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Hunger Strikes Escalate 12 Detainees On Hunger Strike

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As a I have explained, Samer Issawi's detention violates international law. His detention violates The Fourth Geneva Convention. Not that this means anything to Zionists who violate intl law with Impunity. I cannot wait to see Zionism fall, what a day of celebration that shall be!

And to think, it may very well be something in the nature of a universal truth, that it is the death of the martyrs ( Samer Issawi will likely soon be a martyr), which will take us more quickly to that day of celebration! They die to save, to free others! Martin Luther King Jr spoke about seeking social justice as a salvation for a society. And he knew it required sacrifice of self, I think he knew he was going to be killed one day. Sacrifice of lives hastens the end of Occupation and all its Injustices, and Samer Issawi walks in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. and all the other Martyrs throughout History. Not a bad legacy to leave this life with!
I thought to be a good martyr you have to take a few Jews out with you. Has Sammy killed some Jews that we are unaware of so that he will get his 72 Virgins? I actually think Martin Luther King would be saying "Eat Sammy, eat --- there are no virgins up there."

Considering Samer's violent history and Dr. King's support for Israel and Zionism - I don't really suppose Samer would be any too pleased to be in Dr. King's company...... Samer would be much more comfortable with people like the man who shot Dr. King.
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As a I have explained, Samer Issawi's detention violates international law. His detention violates The Fourth Geneva Convention. Not that this means anything to Zionists who violate intl law with Impunity. I cannot wait to see Zionism fall, what a day of celebration that shall be!

And to think, it may very well be something in the nature of a universal truth, that it is the death of the martyrs ( Samer Issawi will likely soon be a martyr), which will take us more quickly to that day of celebration! They die to save, to free others! Martin Luther King Jr spoke about seeking social justice as a salvation for a society. And he knew it required sacrifice of self, I think he knew he was going to be killed one day. Sacrifice of lives hastens the end of Occupation and all its Injustices, and Samer Issawi walks in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. and all the other Martyrs throughout History. Not a bad legacy to leave this life with!
I thought to be a good martyr you have to take a few Jews out with you. Has Sammy killed some Jews that we are unaware of so that he will get his 72 Virgins? I actually think Martin Luther King would be saying "Eat Sammy, eat --- there are no virgins up there."

No idea where you get such ideas, are you a Muslim now? I believe Samer is a transformed man, forever changed by his acts of hungering and thirsting for justice. What he is doing now is true Martyrdom! Look at Khader Adnan, he is on a new hunger strike for Samer and the other prisoners right now. He is a changed man too. I more and more have come to believe it is not what we call ourselves that matters. I think about humility and love, and how living out those virtues in a life takes one to another place and these acts transform us. Do you have any idea what Samer Issawi and his struggles have given to so many of us? I have seen so many women involved with this Facebook Free Samer Issawi Campaign speak of their lives being changed forever by this. They say they will never look at the world the same way again. I just watched a woman convert from Christianity to Islam. Now, I do not know what to think about that. But that is a perfect illustration of how powerful this Facebook Campaign is affecting its participants! They are not walking away from Palestine until Palestine is free!
And to think, it may very well be something in the nature of a universal truth, that it is the death of the martyrs ( Samer Issawi will likely soon be a martyr), which will take us more quickly to that day of celebration! They die to save, to free others! Martin Luther King Jr spoke about seeking social justice as a salvation for a society. And he knew it required sacrifice of self, I think he knew he was going to be killed one day. Sacrifice of lives hastens the end of Occupation and all its Injustices, and Samer Issawi walks in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. and all the other Martyrs throughout History. Not a bad legacy to leave this life with!
I thought to be a good martyr you have to take a few Jews out with you. Has Sammy killed some Jews that we are unaware of so that he will get his 72 Virgins? I actually think Martin Luther King would be saying "Eat Sammy, eat --- there are no virgins up there."

Considering Samer's violent history and Dr. King's support for Israel and Zionism - I don't really suppose Samer would be any too pleased to be in Dr. King's company...... Samer would be much more comfortable with people like the man who shot Dr. King.

