Hungry Children commercials


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Begs the question.....if people are starving, watching their children die from starvation, why do they continue to have them???? Giving money to all these organizations is just enabling the adults, in my opinion. Hell, I won't even get another dog because I CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF ONE. So why do these people keep popping kids out? Flies all over their faces, tears streaming down little faces, and mom is preggers with yet another one.
These people are starving....and fucking...with no concern of the consequences.
So what is the solution? Giving money to feed the worlds poor who keep having kids? Or handing out condoms so while they are writhing with hunger pains they are having sex that will at least prevent them birthing more children? What? What is the answer?

The answer is to ignore the ones who aren't Americans. One of the things my wife marvels at is my ability to watch those commercials without a single shred of emotional reaction to them. She gets all teary-eyed and I just sit there like nothing. I don't care about those people, so it makes no difference to me.

Don't waste our money on feeding them, giving them condoms, or anything else. Let's worry about our own problems here inside the United Staes before we even consider (then choose to ignore) the needs of others around the world.
how funny that one would think that all the starving children are born to people that knew they would not consider how quickly one's life situation can change quickly...we have thousands of refugees due to wars that we as a country either started or taken part in...but we should not help them?

i am simply trying to figure out what group the op is trying to impress this week?
Begs the question.....if people are starving, watching their children die from starvation, why do they continue to have them???? Giving money to all these organizations is just enabling the adults, in my opinion. Hell, I won't even get another dog because I CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF ONE. So why do these people keep popping kids out? Flies all over their faces, tears streaming down little faces, and mom is preggers with yet another one.
These people are starving....and fucking...with no concern of the consequences.
So what is the solution? Giving money to feed the worlds poor who keep having kids? Or handing out condoms so while they are writhing with hunger pains they are having sex that will at least prevent them birthing more children? What? What is the answer?

Those commercials have been on TV for decades. Some of the children seen in them have to be in their mid 30's by now. It's basically the same commercials that's been aired for years. In addition, you rarely see one of those commercials of children in the U.S.A. The reason for that is, the money can easily be traced. It's a scam. If any of the money reached the kids, it's probably less than 10% of the donations. Those commercials are money making scams. Also, it's the same for those commercials of animals that need homes, abused, and starving. There are a million scams going on in this world, and the reason for them is that people fall for them, and keep those operating them in business.

What really puzzles me, is why don't the people that have money to donate, spend their money helping people here in the U.S.A. Why do they feel the need to send money half way around the world? We have homeless and hungry Vets, we have entire families living on the streets, in tent cities, eating out of trash cans and dumpsters, and without warm clothing in the harsh winter months. We have elderly that need medicines, help with food and utilities, and help with transportation getting to and from doctor appointments. In other words, why aren't Americans helping Americans first? The biggest reason that many organizations don't air commercials to help those in this country, is the fact that the money can easily be traced.

It's the same with religious organizations, churches, and others that collect money to build churches and other facilities in foreign countries. How many people are going to check to see exactly where all of that money is going? Ho much of the money stays here, and finds its way into the pockets of those begging for the donations?

As far as birth control in foreign countries, it's been tried for many years by different organizations, governments, and by some local authorities in affected regions. All of them have failed. You can't help people that don't want to be helped. You can't preach to deaf ears. And, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Many poor countries are well documented as needing some form of birth control. But, how can they be forced to listen and to comply? As of yet, no one has figured out the answer. Part of the foreign aid packages that we've sent to African nations included funds earmarked for birth control measures. Obviously the money was ill spent or used for something else, or maybe lined pockets instead. Always beware of such scams as seen on TV.
Why not do both! Oh, right, the RWNJs would never condone handing out condoms.
Yet another fallacious argument clearly debunked. The right does not begrudge anyone who wants to use a condom ... they just don't believe that taxpayers need to pay for it. I suggest putting a box on your tax return that says "Do you want to give $5 for bc for the poor? If so "X" this box.

There ... problem solved.
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how funny that one would think that all the starving children are born to people that knew they would not consider how quickly one's life situation can change quickly... we have thousands of refugees due to wars that we as a country either started or taken part in...but we should not help them?

No. There are thousands of refugees due to wars these people's countries/gpovernments/religious leaders started and which WE finished. Maybe they should be talking to their own leaders about not messing with the bull, lest they get the horns.
These commercials are from the third world. Everyone is starving but the men who steal from everyone else. There are plenty of condoms. Anyone who believes that the men should wear condoms as birth control should go to Africa and put the condoms on the men personally.

Most organizations are scams anyway.
First of all, giving birth to a child is not "pooping." Anyone with such a callous disregard for the value of life and human dignity had better damn well hope they never end up needing a hand for so much as moving their sofa, let alone staying alive. Second, anyone who is amazed and perplexed by the fact that people in poor countries have a lot of children is ignorant of history, economics, and sociology.
I would be willing to help third-world countries, only with birth control methods.
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I would be willing to help third-world countries, only with birth control methods.

Why waste that money? We all know it isn't going to do anything over there, and we've got plenty of issues here in the United States which that money could go to help with.
Short-sighted, immoral fool.

Short-sighted, yes. My life is likely to last about another 30 years, at most. My wife's life is likely to be about the same We have no children. So my vision of the future extends about 40 years, at most. Anything beyond that is not my problem.

As for morality.... We've discussed our decidedly differing views on morality multiple times in the past. I choose not to waste my time trying to educate you again on the basic concept of Universal Morality.
Short-sighted, immoral fool.

Short-sighted, yes. My life is likely to last about another 30 years, at most. My wife's life is likely to be about the same We have no children. So my vision of the future extends about 40 years, at most. Anything beyond that is not my problem....

Trying to pretend you are proud of being a low-life scumbag doesn't make it 'cool,' loser.
I would be willing to help third-world countries, only with birth control methods.

Why waste that money? We all know it isn't going to do anything over there, and we've got plenty of issues here in the United States which that money could go to help with.

Short-sighted, immoral fool.
What happened to civil adult conversation absent of name calling and personal attacks? Just curious.
how funny that one would think that all the starving children are born to people that knew they would not consider how quickly one's life situation can change quickly...we have thousands of refugees due to wars that we as a country either started or taken part in...but we should not help them?

i am simply trying to figure out what group the op is trying to impress this week?
Group? How about the "group" that keeps fucking and popping out babies? Beep. Try again. Your trolling is droll.
I would be willing to help third-world countries, only with birth control methods.

Why waste that money? We all know it isn't going to do anything over there, and we've got plenty of issues here in the United States which that money could go to help with.

Short-sighted, immoral fool.
What happened to civil adult conversation absent of name calling and personal attacks? Just curious.
Well gosh. I guess thanking troll posts is better than conversing, eh?

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