gates, does she really think that Germans and we Austrians and ALL Europeans are just going to lay down and die and let OUR Continent be destroyed by aliens that WE haven't been asked do we want them?

We haven't been asked, because they know the answer is no....the majority are against.

Schoolchildren attack refugee classmates in 'Lord of the Flies' riot

If you read all the comments at the end of this article, pretty much ALL are supporting the Leipzig schoolchildren and only ONE comment was against....The Mirror is a Leftie newspaper, so what does this say?

Oh I love the way in typical fashion the children are called "neo-Nazis" in the article, this is why I said earlier in this thread, when the SHTF THIS time the majority of Europa will be Nazi's, because being AGAINST this invasion of so-called "refugees" already means you're labelled "Nazi" and "neo-Nazi" EVEN CHILDREN.

Of course when the SHTF who do the Commies think the police will side with? That's correct, NOT with the Commies.
I wanted to read the comments but they wouldn't load. I'll try again. I've noticed over the last year that regardless of the traditional leanings of newspapers, the voices of liberal idiots in the comments sections are becoming fewer and fewer. Used to be the other way around. Everyone is getting fed up now and it's not going to end well. It's a case of where is it all going to kick off first? I used to think France, now I'm thinking maybe Germany?

The first suicide bomb that happens in Germany, Traitor Merkel really ought to flee....from the whole Continent actually. If she doesn't it's obvious that she'll be "dealt" with within probably between the next day-4 weeks.
Polish football (soccer) fans unveiled an enormous anti mass migration banner at Sunday’s Silesian Wrocław match against Poznań. Images from the match last night show a giant crusader defending Europe from invading jihadists in boats labelled USS Hussein, USS Bin Laden and USS ISIS.
Just a week after Poland voted to kick out every left-wing member of it’s national parliament, ordinary Poles have again shown the spirit which led them to elect the nationalist conservative Law and Justice party, with football fans unveiling an over-sized anti-migration banner at Sunday’s match.

The hand-painted sheet, which is estimated to have been at least 50 feet tall and 75 feet wide depicts boatloads of migrants preparing to land on the southern shore of Europe. Many of the boat’s crews make the one fingered ‘ISIS salute’.

The banner is unfurled / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Defending Europe while clutching a sword and a shield showing the crest of the Silesian Wrocław football club, a St. George’s cross-wearing crusader stands ready to fight the migrants, below writing which reads “While Europe Is Flooded With An Islamic Plague”.

Underneath, another 100 foot wide banner hangs from the stalls behind the goal and reads, in a traditional Polish script: “Let Us Stand In Defence Of Christianity”.

Flares are lit at the Miejski Wrocław stadium / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Wrocław football club has one of the largest supporter bases in Poland, and the most politically active. Banners with strong anti-Communist messages are commonly seen at their games – and the fans like to get involved.

As well as football scarves which split space between the crests of the team, Poland, and anti-Islam symbols, banners seen at past matches have also condoned violence towards supporters of left-wing political views.

Young Wrocław football club supporters wear their political beliefs with pride / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Wrocław maintains a strong friendship with Legia Warsaw, another politically active football team.

Legida ‘Jihad’ banner displayed during the 2012 football season

Legia has been fined on a number of occasions by football governing body UEFA over supposed racism at matches, and has displayed banners mocking Islamic jihad.
Polish football (soccer) fans unveiled an enormous anti mass migration banner at Sunday’s Silesian Wrocław match against Poznań. Images from the match last night show a giant crusader defending Europe from invading jihadists in boats labelled USS Hussein, USS Bin Laden and USS ISIS.
Just a week after Poland voted to kick out every left-wing member of it’s national parliament, ordinary Poles have again shown the spirit which led them to elect the nationalist conservative Law and Justice party, with football fans unveiling an over-sized anti-migration banner at Sunday’s match.

The hand-painted sheet, which is estimated to have been at least 50 feet tall and 75 feet wide depicts boatloads of migrants preparing to land on the southern shore of Europe. Many of the boat’s crews make the one fingered ‘ISIS salute’.

The banner is unfurled / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Defending Europe while clutching a sword and a shield showing the crest of the Silesian Wrocław football club, a St. George’s cross-wearing crusader stands ready to fight the migrants, below writing which reads “While Europe Is Flooded With An Islamic Plague”.

Underneath, another 100 foot wide banner hangs from the stalls behind the goal and reads, in a traditional Polish script: “Let Us Stand In Defence Of Christianity”.

Flares are lit at the Miejski Wrocław stadium / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Wrocław football club has one of the largest supporter bases in Poland, and the most politically active. Banners with strong anti-Communist messages are commonly seen at their games – and the fans like to get involved.

As well as football scarves which split space between the crests of the team, Poland, and anti-Islam symbols, banners seen at past matches have also condoned violence towards supporters of left-wing political views.

Young Wrocław football club supporters wear their political beliefs with pride / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Wrocław maintains a strong friendship with Legia Warsaw, another politically active football team.