But that is not true, I was just reading an article in Haaretz about how Israel tried to get MLK to visit Israel and he kept avoiding them. He was no Israel supporter, and all you have is Hasbara Propaganda you use to try to prove otherwise. So funny, all the lies of Zionists! Zionism was built on lies and is maintained on lies!
Something can be said for the campaign to free samer.
It provides some insight into the scope of support for
terrorism. Samer was associated with some specific
terrorist groups and persons----the conditions of his parole
were designed to keep him away from his penchant for
organizing terrorist acts. If he or any of his associates are
released----it would be a good idea to collect the names of
all those who fought for their release and follow the releasees
and their associates and groups
for future involvement in terrorist acts-----so that those who
supported the release of the criminals can be advised as
to whose blood ended up on their hands
Irosie he never committed any attacks, they arrested him for possession of weapons and forming a rebel group. So shut up with that crap. He was then released as a part of the Shalit prisoner deal. He was supposed to be free and they re arrested him without any charges or trial. So israel violated the prisoner deal and already arrested other prisoners freed as a part of the deal.

They claim he was sentenced 8 months for getting a car repair at a garage in the West Bank. They also stated they can rearrest him once again with secret evidence. Which is so democratic of course.
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Irosie he never committed any attacks, they arrested him for possession of weapons and forming a rebel group. So shut up with that crap. He was then released as a part of the Shalit prisoner deal. He was supposed to be free and they re arrested him without any charges or trial. So israel violated the prisoner deal and already arrested other prisoners freed as a part of the deal.

They claim he was sentenced 8 months for getting a car repair at a garage in the West Bank. They also stated they can rearrest him once again with secret evidence. Which is so democratic of course.

wrong again----he was complicit in many episodes of attempted murder for the
glory of the lump of shit nabi ----and did harbor the weapons that the nabi
shit licking murderers were using----these are very serious crimes ---it is
unfortunate that he did not blow his own ass to hell in one of those work accidents.
I do hope he gets out and the first victim of his filth is one of his own--- the sluts and
dogs who want him out should be the first victims of the filth perpetrated in the name
of the PIECE OF SHIT you worship

you comment about "secret evidence" not being "democratic" is really funny----
Irosie he never committed any attacks, they arrested him for possession of weapons and forming a rebel group. So shut up with that crap. He was then released as a part of the Shalit prisoner deal. He was supposed to be free and they re arrested him without any charges or trial. So israel violated the prisoner deal and already arrested other prisoners freed as a part of the deal.

They claim he was sentenced 8 months for getting a car repair at a garage in the West Bank. They also stated they can rearrest him once again with secret evidence. Which is so democratic of course.

wrong again----he was complicit in many episodes of attempted murder for the
glory of the lump of shit nabi ----and did harbor the weapons that the nabi
shit licking murderers were using----these are very serious crimes ---it is
unfortunate that he did not blow his own ass to hell in one of those work accidents.
I do hope he gets out and the first victim of his filth is one of his own--- the sluts and
dogs who want him out should be the first victims of the filth perpetrated in the name
of the PIECE OF SHIT you worship

you comment about "secret evidence" not being "democratic" is really funny----

What do you think gives you the credibility to curse people's beliefs? You always tell me Israelis have no interests in hatred yet you and your friends have expressed a conflicting view to that. So much for Israel just wants to be alone. You're crossing the line when you reach that point and you prove to people what your real intentions are. So called 'peaceful' people. So tolerant of other people's religions.
On Dialogue With Zionists

Zionists can never prove the many false claims they make against Samer Issawi, like this claim he attacked civilians, I have challenged them to prove their claims to be true before. I have stated, let us see Samer Issawi's victims, if he truly attacked civilians. And over and over and over again they do not prove their slanderous and libelous claims to be true. My challenge is met with an absence of evidence to prove the lying Zionist claims to be true. My repeated challenges to Zionists exposes Zionism for what it inherently is, it shows all of us one more time that there is no capacity for truth within Zionism, defending Zionism requires embracing deception and lies. Defending Zionism requires a person to defend torture and killings of innocent civilians and children (Btselem on their website has page after page of documented crimes, testimonies of civilians taken and beaten and tortured and killed and a list of over 1500 children Zionism has killed since the onset of The First Intifada) and the torturing to death of unlawfully detained prisoners and unlawful administrative detentions. Zionism demands of its defenders they give up every ounce of morality they possess to defend its atrocities against humanity. And Zionism is exposed for the evil that it embraces and is, evil of exactly the same nature that was inherent in Nazism, over and over and over again, every single time a human being calling themselves a Zionist sets out one more time to try to defend Zionism's atrocities against humanity.

And what is is the truth about Samer Issawi, he is a Palestinian man hungering and thirsting for justice who is unlawfully detained as a prisoner by the Israeli Occupiers of Palestine. Justice demands his release, God's justice demands his Freedom. And Free he shall be, in God's timing, and it shall be God's will that shall be done.

gee ----for a filthy slut who stands on the 100s of millions murdered in the name of
HER CREED---sherri is EVER SHRILL Now she thinks she spoke with the judges and
lawyers who convicted her baby throat slitting heroes maybe she gets her
"information" from "isa" ---somewhere in a feces encrusted bat cave
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvfNb5XmSzc&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Mustafa Barghouti discusses Palestinian prisoners - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRktA3KSsKs&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Palestinians Behind Bars: Prisoners Without Human Rights - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-uKQTkn8nk&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Plight of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike - YouTube[/ame]
Samer Issawi has been on a hunger strike for over 200 days, at times he has drank water, at times he has taken minerals and glucose additives. And this is the explanation as to how he is still alive, that and God, that is my opinion about this. It is also possible he has been force fed against his will at times, that cannot be ruled out as he is largely kept in solitary confinement and Israel refuses to allow independent physicians to examine him. I provide sources in this thread and others, addressing Samer's hunger strike. You could read the articles for yourself and know all of this. It is no secret. The further confusion arises, I think, from people mixing up his and Ayman's cases. Ayman has suspended his hunger strike on a few occasions, I think in December and January when he was falsely promised he was going to be released. Some of the media and even PA officials have incorrectly at times called Samer Issawis hunger strike intermittent, and that is simply not true. Here is a link to an interview with a spokesperson for Samer Issawis family, who is heading the Facebook campaign for Samer in the US addressing this.

Interview with Daleen Elshaer, co-head of the "Free Samer Al Issawi Campaign"


As for the rest of your post, what I read is words you stated I have siad that I did not say. I really wish you would stop doing that, attributing to me words I never said.


sherri, this man and these men have made a mockery out of what could have been and should have been a very legitimate protest of prison conditions and may have done irreparable harm to those prisoners who embark on such a course in the future. look at all the posts ridiculing him.

a fast is not a hunger strike.

if samer wants to salvage this, he has to take that step and stop treating this like a game. this is a game of will and all he is doing is showing that the israeli will is strong and that his is weak and, as a representative of the prisoners, the prisoner's will is weak.

he chose this. he needs to really begin to die or make israel capitulate.

Take your eyes off the posts, who cares about them? It is speaking up for what is right that matters and never stop doing that, I do not care about the posts. And how they carry out a hunger strike, the prisoners, has to be each individual's choice, it is their burden and they choose how to carry it out. And the other thing is they really cannot control all of this, how do they, for example, stop a force feeding when they are in isolation, which could be happening? Life is not perfect, hunger strikes are not perfect, hunger strikers are not perfect, people are flawed, we all make the best of it.

he is not on fucking hunger strike and he is making a mockery of the of the prisoner conditions and perhaps, if enough people say this, he will get serious.

i care about the posts. that is how these things are won and lost, with public support. he is losing it.

if he was being force fed, we would know.

look, people bent over backwards to support ythis, and still will, but he has to take it up a notch. that is sad, but that is the name of the game. if he wasn't prepared to see it through, he should never have started it.

who is running this fucing show anyway. i haven't really even seen a list of real demands.
If his parole required that he NOT travel without certain conditions - then he indeed violated it, as some others released have also done. Where are you getting your info about the release terms?

what the hell are you trying to pull. a parole violation is not administrative detention and that is gow he is being held. paroled people have rights and there is a process.
The big mistake made is not realizing the reason why this so called "children" are in trouble with the Israelis.