Legida ‘Jihad’ banner displayed during the 2012 football season

Legia has been fined on a number of occasions by football governing body UEFA over supposed racism at matches, and has displayed banners mocking Islamic jihad.

Aren't those photographs both beautiful and inspiring. The Poles, a 98% Christian nation who know and remember history, the Holy Roman Empire history as illustrated by the first photograph of the huge banner with the Crusader on it.

The Poles specifically remember Schlacht am Kahlenberg (The Battle of Vienna) 11-12th September 1683 against the evil of the Ottomans. An incredible battle led by The Holy Roman Empire in conjunction with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - The Holy League.

After which, ultimately "the Ottoman Turks ceased to be a menace to the Christian world", Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor.

The Viennese garrison was led by Ernst Rüdiger Graf von Starhemberg, the Poles were led by the King of Poland, Jan III Sobieski, Sobieski was the absolute star of the Battle of Vienna though.

After the victory, the Ottomans called him "The Lion of Lechistan"....Lechistan ie. Lechia, the historical alternative name of Poland. Pope Innocent XI called him "the saviour of Christendom"

Stirring stuff.

This proves what? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was runner-up, Traitor Merkel's in great company huh?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THIS is WHAT Time Magazine wrote about him. Time Magazine are completely discredited as a publication by this. Next time someone mentions Time Magazine, remember THIS is what they wrote about an in-human monster. al-Baghdadi the "magnetic extremist":

TIME Person of the Year 2015 Runner-Up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Settle down there Lucy. Time picked Merkel because of her outstanding fortitude in the face of multiple crises in 2015. Imagine if some psychopath who hated foreigners was in charge of Germany... we've seen the road that leads down.
WTF? Are you fuckin kiddin me?

I've just spent two and a half days with my family in Österreich, Salzburg and Unterweißenbach, Oberösterreich....naturally I encountered nobody who expressed anything but hate for Traitor Merkel....die Kuh.

I've just spoken on the phone with my cousin Heinrich in Salzburg, his wife Ursula has just had twin baby boys - these were supposed to arrive on Monday *sigh* but have just arrived - both marvellous and healthy.

Alexander and Ludwig.

THIS is what we will fight for, a European future as Europeans for little babies like them. The Traitors have no right to deny the babies and children of Europa a future as the continued majority on their OWN Continent, just like it's been for many, many thousands of years.

A continued European future, peoples and thousands and thousands of years of pristine culture.

Europa the Birthplace of ALL Western Civilisation.
Polish football (soccer) fans unveiled an enormous anti mass migration banner at Sunday’s Silesian Wrocław match against Poznań. Images from the match last night show a giant crusader defending Europe from invading jihadists in boats labelled USS Hussein, USS Bin Laden and USS ISIS.
Just a week after Poland voted to kick out every left-wing member of it’s national parliament, ordinary Poles have again shown the spirit which led them to elect the nationalist conservative Law and Justice party, with football fans unveiling an over-sized anti-migration banner at Sunday’s match.

The hand-painted sheet, which is estimated to have been at least 50 feet tall and 75 feet wide depicts boatloads of migrants preparing to land on the southern shore of Europe. Many of the boat’s crews make the one fingered ‘ISIS salute’.

The banner is unfurled / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Defending Europe while clutching a sword and a shield showing the crest of the Silesian Wrocław football club, a St. George’s cross-wearing crusader stands ready to fight the migrants, below writing which reads “While Europe Is Flooded With An Islamic Plague”.

Underneath, another 100 foot wide banner hangs from the stalls behind the goal and reads, in a traditional Polish script: “Let Us Stand In Defence Of Christianity”.

Flares are lit at the Miejski Wrocław stadium / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Wrocław football club has one of the largest supporter bases in Poland, and the most politically active. Banners with strong anti-Communist messages are commonly seen at their games – and the fans like to get involved.

As well as football scarves which split space between the crests of the team, Poland, and anti-Islam symbols, banners seen at past matches have also condoned violence towards supporters of left-wing political views.

Young Wrocław football club supporters wear their political beliefs with pride / Paweł Kot / Facebook

Wrocław maintains a strong friendship with Legia Warsaw, another politically active football team.

Legida ‘Jihad’ banner displayed during the 2012 football season

Legia has been fined on a number of occasions by football governing body UEFA over supposed racism at matches, and has displayed banners mocking Islamic jihad.

Did UEFA fine the Turks? You know the Turkey vs Greece match, this just post-Paris suicide atrocity....where not only did the Turks boo during the minutes silence, they also shouted Allahu Akbar.

Did UEFA fine the Turks? Of course they didn't....they're Muslim, fining them would be "racist" obviously. It must be great to have double-standards and be a hypocrite huh? :rolleyes-41:

Instead of walking out of the stadium because of this disgusting and vile display by the Turks, the already testicle-free cretin Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sat there and waved and then happily enjoyed the match sitting next to the Turkish Satanic devil Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu .

Turkey supporters boo minute's silence for Paris attack victims
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, gistered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinteItaly and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been red thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route
By COREY CHARLTON FOR MAILONLINE000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe
10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38,
Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
After decades of Socialist governments running Greece the government couldn't afford the fucking ink pads to take the fingerprints.
That would be funny if it wasn't a fact.
Government offices in Greece haven't been able to afford to pay for printer paper for the last three years.
In fact the Government employees who absolutely MUST make a photocopy go into grocery stores and grab piles of discount flyers which they then hand cut to fit the photocopier. You can see what's printed if you concentrate.

Yes and the Greek people are suffering because of not only Traitor Merkel, the ECB and the IMF, but also the current Communist Government and the previous so-called Conservative Government.

The Greek people suffering doesn't matter, what apparently matters is that the Greeks pander to the so-called refugees and feed them and keep them warm in the Winter.

It's beyond immoral.
There have been running street battles on some of the Greek islands where the 'refugees' run amok, terrifying the locals. Tourism will no doubt suffer greatly - like Greece needs that.
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia
I hope you do better than this in the US :shock:

EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to fingerprint migrants: Tens of thousands have not been registered over last few months
  • The EU initiated action against the countries for failing to register migrants
  • It claims the three countries have not fingerprinted thousands of refugees
  • Greece has only fingerprinted 121,000 of the 500,000 people who arrived
  • Fears are growing that terrorists are arriving in Europe posing as migrants
  • Two of the Paris suicide bombers entered Europe via the Balkans route

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 10 December 2015 | UPDATED: 20:38, 10 December 2015

The European Union has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants.

Tens of thousands of migrants have arrived in the three countries over the past few months but less than half of them have been registered by national authorities.

Greece has only fingerprinted around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived there between July 20 and November 30 this year, according to the European Commission.

It comes as Turkey's coastguard last night picked up more than 150 migrants seeking to cross to Greece in three flimsy dinghies during a night time swoop on their routes across the Aegean Sea.
EU starts legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia

'Um, I know you mean to communicate, however, you didn't post anything darling....You might want to have another attempt :wink:
These people are not immigrants, they are invaders. These United Nations and government leaders are using moslems to terrorize Europe and the West to accept a dictatorship. This works well "Climate Gate", Climate Gate destroys the middle class and further weakens the West.
These people are not immigrants, they are invaders. These United Nations and government leaders are using moslems to terrorize Europe and the West to accept a dictatorship. This works well "Climate Gate", Climate Gate destroys the middle class and further weakens the West.

Well yes, we unfortunately must agree, I think we'd prefer to be wrong, but I don't think we are.

This is all going to end in bloodshed, it's inevitable, it's going to end as it has many times during previous Centuries in Europa, and EVERY time our people HAVE prevailed, we just await our Strongman that we'll unite behind....our Charles Martel, Charlemagne. Patriotic Europeans are going to fight this when the powder-keg explodes in the Traitor's Merkel and the EU Commission faces.

Welcome to you.
These people are not immigrants, they are invaders. These United Nations and government leaders are using moslems to terrorize Europe and the West to accept a dictatorship. This works well "Climate Gate", Climate Gate destroys the middle class and further weakens the West.

Well yes, we unfortunately must agree, I think we'd prefer to be wrong, but I don't think we are.

This is all going to end in bloodshed, it's inevitable, it's going to end as it has many times during previous Centuries in Europa, and EVERY time our people HAVE prevailed, we just await our Strongman that we'll unite behind....our Charles Martel, Charlemagne. Patriotic Europeans are going to fight this when the powder-keg explodes in the Traitor's Merkel and the EU Commission faces.

Welcome to you.
This is going to be even more difficult, because we have a lot of home grown terrorist. These terrorist have blond hair and blue eye, talk like you until they are radicalized and given a assignment.
These people are not immigrants, they are invaders. These United Nations and government leaders are using moslems to terrorize Europe and the West to accept a dictatorship. This works well "Climate Gate", Climate Gate destroys the middle class and further weakens the West.

Well yes, we unfortunately must agree, I think we'd prefer to be wrong, but I don't think we are.

This is all going to end in bloodshed, it's inevitable, it's going to end as it has many times during previous Centuries in Europa, and EVERY time our people HAVE prevailed, we just await our Strongman that we'll unite behind....our Charles Martel, Charlemagne. Patriotic Europeans are going to fight this when the powder-keg explodes in the Traitor's Merkel and the EU Commission faces.

Welcome to you.
This is going to be even more difficult, because we have a lot of home grown terrorist. These terrorist have blond hair and blue eye, talk like you until they are radicalized and given a assignment.

Well yes, it's going to be very problematic, there's no doubt, but we have to have faith in our strength, our convictions and our mission to secure our future and our Continents future. We are on the correct side of an already historic history, we must win, we can win.

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