They are encouraged to commit serious acts of violence such as throwing rocks at cars and these incidents have cause serious injuries.

Some of these "children" are in fact strong teenagers and really aren't much different from adults!

As are some of those settler children who stone Palestinians yet they get a free pass. There are two different standards at play and the only difference is the ethnic identity of the offender.
Irosie he never committed any attacks, they arrested him for possession of weapons and forming a rebel group. So shut up with that crap. He was then released as a part of the Shalit prisoner deal. He was supposed to be free and they re arrested him without any charges or trial. So israel violated the prisoner deal and already arrested other prisoners freed as a part of the deal.

They claim he was sentenced 8 months for getting a car repair at a garage in the West Bank. They also stated they can rearrest him once again with secret evidence. Which is so democratic of course.

wrong again----he was complicit in many episodes of attempted murder for the
glory of the lump of shit nabi ----and did harbor the weapons that the nabi
shit licking murderers were using----these are very serious crimes ---it is
unfortunate that he did not blow his own ass to hell in one of those work accidents.
I do hope he gets out and the first victim of his filth is one of his own--- the sluts and
dogs who want him out should be the first victims of the filth perpetrated in the name
of the PIECE OF SHIT you worship

you comment about "secret evidence" not being "democratic" is really funny----

What do you think gives you the credibility to curse people's beliefs? You always tell me Israelis have no interests in hatred yet you and your friends have expressed a conflicting view to that. So much for Israel just wants to be alone. You're crossing the line when you reach that point and you prove to people what your real intentions are. So called 'peaceful' people. So tolerant of other people's religions.

I can't control what anyone else posts. BIK. But there's NO WAY it's right for you to be 'migrating' your legit complaint against Rosie's choice of language to the entire Jewish People - or even to all Jews posting in this forum. You know better. It rather undercuts one's objections to a certain 'tack' to take the same for oneself.

It makes all the sense of cussing someone out for them using foul language - or hitting your child for fighting with another.

I'm not denying you have the right to express your outrage, BIK. I'm just suggesting there are other and better ways you might prefer.
As has been explained before - he was released ON PAROLE, which he broke. That alone is enough, as I understand the situation - he violated parole and such offenses do indeed result in re-incarceration.

As a I have explained, Samer Issawi's detention violates international law. His detention violates The Fourth Geneva Convention. Not that this means anything to Zionists who violate intl law with Impunity. I cannot wait to see Zionism fall, what a day of celebration that shall be!
What Constitutes a Parole Violation and What to Do If You Violate Your Parole - Avvo.com

israel is not part of the united states.

he is being held WITHOUT CHARGE. what is so freakin' hard for people to to understand about that. "parole violation" is a charge.

what is so difficult about that to understand that sherri, you, and others cannot figure it out..
Jewish children who threw stones in settlements were investigated without the present of a special system for children. Some were threatened (Something which was not told to global media).

So you just might wanna reconsider that:)

You got a source to validate that?

They were investigated as adults?

2 TV articles on Israeli channel 2 days ago told the story of "settler" children arrested for stone throwing. They were threatened to be taken from their parents, suffered under the burden of investigation and had no social servie involved in their case.

I don't think this article is valid online anymore, though.

If it was just two days ago it seems there should be something available. Generally - according to sources I've found, crimes against Palestinians by Jewish settlers are seldom fully investigated and charges seldom brought against them. This has been pretty well substantiated. I do think Israel however, in light of recent terrorism by some of these settler groups is starting to take them more seriously so that might account for a step up in charges.

Where those Jewish children jailed with adult men and women? That's what happens with Palestinian children even as young as 11. Were they jailed at all?
Let's see. terrorists attack Israel, some get caught and thrown in jail, those in jail decide to not eat, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?

Fuck, not given.
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